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10 Reasons to Drink WATER

peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again we’re here in nature got
water I’ve got water some good stuff ten
reasons to drink water
are you drinking enough water
growing up water was a basic drink you
go to a friend’s house you ask what have
you got they say water and you think to
yourself is that all nowadays I’m I’m
saying thank you because health is
number one is water is great for weight
loss and I don’t like to use the word
loss because we’re not losing anything
in essence we are going back to our
natural shape and whatever your shape or
size that is beautiful but the more
water we have the more we can metabolize
fat helps our metabolism and it does
wonders because water reduces the water
retention within our body when we are
just not having enough water what
happens is that we are storing more
water so water helps eliminate more
water which is a great paradox number
two is all about getting glowing skin
and I’ve seen it along my journey
because you are eliminating all the
toxins purging the blood cleansing the
blood because all of the acne the spots
it’s the body’s way of getting rid of
what is no longer serving the body so
it’s helping us in the process
number three is all about more energy
because the more water we drink we feel
hydrated and every organ within our body
is comprised of water and I’ve seen
along my journey these days I just wake
up and I feel charged and it does
one thing about water is we have to
always remember that the time we are
drinking water is very crucial I love to
drink water as soon as I wake up and it
helps my internal organs
it helps digestion helps everything also
drinking water just before bed can
reduce stroke so we have to see that the
time we are drinking water affects the
energy level within us water will make
you do the water dance it will make you
twist and turn it will make you feel
younger feel happier and just enjoy life
number four is seeing how water
regulates our body temperature see water
as a cooling fan just like a computer so
it stops us from burning up from
overheating through perspiration and it
does wonders number five is seeing that
water aids digestion the more I have
been drinking water and I love mountain
spring water because this water is alive
it is living I stay away from
fluorinated tap water no no but it does
wonders just to clear your : easy come
easy go
it helps us absorb nutrients into the
blood so you get into that beautiful
flow that beautiful rhythm and a lot of
the times we have to see that drinking
water before you eat is powerful because
what many of us do is eat and drink at
the same time eating and drinking at the
same time now the water is diluting the
hydrochloric acid within the body making
it harder to digest the food so we have
to see how the more knowledge we have
about water we get that optimum health
number six is water is a natural shock
absorber it lubricates the joints within
our body so we don’t need the latest
the latest trainers we can just start
jumping all over the place and we’re
going to be fine I’ve seen it along my
Gen number seven is your immune system
and the beautiful thing about water is
that it boosts your immune system
fighting off infections because we have
to see that cancer is a depletion of
oxygen within the cells
so therefore disease cannot thrive in
oxygenated cells so we see that we
become healthier
our body can give us that protection we
need once we start drinking more fresh
beautiful water number eight is a lower
stress I’ve seen it along my journey
many of us we are in a hurry to get
nowhere fast and water cools you down it
calms you down no panic attacks no
anxiety because we have to see that over
85% of the brain is comprised of water
so if we don’t have the adequate amount
of water we’re gonna feel dehydrated
when we feel dehydrated we get very
irritable so we have higher stress
levels and this affects our physical
body also our mental body and emotional
body because the three are
interconnected number nine is that water
balances out the lymph system what is
the lymph this is the body’s drainage
system and it does wonders because the
lymph system is all about helping us
fight infections and we have to see that
it maintains and balances the bodily
fluids within our body so when we can
see that water acts just like a plumber
you call a plumber they’re gonna help
unblock the pipes that’s what water does
seeing that water improves
your heart health your cardiovascular
system it prevents heart disease just by
drinking one glass of water before you
go to bed you reduce stroke because we
have to see that when we don’t have
enough water within the body the body
has to rob other organs of water so now
the heart has to work twice as hard to
pump around the body water cleans the
arteries the veins the capillaries it
makes everything run smooth people ask
how much water should I drink that’s
what I was asking have you checked your
pee lately is it bright yellow amber or
is it crystal clear and what I do along
my journey is I always do the pee test
or the pee check and just as long as my
pee is crystal clear I say I’m good to
the body is 75 percent water just like
mother earth mother nature so we have to
see the correlation here just as long as
we are hydrated we don’t have anymore
headaches I haven’t had a headache for a
long time because I’m not thinking of
much these days I’m just in nature
soaking up the Sun waiting for my next
trip to Brazil or Hawaii and just
lounging but we have to see that we need
the best because we are the best
does that sound arrogant no it’s just a
fact that our body is earth so we have
to give it the right nutrients it needs
well we did have a whole glass but what
can you do we are here in nature basking
in the Sun infinite waters diving deep once again stay well stay healthy

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