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START YOUR DAY RIGHT – Best 2017 Motivational Videos for Success in Life & Studying (end laziness)

Blood, race, respect. Translation (رفاء الطائي rafaa tai)
The first two you give, the last you earn.
Let’s go out and earn it!
Do you know how many people huddle in the crowd and work 6 hours a day?
They say that nothing good happens at 4:00 an hour.
Well, I can assure them of this.
It’s 4:45 am It’s still dark outside. Look at it, the lights just gone.
I want to be prepared to kill this AM heart.
You can not even see me but it will be fine it’s bad!
If you ever tell someone else why you are so early, this is the fastest telling you is not the winning player.
Whatever, you’re bold enough, you’re big enough to dream.
If you are deliberate and intent on this topic.
Now, there are some aspects of it that will be organic.
But if you deliberately and deliberately.
If you build it on Monday, if you build it on Tuesday,
If you build it on Wednesday.
I want you to understand that it does not happen by luck.
Productivity is always intentional and deliberate.
When he went Tuesday Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, No luck men.
Every single day, if you do a little,
You’re gonna wake up someday and dreams will be a reality.
You can not just say you want it.
You can not watch the video and say:
“I want to bad as I want to breathe.”
It’s nice to say so.
But when Showtime, when the sun shines,
When the sun rises, you get all the books.
Have you got everything you need.
You got all access.
Now is the time to research.
What separates you from everyone,
However, when it’s time to research, you’re ready to look.
Everyone got black in their profile.
Everyone speaks positive about themselves.
Everyone speaks as if you were a beast.
Dress you up like a monster.
I got a car like a monster.
But then when it’s time to do what you do beast, make a backup.
Why is it so hard to do small things that will improve my life?
The way our minds are designed,
Our minds are not designed to stop you.
At all costs, doing anything can hurt you.
There are so many people in the world, and as you know, you may be watching this right now,
And you have these incredible ideas
And what you think is missing is motivation.
This is not true.
Because the way our minds are wired,
The truth about humans is that we are not designed to do things that are uncomfortable.
Or scary.
Or difficulty.
Our brains are designed to protect us from those things.
Because our brains are trying to keep us alive.
And for change, to build a business
In order to be the best parents, the best pair. To do all those things that you know you want to do with your life, in your business, with your dreams,
You might work to do things that are difficult, uncertain or scary.
Who puts this problem, for all of us …
The only thing we have in this world is:
We can not control events.
But we can choose what to focus on.
We can choose what things mean.
We can choose what to do.
These three options, those three decisions really control our lives.
You can always make a decision.
This is always in your control.
Staying with someone that treats you like garbage is a decision.
it’s a.
Stay in the job that you hate it’s decision.
Stay in the body that you are not proud of it’s decision.
Would it be easy?
No, it’s not going to be easy to change. it is easy.
It’s your job to push yourself.
It is not the smartest people who achieve success.
So the people who procrastinate less, make fewer excuses,
They take actions every day, in order to achieve the goals they wish to achieve.
Frequency is a thief of opportunity.
Frequency means the door is still closed.
Frequency means waiting for the opportunity.
Frequency means what can, has been delayed or may never be.
If you want to be successful at anything in life,
Do not leave in sight of setting a goal, without doing anything that commits you to fulfill it.
The next morning the alarm explodes …
I pretended NASA was there.
It’s the dumbest start. I literally went 5-4-3-2-1.
I counted loudly and then stood up.
I will never forget standing in my bedroom.
it was dark.
It was cool.
It was winter in Boston.
For the first time in three months, I had beaten my habit of pressing the snooze button.
There were moments all day long.
The whole day.
Just like that 5 second moment in bed.
Where I knew what I had to do.
If I did not move within 5 seconds, my mind would intervene and talk me out of it.
Each person has a second window 5.
It may even be shorter for you.
You have about 5 seconds window that you can move from idea to action before kicks your mind on full alert.
Any change in behavior is ruined.
Your life is what you think it should be.
This is exactly what you are now.
You are what you think you should be.
And if you do not like who you are you should change what you think you should be.
What you think is more important than what you do.
Even if you want to change, you must work on this thing attitude.
he decided. Committed. Act. Succeeds. repeat.
The only thing that all great people share is that they sweat small things.
They pay very close attention to every detail.
What makes you comfortable can ruin you.
While what makes you uncomfortable is the only way to grow.
What you are and what you can become depends on how you use your time.
