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440 hz vs. 432 hz – My Guitar Experiment

peace infinite waters diving deep once
again why is a piano at the back of me
can I get a hello there 440 Hertz versus
432 Hertz I wanted to see what the talk
was about we all love sound when you’re
sad you play one of my songs when I’m
sad I play one of yours it governs how
we feel we use sound to amplify whatever
emotion we’re feeling at that time along
my journey I discovered four three two
Hertz and it changed my life forever can
sound frequency affect us what if the
way we have been listening to sound has
been wrong for a long time since 1939
when the standard concert pitch changed
from a four three two Hertz to a 440
Hertz are we in alignment what’s going
on four three two Hertz has been shown
to bring more wellness into the body
because it’s more in alignment with the
golden mean Stonehenge the pyramids the
moon the Sun the cochlea heart ear is
built on 128 Hertz frequency which is
linked to five six middle C which is the
432 Hertz frequency so that natural
spiral is what we are all made of so
listening to music that brings us to the
greater reality of who we are I have
seen has done wonders I use this call
chromatic tuner to go from 440 Hertz to
four three two Hertz so we’re going to
test it out you’re going to tell me if
you hear a difference
I do but I want to hear from you and
cymatics we can see how sound
frequencies they go through mediums and
they can alter
matter dr. Emoto has done work how sound
emotion changes how water crystallizes
so let’s do the test and see what the
so how did you find him
did you hear a difference I did I’m
biased though sound can heal us sound
can bring us together music is the
universal language and once we start to
question what kind of frequencies are we
listening to now
we empower ourselves more so we become
our greatest version we are here
infinite waters diving deep once again stay well stay healthy peace

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