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5 Signs THE UNIVERSE Has Got Your BACK

peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again beautiful deep divers we are
here beautiful day no not for you
because your back is against the wall
somewhere please Ralph help me is what
you say uh-oh
things are getting really ugly for you
right now wait a minute I see somebody
coming to your rescue
is it the cat down the road no it’s not
it’s the universe and somehow someway
you make it out there alive yeah the
universe has got your back five signs
the universe has got your back deep dive
is less just whoa breathing in that
glass piranha baby now I know what it’s
like I’ve been in a lot of crazy
situations beautiful situations too but
sometimes you’re in a tight spot
a tight circumstance
it could be relationship issues family
issues financial issues but somehow
someway you make it out with not even a
scratch on you you’re so fresh you’re
like a newborn baby that’s the universe
and it’s got your back it’s like don’t
worry about a thing cause every little
thing it’s gonna be alright
and that makes you really happy we even
had breakfast yet can I get a Hello now
I know the universe has got my back let
me share with you how I know the
universe has got your back
we are the universe we aren’t separate
from the universe we are made from the
same fabric as the universe mm slow
motion this side mmm that is Stardust’s
and there is no greater feeling when you
know you don’t have to worry a bad thing
because the universe is watching over
you has your back okay the first sign
the universe has got your back is that
when you look back on your life and
realize why some things you thought you
wanted really really badly they didn’t
manifest and you’re glad they didn’t
yeah I’m so happy that didn’t manifest
it could have been that job promotion
you wanted really badly and you’re like
in hindsight I’m actually happy I didn’t
get it because I’m doing what I love
right now Ralph I’m happy for you you
were this close to getting married to
what happened Ralph it didn’t work out
I met someone even better at least
you’re honest
the universe has got your back you see
I’ve learned this deep divers when the
universe takes something away from you
you really really want so bad it’s
because it’s making space for something
even greater to come into your life
mmm slow motion this side mmm
deep divers I kid you not back in the
day I was just content with having a
nine-to-five so much so I just really
wanted to stay in the matrix and live in
this artificial matrix reality
but something happened to me it’s like
the universe just pushed me out of my
comfort zone and I thought it was a bad
thing not realizing it turned out to be
one of the best things that has ever
happened to me because it pushed me
somewhere in the heart of nature and I
started to whoa breathing that good ass
prana baby and infinite waters was
created okay so don’t worry about
something that you didn’t get that
didn’t manifest for you because
something better is gonna replace it
that’s how you know the universe has got
your back
what’s the second sign the universe has
got your back now I’m left-handed but I
often find myself in the right place at
the right time wearing the right kind of
shirt so beautiful right exactly that’s
how I know the universe has got my back
but also I avoid places that turn out to
be a disaster
horrible things happen there and it’s
like the universe is just protecting me
every single day it’s like Ralph don’t
go there bad things are gonna happen and
I don’t go there and later on bad things
happen right so a lot of the times once
again good and bad is all based on
perception but many times you know the
universe has got your back if you just
happen to be like I just happen to be in
nature like a beautiful nature space and
I just started to come up with these
slogans like breathing in that good ass
prana baby feel so good to be alive baby
I was divinely inspired okay I had the
plural which is a totality of divine
powers mmm
mm slow motion the slide mmm we’re
growing up I was often invited to go to
certain places and call it intuition I’m
like actually I don’t want to go I wake
up the next morning I hear about a fight
there or I just hear about something
really bad happening there and I’m like
the universe is looking out for me okay
and it’s also looking out for you what’s
the third sign the universe has got your
back it is bringing you the right people
that can help you become your greatest
version seven day vegan challenge okay
you you have people in your life right
now who are giving you great recipes
plant-based recipes they’re taking care
of your belly thank them right now okay
I used to date somebody who was like she
was so amazing at cooking making food
I’m like the universe has got my back I
also made a lot of stuff too
look if you have people in your life who
want to see you win that’s how you know
the universe has got your back if the
universe is also keeping you away from
certain people who don’t wish you well
that’s how you know the universe has got
your back I don’t have a lot of friends
I have a few good ones and that’s how I
know the universe has got my back
because my happiness is their happiness
my sadness is their sadness if you have
friends right now who texts you in the
middle of the night just to see you got
home safe that’s how you know the
universe has got your back
because once again we are the universe
hello what’s the fourth sign the
universe has got your back deep divers
whoa beautiful day I’m grateful
every single day I say Thank You
universe for blessing me with fly
clothes I’m truly grateful and if you
are somebody who has a gratitude journal
the universe has got your back you see
the universe has got all of our backs to
be honest it’s just that you only start
to realize it the more you practice
gratitude the more you are grateful the
more you find things to be grateful for
mmm slow motion this side mmm check this
I’m grateful that I can wake up and do
whatever I want I’m grateful that I’ve
got health right now I’m grateful I’ve
got a roof over my head what the hell is
that never mind I’m grateful I can eat a
whole bunch of grapes every single day
it goes on and on and on and that’s how
I know the universe has got my back
because it’s showing me everything I
have and not what I don’t have okay so
if you are always coming from a place of
gratitude deep divers go 24 hours 24
hours without complaining and watch how
your life changes because you’re gonna
be like wow the universe really does
have my back because I’m so thankful for
everything I have right now you will
just keep getting more off that okay and
what’s the fifth sign the universe has
intuition you can feel things before
they happen it’s like a superpower I see
dead people
do you look you’ve got so much
clairvoyance the ability to really see
into the future you are a visionary
that’s how you know the universe has got
your back you see I saw myself just
waking up every single day inspiring
millions and that’s what actually
happened I’m a Pisces I’m very intuitive
and that’s how I know the universe
has got my back because the universe
talks to us through our intuition mmm
what slow motion this side mmm
ever heard a voice saying don’t go there
ever heard a voice saying talk to this
person that’s the universe our intuition
that’s how you know the universe has got
the universe has got your back ok so
there you have it deep divers let me
know some of the ways you know the
universe has got your back and then
we’ll just say fill so get to be a live
baby can I get a hello hey it’s a
beautiful day you like the show I love
it too
check out the good ospry – it’s Ralph
smart pom slash clothes get more
inspiration on instagram at infinite
waters deep divers you are amazing
hundred degrees out here but I’m cool
have a beautiful day deep divers
infinite waters diving deep once again
stay well stay healthy peace you I
nearly fell back but the universe had my
back it’s like there

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