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10 Things to Make You Think Twice

peas and Finnick waters diving deep once
again we’re here in nature having fun
ten things that will make you think
twice I want the truth you can’t handle
the truth
thank you jack one of my favorite lions
I love diving deep and right now I see
that it’s not about living in our egos
it’s more about being eco-friendly
because as humanity we feel we are at
the top of the pyramid we feel we are
better than every other life form on the
planet and I realize we have to share
earth with every other life form on the
yes I love to use the ego to power the
heart but I always put love in the
driving seat ten things that will make
you say what what the bleep do we know
what do I know I know how much I don’t
know number one you’re swimming there
with a Sun on your face and you are six
feet below the ocean but wait a minute
you go down deeper if you’re lucky and
350 feet you will find a blue whale now
the only mammal which has been able to
deeper than that is the sperm whale
going down a whopping 10,000 feet the
deepest part of the ocean in the world
which has been discovered is called the
Mariana Trench and the Mariana Trench
was discovered by the Challenger ship
and it is so deep it is 36,000 feet that
is over seven miles it is so deep you
can put Mount Everest on the floor and
still have one mile of water above you
the pressure is a thousand times more
powerful than on the surface it’s like
50 jumbo jets squeezing your head from
all sides now that’s pressure you talk
of peer pressure that is real pressure
what this has made me see in becoming
the greatest version of myself is that
life is everywhere and the ocean we have
only discovered five percent of the
ocean so 95% is undiscovered we don’t
even know what is out there you will
find all kinds of crazy creatures
beautiful creatures strange creatures
making funny faces at you
and scientists say that 80% of all
living beings on the planet exist within
the ocean so it humbles me every single
day to say put things in perspective
there is so much more out there to know
and it always reminds me that being free
is your birthright
number two is money
I realized along my journey money is not
real money is a collective belief system
money being a piece of paper the
original money which is a representation
of value was in the form of precious
minerals and metals gold but now the
money is not backed by anything so if
you take your money to a bank and you
say can I have some silver can I have
some gold they would laughy
so when we see that we are the original
currency we are the currency we are
working for we free ourselves and right
now on the planet it’s all about living
in abundance we’re the only species that
has to pay to live and I see that
because money is energy the more we can
see that health is wealth we start
working on our mental emotional and
physical body because the three are
interconnected it’s all about moving out
of the poverty mindset but also seeing
that there is more to life than paper
money it is all about the value and the
contribution you can make to the world
to make this place better for all of us
because my goodness we need to do a lot
of work number three is education I was
working with autistic children for many
years in a mainstream school so being in
a school environment it gave me that
insight it made me go back into time
when I was a school again education
emanating from the Latin Shikari meaning
to bring out however in many of these
institutions we are putting in
information into the children we are
programming them with concepts subjects
which will not benefit them later on in
life but the true yes
of Education is to bring out and that’s
what’s freed me along my journey is help
me to become the greatest version of
myself that’s why every day I’m smiling
because I see that study everything but
study yourself first the greatest book
number four is love and I am learning
every single day about the topic of love
because earlier on I used to feel that
love was all about someone belonging to
possession ownership many people say I
love my car I love my wife I love my
husband but that love is based on
possession now in my more evolved state
I see that love is all about letting go
allowing someone else or something else
to step into it’s true authenticity it
is not about saying I own someone else
it is about allowing the other person to
become the greatest versions of
themselves and it is beautiful number
five is about the government
Krishnamurti said have you ever wondered
why we have leaders
and when I realize this it makes me see
that we have to govern ourselves that is
how you free yourself because the
government stands for governmental so
who is governing your mind are you
creating your world or are you helping
build someone else’s and right now on
the planet I just see a collective shift
in consciousness people are seeing that
the power lives within them to govern
