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10 Signs Someone’s The ONE

peace and finit waters diving deep once
again we’re out here in nature another
day basking in the sunlight baby 10
signs someone’s for you a lot of people
have been sending me messages Ralph I
just met this person they’re great but
I’m still not sure should I stay should
I go let’s just breathing in that good
ass prana baby that’s better
you’re still scratching your head right
now on you I mean even at breakfast yet
can I get a Hello let me share with you
what’s helped me along my journey the
the invisible threat both of you could
be in totally different countries
somehow someway you are both magically
pulled back together almost like magnets
that’s right how when where it just
happens you can’t plan it you’ll just
pull back together there are certain
people you meet them they’re in your
life and you never see them again is
that good for you there are certain
people though that even though you are
out of each other’s lives
you just keep connecting like you keep
bumping into each other or you hear a
song that it mentions their name and
that then you’re like oh my gosh yeah
that person is so amazing the invisible
thread no matter how far you are pod
if someone’s meant for you you will
always be drawn back to them slow motion
this side number two is they bring out
the best in you not the stress in you no
no the best in you your highest nature
they enlighten you they open your mind
unfathomable possibilities they show you
a new world and that’s what I saw along
my journey but it took a long time
because growing up I was around a lot of
people which they weren’t working in my
best interests and I didn’t even know
why I was with them okay and that
happens but when you meet someone who
brings out the best in you that is
someone who is meant for you
you don’t want to let them go and you
don’t have to because you have an
invisible thread to them okay what is
number three seven day vegan challenge
you both share a similar diet a similar
lifestyle when it comes to eating that
is a sure sign someone’s meant for you
and I saw along my journey because when
I was becoming a vegan over 12 years ago
I was still dating a meat-eater and I
loved her but I realized there was a lot
of problems on the dinner table for
instance I wasn’t eating we would go out
I would be in the car park she would be
in the restaurant big problem
question mark okay but when I actually
met a vegan someone eating a plant-based
diet the relationship was a lot more
fruitful no pun intended
it was just more
harmonious because I could actually talk
about chia seeds all day long and the
other person could talk about mangoes
all day long and we would never get
bored no no no no we could keep going we
both shared the same compassion for
animals and that’s why I knew that was
someone that was meant for me number
four I speak of the coca-cola
relationship the toxic relationship and
the water relationship the more
harmonious relationship have you ever
been in a relationship that you always
arguing scratching your head thinking
what am I doing here
but you’re still there don’t worry
happened to me along my journey I
realized I was in a karmic relationship
we don’t meet people by accident
everything happens for a reason
they are either your lesson or your
blessing slow motion this side but check
this out I say this even the lessons are
blessings because you get to learn more
about yourself through them karmic
our relationships where you have to
learn more about yourself with this
person that is really annoying you right
now they are helping you evolve to the
next level so you can finally enter the
water relationship which in essence is
the Holy Grail
now let’s talk about number five the
fifth sign someone’s meant for you is
that you can be yourself around them you
don’t have to try so hard it’s not a
forced relationship you’re not always
like thinking what should I say next
should I wear this should I wear that
should I go here should I go there it’s
really awkward right now you get those
awkward silences and now you’re really
anxious can someone talk no you see when
you are in the water relationship both
it is also natural baby there is no
force whatsoever number six are you
thinking what I’m thinking yes great
that means we’re meant to be together
are you thinking what I’m thinking no ok
then right if you are thinking about
someone and they are thinking about you
the same way it’s worth going after them
it’s worth it putting in the effort and
I’ve seen it along my journey ok
thoughts don’t lie the way they make you
feel the energy going through you on
earth at number seven
someone’s meant for you when you’re not
only in love with their beautiful body
but also their beautiful mind their
beautiful soul their beautiful energy
now this is hard because we are in the
exhibitionist generation where
everyone’s taking selfies in bikinis and
wearing no shirt shall I take my shirt
off no actually no we’re not going to do
that right now look so ladies fellas if
you want someone to really admire you
for the inner you you got to start
showing them a bit more than your body
show them how your mind works slow
motion this side because if you just
show your body all the time like hey
this is all I am and us then that’s all
they’re gonna see they’re not actually
gonna see the deep depths that you
actually are and everyone is so deep
you’re more than a body you are the
primordial energy flowing through it we
could do a slow motion for that but
we’re not right oh gosh this is so fun
number eight
they are gonna ride with you in the
midst of adversity like everyone’s going
against you they are your ride or die
they are your ride or die guy they’re
gonna stand by you someone definitely is
not meant for you if they go against you
in the midst of adversity you want a
supporter a loyal trustworthy person to
be around you if you’ve got that then
that’s someone who’s meant for you okay
what is number nine you can tell them
things that you would tell no one else
like really silly stuff you can even
probably you could even probably talk to
them on the toilet like hi baby I’m
taking out yet you get my drift they’re
meant for you because you are able to be
vulnerable with them you don’t have to
put on the front you don’t have to be
super tough or super hard no you can
just relax because they accept you for
who you are they don’t want to change
they just admire you
and number ten is that you feel
healthier around them slow motion for
that one you just feel better about
yourself around them you’re starting to
look younger now you’ll walk differently
you talk differently you got the X
Factor back right you both you both you
both the healthier together you’re both
good for each other
and that’s why you’re meant for each
other and then both of you just say feel
so good to be a live baby can I get a
there have a beautiful day
whoa breathing in that good Oscar on a
baby infinite was diving deep once again stay well stay healthy you

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