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10 Secret Messages In Not Wanting That Job

peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again beautiful deep divers we are
out here in nature baby the secret
we’ve got birds everywhere as our DJ but
are you doing what you love have you
found your dream job are you happy
where you are working every single day
apparently not because I get thousands
of messages every single day and
recently I’ve been getting a lot of
messages from people who are
dissatisfied not happy with their job
Ralph I want to leave I hate it here
right 10 secret messages in not wanting
that job let’s just well
breathing in that good ass prana baby
every single day
the divers I get to do whatever I want
what I truly love I’m in nature every
single day I’m on the beach every single
day and when even had breakfast yeah can
so a lot of people ask me Ralph how did
you manifest all of this how did I go
from s to that how comes infinite waters
has over 1 million YouTube subscribers
yeah I had to say that really slow to
let that sink in how come I’ve got a
YouTube gold play button how come I’m
living the life of infinite abundance
for the rest of my life how come I’m
doing what I love I got news for you you
can do it too
but I’m gonna share with you what’s
helped me along my journey become my
greatest version do what I love every
single day and it’s all about knowing
the secret messages okay in not wanting
that job there are messages you have to
pay attention to if you aren’t happy
where you are working the first secret
message in not wanting that job Ralph I
hate it here it’s so terrible the boss
is terrible right that’s what you told
me don’t worry alas I can relate I too
also used to complain because the secret
message was you don’t have to Ralph
you can choose to you see many times
many times when you are working
somewhere and you’re like Ralph I have
to be here
no you don’t yes I do because I have to
pay the rent okay okay keep keep giving
me that list I have to stay here else no
you don’t the secret message for me was
to realize you don’t have to be anywhere
you don’t like you can choose to do what
you love mmm
slow motion inside what let me say it
again you don’t have to be anywhere
where you don’t like you can choose to
be where you love anytime you say I have
to you take away the freedom of actually
doing what you love I thought I had to
be in those crummy jobs okay I used to
work in a school I’ve worked in many
different places but I realized I didn’t
have to be there I was choosing to be
there so the secret message is to
realize that you are there because you
have chosen to be there you’re not a
tree if you don’t like where you are you
can move slow motion this side the power
of saying I’m using the power of saying
I’m choosing to be in this job which is
just over broke anyway I don’t have a
job I have a lifestyle because like my
mentor told me rich people don’t work
they supervise slow motion right so I
have a lifestyle but I’ve taken a
hundred percent responsibility a hundred
percent responsibility that I’m choosing
this lifestyle and that’s why every
single day I wake up with a bunch of
grapes in my mouth
what’s the second secret message in not
wanting that job okay how can you start
to actually live a lifestyle that is so
nourishing the secret message is that
what do you love to do before breakfast
what do you love to do before breakfast
that makes you say oh this feels so good
and Wayne even had breakfast year what
would you do what would you do if money
was no object what are you doing first
thing in the day well I’m skating I’m
I’m coming into nature and that’s what
I’m doing right now okay so if you don’t
like where you’re working if you don’t
like your job start paying attention to
ooh what you love to do okay that is a
secret message your hobbies your
passions okay and you have to move in
that direction of your happiness okay
then you won’t be complaining about how
much you hate this job
you’ll start actually living a life that
is serving you the secret to becoming
your greatest version is to let go of
whatever no longer serves you okay I get
so many offers every single day Ralph do
you want to be part of this television
show Ralph do you want to sign this deal
that deal that deal that do okay because
they obviously can tell I love being in
nature with a cat down the road three
words follow the results slow motion
this type as soon as you wake up if you
go to work you’re in your job and you’re
like oh I want to leave here you’re not
seeing the results then it’s time to
move on
it’s time to move on right but every
single day I started to notice I’m
becoming more successful just being in
nature because I’m following the results
the results don’t lie that’s why I’m
living a dream lifestyle every single
day for the rest of my life you better
believe it
the cat down the road already knows
what’s the third secret message in not
wanting that job anytime you write to me
Deep Diver saying that you’re unhappy
where you’re working pay attention to
this secret message talent emanates from
the Latin Talentum which means a sum of
money now that means your talent should
bring you a sum of money okay
many times it doesn’t because we’re not
actually using our talents many times
we’re stuck in shabby jobs therefore we
don’t have time to practice our talents
we don’t have time to cultivate our
talents and that was me along a long
time ago okay I was always working
complaining always blaming someone else
is therefore not taking responsibility
for my own actions for my own
life okay now I’m using my talent okay I
realize I can inspire millions of people
no I can I’m already doing it right I’m
realizing just me being myself has got
me you to Gold Award okay has changed my
life billions of minutes watched on my
website I’m living a life of infinite
abundance and it’s not gonna slow down
it’s only gonna increase with more
success so put your talent to good use
