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13 Powerful Affirmations to Repeat to Yourself Now to Change Your Life Forever

words have power
what is bond anything you say repeatedly
you will become that’s why I say feel so
good to be alive and I end up feeling so
these beautiful deep divers we are here
infinite waters diving deep once again
in the amazing art gallery
I’m sending you tons of great energy
take that take that take that
I’m just whoa breathing in that good ass
prana baby wearing our own clothing line
that’s right now it’s time to talk about
the power of words are you aware that
words have power are you aware that word
is bond are you aware that you can
actually speak things into existence
deep divers are you aware of the power
of affirmations 13 affirmations to
repeat to yourself today that can change
your life for the best I’m gonna share
with you what’s helped me what I wake up
and repeat to myself every single day
and that’s why I keep manifesting like
crazy and we even had breakfast yet can
I get a Hello now a lot of people always
ask me Ralph please talk more about how
you use words to create your reality now
word is bond we can actually speak
things into existence and that’s what
I’m doing every single day that’s why I
buy my own clothing line that’s why I’m
inspiring millions of people that’s why
I’m truly grateful for what the universe
has blessed me with now a lot of us were
not even conscious that our words can
affect our body
affect our mood and every single day I’m
like okay I have to repeat this and I’ve
been doing this for years the 13 most
powerful affirmation the 13 the 13 most
powerful affirmations and this has
changed my life completely
so the first powerful affirmation to
repeat to yourself today that can change
your life for the best is I matter a lot
of us we don’t feel we matter a lot of
us we’re like Who am I to be great we
bow down neck will been not really
knowing our true power so every single
day I always repeat myself this powerful
affirmation I matter and that helps me
to speak things into existence whatever
I want okay what is the second powerful
affirmation to repeat to yourself today
love myself
now affirmations only work if there is
real conviction behind what you are
saying affirmations only work if you are
going along your journey to learn how to
love yourself but I truly love myself
and I love to say that just to remind
myself how much I love myself I love
myself that’s powerful because it all
starts with self love you see if you
want to love other people if you want to
even help other people you have to learn
how to love yourself and I truly love
myself I even love my flaws
slow motion this side and that is how
every single day I’m changing my life
for the best
what is a third most powerful
affirmation you can say right now that
will change your life for the best I am
worthy now I’ve spoken about this when
it comes to the law of attraction
I’ve manifested beyond my wildest
imagination and that’s only because I
know my true worth I know what I’m doing
year in year out day in day out helping
millions of people become their greatest
version that’s why Google awarded me
with the YouTube gold award because I am
now realizing my worth I know what I
came here to do I know how many people
I’m helping so if you can start to see
your own worth that actually I am worthy
keep repeating I am worthy I am worthy
and that’s how to change your life for
the best what is the fourth most
powerful affirmation you can say right
now that will change your life for the
best once you say I am worthy we have to
now say I am valuable there’s the reason
why a lot of us are trying so hard to
impress other people please like me we
are seeking external validation at our
own detriment and I’ve realized that by
me just repeating I am valuable every
single day I am valuable to myself I
don’t need to be validated externally I
know who I am I know what I do and it’s
super powerful deep divers if you keep
if you keep repeating I am valuable what
I have to offer no one else can offer
the world because I am a unique creation
so start seeing that you are valuable
start repeating it I am valuable
yes you are what is the fifth deep
divers powerful affirmation to repeat to
yourself today to change your life for
the best what I’ve seen along my journey
is that I have a great purpose okay I
have a great purpose what drive so many
of us is striving to find meaning in
life is striving to find a purpose in
life and that’s why every single day I
know my meaning
I know my purpose and I have a great
purpose and if you can really say that
every single day I have a great purpose
when you’re like I don’t know what to do
with my life Ralph keep saying that I
have a great purpose and now your
purpose will be revealed to you my
purpose was to chill out with a cat down
the road my purpose was to help a lot of
people and that has been done and that
is a continuous process right so keep
saying I have a purpose what is the sick
most powerful affirmation to say today
that can change your life for the best I
came into this world with a gift to
share with the world you see a lot of
people always ask me Ralph how come
you’re so abundant
how come I’ve seen you go from nothing
to something all of a sudden your entire
life has changed and that’s only because
I share you see nobody has become poor
by giving
hmm stop here Alf slow-motion this side
the main act of giving means that you
already have something to offer so if
you can keep repeating to yourself every
single day I came to Planet Earth
to share my gift with the world and
that’s what I’m doing every single day
but I’ve always got to remind myself of
what I came here to do have that humble
confidence and that’s why I’ve changed
my life for
best what is the seventh most powerful
affirmation you can say today that would
change your life forever I deserve to be
happy I don’t deserve to live a mediocre
life I don’t deserve to be unhappy I
don’t deserve to be miserable my whole
entire life I don’t deserve to stay in a
job I don’t like if you can remind
