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10 Signs Your Third Eye is Showing Itself

Pisan Finnick waters diving deep once
again beautiful deep divers we are out
here in the heart of nature super hot
day summer’s here I hope your day is
going good but is your third eye buzzing
right now is it vibrating right now I
got a great question that came in deep
divers now someone else Ralph what are
the signs your third eye is trying to
show itself if you’ve got a question
deep divers add me on instagram at
infinite waters let’s just whoa
breathing in that good ass prana baby
no let’s just oh yeah it’s official now
we are breathing in that good aspirin a
baby so signs your third eye is showing
itself deep divers we got a whole lot to
talk about
buckle your seat belt look I often
realize that many people are getting an
awakening all around the planet
especially right now because so much is
happening deep divers do you ever wake
up sometimes thinking that you’ve been
scammed by society and you’re like give
me my money back or maybe you’re like
give me my energy back we even had
breakfast yeah can I get a hello deep
divers check out the new design oh yeah
if you want one
Ralph smart don’t come slash clothes get
the good asperatus shirts to feel so
good to be alive shirts baby now let’s
talk about the third eye the ajna chakra
symbolizes the red dot it’s the seed of
intuition the third eye is all about
knowing the eye of rah going back to
ancient chemical Egypt and when we talk
of the third eye it is linked to the
pineal gland which produces melatonin it
governs our circadian rhythm our sleep
and wake cycles wait a minute wait so
this whole phrase stay woke
we’re talking about the third eye mmm
slow motion this side so shout out to
the beautiful being who asked that
question what are some of the signs your
third eye is showing yourself okay you
see the third eye located just above the
brow deals with intuition and that’s the
first sign your third eye is showing
yourself you are more intuitive if you
get a feeling about something oh what’s
happening right now maybe about reality
that it’s not what it seems like we’re
only seeing 1% of the electromagnetic
spectrum visible light it’s nothing
we’re practically blind in the universe
slow motion this type more intuitive
should I work here or not should I hang
out with this person or not okay
I started to realize along my early
journey that my third eye was showing
itself when I’m a Pisces by the way deep
divers born on March 3rd 33 left handed
so I’m already intuitive but I began to
question reality like I started to
realize most of what we have been taught
when you realize that you’re like oh my
gosh I can’t believe it
how could they do this to me right but I
started to realize my third eye which is
all about intuition was showing itself
because I was becoming more intuitive
and the third eye is actually the first
eye it is the inner eye it is the
all-seeing eye okay and if all of a
sudden your start is if all of a sudden
if all of a sudden deep divers you’re
starting to notice things you’re
starting to pick up subtle energies
that’s how you know your third eye is
showing itself
what’s the second sign your third eye is
showing itself okay you are seeing
deeper into everything you see a lot of
people look at a tree but they don’t
really look they just glance at a tree
you are actually seeing everything
you’re seeing the tiny details you’re
paying attention to details you are
seeing everything when you go to your
aunties house or your uncle’s house and
they’ve got the news on you are seeing
into that news reporters eyes and saying
okay you are seeing even into
yourself that’s how you know your third
eye is showing yourself okay I started
to realize I would sometimes just see
people and stare into their eyes and
that will tell me who they were what
kind of vibes they had and that was
proof that my third eye was really
showing yourself okay third eye deals
with clairvoyance which is clear sight
clairaudience which is clear hearing
clairsentience which is clear feeling
but clairvoyance when you can see things
before they happen many times you
realize your third eye is showing
yourself through our dreams many times
we have premonitions
we see things before they were gonna
happen so when ex post it was funny
because I actually checked my Instagram
and I saw his profile and I’m like okay
that was like the 15th or okay that was
like the 15th and then when he pause I’m
like he’s so connected okay I’m like why
am I just checking his profile I’ve
never done this before like but it’s
showing me how everything is
interconnected and I’m a seer
I see things before they happen and if
all of a sudden you are also seeing more
clearly you’ve got more clarity to say
actually it’s time to wake up it’s time
to be free I don’t want to be in the
matrix I want to do what I want to just
like the cat down the road that’s a sign
your third eye is showing yourself okay
what’s the third sign your third eye is
showing itself okay you are hearing
beeper okay somebody say something and
you’re not just hearing what they’re
saying you’re hearing the subtleties
you’re hearing everything the undertones
the hidden meanings okay I started to
realize that most of us are really in
our true authentic state most of us are
not in our true authentic state and your
third eye is showing yourself when you
are moving more into your true
authenticity you ask the question every
single day Who am I okay and you start
to really realize you are this profound
being the MODY dimensional being having
a human experience and we are energy we
are immortal okay and I started to hear
myself okay for the first time I’m like
whoa rather you’re deep right but I was
naturally talking I was actually hearing
my inner voice hmm
slow motion this side hmm when you
really hear yourself when you’re
meditating in a quiet moment that’s a
sign your third eye is showing yourself
okay because many times we are not in
tune with ourselves a lot of people
don’t know what their purpose is because
you’re not listening to yourself you
already have the answers you already
actually know what you came here to do
on planet earth all you got to do is
hear deeper start listening to yourself
