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10 Secrets Patient People Don’t Tell You

he sent finit waters diving deep once
again we are surrounded by beautiful
swing leaves today we are what breathing
in that good ass prana we’re out here
we’re nature
detoxing 10 secrets patient people won’t
tell you how patient are you how patient
am I have you ever seen a jigsaw and
you’re smiling to yourself thinking I’m
gonna do this
today I’m gonna do this there are
thousands of pieces then you realize
they’re still in the box and you’re like
screw that we even had breakfast yet can
I don’t blame you always eat breakfast
before doing any kind of jigsaw patients
is everything that is what I’m beginning
to learn along my journey I’m gonna
share with you what’s helped me along my
journey when it comes to being patient
why patience is so necessary I got a
question about patience how can I become
more patient patience is the ability to
bear delay or trouble without getting
angry or upset like are you one second
kind of impatient you join a queue then
you’re like one second afterwards you
leave the queue or maybe maybe you send
an email and then because someone
doesn’t respond to you the next second
you get really impatient are you that
kind of impatient I used to be the
goodness sakes so what is the first
secret patient people won’t tell you
they don’t control anything
yippy isn’t that a weight of your
shoulders you can relax now I don’t
control anything I’m sorry what say it
again or else I don’t control anything
I’m sorry
patient people know that they don’t
control how other people behave how
other people see them what other people
are doing right now you might be picking
your nose for all I know I don’t control
they know that the moment you let go is
the moment you get everything slow
motion that side I realize along my
journey the moment I started to let go
everything started to fall into place I
used to be so impatient sometimes
because I thought gosh I’m getting left
behind everybody else is living a better
life than me will I always be like this
and for one second I had to just relax I
had to come into nature take a chill
pill whoa breathe in that good-ass prana
baby and just mellow out and then I
started doing an experiment on myself
I want you to try this experiment out
now I want you to imagine what you are
going to be doing next week Tuesday at 3
o’clock and then when next week Tuesday
comes I want to actually see I will need
to see if you’re actually doing it oh
yeah right you’re gonna be pleasantly
surprised you are right exactly because
you don’t know what’s gonna happen to
you next week Tuesday at 3 o’clock
not even the cat down the road knows
that then it’s not over yet I want you
to imagine what billions of people
around the world are gonna be doing next
week Tuesday at 3 o’clock and then see
if you control them like see if you
control them it’s starting to feel
really overwhelming isn’t it and we
ain’t even had breakfast yet you see
patient people just don’t care
can I get a Hello
they don’t care what happens because
they know this secret that they aren’t
in control and the moment you let go
what’s the second secret patient people
won’t tell you that sometimes just
sometimes life isn’t always about
getting what you want I want this I want
that I want that I want this and you
haven’t got it have you but it’s more
about appreciating what you have I have
this I have this I have you have a lot
goodness gracious you have so much and
you don’t even know it patient people
always focus on what they have not on
what they want because by focusing on
what you have you will naturally attract
everything you need hmm
slow motion that side when I only had
two subscribers on this channel I was
crying my eyes out subscribers and the
harder I cried I only remained it to the
moment I said I don’t care I’m just
gonna actually enjoy the process of
creating then it all fell into place
okay I wasn’t worried about the outcome
I wasn’t worried about getting to a
I was now falling in love with the
process because I was embodying what I
wanted so a lot of people say Ralph will
you be happy when you get a million
subscribers I’m like I already got a
million subscribers right well I feel I
do I’m in the after party right now baby
can I get a hello cuz for me I am
abundance like I have everything right
here I’m so in love with the process the
numbers are just the numbers like Bob
Marley said the numbers they go on
forever right you got appreci
what you have right now baby and that’s
what patient people know the third
secret seven day vegan challenge how are
the strawberries going like it’s
strawberry season right now is summer
madness right now blueberries
watercress got the kale going that’s
people always send me smoothie pics on
Instagram without sending me smoothies
in real life can we do it the other way
around for a change
but wait a minute there is a missing
ingredients in your smoothie you see for
a long time I thought I had the perfect