The billionaire and the beggar have 24 hours each day.
Old and young, black and white, Indian and Asian are all given the same amount of time every day.
You can not stop the day.
You can not stop an hour.
But you can control how they will be used.
Have you ever struggled to be more disciplined?
You know you got that paper because next week but you do not do anything throughout the week even though you know it’s coming?
Or you set up a brand new habit You are very happy about it that you know it can improve your life, your relationships or your business,
But you do not cling to it?
Or you started to workout routines and got really pumped up, launched into doing so, so I lost a few pounds,
But then, you know, three weeks after he went, what do you blame?
You blame your discipline!
Let people know that every day you have a prime minister yourself.
You have to do something for a minimum of 10 minutes.
If you do not have 10 minutes, you do not have a life.
Sell ​​myself every day, sell myself.
I’m gonna send New York Times best-selling book, okay?
I’m gonna talk to tens of thousands of people.
I am millions of help will work from people on the planet.
I literally remind myself every day: “When I wake up in the morning I write my goals down when I go to bed at night and I write my goals down.”
It’s the first thing and the last thing I do every day.
He has done this for 25 years.
If you do not do it if you get up and have just no discipline of any kind, you get no value from anything.
Your diets do not work when you do not do them.
Exercise does not work when not done.
But, most people already have some experiences that they want to shift.
Once you transform those things, your whole life changes.
But life is a continuous growth.
My life is not here because I went to one seminar once, and now my life is fit for life.
I workout, train my mind, and I train my body.
Becomes a lifestyle.
Discipline is one of the most important things that we can develop in our lives
Without the ability to be kind of deliberate and to accomplish things on a continuous basis depend on themselves,
We did not get that great amount of momentum and progress towards what we really wanted.
For the first time woke up in the morning, the Prime Minister myself.
That’s what I’ve done for years.
It’s like, I’ve changed my body causing a drastic breathing pattern or movement, but then I do it for ten minutes.
Three and a half minutes of sincere gratitude about three things.
The reason for gratitude is:
The two emotions that messed with the most fear and anger.
You can not be both grateful and scary. They do not go hand in hand.
And then not three minutes of my ‘three to thrive’ – what are the three results or results I’m really committed to?
I see it as I did and fulfill it.
The first idea is to engage emotionally with this dream.
Every morning of your life.
See, a lot of people are not already struggling with the discipline part of the “work” thing.
It is so not getting an accelerator that it’s up to doing the thing.
In other words, I’ve got a problem with motivation.
Not necessarily just discipline.
Where does the impulse stop and start? Everyone got a different answer.
But here’s what I can tell you.
It’s really easy to be motivated.
Either you’ve got it or you can watch it.
Really hard to implement.
This is the variable that separates people.
People always tell me gonna work every day.
Every day I roll up on people, they are like: “Yo, I’m gonna buy sea falcons and I’ll buy airplanes.”
I like: great! Can not wait to see you!
People always tell me they will do this and that and that and that.
Do you know what to do?
I ask a lot of them to e-mail me within 60 days.
In 90 days.
in a year.
And you know how much you do?
Goose eggs.
People are talking picture ***.
I do not know where to stop or start but I know that most of you, 99% of you’re not gonna do anything about it.
And suck.
You have a problem with it once while you press it.
You do it. You can do this work.
But many times you fall because you do not get emotionally involved.
It’s like if you want a lot of controls, you need a high level of emotional relationship and focus on this thing that you want to work towards.
So, every morning, what I want you to do is just start to develop a new perception.
When you wake up in the morning, close your eyes, think of the dream, ambition, the thing that you really are after in life.
Just imagine it.
And really get yourself emotionally bound.
She is emotionally involved with her.
Think about how great it feels to have this thing.
Or to be this thing.
Or contribute this thing.
To make this difference.
Just think about it and let it well up in your little heart, get excited about it, and remember the dream.
That is why we keep away from discipline because we are too busy with the chaos in the world,
We are emotionally no longer attached to the way our brain says: Hey man, focus on this! It’s important for you, remember?
I think the people that made those mistakes were gone through these crazy changes that put themselves in a position to not grow.
So why go back?
You’re supposed to make, and you’re not supposed to digress.
One reason why many people have no discipline in their lives is that they allow their day to be ruled indiscriminately.
They did not have blocks of time that were already scheduled to do the thing they were supposed to do.
They even count on the sudden will.
