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The Lie that you got brainwashed into believing | Jeremy Irons

well you see I think we all work too
much I think there were we’ve been we’ve
been brainwashed into being told that we
have to spend all our lives working we
never used to do that not before the
Industrial Revolution I mean one would
sort of you know the Irish for instance
they would plant their potatoes in the I
suppose it would be the sort of winter
in there in the autumn they plant their
seed potatoes and then they would sit
and they would drink and they would sing
and they would eat and they would wait
for the potatoes to come up and then you
know that was their life what’s wrong
with that what’s wrong with it in in
Spain going to sleep for three hours in
the afternoon it’s wonderful it’s so
civilized but we are talking you see the
problem is we’re told that we’re put on
this planet to work and we work from 8
o’clock in the morning till 5 o’clock at
night or whatever and and if we’re lucky
we have a Saturday off in a Sunday off
and then we can go and buy things but I
we’re all bankrupt we we all owe
billions of dollars and billions of
whatever’s to somebody I’m not sure who
it is we owe it to but there’s somebody
out there who’s who must be really pissed off
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