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10 Secrets To Boost Your Confidence | How To Be MORE Confident TODAY!

peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again beautiful deep divers we are
out here in the heart of nature baby and
it’s time to get confident do you want
to become more confident do you lack in
the confidence Department do you have a
low self-esteem right now and every
single day you wake up pray you wake up
wishing that you had the confidence
level of the cat down the road
well alas deep divers I’m about to go
through ten confidence hacks that will
change your life deep divers less just
well breathing in that good ass prana
now that is the question that came in
ralph talk to me about confidence please
I have very low confidence levels low
self-esteem levels and I see whenever
you’re making videos you always seem you
always seem so confident Ralph like
where does this confidence come from
please go over some tips and tricks that
can help people who suffer from low
confidence levels so alas deep divers
after this video you are gonna be so
confident that if you see me you’re
gonna come up to me and be like when
you’re gonna be super duper confident
now let me dive straight into it first
and foremost shout out to everybody
who’s been getting the wonderful good
ass prada shirts at Ralph smart comm
slash clothes
confidence emanates from the Latin
confident which means to trust so when
we talk of confidence it’s all about
trusting yourself
there was a time deep dive was when
Ralph’s ma wasn’t that confident that’s
you see I see confidence like a muscle
and it grows stronger the more you
practice the more you train the more you
work that muscle every single day
confidence and being confident is not an
absolute it’s something that can grow
more or it can decrease more so there is
confidence and there is arrogance and a
lot of people a lot of people confuse
the two
so arrogance if you see someone who’s
very cocky arrogant that usually is
actually a sign of low confidence and a
poor self-esteem why because if someone
is very arrogant what do they do they
try and make you feel small to make them
feel bigger right they try and put you
down so they can lift themselves up
confident people don’t need to do that
they are comfortable in their own skin
because they trust and believe in
themselves therefore we all can shine
hmm slow motion this side so confidence
is like that inner silence that knowing
that belief in yourself arrogance is
where you need to prove who you are to
everybody don’t you know who I am don’t
you know who I am you need to be
validated externally confidence is where
the validation comes from inside you
start validating yourself what is the
confidence hack that will change your
life that’s helped me along my journey
now this guide I’ve helped a lot of
people with this confidence guide over
the years and I’m gonna go through it
the cold shower this is Ralph it’s so
cold right now we’ll take that take that
take that beautiful warm energy
I’m sending you right now okay now go
back into the cold shower you see that’s
how you grow confident when you go into
the cold shower and that’s just a
metaphor for leaving your comfort zone
time and time again I see a lot of
people who are afraid to go into the
cold shower you can actually literally
take a cold shower too I love to do that
every now and again but the cold shower
is all about doing something you’ve
never done before it’s all about pushing
your limits pushing the boundaries
pushing the envelope that’s how you grow
confident you don’t grow you don’t grow
confident in the warm shower oh it’s so
nice and warm no confidence comes like I
remember one time I was at the beach and
it was really cold the water was
freezing but I’m like I need to dive
deep after all it’s infinite water so
actually when inside the ocean no
swimsuit it was really freezing that was
the cold shower but afterwards I felt
like I could fly I could touch the sky
like I could do anything right so
confidence comes when you really start
going inside the cold shower like you do
things people will be like oh I can’t
believe you’re doing it yeah it comes
from acts of bravery right that’s how to
really start becoming more confident so
every single now and again take a cold
shower literally – okay what’s the
second confidence acts the second
confidence hack that will change your
life deep divers was help me along my
journey now this whole concept of
elevator music
which I took off in an elevator
sometimes there’s some smooth jazz okay
and I elevator music is okay right it’s
okay I find it like sometimes kind of
soothing but what happens with elevator
music it’s there to keep you sedated
elevator music sometimes once again
keeps you trapped in your comfort zone
many times you don’t even want to leave
the elevator because the music is just
like put it putting you to sleep
right so I always say turn off the
elevator music and really start
venturing outwards and onwards that’s
how to grow confident you’ve got to get
out of the elevator it’s a trap and many
times even we have to look at the sound
frequencies we’re listening to many
times ever listen to a song and you know
the lyrics are really terrible terrible
message but the beat is just keeping you
there yeah exactly
that’s elevator music except elevator
music can sometimes be pretty pretty
good right nevertheless right doesn’t
matter we have to stop tuning in to
different types of music we have to
start moving outside of our comfort zone
because many times our comfort zone can
become our greatest prison even if you
like this music that’s great
I love Boston over music at the same
time was helped me actually become more
confident in music is to listen to rock
and roll listen to Metallica listen to
punk rock listen to all kinds of music I
love all kinds of music that’s why I’m
very confident I’m a producer as well