smoothie some acai bananas in there a
cow eye I mix a lot of stuff up okay but
then I realized I was missing a key
ingredients that was maca powder
okay the Peruvian ginseng and now I was
like Superman baby
okay so patient people know especially
when it comes to the seven day vegan
challenge that by researching by
realizing there is probably a missing
ingredients right now that could change
my whole food experience if I start to
talk to other people who are on maybe a
plant-based diet hey can you tell me a
fruit that maybe I should know about
okay and then you’ll start to feel
better because food is linked to mood
but patient people always realize they
must read the back of the label like
patient people are always checking the
back of food labels and for a long time
I wasn’t I would just put it in the
trolley and then get home and say what
the hell does that word mean okay but
I’m also patient people they don’t even
have to read labels because they just go
to the farmers market
okay and get a whole load of
strawberries in their mouth what’s the
fourth secret patient people won’t tell
you now let’s face it for me life hasn’t
been smooth sailing and I don’t feel
anybody has an easy life because life is
swings and roundabouts that means life
is gonna throw a whole load of bananas
at you now you can either eat them throw
them back or just stand there bananas on
your face how does it feel okay
yes life isn’t easy nobody said it would
be easy but patient people know this
that patients plus a good attitude is
what will help you pick yours up from
the ground a lot of people everybody is
gonna take a fall like I’ve fallen down
so many times
then I style it like I’m just doing
press ups like yeah I got this no
everybody is gonna take a massive fall
okay but patience comes when you realize
there is beauty in the form okay someone
was telling me how even when we are
walking we are falling mmm
can I get a hello
that’s for you we are falling okay we
are going down then we’re coming back up
so life is full of the ebb and the flow
but patience is all about realizing that
a good attitude
once again produces better results than
a bad attitude okay a lot of the times
I’ve made videos and forgot to hit
record great ones that you would never
you will never get to see not even the
cat down the road will see them but who
cares we’ll do it again anyway okay so
yes patience plus a good attitude is
what will help you deal with the
surprises life throws at you it will
help you pick yourself back up
ah and breathing that good ass prana
baby what’s the fifth secret patient
people won’t tell you so once again
along my earlier journey I was very
impatient and I still AM
I’ll admit it but I’m working on it and
what I realize is that everything will
come to you at the right time that is
what patient people know we are living
in a fast food culture we want it right
now but patient people know that so long
as you are in alignment so long as you
aren’t too hard on yourself it will all
come to you at the right time you see I
used to be really impatient because I
was really hard on myself patient people
forgive themselves like they could do
make a really silly mistake and they’re
like oh whatever they have mastered the
art of being carefree and what’s helped
me along my journey is realizing this
you develop patience by realizing every
day is another opportunity every day
is a new stock that is what super
patient people realize like they don’t
worry they’re like don’t worry about it
we’ll do it tomorrow okay everything
will come to you at the right time be
patient and hold on because just as you
are about to quit usually hahahahaha
that’s when the miracle is about to
that’s when the beauty is about to
happen I was ready to just continue
working in an office then I said
actually I’m ready for change and at
that moment my life started to change
but I was also ready to give up YouTube
a long time ago and that’s the moment
like a month after that great thing
started to happen I ran into you in the
streets right we we hugged was fantastic
what’s number six patient people know
this that they have mastered the art of
just doing one thing at a time okay a
lot of us we are bad multitaskers not
even good Modi tasker’s along my earlier
journey I was a terrible multitasker I
would be on the computer texting someone
and then eating some spirulina
and I wouldn’t be doing any of them
because I wouldn’t be focusing enough on
one of them to be doing one of them well
you see a lot of us we have a lot of
priorities but what is your main
priority patient people know they have
mastered the art of doing one what I
call the rule of doing one thing like I
make videos consistently and therefore
it’s beautiful because it allows me to
put all my attention into it like
patient people don’t make promises they
know they can’t fulfill okay a lot of
awesome you say I’ll do this I’ll do
that you don’t do it do you yeah you
know you know you don’t do it
