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WHY PEOPLE DON’T SUCCEED – Powerful Motivational Compilation 2017

if you want to change anything about
your life just do the things that you
don’t feel like doing it really does
boil down to it you’re never going to
feel like doing the things you need to
do to have what you want your mind isn’t
wired that way it will try to make you
feel like things are too big it’ll try
to make you feel like things are too
scary they’ll try to make you feel like
now’s not the time I think it’s really
important that what you realize about
your life is that you’re never going to
feel like it and if you start to push
forward and take action anyway it’s like
any other muscles over time you slowly
start building the muscle of taking
action you start building the muscle of
not listening to your own crud you start
building the muscle of ignoring what
your mind is telling you and operating
from your your desires instead of your
fears if you really want something bad
enough this doesn’t be easy and you can
see where you want to go but there are
so many things you don’t have to go
through the get there but truly if you
focus and know where you want to end up
you’ll be there it may not be at that
time you want which now kind of
immediate for most people but you’ll
eventually get there your time and we’re
supposed to everybody has a desire to do
something but they don’t have that that
they don’t know how to really complete
the process of dedicating themself and
having the discipline to do it I think a
lot of people set these goals for
themselves and when they don’t reach
them then it’s discouraging and
sometimes you need somebody to push
you have to look at the bigger picture
and you have to have belief in yourself
and you have to have faith in yourself
and faith is not really just having
understanding that everything will be
okay but phases is understanding that if
things don’t go your way or if it
doesn’t turn out the way you want to
it’s still going to be okay
you have to make that decision and say
I’m going to do this not I’m thinking
about doing it that’s why I say you have
to love it do you love it as much as you
would die for it because once you do
that then that anything that you
thinking about whether if it’s writing a
book whether it’s create an intervention
whether if it’s flying through the air
like LeBron anything if you love it
you’re going to be done do you make
decision which is up to you you know you
make choices in your life you program
your mind made to be happy or not and
the choice that you make it’s not
something that somebody else makes for
you is not I’m not even your situation
no matter what the situation you truly
do make the choice to be happy in that
situation or not as a teenager I was
fully picked on I mean I got beat up
didn’t have didn’t have any girlfriends
no girls like me people in the outside
world really probably don’t understand
that I went to real life thing my desire
was just like anybody else’s but what
set me apart was I dedicated myself and
there was a
the things that guys don’t do that just
anything you want you can get but you
have to be honest about it in order to
be successful at anything it has to do
because if you don’t love it and wait
what willing to die for it don’t do it
I’m an ordinary guy that have done to me
definitely some extraordinary things so
I know that if I can make it anybody
else can make it if they are privately
discipline is not punishing it’s not
you want to improve you want to get
better you want to get on a workout
program or a clean diet you want to
start a business where do you start you
start right
would make me action of correctively we
go because the idea isn’t going to
execute itself the book isn’t going to
write Excel with it the week out the gym
they’re not going to move themselves you
have to do it you have to do it now what
you do every day is simply your life in
miniature and as you live every single
day so you’re crafting your life what
you do over the next hour is is really
building your future greatness if
anything greatness cannot be achieved
without competition if you want to be
the best must be upset take the first
and make it
yeah get accurate here and now
whatever you’re trying to achieve in
like the critical component you gain
things done
the thing about self-discipline is that
it is method but everything you do in
your life you have to be self-discipline
do not say you don’t have access to the
right things because that’s important
sometimes you have to do these
transitional jobs to get you where you
have to go to but it’s okay if you got a
cell bed she fell these benches do what
you have to do do it with pride but at
the same time do not let any job if you
do kill the dream because the only thing
that could make you feel alive is your
dream why is it so hard to do the little
things that would improve my life the
way that our minds are designed is our
minds are designed to stop you at all
costs from doing anything that might
hurt you there are so many people in the
world and you know you may be watching
this right now and you have these
incredible ideas and what you think is
missing is motivation and that’s not
true because the way that our minds are
wired and the fact about human being is
that we are not designed to do things
that are uncomfortable or scary or
difficult our brains are designed to
protect us from those things because our
brains are trying to keep us alive and
in order to change in order to build a
business in order to see the best
parents of a spouse to do all those
things that you know you want to do with
your life with your work with your
dreams you’re going to have to do things
