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10 Choices Your Future Self Will Thank You For

hey some Senate waters diving deep once
again we are out here in the harder
nature baby whoa breathing in that good
ass prana much love to you beautiful
deep divers ten choices your future self
will thank you for this is for the
people who write to me saying that they
are about to make a big choice we an
yeah now let me share with you what I’ve
discovered along my journey sometimes in
life you’ve got to make big choices but
I realized that you’ve got to be very
careful about choices you make and these
are ten choices that your future self
will thank you for the first choice is
just starting today start today like
whatever you want to do you want to
start a business you want to go for your
dream you want to marry someone just
propose today start today just imagine
if you started three weeks ago two weeks
ago even one week ago where you would be
right now slow motion aside I get it
we procrastinate all the time and I used
to a lot along my early journey and then
you will thank yourself your future self
will thank you because in a month’s time
in three months time in one year’s time
you would be so far ahead from where you
are right now it’s not even funny
cut down the road stop laughing just
start today it doesn’t matter even if
you feel you’re really bad at something
you want to learn the piano just start
today what’s the second choice that
your future self baby baby will thank
you for I realize that I am powerful
beyond measure if you recognize that
today your future self will thank you
because a lot of us we have these
limiting beliefs that I’m no good
that affects your behavior it even
affects how you talk to yourself it even
affects who you interact with because
sometimes you’re like I don’t feel
worthy it even affects how much you
create I love sharing inspiring millions
of people because I realize I am
powerful beyond measure our greatest
fear is that we are powerful beyond
measure because we know how powerful we
and that’s Gaza so I started to realize
this look I have power you have power
and if you realize that in the long run
it starts to work for you your future
self will thank you what’s the third
choice your future self will thank you
for like thank you
not being so hard on yourself now I
create a lot I love sharing I love
helping people become their greatest
version but also I always learn how to
fill my own cup I can only share because
I’m whoa breathing in that good ass
prana because I’m receiving a lot of
energy I’ve got a lot of support around
me and that’s why I can give so much but
if you are always putting yourself down
your future self won’t be saying thank
you it will be saying why did you do
it’s funny that a lot of us we treat
ourselves so badly and we forget we are
the one we have to come home to
slow motion this side always be kind to
yourself you got to hug yourself hug
yourself like that because the kind of
you are to yourself you will have more
allowing can allowing is essential for
becoming your greatest version because
what’s helped me along my journey is to
say look some days are going to be great
and some days are going to be really
hard now
if you’ve got 99 problems don’t be the
hundredth one so I’ve learned you got to
be very gentle with yourself look if you
don’t get that job you want if you don’t
meet that person if your life is not
where you feel it should be don’t be so
hard on yourself
realize you’ve got to trust the timing
everything happens at the right time
I trust the universe then not only the
right people into my life but also the
right circumstances at the right time
that’s why I don’t sweat it I just get
high of the good ass programming what is
the fourth choice your future self will
thank you for seven days vegan challenge
apricot time whoa did you see the price
those dried mangoes are elf a lot of
people writing to me snapping me
snapchat Ralf dried mangoes are really
expensive and I’m like yeah you know why
I buy dried mangoes because oftentimes I
got a bit of a sweet tooth and I’m like
this is like my candy can I just have a
bit of fun with some dried mango and it
tastes delicious but it’s not cheap now
your future self will thank you if
you’re not completely freaking out about
the price if you know it’s healthy for
you like put that money up that’s what
I’ve learned along my journey I get it
the avocados the avocados the organic
ones are a bit expensive I get it
that mango smoothie that papaya smoothie
is pretty expensive because it’s
cold-pressed but your health is more
important and your future self will
thank you when you’ve been investing in
your health by not being so stingy when
it comes to your health what’s the fifth
choice your future self will thank you
for following your heart now a lot of us
we don’t and that’s why so many of us
find ourselves in a screwed up place
don’t worry about it I didn’t follow my
heart up until the age of like
twenty-one when I graduated then I
started to follow my heart because I’m
like look I don’t want to be in this
educational system my whole life I’m
going to do whatever I want and then I
jumped out of a plane thank goodness the
parachute opened look you got to follow
your heart whatever that is because your
future self think think of it like this
when you’re 80 or 60 Buddha said the
problem is you think you’ve got time
tomorrow is not tomorrow is not
guaranteed tomorrow is not guaranteed so
you could think okay in 100 years time
but you don’t need to know what’s going
to happen tomorrow but if you follow