don’t worry about it do one thing at a
don’t buy more than you can chew patient
people know that like that’s just
standard like we’ll do one at a time the
seventh secret patient people won’t tell
you is that yes it’s one block at a time
that builds the pyramid mm slow motion
that site one step at a time is
everything a lot of people are like
Ralph I just want to start on YouTube
and get the million subscribers tomorrow
I’m like good luck don’t worry about it
though you’ll see it will come to you
but only one step at a time once again
you got to forget about the end result
Krishnamurthy a great mindset the
problem is I don’t care what happens
isn’t that beautiful and that’s what I
adopt as well like I don’t really care
what happens because by just taking one
step at a time you will eventually end
up where ever you need to be oh my gosh
you just ended up in a massive field
with your arms out like saying yeah okay
that’s what happens when you take one
step at a time
a lot of us once again we are not good
we’re not good at just going at pace we
are we are what I call fast sprinters of
life and that’s great but eventually
you’re gonna wear yourself out life
isn’t a 10-second race mm can I get a
it’s more like a marathon so on a
practical level in becoming my greatest
I love aerobic exercises like working
swimming skating
longboarding like I love it all like
that actually helps me cultivate more
patience that is how to become more
patient start longboarding around
okay what is number eight patient people
won’t tell you that the more you slow
down like life just becomes better but
more so you pay more attention and you
develop more clarity have you ever been
rushing and just miss everything that’s
the great paradox the more I slow down
the more I began to see everything mmm
no slow motion actually that should be
slow motion slow down like slow down
when you are typing slow down when you
are eating slow down when you are
driving don’t hit that car you already
paid how much did you pay last time like
a few thousand dollars I told you slow
down okay meditation helps me to slow
down what happens when you don’t
meditate accidents happen
so slowing down creates more clarity it
helps you build your vision it helps you
move it helps you move closer towards
your dreams so I slowed down whenever I
can even when I’m I step into what I
call mindfulness meditation okay I just
slow yeah is that slow enough slow down
to the point wait just silent
moment of silence right now okay that’s
slow enough now what’s number nine
patient people won’t tell you that
sometimes you don’t want to be patient
no it’s time to be impatient it’s time
to start using radical action if doctor
you got to start to learn how to balance
it okay that’s what helped me along my
journey I have to learn how to balance
it out like there is a great beauty in
being patient but sometimes no you don’t
want to be patient you want to take
radical action
okay I’ve spoken about how that’s how I
started to attract with my mind I said
actually no screw that I don’t want to
be patient today I want to get it right
and that sometimes that cockiness that
what I call humble confidence actually
does wonders for you because then you
are really impatient then you go back to
being patient it’s that perfect balance
that perfect dance because some people
are like I’m just gonna wait wait for my
perfect partner to come up to me and
start talking to me yeah that’s great
but also you got to make an effort you
okay you got to actually do stuff you
got to put things into motion by taking
radical action and that’s how you become
your greatest version
patient people won’t tell you that the
best is yet to come we ain’t finished
yet we ain’t even had breakfast now
being impatient for a long time along my
journey I realized it was emanating it
was coming from
it was stemming from feeling like it’s
now or never
this is it this is all I can never
become no patient people know that
they’re just in training okay they
aren’t even like 1% of what they can
potentially be mm-hmm
slow motion that side and that is why
they know they can always improve
themselves they can always work they can
always work on themselves they can
always surround themselves with
beautiful people okay being in this
world a lot of people call it a matrix a
lot of people call it a control system I
don’t see it like that I just say I’m
patient enough to create whatever world
I want and therefore that’s what happens
you got to be patient to realize we are
living in very testing times the whole
world is awakening and because of that
you’re gonna have to be patient with not
only yourself but with other people’s
ignorance the best is yet to come
be patient hold on but more so keep
working on those dreams baby we are out
here in nature swaying with a beautiful
leaves of a beautiful day what breathing
in that good ass prana getting high
infinite war
diving deep once in stay well stay
you [Music]

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