that are difficult uncertain or scary
the one thing we have in this world is
we can’t control the events but we can
choose what to focus on you can choose
what things mean and we can choose what
to do those three choices those three
decisions really control our lives you
can always make a decision that’s always
in your control staying with somebody to
treat you like garbage is a decision it
is staying at a job that you hate is a
staying in the body that you are not
proud of is a decision is it going to be
and what’s not going to easy to change
there’s not the smartest people who
achieve success it’s the people who
procrastinate less make your excuses as
they take action every day toward the
indecision is the thief of opportunity
indecision means the door is still
indecision means the opportunity with
indecision means what could be is
postponed or may never be if you want to
be successful in any of your life never
leave the sight of setting a goal
without doing something that convinced
you to fulfillment the next morning the
alarm goes off and I pretended NASA was
there it’s a stupidest story I literally
went five four three two one account it
out loud and then I stood up
and I’ll never forget standing there in
my bedroom it was dark it was cold it
was winter in Boston and for the first
time in three months I had beaten my
habit of hitting the snooze button there
were moments all day long all day long
just like that five-second moment in bed
where I knew knowledge what I should do
and if I didn’t move within five seconds
my brain would step in and talk me out
of it
every human being has a five-second
window might even be shorter for you you
have about a five-second window in which
you can move from idea to action before
your brain kicks into full gear and
sabotages any change in behavior your
life is what you think it should be
that’s exactly what you are right now
you are what you thought you should be
if you don’t like who you are you got to
change what you think you should be what
you think is more important than what
you do and so if you want to change you
decides commit act succeed repeat the
one thing that all the greats have in
common is they sweat the small stuff
they pay very very close attention to
every detail what makes you comfortable
can ruin you or make you uncomfortable
is the only way to grow what you are and
what you become
depends on how you use your time the
billionaire and the better
the old and the young black the white
Indian and the Asian are all given the
same amount of time every day
you cannot stop a day you cannot stop an
hour but you can control how it will be
used your life comes down to your
decisions if you change your decisions
you will change everything
when you understand the power of a five
second decision and you understand that
you always have a choice to go from
autopilot to decision-maker everything
in your life to change you will be a
different negotiator you will be
different sales you will be unstoppable
to him because you will realize the
amount of garbage that you put in the
way of your hopes of your dreams of your
potential of your confidence of your
courage everything comes down to the
decisions that you make take ownership
take extreme ownership don’t make
excuses don’t blame any other person or
any other thing get control of your ego
take ownership of everything in your
world the good and the bad take
ownership of your mistake take ownership
of your shortfalls take ownership of
your problem and then take ownership of
the solution that will get those problem
take ownership of your mission
take ownership of your job of your team
of your future and take ownership of
your life the first source of
inspiration is exciting second source of
inspiration is planning and now here’s a
big source of inspiration beginning
getting started actually turning thought
and the notes on the paper plan actually
now committing it to action getting
started I’m a humongous believer that
idea and that executions again well I
think one thing that discipline
definitely does help you work is it it
helps you get things done and when you
get things done when you actually do
things you have more success if you have
more success sometimes a big part of
success is just not being amazing just
doing it okay that’s like 90% of is just
showing up get there and start working
like you’re not going to feel perfect
every day if I felt if I only worked out
when I felt good I’d be a fat fuck
discipline it does start with waking up
early it really does that is just the
beginning and I always say that
discipline is the loop of all good
but you have to absolutely apply it to
things outside of just waking up early
it’s everything it’s important now every
day making yourself stronger and faster
and more flexible and healthier
discipline you write food to fuel your
if it’s about disciplining your emotion
so you can make good decision doing the
tasks that you don’t necessarily want to
do but that you know will help you
the thing about self-discipline is that
it is necessary for everything you do in
your life you have to be self discipline
discipline is not punishment it’s not
if you change your mindset and really
focus on what discipline really is you
start to welcome this is the new welcome
self-discipline in your life do people
have to know you not because of the
salesmen oh he’s a good gift oh he’s an
artist people need to know you for one
major thing for he works he produces the
guys there every day they got pushing
and shoving because the truth is no
matter how good your ideas are how good
your artist for how good your skillset
is if you’re not working in if you’re
