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10 Secret Messages In Comparing Yourself to People

peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again beautiful deep divers we are
out here in nature baby I hope your day
is going fantastic
now do you sometimes compare yourself to
other people is that your problem always
like oh my gosh Ralph look at them and
look at me
ten secret messages in comparing
yourself to other people let’s just well
breathing in that good ass prana baby so
I always receive a lot of messages from
you beautiful deep divers who have
problems with comparing yourself to
other people
one message stood out Ralph I keep
comparing myself to other people why do
I do this
it’s making me very unhappy but I can’t
help myself Ralph uh-oh and we ain’t
don’t worry everybody does and I
certainly do oh I still compare myself
to other people yeah it’s perfectly
natural the question is is it serving
you or is it becoming self-destructive
now check this out the first secret
message in comparing yourself to other
people is that comparison that isn’t
used for inspiration will only kill your
happiness you have to remember everybody
is on a separate path what slow motion
this side you see it’s okay to compare
yourself to other people
my shoes are better than yours
right but hopefully that should be
inspiring both of you but if it’s not it
is killing your happiness many times
when we compare ourselves to other
people oh they’ve got more followers and
me oh they live in a bigger house than
comparison is the greatest thief of joy
right so for a long time I was unhappy
because I used to always compare myself
to other people and it wasn’t for
inspiration now if I compare myself to
someone else like the cat down the road
it’s for inspiration I’m like come on
let’s go
let’s go cut that let’s go let’s go cut
down the road all right it’s like a
little fun little kind of competition
thing going on okay it’s not like that
serious but if your comparison is not
for inspiration it is killing your
happiness so become aware of that
because you are here to be happy you
aren’t here to be miserable your whole
what’s the second secret message in
comparing yourself to other people
you’re very competitive don’t deny it
you are aren’t you exactly I also was
very competitive along my early journey
and that’s why I saw I was always
comparing myself to other people I got
to be better than them you see many
times when we compare ourselves to other
people it’s because we want their spot
we want their position you want their
lifestyle don’t you yes Ralph they
always seem they always seem to be
having fun in their Instagram pictures
what about me I’m just here eating a
donut and it’s not even tasty right so
we often compare our lives other people
oh my gosh look at that person
they always seem to be happy round when
we walk there spot we want their
position if someone seems to be getting
it making it going places in life we
often end up comparing our lives to
their cuz we’re like I want their
lifestyle right so you have to become
very aware that your need to constantly
compare yourself to other people is
because you’re still looking outside of
yourself for happiness you see happiness
is an inside job slow motion this side I
don’t want to be anybody else quite
frankly I love being Ralph smart and
chilling with a cat down the road right
I love I love being Ralph smart and
chilling with a cat down the road but
don’t get it twisted deep divers for a
long time I did want other people’s
lives I used to watch MTV Cribs and be
like gosh their houses their houses are
so massive their homes are so massive
what about me then I came into nature
and realized abundance was right here
slow motion inside right so if you are
constantly comparing yourself to other
people stop looking outside of yourself
stop actually realizing you do have a
lot you see happiness doesn’t come from
saying I want happiness comes from
seeing what you already have oh my gosh
happiness doesn’t come from saying I
want happiness comes from seeing what
you already have and that’s how you
actually stop comparing yourself to
other people now what’s the third secret
message in comparing yourself to other
people is that you Deep Diver you’re not
happy where you are that’s why you
constantly compare yourself to other
people face it you’re not happy where
you are and that’s cool right it’s okay
to not be happy where you are okay
just realize you’re not gonna be there
you are not gonna be there forever you
see when I used to compare myself to
other people my life to other people’s
lives it was because I wasn’t happy with
the life I was living I wasn’t happy
being in this spot right so if you’re
not happy being in this spot in that
life situation in that life circumstance
you’re in right now
then change it you can move you’re not a
you can also sway around okay like a
tree but realize this that look you