ask yourself today am I putting in
10,000 hours I’ve been making videos for
a long time and I’m still learning
slow motion inside because I am an
eternal student that’s how you turn a
job into a lifestyle when you start
making use of your talent it’s one thing
to have talent it’s another thing to
actually put it to use I know a lot of
talented people who are in jobs they
absolutely hate it’s time to start
saying actually how can I use my talent
to make it work for me okay what’s the
fourth secret message in not wanting
that job if you’re working somewhere and
you’re not happy it’s making you
miserable is taking away your happiness
realize there is hope
triple five you do this okay you want to
turn a job you don’t like into a
lifestyle you absolutely love like Ralph
triple five spend five minutes writing
down what you absolutely love right now
then spend five minutes doing it then
spend five minutes sharing it with the
world now you enter the morph exchange
slow motion aside
I didn’t do this all by myself I’ve got
people who are watching my videos every
single day all around the world the
results don’t lie follow the results 1
million YouTube subscribers so what does
that tell me I learned many years ago ok
I love to share with people I love to
I’m hopping on planes every single month
right I’m travelling to two different
countries ok
I’m visiting new places so skating I’m
skating every single day I love meeting
new people I’m doing that – every single
day 5 minutes writing down what you love
5 minutes actually doing it stepping
into the action of what you love not
what you hate and then 5 minutes sharing
with the world you see it’s one thing to
consume information it’s another thing
to produce information I see a lot of
people are like Ralph I want to start
YouTube they start and they stop are you
prepared to do what it takes to get 1
million subscribers do you know what it
takes exactly so you have to ask
yourself am I ready for the lifestyle
you see to live this lifestyle you have
to do what the 99% aren’t willing to do
to live like the 1% you have to do what
the 99% aren’t willing to do that means
you got to start learning that I got
talent but I got to share it with the
world am I prepared to put in the hours
that are required to go to the next
level I was that’s why I’m reaping the
benefits now what’s the fifth secret
lease it’s in not wanting that job look
we spend our whole lives 7 day vegan
challenge preparing for something 7 day
vegan challenge ok I went to university
you’re studying there
you’re in a job you don’t like but then
you’re like I can’t leave Ralph I have
to stay here because I’ve just spent so
much on my education right and I’m also
in there oh no right it’s time to scrap
all of that nobody said it would be easy
nobody said it would be easy nobody said
it would be easy and I can tie this into
the seven day vegan challenge I’ve been
a vegan for over 13 years when I first
started it wasn’t easy because nobody
said it would be easy but I’m taking it
day-by-day well I used to take it
day-by-day and that helped me to
transition to eating a plant-based diet
and inspiring millions of people if you
are working in a job you absolutely hate
realize it’s just like eating a
plant-based diet at first you may not
like that cauliflower you may not like
the broccoli you may not like the
asparagus but then you start to realize
it’s good for you day by day one step at
a time you start moving in the direction
of your happiness slow motion in this
side it’s not gonna be easy if it was
easy everybody would be doing it if it
was easy everybody would be a raw
foodist a vegan no it’s not easy because
you have to sacrifice so if you are at a
job you don’t like realize you have to
give up something to make space for
something that will actually serve you
and take you to the next level now
what’s the sick secret message baby baby
deep divers in not wanting that job
Ralph I don’t like here it’s terrible
okay I know but you don’t have to be
there remind yourself that RDD Road
humps distractions and disappointments
they keep coming you see I was very
comfortable in the job I used to work
with autistic children people with ADHD
I was fine with their okay
but then I wanted something a bit more
because I realized there was more to
life if you can realize that anytime you
want to go to the next level there are
going to be road humps there are gonna
be distractions people are gonna try and
drag you down but also there are gonna
be disappointments and that’s why so
many people stay in a mediocre job which
means just over broke once again rich
people don’t work they supervise that’s
why they’re on the top listen if you can
realize that road humps will eventually
lead you to a smoother Road slow motion
this side if you can not be distracted
for five minutes and actually do what
you love you will start living the
lifestyle you love if you can realize
disappointments will pass away you can
start living the lifestyle you love okay
what’s the seventh secret message in not
wanting that job
I don’t want it Ralph is terrible I hear
you listen neuroplasticity the great
psychiatrist dr. Norman Doidge
neuroplasticity states that our brain
changes based on our experiences now if
you are in a job you don’t like I don’t
want to be here out it’s so terrible
okay anywhere you are you are building
momentum you are going further into the
energy field a lot of people they stay
in a job they don’t like for so long
they become part of the furniture
oh no exactly so I realize it’s time to
start moving in the direction of what
makes you happy without feeling guilty
about it now if you can realize this
that our brain is changing based on our
experiences so you can start creating
new neural pathways doing what you love
take one step at a time when I first
came into nature and said I want to
inspire millions of people I was already
beginning to change my brain and now is
totally changed
cuz I’ve seen the results 1 million
YouTube subscribers