“Oh, you know, I’ll get to that day!”
“Or I’ll get to that someday!”
And of course “someday” turns to “never” and then begins to blame their discipline.
It’s not their discipline.
It’s the lack of a calendar that says, “Do this now”
So, scheduling what you must do happens and you’ll suddenly find yourself: “wow, I’m very disciplined”
You need to have scheduled blocks of time where that discipline happens every day, and that is the only thing that happens.
Look, you can always do something every day towards your dreams.
And if you think so, it can be just a small thing, it can do a little research,
The daily, with this procedure, grants this presentation, making that call.
Everything is for you, you can do something every day.
Just because you do a lot does not mean you are much more misfortune than that.
Do not confuse movement with progress.
You do not start because of what you do not have.
You do not start because you do not realize yet that the fruit of everything good in life begins a challenge.
There is nothing easy in life.
Useful in life.
Everything is uphill that is worthwhile.
And it’s not gonna work for you, and it’s not gonna fall n your lap, and it’s not going to be something “oh my god it was just that simple!”
It’s always tough!
The only way you ever go to get to the other side of this trip you’ve got is suffering.
To grow must suffer.
Most of this second term generation get talked to.
“You did this wrong.”
“You did this wrong.”
Or they get yelled at.
It’s so easy to be great these days, and why everyone else is..most else is weak.
This is a soft generation.
So if you have no mental power, no ability, no part of self-discipline, the ability do not want to do it, but still do it
People have something hard to understand.
“I hate to run.”
And what makes me so crazy, it is not anymore – why you run if you hate it?
what are you talking about?
I do not want to take a shower and eat either, and I hate it too.
This is life, man!
It was not until I changed that mentality that I became a person.
But, if you can get through to doing things that you hate to do, on the other side is greatness.
So have dreams, but they have goals.
Goals of life.
Annual Objectives.
Monthly goals.
Daily goals.
We understand that in order to achieve these goals discipline and stability must be applied.
In order to achieve your goals, you must apply discipline and consistency every day.
Not only on Tuesday and miss a few days.
You have to work on it.
Every day you have to plan.
Every day you are going to say “we do not plan to fail, we can not plan!”
Works hard.
Hard work really is what successful people do.
For me to fix this, I get to read what the hell is wrong with David Googens.
I do not blame anyone.
Read my books, okay.
I’m afraid of my shadow.
How do I overcome this?
Go in the army, get your ass kicked.
Do things you hate to do.
Be uncomfortable every day of your life.
roger that.
I’m not the smartest kid in the world.
You see, if someone says “Oh no, you’re smart! No, no, do not say that to yourself!”
I say to myself: “No! I’m a dumb motherf *** er!”
Well, Roger it!
How to get smarter?
educate yourself.
Even the things we manage from, we run out of truth.
We run from the truth, man!
So the only way I can become successful is going to the truth.
As painful, brutal as it is, I changed.
And allowed me to become in my right, which I am today.
Tighten, people.
he is fine!
Trust me.
he is fine.
You could be called a nigger one day.
he is fine.
You can call it some Jewish word or some gay or gay word.
he is fine.
Let them call you that.
what will you do now what do you do now? They do not have your life.
How are you gonna control it now?
How are you going to turn your face upside down and say: Roger that ‘?
Now I’m gonna harness this s ** t.
And you have to read about me years from now.
this is the question. How will you do that?
Thicken your skin. Become more than a human.
Do not be afraid of reflection in the mirror.
Because this is all you can be afraid of.
Once you’ve overcome the reflection in the mirror, you’ve done it.
Something Ls Brown once said I love.
He said:
“There are losers and there are people who have not learned how to win,” he said.
My question to you is:
Which are you?
Are you the loser?
Or are you still learning how to win?
If you are a loser, this does not mean you are less than.
It can mean that you’ve gotten really good at quitting smoking.
It can mean that you’ve got a really comfortable ending race before the finish line.
You have your reasons for not finishing and I have been very mine.
But, here and now, the question is:
Do you want to win?
Self-discipline separates people from success and not success.
I have never met an unsuccessful person.
You do not have to have a great deal of self-discipline in their lives.
Self-discipline and ability to perform and ability to keep your life on schedule.
And the ability to maintain commitments, promises and deadlines.
Is essential to success!
Look, if you want to get rich, you want to be really successful.
When I say rich I am not talking about money, I am talking about a rich life.
Some time with family.
Get to do what you want.