comparing yourself to other people
constantly because you’re doing it is
showing you a message that hey
maybe it’s time to start loving yourself
a little bit more maybe it’s time to
start accepting yourself a little bit
more maybe it’s time to do a little
samba baby maybe it’s time to start
actually being comfortable in your
position in your spot
you see I’m happy just sharing with you
beautiful deep divers right I love doing
this and that’s why I don’t have to
compare myself to other people because
I’m in a league of my own if you don’t
like being in this spot you got two
options you could move you can move and
go somewhere where it makes you happy or
you can stay and get comfortable I
realized that I was running from a ghost
right that’s why I was comparing myself
to other people I was running away from
myself I said a long time ago
the human being is on the run from
itself what slow motion this side tell
him again Ralph the human being
is on the run from itself then I said
actually whoa whoa whoa whoa let me slow
down I’m actually gonna be very
comfortable where I am right now things
may not be going great they may not be
perfect but once again things will
always change for the better and that’s
really helped me stop comparing myself
with everybody else and the cat down the
road what’s the fifth baby baby secret
message in comparing yourself to other
people deep divers do you actually feel
there’s a perfect diet yes I do Ralph
oh oh oh a perfect body yes I do Ralph
oh oh oh oh that was a song actually
uh-uh okay look many times we compare
ourselves to other people because we
actually believe there is a standard we
must abide by we actually believe we
actually believe there is a standard you
have to fit into we have to fit into
like we we actually believe there is a
perfect food diet seven day vegan
challenge right now I’ve been a vegan
for over 13 years people are always like
gosh Ralphie always glowing food is just
one aspect because you are not only what
you eat you are what you feed all of
your senses what slow motion this side
you are not only what you eat you are
what you feed all your senses is being
the vegan great for everybody absolutely
you got to do what works for you and
your body
some people are raw foodists okay but I
love being a vegan because I love brown
rice okay this is what works for me you
have to find what works for you right so
many times we’re constantly comparing
ourselves to other people because we’re
like okay I have to be a raw foodist
okay I have to be a vegetarian I have to
be a meat-eater I have to be a vegan
okay we and eat foods that nourish your
soul you got to know your body better
than anybody else stop listening to
other people the only reason I’m a vegan
is because it works for me and I love
love animals and I love animals I feel
all life should be treated fairly with
respect that’s why I’m a vegan but you
may think differently than that that’s
your choice that’s your karma I know
what I’m doing so I don’t compare myself
to other people
if someone’s raw foodists I’m not
jealous I’m like that’s good for them
they’re like Ralph you should really
become a real food it’s like vegan is so
like old Oh
school right right that’s cool do you
I’ll do me baby and perfect body ladies
I know what it’s like fellas I know what
it’s like
these days everybody is comparing their
bodies to everybody else Oh Ralph just
got a bigger butt than me Ralph he’s got
bigger muscles than me he’s got a
six-pack I don’t even have a six-pack
I’m not a 12-pack I’m better than you
I realized this that just stop comparing
yourself to other people when it comes
to food seven day vegan challenge when
it comes to your body realize there is
no perfect body okay each body is
different its unique ladies love your
butt no matter how big it is love your
breasts no matter how big they are
fellas same thing love your muscles even
if you’ve got none right who cares
because we are so much more than a body
I’m just sharing my journey and I’m
connecting with amazing people
I’m not saying okay look at my big
muscles look how how fit I am right I’m
connecting with people because I’m
showing you that your body is only
temporary okay the primordial life force
energy is who you truly are
okay so we’re not just this body don’t
just allow a butt to define you your
body to define who you are you’re so
much more than that
and I realize that along my journey then
I stop comparing myself to other people
because I’m like okay I don’t just have
to be in the gym every day I’ve got a
mind to I can change the world and
that’s what I’m doing right so that’s
what will make you stop comparing
yourself to other people find a diet
that works for you for the seven day
vegan challenge and then start to learn
how to appreciate your body ladies you
don’t have to be super thin okay love
your curves okay your curvaceous curves
love it because the cat down the road is
like woo you find you find baby