I’m a producer as well in creating music
so confidence comes when you leave the
you leave the comfort zone okay and you
start having different experiences what
is the third confidence hack that will
change your life now deep divers what’s
helped me along my journey is to let go
of comparison comparison is the greatest
thief of joy mm slow motion this side
but I admit I compare myself to the cat
down the road often right it’s natural
to want to compare yourself to other
people it’s just that many times in that
same process you are stealing your own
so I’ve realized that what is the use of
me comparing myself to other people is
pointless because we both have different
experiences different backgrounds so
instead of comparing yourself to other
people start collaborating with these
people you’re comparing yourself to and
then really start to live in a league of
your own start to swim in your own lane
start to realize that you are a unique
creation confidence comes when you own
your witness when you’re proud of how
weird you are when you have stopped
being afraid of the weirdo that you
actually are now we run into signatures
right like I do stuff no one else is
that’s what grows my confidence right so
I’ve stopped competing with other people
I’ve stopped comparing myself to other
people and for the first time I’m a I’m
accepting Who I am how I am and how I do
it I’m gonna do me and you do you okay
what is the fourth confidence hack that
will change your life no props when I’m
making these videos it’s only one take
because I believe in myself no props is
like many times we use things as a
crutch to become confident
ever been in a room full of people deep
divers and what happens you bring out
your phone because you don’t know what
to do with your hands you’re like oh my
gosh I can’t be doing nothing like oh
like scooby-doo around this bitch right
so I’ve realized no props you got to
take away the crutch and that’s how
confidence grows and I had to challenge
myself over the years if I want to
really become confident if I’m in a room
full of people and I feel like a fish
out of water I’m gonna be a fish out of
water and I’m gonna allow myself to
experience these raw emotions without
using a crutch like bringing out my
phone and pretending someone’s calling
me and pretending I’m checking my
messages because I don’t know what to do
with my hands right no I’m gonna be
awkward that’s how to grow confident be
awkward stare people in the eyes and
feel like oh I’m a bit afraid right now
feel every emotion you’re going through
you now become super confident because
for the first time you are facing your
fears that’s how to grow confident so
every single day no props if you want to
talk to someone you are attracted to no
props is like stop talking about random
stuff oh it’s such a beautiful day
that’s great that’s great but you can
just talk to them in a very regular way
oh I like you
that’s no props you’re going in direct
you’re saying you’re saying how you
really feel that’s how to grow confident
confidence comes listen very closely
when you stop suppressing your emotions
slow motion this side right so no props
no crutch cold shower
dive right into it do what you are most
afraid of and you will become more
confident what doesn’t kill you deep
divers will only make you stronger
what’s the fifth confidence hack that
would change your life baby baby was
help me along my journey seven day vegan
challenge is intermittent fasting now a
lot of people are like Ralph do you
faust I’m like I’m a vegan oh I’ve been
fasting ever since I’ve been a vegan no
meat no dairy that’s a fast in itself
right intermittent fasting and that
means once a week I’m not eating
anything I’m just drinking I’m just
juicing okay some weeks I miss because
I’m not a saint but most of the time
that’s what I’m aiming for intermittent
fasting has really helped me along my
food journey along my vegan journey has
helped me to become healthier but also
it’s helped me to become more
disciplined in the food lifestyle and
that’s how you grow confident like I
remember when I just used to eat junk
food I wasn’t confident I had a low
self-esteem because I was using food to
hide my feelings and that’s what a lot
of us are doing we’re comfort eating at
the same time we have a low confidence
level we have a low self-esteem when you
are feeling great inside because you are
eating the plant-based diet
strawberries high in vitamin C more
vitamin C than oranges you’re really
taking care of yourself you’re having
that internal detox cleanse now you’re
feeling better now you are feeling
better about yourself
therefore oh you got that vegan blow
right now all of that vitamin A from all
of that vitamin A from the mangoes okay
now you are more confident than ever
because you feel great you look
fantastic and that’s all that matters
okay so it’s all about eating well it’s
all about taking a responsibility for
your plate I’m very confident because I
don’t eat animals and I always say peace
begins on your plate okay energy can
never be destroyed only transfer
we are becoming what we are eating
so I kama free foods therefore therefore
I’m very confident what is the sixth
confidence hack that will change your
life forever
now deep divers as you see me here I’m
always sharing
I’m always inspiring people here
confidence comes from your body okay
confidence lies in yourselves every
single day we often think confidence is
something abstract confidence lies in in
my mind no confidence lies in every
single cell in your body confidence is
all about your body and the body is the
subconscious mind hmm
slow motion this side so over the years
what’s helped me to grow more confident
what is to breathe deep from the base of
my spine breathing in that good-ass
prana baby a lot of the times when we
have a low confidence level we’re
usually like this shout out to Amy Cuddy
the great social psychologist who talks