See, this is what people did.
They set a goal.
I remember when I was a kid and I was targets who are big, giant?
I had to do for nothing?
They were giant, right?
And then you had some difficulty getting to it and someone said what?
Dude, your goals are unrealistic.
You need to drop your goals.
And add 40 years.
It ends with nothing.
Definitely not consistent with your abilities.
None of us can have a life that is controlled by someone else.
Or life controlled mainly by our emotions.
I learned many years ago that there are two kinds of people.
There’s a kind of person who says, “I’m gonna wait until I feel it before I do it.”
And then there’s the guy who says, “I gotta do it so much that I feel like it.”
One will not get anything done because they are still waiting to feel the moment to move.
Another person says, “I do not need to move and then you’ll start feeling for a moment!”.
They have strategies available to most people.
Or they can get them or you could create them.
But the problem is that you’ve got the story.
And your story is why it does not work.
The story is: “I tried everything.”
If you try everything, you might fit.
If you try everything, you want to be profitable.
There is always a story.
What I say to people is:
“If you can divorce just the story of enrollment and marriage fact unlimited ability, then the game changes the whole.”
Most of us, in our lives, are trying to make an improvement of 10%.
We know this.
This is…
“I try to increase my revenue by 10%.”
“I try to increase my sales by 10%.”
“Save 10% more.”
All it really is, we all have that kind of biting in us through life and the rest of the universe, which can make these little additional improvements.
But the fact that matters is that there is a world that enters the top 10 times.
And you … all of us can have it.
I would like to tell you that it is your duty, your commitment, and the responsibility to fulfill your abilities.
And that this is indeed what is a success.
Success is not money.
The simplest thing is: getting hungry is crazy about something.
We all know that.
You get very hungry, so willing, and your mind begins to come up with answers.
It is therefore a huge undertaking but effective implementation.
Which is all modeling.
I suppose this is something.
Find the best example.
Press time.
Let someone else take 20 years to figure it out.
You can do it in two to two months.
So if you have no idea how to solve it, no idea how to get there, you’ll be amazed at what it’s up to.
What is interesting is: our heritage, our past, anchors us to what we are today.
And you have to give up on it.
You really have to give up all the stuff in your past, what you’ve thought you’ve done.
The infrastructure that you have built.
Allow yourself.
We are not our feelings.
We are not our styles.
These are the things that may be determined with or not.
So when I see a style that does not work, I do not think the person is breaking.
I do not think anyone has broken.
I’m not here to fix people.
But I’m here to come out styles that do not work.
I may be wrong in what I say, okay?
I may be wrong in the things I do in my life and the business that I started.
My family told me not to start every business that I had participated in.
everyone of them.
Each was a danger.
Each of them had to take a chance.
I remember my mother telling me:
“I would not do that if I were you!”
“I would not do that if I were you!”
“I would not do that if I were you!”
I’m like:
“Mom, you will not do anything!”
Well, you will not do anything except being a mother, a great mother to five children.
My mother was not organized.
She did not have my dreams.
Just because it is for my mother, does not mean she dreams like me.
My mother was very wrong about everything she told me not to do.
I love my mother to death.
An incredible friend of mine, she was wrong.
You need to do these things, okay?
Stephen Jobs needed to build this phone.
do you agree?
He helps a lot of people?
Did he earn some money while he was doing it?
119 billion dollars in five years.
You have a conversation with the person who is holding you back.
The reason that most people who are listening now do not do this thing is that they are concerned about someone’s opinion.
Usually, their mother.
Usually, their father.
The fact is that your spouse may be the person holding you back and you have that conversation.
We have to get to where you are doing because the one thing that scares and *** of me is regret.
I was gonna sit there 72 and I was gonna say: “I wish I wish I wish !!!”
She looks at yourself in the mirror and says like: “I do this right”
So, for me, there are a lot of people that are talking t **.
About how big a regulator they gonna be.
How much are you gonna achieve.
And it does not work on weekends.
As you know, I worked every Saturday from my 20s.
I am talking to 20-year-old entrepreneurs every single day.
Recently, I have told them:
This Saturday you’re going to have more time than I’ve had in my twenties full on Saturday.
So, before you tell me how you’ll become bigger than me, start thinking about what you’re actually doing.
Ask yourself:
I practice self discipline in my life?
Do I do things that I have to do because I need to do them?
Or am I kinda waiting to feel a moment?
Make a damn schedule!