I already know every single day I’m
gonna be doing this in the heart of
nature on the beach
stuffing whole bunch of grapes in my
mouth okay and shout out to daylight he
said a great line right daylight said
how can theft be a crime if America was
what’s the fifth sign your third eye is
showing itself baby baby did you just
see how I jump from three to five what’s
the fourth time the fourth time your
third eye is showing itself okay feeling
you feel deeper okay you feel deeper and
this goes back to clairsentience many
times when your third eye is showing
itself you are feeling many times people
who when your third eye is open you feel
people’s energy you have high levels of
empathy you can put yourself in their
shoes like it was happening to you but
also seven day vegan challenge shout out
to everybody who’s doing the seven day
vegan challenge you’re like actually Who
am I to take another animal’s life all
life is precious if I can’t create it
why should I destroy it
what yeah it’s like Corolla slow motion
this side mm-hmm and that’s a sign your
third eye is showing itself many people
when their third eye is really showing
when their third eye is really showing
itself they are transitioning to the
plant-based diet I know a lot of people
who are vegan who are raw foodists and
their third eye is buzzing every single
day because once again when you stop
consuming your friends these precious
life forms animals okay
now you start to feel more many people
think is better to be numb it’s better
to not feel it’s better to be
desensitized a lot of people are like
Ralph I just want to get back into the
matrix I wish I didn’t know all of this
well realize this
there is much responsibility with much
knowing but realize you still don’t know
everything I still don’t know everything
so I humble myself before the universe
but I do realize that it’s a gift
sensitivity is a gift so shout out to
everybody who’s eating kale strawberries
today rhubarb mangoes and lemons because
the more you feel the more power you
have I realized my third eye was showing
yourself because I was feeling into
everything even the energies certain
foods carried okay so I used to eat a
lot of processed junk foods and that
carries a certain vibrational frequency
and then I removed all of that and then
I started to eat a lot of grapes full of
resveratrol improving my cardiovascular
health and then the rest is history
and speaking of history history or
history history only means his story
right when your third eye is showing
itself you’re all about in you are all
about you’re all about telling your own
story but ultimately it’s about feeling
into everything and if you are that’s a
sign your third eye is showing yourself
and the last don’t be afraid it just
means you are moving into the next
dimension the fifth dimension what is
the fifth sign your third eye is showing
itself now let’s go
about the four levels of consciousness
okay I’ve done a whole video on this I’m
gonna break it down in one minute the
first level is the drone archetype this
is the zombie many people are asleep on
the planet
many people are asleep on the planet on
planet Earth they are zombies monkey-see
monkey-do following
the sheep right into oblivion right the
drone is the person who is under mind
control you believe everything they tell
you you believe everything you see you
never question your reality the blind
leading the blind okay but the next
level of consciousness is the artist and
this is super powerful if you are an
artist you really want to sing you want
to share with the world and now you are
moving into a higher level of
consciousness in other words your third
eye is showing yourself okay and then
you’ve got the third level of
consciousness which is the alchemist
because many artists are going through
their own conflict just really finding
their voice and that’s great but when
you when you move to the third level of
consciousness which is the alchemist
okay now you are turning everything you
are going through into all the pain into
sunshine into rainbows and into grapes
and watermelons and mangoes and figs
right everything that you don’t like
about society you are able to transmute
the energy and make it work for you
mm-hmm slow motion this side so that’s a
side in your third eye is showing
yourself so in the book The Alchemist
the line and when you want something the
whole universe conspires to help you get
it that’s the alchemists for you the
alchemists always makes everything work
in their favor because they turn the
negative into the positive
they are Transformus okay and the fourth
level of consciousness is the wizard
okay the wizard is actually a
culmination of all three levels of
consciousness and that is a sign your
third eye is opening so the wizard is
like the architect in the film the
matrix the wizard actually creates world
in other words if you are creating your
reality that’s a sign your third eye is
showing and you are moving to the wizard
level of consciousness mm-hmm slow
motion this side the wizard can create
out of thin air if you’re doing that
your third eye is opening because you
are realizing you have
the power and you stop externalizing
your power to religious institutions
government no you realize you are the
power without you there is none of this
okay what is the sixth sign your third
eye is showing itself deep divers you
see what’s helped me along my journey is
to realize growing our power is growing
up growing up beat divers I always
realized there was something something
really fishy about society like why am i
in school learning about things that
really won’t help me later on in life
okay and then I realized that oh I get
it’s all a setup right and I was kind of
very rebellious and I realized that was
my third eye showing yourself I didn’t
really want to fit in even when I was
like eleven twelve
because I realized Society is a complete
joke and that’s a sign your third eye is
showing yourself if you are against all
authority all dogma you see ultimately
when you realize you are the Guru mmm
slow motion this side hmm I am only the
guide I’m only acting as a catalyst to
help you become your greatest version
you are already the power but in society