not vibrate at a frequency that people
said my god how did they God do all that
if you’re not vibrating at that rate if
you’re not working at that level you’re
not going to making the size commit acts
succeed repeat
if you want to be an impactful
personality you have to develop certain
types of thinking and perceptions that
change the way you see yourself and see
the world no matter what you want to do
in life no matter what your ambition is
that your dreams can come true if you
persevere if you work hard and if you
realize that what you might think is
impossible is possible in today’s world
but you have to keep yourself focused on
whatever your ultimate goal is there’s
stumble there suddenly rocks all the way
people get laid off you have a bad game
you get traded from a team that you
don’t want to be with but if your goal
and your focus remains the same that hey
this is going to happen and I know I
have the skills and I have the knowledge
and have the instinct to dig myself out
of this hole you will dig yourself out
of hood you have to control the
don’t let the situation control you your
life is what you think it should be
that’s exactly what you are right now
you are what you thought you should be
if you don’t like who you are you got to
change what you think you should be what
you think is more important than what
you do and so if you want to change you
got to work on this attitude bit when
you take on a massive change whether
it’s trying to dye it after a lifetime
of being overweight or maybe running
your first race after a lifetime of
never ever exercising or maybe it’s
starting to date again after you lost
your spouse to cancer when you confront
something that’s going to require you
to change your behavior you basically
come face to face with with gaps between
who you are right now and the future
so you need to foster the belief in what
you are dreaming that it becomes a
reality which is very different info
don’t expect anybody believe it until I
see it you need people to believe it
before they proceed
here is how you can assure yourself to
enjoy yourself during the process of
whatever it is you’re trying to achieve
I want you to get because it starts as
soon as you open up your eyes in the
morning or whenever it is that you start
today as soon as you open up your eyes
to greet the day you enter in
subconsciously it is at that moment that
your creativity is at its most powerful
right there and then you have an
opportunity to clear your thoughts and
your emotions in the direction that you
want them to go not in the direction
that they’re telling you to go in other
words you can literally choose to seize
the day or you can let the day seize you
nothing works the first time when you
try something that would probably won’t
work every failed experiment is one step
closer to success you’ve got to take
risk if you don’t fail you’re not even
trying to get something you never had
you have to do something you never did
every time you lose something you’re
once of course you’re winning the next
time the difference between successful
people are not successful people get
what’s called value a are people give up
people wake up every morning about they
have fear they lose in a Ferrari race or
they lose in a race and then they just
give up so the the hardest thing would
like to learn is to lose winning baby
you win you’re happy you get a high five
your friends are happy it’s your ability
to take a loss get up the next day
stuff on and keep going this is an about
played basketball like Michael Jordan
Kobe Bryant Wayne weight this guy’s in
the NBA that never gonna play basketball
like that this is about being able to
think like a champion NOLA goes on in
their head understand how you can relate
it to your business and whatever you do
to take yourself to the next level
remember the mind controls of body the
body does not control the mind but make
these guys special and successful and
everything they do is not their physical
gift it’s their mental toughness they
have the ability not to think where
everyone else is saying so what I want
you to do as soon as you open up your
eyes to start the days immediately start
focusing on something for someone that
you are totally grateful for in your
life I don’t care what it is or who it
is but I want you to feel it with your
heart and soul your only goal as soon as
you open up your eyes it should be to
make yourself feel good and to give
yourself enough confidence to get
through the day don’t worry about what
needs to be done think about who you
have to be in order to get it done
I believe the emotions that many of us
consider negative like frustration and
rejection and pain can be our greatest
friend to make a drive of success you
know what I think one of the things that
happens for a lot of people when they
get successful is to get superstition
like they work so hard from successfully
now climbing average all of a sudden
they don’t change they don’t vary their
behavior they kind of like want to stay
away things are they get incredibly
conservative and they miss out on the
juice of life stay out of the trap
listen when people succeed they tend to
party when they fail they tend to part
now the pondering many times we create
our greatest successes in life
just remember it’s impossible to fail
you try something it doesn’t work just
try something else
then learn something from what you just
start with something small if you want
and then build the right now right down
to decisions you’ve made and then take
action on them immediately I mean right
now I mean even before I finish talking
here stop the date pick up the phone and
make that call you’ve been waiting for