what’s the sick secret message we’re
having fun out here in comparing
yourself to other people big eyes big
eyes your eyes are getting bigger right
now that’s right that’s a secret message
you have big eyes
meaning you feel everybody is doing so
much better than you because you are
constantly looking at other people’s
lives instead of focusing on your own
slow motion this side when it comes to
living your dream you got to stay
focused sometimes you need tunnel vision
make it narrow baby you got to stay
focused out here we we constantly
compare ourselves to other people
because we’re not paying attention no
we’re not focusing no we’ve got big eyes
everybody seems to be more successful
having more fun just realize most people
who post pictures on social media
they’re not like that all day right I
actually counsel relationships people
into relationships right couples right I
do a lot of relationship counseling and
some of the couples like they’re always
smiling in their Instagram pictures yeah
behind the scenes are having like so
many arguments right so don’t believe
everything you see on social media that
will help you to stop comparing your
life to them nowadays anybody can be
anything they want or pretend to be okay
so realize stop feeling everybody else
is better off than you realize once
again everybody is on a separate path
and will have different challenges to
help them in their own level of
evolution okay so that’s what’s helped
me along my journey right no more
comparison for me because comparison is
the greatest thief of joy what about
this instead of competing with other
people like oh my gosh their life they
seem to be doing better than me why not
operate with people slow motion this
slide and that’s what I’ve been doing
throughout the years and that’s why I
wake up every single day with a bunch of
grapes in my mouth
okay collaborate instead of compete
collaborate with people who you are
competing with collaborate with them
right become friends with them and then
realize actually yeah it was pretty
silly of me to compete once again if
it’s inspiring you that’s cool if you’re
friends with them that’s cool
but if it’s killing your happiness don’t
do that to yourself
Walter what’s number seven what is
number seven the seventh message in
comparing yourself to other people
dun-dun-dun superiority superiority
superiority you see when you compare
yourself to other people many of us we
have a subconscious program which keeps
us in our ego mind which is what
separates us from other people to think
that we’re actually better than someone
else because we have a tesla car
actually that car is pretty cool right
well you’re not better than me right I
got a rolls-royce Ralph so right does it
mean you’re a better person than someone
else absolutely not okay it’s about
treating people like human beings that’s
what’s helped me to stop comparing
myself to other people losing that
superiority complex stop feeling like
you are better than everybody because
many times we’re like if I’m comparing
myself to other people once again if
I’ve got the big eyes and see what
everybody else is doing if I can somehow
get ahead of them
that means I’m superior to them that me
I’m doing better than them in life can
you see where we are going
many people are comparing themselves to
other people because subconsciously they
want to win they feel that they have to
step on people to go somewhere you don’t
have to step on people to go somewhere
you don’t have to compete with people to
go somewhere you go somewhere by
stepping into your true authentic City
slow motion this side right so stop
feeling you are better or superior to
someone okay when you stop living the
lie am falling for the trick and living
in the illusion that there is such thing
as superiority there is no such thing as
superiority because we are all energy
having a human experience we are all
equal unique yes but equal as well right
unique and equal okay great paradox okay
look so when you lose your superiority
because if you’re constantly comparing
yourself to other people is because you
want to get ahead of them somehow once
again realize everybody you see is on a
separate path okay what’s the eighth
viii secret message in comparing
yourself to other people now what’s
helped me along my journey is to realize
there was a time when I was always
comparing myself to other people because
I was afraid I would man to be a widow
oh yeah
I’m a widow being weird
only means you’re yourself hmm
slow motion this side tell him again
Ralph being weird only means you’re
yourself being weird only means you’re
being yourself
so what’s help me is to realize once I
started to embrace myself my witness I
stopped comparing myself to other people
don’t be afraid this is what the cat
down the road is telling you it told me
to tell you it told me to tell you what
should I tell them cat down the road is
saying don’t be afraid