their mental emotional and physical
selves yes we exist within each other
but at the same time being a sovereign
being means that you have a hundred
percent authority of your inner kingdom
so being free is your birthright we came
here to play it’s a reminder that we
have to become the ruler of our own
lives not of the lives of someone else
number six is all about health and what
I found along my journey is that nature
is so smart it put the medicine in the
foods the cancer industry is a hundred
and twenty five billion dollar industry
repeat them a hundred and twenty five
billion dollar industry my goodness but
every now and again you are having a run
a marathon or cancer to find the cure
but the problem still remains because
when we go back we go back to 1924
where you had dr. otto warburg who found
that cancer is caused by a depletion of
oxygen within the cells so therefore to
prevent cancer we don’t need
chemotherapy we need to stop eating
right more alkaline foods pomegranates
avocados figs Ronna beans almonds all of
this helps us to raise the frequency to
get rid of diseases to prevent them
because prevention is better than cure
a recent study by dr. Longo in the
longevity Institute in Southern
California showed that eating dairy meat
and eggs is just as harmful as smoking
cigarettes and may be the cause of
cancer that’s why being a vegan is the
single most important decision I have
ever made in my life I feel the
difference I feel lighter happier more
energy more clarity and this is all
because I have embraced a plant-based
diet it’s done wonders Philip woollen
ex-ceo and now a philanthropist talked
of how every week there are over two
billion sentient beings killed there are
over 10,000 species being killed every
single year we are facing the sixth
extinction on the planet any biologists
would call an organism doing that a
virus and this makes me feel that as
humanity we have to take more
responsibility that animals are our
friends and is freed me along my journey
just to see that instead of talking
about it be about it and I’ve taken the
active steps and has changed my life for
the better
number seven huh what is it good for
absolutely nothing
and when we see that okay we are here
for a very short time even if you are a
sequoia tree it’s still only a few
thousand years but that’s just a drop in
the ocean of eternity so when we see
that the u.s. their budget in 2013 was
682 billion dollars all of this money
could be used to feed all the starving
people in the world but we have to see
that it’s not about blaming the US
government it’s about seeing that you
are the government each one of us is
Society and we have to start taking
responsibility because we live in a
beautiful world so we have to ask
ourselves why are we destroying it Tupac
Shakur said we’ve got money for war or
we can’t feed the poor powerful words
and it’s made me always think that that
is why you have to eat the best and live
the best because people are spending
money to kill
people which is crazy number a lifestyle
and I have come up with a term I call
the conveyor belt lifestyle you wake up
you go to school where you go to work
you come home and it’s the same routine
and all of this keeps us in a perpetual
cycle it keeps us in a very limited
state it did along my journey and what’s
freed me is changing my lifestyle it’s
done wonders to see that we came here to
be free we came here to have the most
expansive existence possible and it’s
not about fitting in it’s about seeing
that you came here to be unique
you came here to stand out and when I
realize one moment that wait a minute
it’s all a massive joke that moment was
my awakening to see that many of us we
are living as slaves on the planet like
Morpheus said in the matrix you are a
slave neo born into a prison you cannot
smell taste or touch a prison for your
mind and I made the decision because
it’s all a choice between fear or love
that I am going to let love guide me and
not fear and I haven’t looked back since
but we have to ask ourselves are we
living or are we merely existing feel
alive oh yes
you have to lose your mind and come to
your senses the truth will set you free
but first it will piss you off and blow
your mind it happened to me along my
journey where everything I thought was
true turned out to be a big lie it
shattered my whole life in a good way
but it forced me to dive deeper to start
questioning and looking at reality in a
whole new way I always talked of moving
into the body by breathing deep from the
base of our spines by reconnecting back
to mother nature planting our feet by
loving yourself a hundred percent and
the more we can move into our body we
don’t even have to think and that is
where I am going that’s where I’m moving
to where I am surrendering to the
intelligence of the universe because I
am part of that intelligence and in that
state thinking becomes obsolete now all
we have to do is move into the pure
sensation of life and that is what
meditation is all about absorbing