do not put it off another minute I don’t
care what it takes
there’s power and momentum I’m a big
believer that once you set a goal once
you make a decision you should
immediately in that moment do something
to start making progress towards it that
way you can’t cop out later on or get
caught up or lose your momentum so
please do it now I know not all things
can be done right now so maybe it’s
something else to do tomorrow morning
but whatever you’re going to do make the
decision and then commit to follow
through and then check in tomorrow
because this is the first step to
grabbing your personal power remember
this so you got to get out there you got
to give it everything you’ve got
whether it’s your time your good your
what’s an area that you came here with
what’s an area life that is not the way
what is it asked you up in the morning
thing it gets you excited what you want
to do as a kid how would you really go
and make an impact on the world for me
the world’s biggest problems are the
world’s biggest business opportunities
when I become a billionaire help of
billion people there is nothing we
cannot do it’s really a matter of
setting a focus goal because whether
targeted missed it every time picking a
target and then picking the steps along
the way and realizing that all the
resources all the capital all the
expertise is there but ultimately it’s
only going to be tapped if that target
is in your heart and your soul I think
the challenge is allowed to become
another vision is they don’t know
exactly one business they think they
know but they haven’t really written it
down they haven’t told the world or
least they’re close network of friends
they’re just like well I’m supposed to
have a good job I’m supposed to be doing
something inspiring but they’re not
specifically saying specifically is an
intentional matter ultimately I think it
stops you is your mindset either you
don’t take the risk you don’t believe
you truly can and then the option there
is to take it incrementally take a first
step to me failure in life is not not
having money is not realizing your
potential you’re 60 years old and you
said I could have been this and I never
did it that’s like the worst thought I
think anybody
have and you don’t think about it in the
moment because your life is okay but
you’ve got to wake up and understand
that there’s an urgency here and that if
you’re not practicing something now if
you’re not aware if you don’t have a
path towards something better you’re
rotting on the vine and and that day of
reckoning will come at some point and it
my mother beat the shit out of me she
loved me she was freaked out I was going
to leave I was a source of everything I
blamed her for all the beauty in my life
I blame her that I have ever have in my
life because I cherish my life because I
know what the opposite is I blame her
for the capacity of feel and chair
I blame it’s my insatiable hunger to end
suffering granny human I can cuz I saw
her to fun if she’s been the mother I
had wanted I would not be the man I’m
proud to big embrace pain pain is
something to embrace if there’s no
resistance to you you’re not going to
get anywhere in life problems overtake
us throat problems result our soul from
the what make us become more and we
could realize that life is always
happening for us not to us
came over all the pain of suffering
disappear when Clemens does it took 10
years to make a change you really find
out as I changed up in a moment it took
you 10 years be at the moment you
finally said never again
I quit let’s begin I love you I do it’s
you want to get better you want itself
improve stop looking for a shortcut
and go find your alarm clock find your
discipline and your guts and your
passion at your drive and find you will
weep one believe that there are
shortcuts to success we want to believe
we can take a drug or we can do
something that will make it quick and
easy but the truth is it takes grit it
takes persistence it’s the people like
Thomas Edison who had no education came
from very poor background who really end
up making it in life because they are
persistent and they so settle for
it isn’t a quick pass and your aldo
meditation won’t get you there and
neither will a miracle drug or an
getting better isn’t a hack or a trick
or all one change that you need to make
getting better is a campaign it’s a
campaign that gaming obliquely is an
hourly sight on assessing right that
doesn’t stop look is weakness and
against temptation it against laziness
if it campaign a discipline can’t be the
hard work dedication isn’t waking up
early and going to bed late and grinding
out every second in between every single
um I’m not just fine so you know come on
just talking I’m doing and I don’t want
you to just let me put this information
let’s get after
the I believe part of our responsibility
in life is to find out who we are
you were intentionally created for a
myriad of purposes there are many things
we can do with our lives
and I think it’s our job to find out
what those things are and to do them as
well as we possibly can so that we’re
passing along the right imprint for the
next generation you can’t rearrange it
the seasons are going to come however
they’re going to come you cannot change
that so you cannot change the season but
the most important thing self-confidence
without that skill and I use the word
skill intention without that skill we
are useless to the process because when
you need sizes releasing yourself we’re
done for
I use the definition of self-confidence
the ability or the belief to believe in
yourself to accomplish any task no
matter the odds
no matter the difficulty of the matter
the adversity the belief that you can