yourself of that that actually I do
deserve to be happy
actually I do deserve to go on that
holiday I’ve always wanted to go on
actually I do deserve to have amazing
people around me
you will now start to attract it into
your life
I said I deserve to be happy every
single day it doesn’t mean I have to be
always positive but it means that I can
see the beauty and everything around me
and that’s super powerful to repeat
yourself every single day I deserve to
be happy it’s time to start doing more
of what you love doing more of what
makes you happy
deep divers what is the eighth most
powerful affirmation to say today that
will change your life for the best I am
intelligent you see what I’ve learned
along my journey is that everybody can
teach you something a lot of people say
Ralph you’re so smart that’s my name
Ralph smart Ralph you’re so intelligent
I say I’m still learning wisdom is
knowing the full extent of one’s own
ignorance that’s what makes me wise to
realize how much I don’t know it keeps
me humble it keeps me grounded if you
can now say every single day I am the
two most powerful words because whatever
you put after that you will become I am
intelligent you for the first time are
starting to realize that actually yes
people can learn from me I can learn
from them but they can also learn from
my experiences and that is so empowering
right I’m learning from you wonderful
deep divers I don’t know everything
I know about my own experiences and I
love to learn about yours I am
intelligent you are also intelligent we
can all learn from each other what is
the night most powerful affirmation you
can say today that would change your
life forever
beep divers I am evolving you see I’m
not the same person I was three years
ago five years ago even one year ago I’m
different I’m changing I’m getting
better at what I do
it’s evolution I’m evolving you are also
evolving I can’t do the same things I
was doing when I was 13 it’s just not
gonna rock out like that right
I gotta evolve and every single day I
always say this in front of the mirror I
am evolving I’m learning from my past
mistakes I’m getting better at being the
human being not a human doing a human
being right so I am evolving super
powerful affirmation to repeat to
yourself every single day to change your
life for the best
what is the tenth affirmation to repeat
to yourself today that can change your
life for the best I am learning okay
once you say I’m evolving now we go to
learning I am learning I am learning and
then you follow it by what you are
learning I am learning about myself I’m
learning about the world around me I’m
learning about other people I’m learning
about physics I’m learning about science
and the more you keep saying I am
learning about the cat down the road you
start to actually get more inspired to
start learning about it once again words
are powerful and we can actually speak
things into existence I am learning I
love to learn powerful powerful
affirmation because the moment you feel
you know everything that’s when you
actually stop learning
and it goes on to number 11 you now stop
growing and that’s why the 11th most
powerful affirmation to repeat to
yourself today to change your life of
the best is to say I am growing I am
growing I am growing all the time
growing mentally growing emotionally
getting to know my emotions getting to
realize that there are no bad emotions
there are just emotions energy in motion
it’s okay to feel any emotion you are
going through anger sadness it’s so
healthy so I am growing in my
perspective of the world around me I am
growing in my level of consciousness my
awareness super powerful affirmation to
change your life today so you can change
your life forever
okay what is the twelfth most powerful
affirmation to repeat to yourself today
that can change your life for the best I
accept myself you see
if you accept yourself you don’t need
the wall to accept you a lot of the
times we don’t accept ourselves
therefore we need the world to accept us
please like me I am being myself
unapologetically I don’t need your
permission to be Who I am slow motion
this side
but once you come to accept yourself you
now empower other people so they can
come to accept themselves right so
that’s a super-duper powerful
affirmation to repeat I accept myself
and that means not just the good sides
of me but also the shadow sides of me I
accept all of it I even love my floors
too oh they’re so pretty right what is
the 13th most powerful affirmation to
repeat to yourself today that can change
your life for the best I am creating a
better future for myself and I realized
that once again if we can realize the
day you plant the seed is not the same
day you eat the fruit if you can do
something right now that your future
self can thank you for you’re doing
great you’re doing better than you think
and that’s what I’m doing every single
day I’ve spoken about the ten year plan
right and that’s why I’m always going
from strength to strength to strength
it’s the weekends I don’t care I’m
creating it’s the weekdays I don’t care
I’m creating and that’s why I’m creating
so much leverage inspiring millions I am
creating a better future for myself by
doing something today that my future
self will thank me for
and that’s why deep divers we’re winning
every single day and then well just
saying Phil so gets me a live baby can I
get a hello beautiful deep divers there
you have it with just Wolff breathing in
that good ass prana baby honey one one
one one one one of your shirts
Ralph smart calm slash clothes
that’s right Ralph smart calm slash
clothes check out the amazing good ass
prana shirts they’re giving a few away
follow us on instagram at infinite
waters for a chance check out the new
book deep divers on amazon feel alive by
Ralph smart deep divers you are truly
have a beautiful day infinite waters
diving deep once again stay well stay
healthy keep you I am gonna breathing
that good ass promise today
that’s another path wife formation works every time

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