about low power poses and high power
poses right now how do I look very
confident just because I’ve changed what
I’m doing with my body how do I look
right now
very not confident right so confidence
we can change our confidence levels just
by changing our body start developing
these high power poses every single day
right I keep my head up stick my chest
out right now the cortisol levels are
going down testosterone levels are going
up I’m full of confidence right now
let’s just say let me give you an
example how our confidence levels can
fall and how they can rise let me just
say that I don’t like you right now let
me just say that you’re the worst person
in the world right now Ralph stop it
you’re hurting my feeling oh you see
what’s happening to your body right now
you don’t feel good inside of your body
therefore your confidence levels drop
now I want you to become aware of your
body and say actually I’m gonna find
peace in my body when Ralph is hurling
abuse at me you are a terrible human
being I don’t like you shame on you
Ralph whatever I’m so a piece right now
oh my gosh so can you see that can you
see from that example that if you are
confident in your body people’s words
can no longer affect you anymore because
now you aren’t reacting you are
responding hmm slow motion this side and
responding to a situation literally has
the power to change the entire situation
itself now you are extremely confident
okay so stop having an inner body
experience start moving into your body
every single day okay what is the
seventh hack confidence hack that will
change your life what’s helped me along
my journey deep divers is to be daring
every single day I want to learn
something new I want to do something new
and I practice this with skating I’m
trying a new trick every single day
falling on my us once again we grow
confident not by being proud of what we
already know but actually learning
something totally different
learning something new okay so be daring
travel the wold alone that’s what I’m
doing sometimes going to this place that
place right go into nature alone that’s
what I’m doing go skinny-dipping alone
that’s what I’m doing what is the eighth
confidence act that will change your
that will change your life be playful
okay every single day I’m playful I
don’t take myself that seriously that’s
why I’m having so much fun but in in
turn deep divers I accept myself I love
myself and therefore my confidence
levels are rising every single day
playfulness is our birthright we all
came here to be very playful it’s just
that we somehow someway along the way we
get this seriousness virus everyone is
so serious be serious rel no I’m gonna
be playful Yeah right
so be playful and trust me your
confidence levels will rise because for
the first time
you’re not being so hard on yourself
okay what is the knife confidence hack
that will change your life what’s helped
me along my journey wonderful deep
divers is to train I look at great
athletes Michael Jordan Roger Federer
Venus Williams Serena Williams all of
these top athletes the reason why they
are so confident in their game is
because they train for it they prepare
for greatness
therefore they become greatness so every
single day once again confidence is like
a muscle you got to exercise it you got
to work it now it grows more so always
stop practicing always start training
our confidence grows from our mastery
from mastering the craft from doing it
day in day out learning making mistakes
bouncing back coming back even stronger
you see a lot of people think confident
people have had it all easy know as a
confident person myself I’ve fallen to
the depths of hell and risen to heaven
and planet Earth this is heaven on earth
right now for me right because I’ve been
through it all and I’m still here right
so train never get content with what you
know always realize we are all students
of the universe that’s how to grow in
your confidence and what’s the 10th
lifehack confidence act that will change
your life trust yourself trust yourself
more than you trust the cat down the
road trust yourself more than you trust
that stranger over there who’s telling
you what to do with your life confidence
comes when you own your witness and
prove that your witness actually works
so every single day I can say wow this
infinite waters thing actually worked
I believed enough in my dream I owned my
witness then I actually proved my
witness actually work because there are
a lot of deep divers on the planet and
together we are growing in confidence
right so learn how to trust yourself
so what if your family think you should
go and work in that job or study there
it’s all about what you want to do you
got to start listening to yourself
you’ve got to start trusting yourself
you’ve got to start believing it you’ve
got to start believing in yourself and
trust me your confidence levels will
confidence is all about how you see
yourself and if you can learn how to see
yourself in a favorable way if you can
learn that only you only you know what’s
best for you you will have guides like
myself but only you can make that choice
can make that decision that’s how your
confidence will skyrocket and deep
divers well you just say so get to be a
live baby can I get a hello beautiful
deep divers we are out here chillaxing
in the heart of nature baby just whoof
breathing in that good oz prana baby
shout out to everybody who is looking
very fashionable in the wonderful good
oz prana shirts baby
Ralph’s Montcalm slash clothes get more
inspiration giving a few away only on
Instagram only on Instagram only on
Instagram at infinite waters check out
the new book – deep divers feel alive by
Ralph smart wonderful deep divers have
an amazing day infinite waters diving
deep once again stay well stay healthy
peace you how do you feel confident Ralph great

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