accomplish it the only thing that you
can control that influences success in
life is how hard you work how honest you
are and how well you deal with others
you can control those are variables so
ask yourself every day how would the
person I’d like to be do the things he
said if you will start that process of
change do something different the next
90 days and you did the last 90 days
like picking up the books to read do
something different like the new help
disappear relationship with your family
whatever it is doesn’t matter how small
it is you’ll start doing different
things with the same circumstance
you cannot change the purposes and Jane
Gainsville it is change happens in the
moment a breakthrough happens in a
what is it breakthrough a breakthrough
is that moment in time where suddenly
the impossible becomes possible not just
intellectually but you do something
about make this note you’ve got to take
a chance drive your tendency to be too
cautious drive it into a small corner
yes you can’t be gullible no you can’t
go for everything yes you’ve got to be
careful yes but don’t be so cautious
that it paralyzes you don’t be so
cautious that it restricts your chance
to do better only those that can see the
invisible can do the impossible you have
to be able to see what doesn’t exist in
order to be able to pull off or achieve
what in most people’s mind seems to be
impossible only those that can see the
invisible being able to see what’s not
there what is your vision what is your
idea what was that god-sent dream only
those that can see the invisible can do
what seems to be impossible
if you okay everything will change for
you you don’t have to change what’s
outside these obtain what is done to
have more you simply have to become more
I mean to want and to be ambitious and
to want to be successful is not enough
if life doesn’t match your blueprint you
have to change your life that is you
gotta say you know what my body isn’t
there I’m gonna go work out my
relationship is in there I’m gonna
change it you know I’m not making what I
gotta make I’m going to retool I’m going
to get a new skill I’m going to go back
to school I’m going to start a business
I’m gonna do something you know do
something to change your life or in
order for you to be happy you can’t
change your life you’re gonna have to
change a blueprint people that don’t
have any dreams for themselves it can to
be gene killers people that don’t have
their own visions they become vision
they want nothing more than to talk you
out of your own vision
they don’t have dreams for themselves
they don’t have any hopes they’re
hopeless they’re uninspired unmotivated
and have no dreams they have nothing
that they’re ambitious about but I want
to remind you to continue to dream and
dream big there’s enough people that are
telling us we can’t do it that we’re not
good enough I want to reassure you that
you can do it
I want you to reassure you that you can
make the decision in a year you choose
you can make incredible changes in your
life you’re not a tree you don’t have to
say you’re not a good you don’t have to
fly south I’m telling you any time you
want to you can say I’m going to change
my attitude I’m going to change my
income I’m going to change my ability
I’m going to do more than I’ve ever done
before take on that as your god-given
right as a human being to change your
life to whatever degree you want it to
you can sing your selves and by the way
only human beings have this
extraordinary ability to make dramatic
changes in their life you believe that
it’s possible to bring something from
the world of the formulas in the world
of a dream into the world of the
most of us were raised to become
ordinary ordinary is you go through your
life and you fill out the forms and you
pay your taxes and you do what your
parents tell you and you’re honorable
and you’re honest and you’re good
citizens and then you die extraordinary
is something very very different this is
about recognizing within yourself that
there’s something very very
extraordinary that you haven’t been
trained to believe it to come to a place
where you can apply it and put it into
your life you can go way beyond ordinary
here’s the big challenge of life you can
have more than you’ve got because you
can become more than you are unless you
change how you are you’ll always have
with you God if you want to live in your
passion whatever your passion is you’re
actually willing to not make money you
want to do what you love you got to do
yes you people you have a choice you can
choose money or you can choose what you
love my parents and I’m sure like most
people parents say get a good job trying
make some money make a good living and
because they think that secure if you
make oh and there’s money but if you do
a job to make money lose that job you
know and he was the money we have
nothing he chooses your passion actually
has mentally makes money we lose money
because always in a capacity Cathy
another nitrogen right and left a
challenge of that is that it might be
eight years four years before you
actually make a living
most people go through life using up a
very very small part of their potential
and so anything you do that invest in
is that’s the best investment you can
possibly make and then I would I would
follow my passion I mean whatever term
John and I I found I was lucky I found
something early that that turned me on
but but you don’t want to take a job
just for the money you don’t want to
take a job for an organization that you
really don’t feel good about or work for
people that you don’t feel good about
you you really want to be excited when
you get upset every morning I won’t