we are always externalizing our power to
authority figures grooves and crease and
all of these things and many times when
you are like actually government means
to govern your mental to govern your own
mind you have to become your own leader
the great mind Krishnamurti said have
you ever wondered why we have leaders
governments are two sides of the same
coin right two parties still working
together two sides of the same coin it’s
all a setup so there’s something called
the Hegelian dialectic right
big alien dialect right the Hegelian
when you have governments two sides
part of the same thing but they create
the illusion right so you have to really
learn how to free a mind okay of all
control old dogma if you’re already
doing that as a sign your third eye is
showing itself okay so what is the
seventh sign your third eye is showing
yourself deep-dive is less just whoa
breathing in that good-ass prana baby
it is that you are really drawn to the
crowd anymore you want drawn to the city
like you used to
you are more drawn to natural nature
spaces okay that’s a sign your third eye
is opening that’s a sign your third eye
is showing yourself because every single
day you want to be closer to the truth
of who you are this when I’m in nature
every single day deep divers I’m raising
the frequency and I feel closer to the
truth of who I am you see when I’m
always on my phone every single day this
distracts me from the real truth many
times when your third eye is opening
what’s happening you’re drawn to the
truth you’re drawn to people who keep it
real you don’t want to be around phony
people anymore
phony environments phony music waiting
got time for that Ralph exactly so your
third eye is showing itself when you are
drawn to the truth nature is the truth
okay nature doesn’t lie people do oh my
gosh right so if you are drawn to the
truth if you are reading big books and
just questioning reality that’s great
because once again there is no right or
wrong in the universe there are only
what is the eighth sign your third-eye
showing yourself deep divers okay check
this out
a lot of us we are I grew up in the
church externalizing my power and I
started to realize religion is for
people who are afraid to go to hell
spirituality is for people who’ve
already been there mm-hmm slow motion
this side mmm I started to realize oh I
get it you see you’ve been told that you
are nobody and there is a higher power
and I realize my third eye was showing
yourself because I realized we are gods
and goddesses we are made from Stardust
literally okay we are made from the same
material as collapsing stars right we
are made from the same material as
collapsing stars okay the nitrogen in
our DNA the carbon in apple-pies right
iron in our blood were all made in the
interior of collapsing star shout out to
Carl Sagan okay so that means we are
literally Stardust and when you realize
if we are Stardust that means we are
also made from the same fabric as the
universe in other words we are the
universe there is no separation which
also means we are God’s
we are goddesses and the power is within
us what is a knife spine from the
universe your third eye is showing
yourself right from the universe right
not all that glitters is gold you see a
lot of us we are drawn to the flashing
lights the gemstones the Diamonds the
rubies and that’s fantastic
but not everything that glitters is gold
or diamonds when your third eye is
opening and when my third eye was really
showing itself I started to realize like
this Fame stuff this money stuff it’s
not all what is crap
up to be I’m already rich even without
the money the money is just a tool hmm
slow motion this side hmm right but
without all of that because the house
I’m already whipped how already rich
right without all of that stuff it
doesn’t make me who I am I am already
complete and when you realize that it
shows your third eye is showing itself
when you realize the greatest peace of
mind we can have right comes from
knowing that this is our true wealth our
peace of mind not more money not more
cars that will help but ultimately
you’ve got to find the peace of mind
within yourself and that shows if you’re
doing that that shows your third eye is
really opening to the next level okay
and what is a tenth sign your third eye
is showing itself deep divers we are out
here in the heart of nature let’s just
whoa breathing in that good ass prana
baby okay many times when our third eye
is showing itself we have increased
awareness keyword awareness
consciousness is awareness when you are
becoming more aware but also self aware
that shows you your third eye
is showing yourself so a keyway
awareness expresses itself is when you
realize there are no accidents or
coincidences if you look at the date
when people were born and the dates when
people pass away you’ll start to realize
oh I get it now it was written gelatin
as slow motion this side mmm it was
written okay there’s a word in Arabic
called Maktub which means it was written
there are no accidents or coincidences
in this universe everything is happening
for reason and everything is happening
as part of the divine plan it doesn’t
mean we don’t have free will
it just means our free will is also tied
into that so I started to realize I was
becoming more aware of even-number
synchronicities the 11:11 phenomena okay
and that’s the magic okay increased
self-awareness in ancient Egypt they
taught us to know thyself and if you are
knowing who you are you become super
powerful and that’s a sign your third
eye is showing yourself and once all of
that happens deep dive as well you just
say feel so good to be a live baby can I
get a hello beautiful deep divers you
are amazing we out here in the heart of
nature baby just whoa breathing in that
good ass prana if you’ve got a question
as great as that one add me on instagram
at infinite waters and shout outs
everybody who’s been getting the good
ass prana shirts you look amazing by the
Ralph smart comm slash clothes have a
beautiful day deep divers infinite
waters diving deep once again stay well
stay healthy peace you oh my third eye
is buzzing right now I see dead people
actually I see the cat down the road stay woke folks

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