your heart at least you would know that
hey I did what I loved now let’s just
say you are 101 okay and you’re just
sitting on your porch and you’re looking
at all your pictures and you will
probably even be more happier if you
could see yourself
your younger self having fun enjoying
yourself following your heart so your
future self will thank you when you
start to have the courage to follow your
heart that’s what I’ve seen along my
journey I love the life I’m living
because it’s opened up a window of
opportunity it’s opened up a window of
opportunity for me every single day I
get to do what I love and so does the
cat down the road
what is the sick thing your future self
will thank you for using your talent
talent emanates from the Lyceum Talentum
which means a sum of money I meet a lot
of people with a lot of talent but they
don’t use it they are sitting on
diamonds and I started to realize okay
I’m a natural born speaker I can speak
even in my sleep sometimes I’m dreaming
and I’m like peace whoa right if you use
your talent your future self will thank
you for it it’s not about talent it’s
about passion and I’ve realized that
passion is the ability to see the talent
you have and maximize it okay and you’ll
suit yourself will thank you for it if
you are investing in your talent if you
are saying actually I’ve got a gift I
might as well use it
what is the seventh choice your future
it comes down to this not carrying what
they say I’ve learned along my journey
that you don’t want to follow the crowd
you want to follow your heart because if
you go in the direction of the crowd
chances are you will only go as far as
the crowd chances are you will always be
swayed by the crowd chances are you
won’t really discover who you are so
I’ve learned that you don’t want to just
follow the crowd you don’t want to just
follow a trend like infinite waters I
always follow my unique signatures I’m
always being as authentic as I can and
that’s what makes me different your
future self will thank you for standing
out not being another brick in the wall
but actually having some kind of
uniqueness to you so in life you’re
going to have a lot of people saying
don’t do this don’t do that
and if you can actually stand your
ground and not care what everyone thinks
of you I’ve seen that your future self
will not only thank you it will say can
I get a Hello until it actually loses
his voice right who cares what they say
the only thing you should be concerned
about is how you see yourself and the
people that love you in your life
friends and family and cats what is the
eighth choice your future self will
investing in meaningful friendships now
the irony of the world we live in is
that although we have a lot of social
media YouTube snapchat all of these apps
but there is actually a lot less social
interaction face to face it’s all via
phone and I’ve learnt that look if you
love a person go and meet them if you
want to be friends with that person go
and meet face to face with that person
like stop texting me because it’s just
got incredibly real on the planet and
I’ve learned that you can learn so much
about people when they are right in
front of you as opposed to just texting
them and then trying to translate what
they actually mean by that text so save
yourself a lot of hassle by just going
to invest me I just by just going to
invest in a meaningful connection with
that person face to face or on the phone
or whatever where you find is great to
have that connection but it is so
important because we are only as
powerful as the people around us and
I’ve seen that every single second in my
life we become like the people we
surround ourselves with most often
meaningful connections right now are
needed more than ever connect with those
who remind you who you are
what is the ninth choice
your future self will thank you for what
I’ve seen along my journey is that your
future self will thank you for standing
up for something how about that you see
when I look back even on my older videos
what do I see I start to realize that
I’m proud of sharing ideas which nobody
talked about like when I made that video
five signs your third eye is opening
like your future self will thank you for
being brave and having the courage to
talk about what’s really on your heart
and mind
it’s not about sugarcoating everything
it’s about speaking up it’s about being
real it’s about being your true self
even if people aren’t jumping on board
because eventually the truth will speak
for itself right and I’ve seen along my
journey look you got to stand up for
something don’t be afraid of what people
now what is the tenth choice your future
self will thank you for if you put love
in the front in the forefront of your
life your future self will thank you a
lot of us we put fear we feed into drama
negativity I don’t do that
slow motion this side when you let love
guide you not fear life becomes a lot
more harmonious more peaceful more
free-flowing fear is very addictive I
call fear white sugar and love is a bit
like pink Himalayan sea salt okay now it
is easy to be sucked in by fear but love
is always more powerful love is the most
powerful force once you are lining
yourself with a love frequency which is
the heart space frequency your future
self will be like thank you and then you
just say they also get to be a live baby
can I get a Hello and there you have it
much love beautiful deep divers we are
here just whoa breathing in that good
ass from a baby have a beautiful day
infinite water diving deep once again
you [Music]

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