necessarily be the job that you have ten
years later but you’ll be learning so
much as you go along and I took a job
with Ben Graham my hero you know I never
asked the salary and I found at the end
of the month when I got my first
paycheck what I was earning because I
just knew it was the right thing to be
instead of thinking about where you can
make a lot of money think about where
he’s so passion about doing that you’d
be happy doing it for 10 years and even
if you never made a dime and that’s what
you should be doing
sometimes the ironic thing is the money
will actually follow don’t chase the
paper chase the dream most of the people
are going to earn a living
they’ll eat so let you know that they
find beyond that there should be
something to do that’s useful that’s
something that says ok I did something
doesn’t matter how many times you fail
you only have to be right one time and
everybody can call you an overnight
success if you do the preparation it
doesn’t mean that it won’t be a little
bit scary but you don’t have to quit the
daytime job if you don’t feel all that
comfortable and you can give it a run at
night but whatever works for you now
with the internet you’ve got all the
choices in the world and you can just go
when I meet somebody who’s not doesn’t
have any money just means they’re not
giving something yeah you know so a lot
of times there’s people who would like
more but they’re not giving anything so
they’re like my poor debt you know he
belonged to the labor unions and he
wanted to work less and get paid more if
you want to get paid more work more give
more that’s how I see it somebody once
said if you took all the money in the
world divided it up equally among
everybody it would soon all be back in
the same pocket incredible success is
something you attract not something you
pursue so instead of going after it you
work on yourself
personal development if one thing that’s
going to make you well it’s turning your
expectation into appreciation that’s the
day you become wealthy the day you trade
expectation for appreciation is the day
you become wealthy because as long as
you’re expecting things you’re going to
be disappointed you’re expecting people
to be a surprise they’re not going to be
if you always on your happiest when they
all ask to behave a certain way you’re
so the first place to be wealthy is
psychologically emotionally and
spiritually and that place has to get
regular deposits and that means just
like some of you meditate you need a
daily discipline of magic moments and
you got to learn to capture the littlest
and that muscles got to be built so
what’s your daily practice you’ve got
whatever you want we’ll call here magic
moments every day I want you to capture
it leads to two three magic moments
minimum give it a conversation with a
friend it could have been a moment when
the inside app it could have been a
moment on the mountain it could have
been a little insight or distinction
that you got to change it but you don’t
just capture it write it down you want
to feel it and realize about you want to
feel it like it’s great like it’s a gift
that’s been given to you and what you’re
doing is appreciating that yet because
true happiness is not contained and what
you get happiness is contained in what
you become there was a day that I became
wealthy I’ll take me a day I know that
day I was rich I was broke I was pissed
I was angry at everybody else but who
myself but really underneath it was mad
at myself
I just couldn’t beat myself up anymore
so pissed and I defended it I loaned
money to you and I had barely enough and
I knew we needed it
and I gave him $1,200 and I’m here not
able to eat I’m down to like 25 26
dollars and I’m saying to him call him
he’s not returning my call
and I just need some money he’s ignoring
me I didn’t learn this I’m tests I’m
frustrated they miss with all this I’m
also pragmatic I got 25 and change call
this boy comes in Preston will suit and
you’re still adorable
and he opened the door for his mother
everybody’s attractive lady and he came
over and pull out the c4 and she sat
down and it moves me I don’t know why I
just didn’t move me but I thought this
kid is like urine I wasn’t always enjoy
he’s such a good kitty to give her so I
got up and I paid good meal and whatever
was six seven bucks so now that whatever
last 17 80 $90 and I walk up to the boy
I had no plan for this there’s reach in
my pocket I took all the money I had
left at the 8090 dollars not throw in
the table I should have been freaking
out I’m coming in a game but I didn’t
because something inside of me and
probably got passed carefully I mean
you’re like something inside of a more
than our limits specialist they help
money but I have let terrorize me I got
home and the mailman came that day and
had told ya and the next meal
the flutter coming and it’s a guy I love
the money three handwritten note saying
I’ve been avoiding you
it’s wrong I’m so sorry you were there
when I needed you
here’s my old you took a little bit more
and twelve hundred there’s another
hundred and time – absolutely
and for me thirteen your dollars that
was enough to run my show for a month or
two and I cried and then I decided what
does this mean I thought this means that
whenever you live it’s always gonna come
back you don’t have to ever speak about
it again just yes we would be great even
ever imagine
I don’t know if that’s coincidence but I
decided to believe that day with the
blessing I became rich and I can tell
you on a bad night tough day and I
economically emotionally like all of us
but I’ve never gone back to the scarcity
I never will the secret to living is giving
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