And stick to it.
It’s not a bloody prison.
This is the first thing that people wrong.
They say: Well, I do not like to have to follow a schedule.
You’re like: Well, what kind of schedule are you setting?
“Well, I have to do this, then I have to do this, then I have to do it.”
“You know, and then go play video games because who wants to do all these things I have to do?”
Error! Set the curse schedule up!
So you have the day you want.
You are what you do consistently.
If you look at your calendar, you can take a look at what you are doing on a regular basis daily, and that is what it will work on to determine the future path.
So, if you eat one chocolate, but the rest of your day is very healthy, you’re gonna be a healthy person.
But if you eat junk and more junk then pizza then burger king and more burgers and more junk afterwards,
Then eat one piece of broccoli, which means you will not be healthy.
Working out once does not make a big difference for you.
Work it out three times a week, or work it out every day, you’ll see changes in your life.
You are what you do consistently.
Want to be in the game?
The average American reads one book a year.
America’s top executives read five books a month.
60+ books annually.
But immerse yourself with books, audio and video daily, okay?
I hit all three of these.
Well, I read something, listen to something and watch something.
These are completely different ways of learning.
Search for YouTube channels that are good for you.
If you are working your ass off, you are completely focused, you try to serve something bigger than yourself,
You really do what works, you need a little grace.
You may want to call it luck if you prefer, God, the universe,
But he is there!
We gotta achieve all.
But, I think a more important skill, if you ask me, is to have an extraordinary life as an art of self-realization.
And this art.
It’s not science.
Because there is no science to make money.
I do not care who you are if you do certain things, you are going to have a lot of financial pressure.
If you do other things, you might work abundant.
There is science.
There is a flag for your body.
Each is chemically different, the genome is different, but there are some basic patterns.
And if I’m following it, we’re going to have tons of energy in the area.
But if you get out of them, you’re gonna pay the price and have low energy or illness.
But, fulfillment is art.
What you will be fulfilling is different from someone else beside you.
You’re not gonna learn that from anyone else.
You must find it. Cause success without FULFILLMENT is the ultimate failure!
You owe it an explanation.
You need to look at yourself in the mirror and say:
“Why give only 50%? What’s wrong with you?”
You need to put yourself on punishment.
You need to tell you “No more TV”
‘No more snacks, no more desserts, no more no “
“We are working from now ‘
‘There is no more alcohol, not at the moment, no, I can not handle it right now. “
You need to tell you that you owe you some.
You never looked at yourself in the mirror and I said let you down.
So you get to this point, you let down.
You have never. You are not brave enough.
You want to put it on someone else.
“The reason why I’m not successful is because of my boss.”
Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and said:
“I do not get up on time.”
“I do not go to work on time.”
“I do not put in 120% when I’m at work.”
‘I let go!
What has changed? I have changed.
She stopped being a victim.
She stopped saying:
“I gotta wait for the good things that happen to me ‘
I’m going to fight.
I’m going to work.
I’m going to squeeze the game.
I’m going to teach.
I’m going to do everything in my power.
Every single day, I’m going to do everything in my power to become a victor and not a victim.
What do you want in your married life?
What do you want with your son and daughter?
What do you want in your health?
What do you want financially?
Like, how much money do you want to make a year?
What do you want to pay?
How do you want to live?
Stop just waking up like an accident.
what do you want?
Then when you find what you want,
Spend the rest of your normal life waking up and then go.
There is no excuse for not maximizing your abilities.
No excuse.
I do not think in the word “procrastination”.
As I do not really believe in this word.
I said a young lady in Australia, who told me she was a procrastinator,
I said to him: Look, if I told you to meet me here tomorrow at 5.00 am,
I’m gonna give you $ 3 million, where can you be?
“I’ll be right there at 4.59!
“Ready to get this $ 3 million.”
I said to him: So, there is nothing like procrastination. “
What it is, is that is not important to you.
right? It’s not meaningful to you.
It’s not something that’s urgent for you.
When something is not urgent, you can postpone it.
But if it does not make sense to you, if it is not important to you, then you do not make it a priority.
So what you need to do is find out how you can make sense, and how you can make meaningful,
How can you make a stick?
And when you find out, I promise you, you’ll get up early,
You’ll get there first, and you’ll do whatever it takes to make that goal a reality.
For me, nothing like procrastination is such a thing because it is not a priority for you. Translation (رفاء الطائي rafaa tai)
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