uh-huh keep talking to be the window
that you are we got the message don’t be
afraid to be the widow that you are okay
and that’s what’s helped me to stop
comparing myself to other people because
now I’m embracing my uniqueness now I’m
embracing my inner power
now I actually appreciate Who I am and
how the universe created me okay we are
all unique
Stardust how amazing is that right so
start loving yourself stop realizing you
have everything here you don’t have to
start comparing yourself to other people
because you are in LAC no you were born
with everything you need to go to the
my hands are on fire what’s the night
secret message in comparing yourself to
other people
baby baby we are out here let’s just
whoa breathing that good ass piranha
baby race I’m comparing myself to other
people because I feel like everything is
a race stop right there
that’s the secret message for you you
feel everything in life is a race I know
is called the human race it doesn’t mean
that you have to be caught up in the
race – okay
don’t take your don’t take it literally
human race doesn’t mean you have to be
in a race right and that will help you –
stop comparing yourself to other people
so I realized the moment I stopped I
stopped being caught up in a race I
started to actually enjoy every stride I
was taking it’s what I call enjoying the
victory lap okay because once again if
you are running your own race
you’re already first if you are running
your own race you are all ready first no
slow motion but it deserves one right if
you are running your own race you are
already first everybody should be
running their own race you should be in
your own lane you only compare yourself
to other people for inspiration that’s
the only time I do it anyway right now
what’s the tenth secret message in
comparing yourself to other people
only I’m so lonely do you remember that
acorn song right what happened to Akon
by the way I used to like his music look
shoutout to Akon Lona you are afraid to
be alone that’s why you compared
yourself to other people you are afraid
to stand alone Bob Marley said stand up
for your stand up for your rights right
you got to stand up for your rights you
got to stand up shout out to Bob Marley
you got to stand up for what you believe
in many of us we are afraid to do that
therefore we always compare ourselves to
other people because you’re looking a
bit shaky baby you are afraid to stand
alone because you only see yourself in
the eyes of others you only see yourself
from other people’s perceptions of you
you only see yourself in relationship to
other people your success is based on
other people’s success if you have a
million and someone else has three you
don’t have anything you can’t appreciate
the million so what helped me to stop
comparing myself to other people what
stopped seeing my success in a
relationship to other people’s success
and realize this is good for me it’s
good for you be happy where you are you
see everybody came here with different
unique abilities and different talents
for reason in a band you have the guitar
you got the flu you got the violin you
got the clarinet okay but the trombone
well the saxophone going
look can you imagine if each instrument
started to talk the flute was saying to
the guitar I’m better than you know how
can they be better they’re totally
different and they produce a totally
different sound well what if the flute
said guitar I love your music and the
guitar said I love yours too we’re so
different but that’s what makes us even
better together
slow motion this side have you seen in
that example did you just see how when
you stop competing with each other and
start collaborating together you produce
you produce you produce a beautiful
sound baby okay so stop feeling like you
always have to be in competitive mode
all the time start being in
collaborative mindset every single day
as soon as you wake up say I’m not going
to compare myself to other people I’m
gonna work with them I’m gonna be a team
member I’m gonna be part of a team you
see many of us we’re constantly
comparing ourselves to other people
because we feel we have to do everything
alone we feel that life is a battle to
be won instead of an experience to be
shared what slow motion is that slow
motion that side okay there you have it
beautiful deep divers once again
comparison that is not for inspiration
will kill your happiness don’t forget
everybody you see is on a separate puff
and once you realize that Deep Diver
SWAT hole you’ll just say oh so get to
be a live baby can I get a hello
beautiful deep divers we are out here in
the heart and nature having a beautiful
day have a beautiful day with just whoa
breathing in that good ass prana baby
infinite waters diving deep once again
stay well stay healthy peace you
oh you’re still comparing yourself to
other people always for inspiration that’s alright

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