I’m Google connected now ok what’s the
eighth secret message in not wanting
that job I don’t want to be here Ralph
you don’t have to be there practice
daily acts of self-love just one daily
act of self-love for me that’s realizing
life is short even if you were to live
even if you were to live a thousand
years that’s nothing more than a drop in
the ocean of eternity now I’ve got to do
what I love because yes we are immortal
spiritual beings however in this
incarnation you only live once in this
body ok you might come back as something
else but this is a unique experience
it’s not gonna come around again so
that’s my mindset I gotta practice
self-love by appreciating myself enough
to do what I love every single day
because I don’t want to blame anybody I
want to take a hundred percent
responsibility back and start being the
captain of my own ship mmm slow motion
this side there are only ever three
limiting subconscious beliefs stopping
you from living your dream lifestyle and
being trapped in a job you absolutely
hate they are the first one money is
evil the second one I have to be here
the third one this is all I’m good at so
the first one money is evil no it’s not
it’s just energy it’s just a tool the
second one I have to be here no you
don’t you can choose to be wherever you
want to be the third one
this is all I’m good for no it’s not you
have to start tapping in your talent you
have to start tapping into your talent
to start living your dream lifestyle
you’ve got to start putting your talent
into use now what’s the ninth secret
he’s not wanting that job I don’t want
to be heroes I want to live a dream
lifestyle like you complaining
complaining I don’t want to be here elf
complaining complaining complaining
complaining complaining is an excuse you
use for being in a state of Arrested
Development and staying in that job you
absolutely hate that you write to me
about I don’t want to hear it anymore
oh I used to complain to deep divers oh
the boss is this and the boss is that
okay now I’m my own boss right this job
I gotta wake up too early is stealing my
time I had a whole long list of
complaints I wasn’t happy so how did I
begin to live this immaculate fantastic
lifestyle of inspiring millions of
people and living a life of infinite
abundance what I did was to stop
complaining you see your job doesn’t
meet you they will find a replacement
before you can say can I get a hello
there they’ll find a replacement for you
you are replaceable you got to be
somewhere where you are irreplaceable
your job will move on without you the
question is can you move on without it
can you realize that to go to the next
level you have to start creating your
own vision to live the lifestyle you’ve
always dreamed about you got to start
realizing that even being an
entrepreneur takes work it takes effort
it takes radical action are you prepared
to do that I used to check in and I
would just do the job when you’re
working for yourself you’ve got to
become a mastermind in turn you will
begin to reap the benefits now what’s
the tenth secret message in not wanting
that job I don’t want it you don’t have
to have it you can do what you love
every single day like Ralph smart ask
yourself this
am I getting back what I’m putting in
time and time again I see a lot of
people breaking their back at a job
which only feeds them peanuts not even
like strawberries seven day vegan
challenge high in vitamin C it doesn’t
even do that so you’re breaking your
back running you’re breaking your back
working for chump change put it this way
what I make in one day I used to make in
one month mm-hmm slow motion this side
won’t leave it there right so I realize
my worth I started to put value in my
talent and that’s how you go from a
shabby job into a beautiful lifestyle if
you can realize that you need help I
needed help I had to study under my
mentor the great Mikkel Ivanov right
Vulgarian master teacher I had to learn
the principles of how to go to the next
level I thanked him dearly
I thanked my mom too who was also a
mentor encouraging me to go to the next
level you need a mentor I’m mentoring
millions of people to live their dream
lifestyle every single day study people
who are already where you aspire to be
become an apprentice humble yourself to
say teach me
how come Ralph you’ve got over 1 million
subscribers I want to learn the secrets
that’s what I was doing in the early
days of YouTube I was studying from
people who are already there manifesting
once again follow the results that’s how
you turn a shabby job into a beautiful
lifestyle possibilities if you are only
seeing life through one lens you will
only get one reality what slow motion
that’s a slow motion shake that’s a new
one mm-hmm right slow motion shake right
if you are only seeing life through one
lens you will only be having one reality
so realize you have to allow the
possibilities of many lenses to have
many different visions to realize there
are many possibilities infinite
possibilities for you to live okay
infinite lifestyles any lifestyle you
can imagine it’s possible for you to
live the question is are you prepared to
do what it takes to get it it’s not just
gonna come to you you have to go out and
get it through radical action okay once
again realize that no you’re worth
know your value I see a lot of people
who are just sharing stuff on the
internet that’s fantastic but what are
you getting back in return realize you
have to be compensated because your time
is precious that’s how you turn a shabby
job into a beautiful lifestyle like
Ralph smart and then just say they also
get to be a live baby can I get a hello
there if you’ve got a question Instagram
infinite waters is the only place I
checked don’t email me I get thousands
there have a beautiful day deep divers
were just whoa
breathing in that good ass piranha baby
infinite waters diving deep once again
stay well stay healthy peace you I love my life that’s more like it

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