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THE MINDSET OF HIGH ACHIEVERS – Best Motivational Video for Success in Life & Study 2017

Do not make your ambition limited to money only
I hope to make a difference
Anything you want, good you can get it
If you ask for it and work hard to get it
When you get it, I seek your successor
Drag someone else up
Everyone, and others
Just because you do a lot does not mean that you accomplish more
Do not confuse movement with progress.
You do not start because of what you do not have
You do not start because you do not realize yet
The fruit of everything good in life begins with a challenge.
There is nothing easy in life, worthwhile in life.
Everything at the top of the hill is worthwhile.
It will not come to you and will not fall in your lap,
And it will not be anything, my God, it’s so simple
It will always be difficult.
The only way that will enable you to reach the other side of this journey is through suffering.
To mature
In order to mature you must suffer
Most of the sons of this generation surrendered during the first second when they were told
“You did it wrong.
You did it wrong.
Or when someone screams in their faces
It is very easy to be great these days, because others … most are weak
This is the soft generation.
So if you have any mental power, no ability, no part of self-discipline, the ability to not want to do it, but nevertheless do it
People have something hard to understand
“I hate jogging.”
And what makes me mad, – not anymore – why run if you hate it?
what are you talking about?
I do not want to take a shower and need either, and I hate it too.
This is life, man!
It did not even change that mentality to become an important person.
What do you do in the days when you do not feel like doing something?
These days…
Those days when I feel tired or worn out or just basically sick of grinding.
What do I do in those days?
I went anyway.
Do it even if you go through the movements and
Go through movements
I do not want to trust?
I exercise.
I really do not want to touch on the project?
I touch on the project
I do not really want to get up and get out of bed?
Yes, I get up and get out of bed.
But if you can do the things you hate doing, on the other hand, this greatness.
If you have dreams, but you have goals.
Goals of life.
Annual Objectives.
Monthly goals.
Daily goals.
I understand that in order to achieve these goals must be applied discipline and stability.
In order to achieve your goals, you must apply discipline and consistency every day.
Not only on Tuesday and miss a few days.
You must work on it.
Every day you plan
Every day she will say, “We do not plan to fail, we fail to plan!”
The hard work shows result.
Hard work really is what successful people do.
Do not listen to this little sound
Instead, go for business.
Lifting weights.
Hill Race.
Work on the project.
Get out of bed.
As a general rule, I do not like procrastination.
You need to get things done.
Maturity is the only guarantee for a better tomorrow.
The first question is very simple: what do you do to develop yourself?
99% of people today assume, just assume that they will somehow improve
Very sad, O owners, very sad!
Because let me tell you something about the assumption.
The assumption is a great disappointment in life.
You can show me the person who always assumes I am Eric and the person who lives the disappointment almost every day.
For me to fix this, read What the hell speeches David Googens.
I do not blame anyone.
Read my books, okay?
I’m afraid of my shadow.
How do I overcome this?
Go in the army,
Do the things you hate doing
Be uncomfortable every day of your life.
Received this.
I’m not the smartest kid in the world.
You see, if someone says “Oh no, you’re clever! No, no, do not say that to yourself!”
I say to myself: “No! I’m stupid!”
Well, accept it!
How to become smarter?
educate yourself.
The things we run away from, the truth.
We run away from the truth, man!
So the only way that has enabled me to succeed is to walk to the truth.
It was also painful, brutal, you changed me.
And allowed me to become in my own right, the person I am today.
Stressed, people.
There is nothing wrong !
Trust me.
There is nothing wrong
Nigger can be called a day.
There is nothing wrong
You can be called some Jewish words or a gay word.
There is nothing wrong
Let them call you
what will you do now what do you do now? They do not have your life.
How will you control it now?
How will you turn that face upside down and say: ‘Received this’?
Now I will ridicule this.
You will read about me years from now
this is the question. How will you do that?
Solid your skin. Be more than one person.
Do not be afraid of reflection in the mirror.
Because this is all you can be afraid of.
Once you have overcome the reflection in the mirror, you have done it.
Here is the bitter truth.
People do not necessarily want success for you.
The bigger your dream, the more people will come out of the woodworker to try to stop you
As Oliver Emberton said:
“The only way to avoid getting people angry is to do nothing important.”
But if you are seeking something important, if you are trying to bring about real change,
If there is something in your life you have determined to achieve
You must understand that you will have a fight against something.
People will push you reverse your path
Your ability to stay true to this vision will determine whether you can succeed or not
As Victor Hugo said:
“You have enemies? Good!”
“It means you’ve been standing on something at some point in your life.”
This is what people miss.
They want the output from this and in a way safe !.
They somehow hope with this big change they want to make, people will just fall in love with him.
They see your vision.
They fall in line behind you and they want you to lead them
This is not the way people work.
Having a vision for you already puts you in a rare group of people.
The ability to see something that others can not see, and that is the role of insight.
It literally translates as another world that people do not know about
And bring it into reality.
People carry enthusiasm about it.
Let them stand in line
But you have to understand, when you build an army you will have an opposing force.
But as Mark Twain said:
“Keep away from those trying to minimize your ambitions.”
Small people always do it, but the great ones really, they make you believe that you too can become great. “
These are the quality people you want to surround yourself with.
You want to surround yourself with people who believe in you.
You want to surround yourself with people even when they can not see it, they will spit it out
Even when they do not understand what you are trying to build, they believe in you.
And they are ready to stand in line.
They are ready to confront that opposition force.
And when you are able to rally people around an idea and push it forward and pay for it, the world is not as it is but it can be.
Then you can make a difference.
But can not be afraid of provoking people.
You have to know that they are coming for you and you have to be ready to fight.
Because if you do not want to fight, you might want to sit down now.
So if you are going to be one of the few who have decided to stand up, you have to stand up and prepare for war
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