yourself in the present moment
a hundred percent allowing thoughts to
flow through you without judgement
and just chillin kicking back and
realizing that we have no control of the
external world only the image we have of
ourselves our perception of ourselves
number nine is perception the perception
we have of ourselves is greater than the
perception other people have of us I
remember watching the matrix for the
first time blew me away
mouth open everything and Morpheus said
something which is still in my mind he
said to neo what is real how do you
define real
if you’re talking about what you can
feel what you can smell what you can
taste and see then real is simply
electrical signals interpreted by your
brain time for a reality check a lot of
the times I sometimes say to myself
maybe life is but a dream row row row
your boat gently down the stream and
that’s why I don’t take everything so
because I see it’s all about doing what
you love here
yes we are immortal energy can never be
destroyed however we have to do it right
now because we are given a gift
and it’s not just about us it’s about
every species on this planet we have to
quantum physicists such as David Bohm
Max Planck have already told us that
matter is an illusion underneath
everything is just pure energy but the
ancients have always been saying that
even the l’amore UNS Atlanteans the
Syrians the chemists ancient people from
Babylon when you open your eyes you are
only seeing visible light you can’t see
x-ray all of the other frequencies on
the electromagnetic spectrum visible
light only makes up naught point naught
naught naught naught naught 1 percent so
we have to ask ourselves what the hell
is out there all of these ancient
civilizations they knew the secret that
we are living in a transient universe
and that’s why I always say be open to
change prepare for change and embrace
change because that is the only constant
perception perception perception once we
see that how we feel towards ourselves
internally expresses itself externally
or in a manifestation becomes our outer
reality and that is how to use this in a
practical way be aware of what you are
telling yourself own your emotions and
take responsibility for how you feel yes
there are a lot of mean people towards
us but even that is a perception and it
is the attitude that we take once you
see that you have to love yourself a
hundred percent you have to accept
yourself a hundred percent you’re not
here to please everyone you’re only here
to be whoever you are who are you tell
me number ten is technology are you a
transhumanist I am a transhumanist and
if you are watching this video with a
computer which I take you are or an iPad
or iPhone you are also part of the club
welcome because transhumanism is where
we merge with the technology
posthumanism is where it’s already
100% and a technological singularity is
where artificial intelligence supersedes
human intellect and scientists have
predicted that date to be somewhere in
between 2040 and 2045 what I’ve seen is
that I love technology I love social
media because I see that technology is a
powerful tool for reconnecting us back
together for helping us connect with
those who remind us who we are at the
same time I’m aware of the elf waves the
extra low frequencies I’m aware that
many of us we are so good at talking
online that we don’t know how to talk to
people in real-life situations
but then again what is real hey but a
lot of times I see that right now on the
planet many of us we are becoming this
technology and that’s why for me right
now it’s about unplugging it’s about
seeing that we are the original
technology we are greater than all of
the computers on the planet combined we
have that much power we have to see that
once we start raising our frequency by
eating more plant-based foods walking
into nature we start decalcifying our
pineal gland don’t make me do a part –
don’t make me do a part – but it’s
liberating just to see that we can use
technology as a tool but it is only a
means it is not the end because once we
start reconnecting back to the truth of
who we are we see that
we have so much power we have so much
talents but at the same time we have to
place ourselves in the right environment
that facilitates our growth and helps us
to become the greatest versions of
ourselves right now on the planet I see
that it’s about letting go of society’s
expectations it doesn’t matter what
color you are it doesn’t matter what
religion you believe in it doesn’t
matter what your sexual preference is
that’s your business
but right now it is the end of
separation and it is about unification
it is about seeing that yes we are one
but at the same time everything is based
on the law of reasons we came here to be
free at the end of the day the only
thing that matters is who had the most
fun we are here in nature raising the
frequency infinite waters diving deep
once again stay well stay healthy stay smiling

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