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SET YOUR MIND TO WIN – Motivational Video 2017

As John Kennedy said: Translation (rafaa tai)
“There are risks and costs to the program of work,” he said.
“But they are far less than long-term risks and the costs of inaction are comfortable.”
There is only something about the quote situation that is literally mascara.
You do not want to step.
You do not want to put things in danger.
I wanted things to stay the same.
I get it, and change is scary.
One of the most important shell elements that we are facing may be changing humans.
That in your space, in this small area that you have carved out for yourself,
It may be small, and it may keep you less than you can have.
But God damn it!
Do you feel good?
Because safe.
Because you know your enemies.
You know where everything is in.
Know all the things you need to know to feel comfortable.
But in that rest is a world that shrinks around you.
Is a scientist literally and force you to limit yourself to the size of this box.
It makes you just as big as the space that you have allowed yourself.
No matter what change you refuse to embrace, not only does it freeze you in time,
But hinder your growth.
And if you want to become something, this is literally do changing.
They are literally doing a rebirth, to make yourself something new.
But in that, we must face terrorism from change.
You must face it may fail.
You must face it that embarrass yourself.
You have to face in the unknown can be even worse.
But unless you are able to do this, you’ll never get a taste of breadth living outside the box.
That just having a life that is not limited.
Is itself much more interesting and much nicer than anything you could ever have.
When it’s locked in one place, when you have a box that does not have windows, your world can only have a wall.
But when you have the window, when you have the door, it becomes an entrance to something completely new.
As Pablo Picasso said:
“Business is the key to all success.”
So if you want to succeed, if you want something more for your life,
You’ll be ready to walk through this section.
If you are in a box that has no door, then you may be gotta ready to kick one open.
You gotta be willing to crawl through the feet of concrete.
If this is what it takes to get the other side.
But you’ll be willing to push yourself out of that comfort zone.
To see what it could be.
To control your destiny and realize the basic truth of man.
Only you can control what it can be.
And if you want to escape, the only thing you need is to believe.
As Phil Kenneth said:
“Faith is irresistible”.
Once you think you can work according to something that will actually help move you forward,
Once you believe that the essence of your existence is that there is no one,
Nobody suits the best to build in the life of your dreams better than you, then suddenly safety becomes less a safe thing you can do.
Suddenly, being in a space that is narrowly defined, is the only thing that will stifle the life of you.
So the only real danger is not to have confidence in yourself.
The only real danger is survival.
The only real danger is that playing is safe.
So my friends, we find that belief in yourself.
Take this risk.
Do something.
Definition of a new life.
Build new for you.
This is the key to success.
I feel like most people I know are a way forward in life now.
I have messed up college a few times.
I just can not really see myself being successful anymore.
You have to do something different, right?
I definitely have to do something different.
Otherwise, I do not think I’ll make it to 50, you know.
The reason, in fact, you’re wasting away, right?
Are you really in control of your life?
Because you know, only about 3 or 4 people out of 100 are.
You can change anything you want.
And you can start like that.
All you have to do is understand how to do what you know how to do.
So the first thing you need to realize here is that you are made out of habits.
If you look at your day for a day, you may be sitting at home watching this video,
You may be viewing it on your phone.
Let me just take a look at your year’s day.
I doubt it was very different from yesterday or the previous day.
If you are really realistic, most of your days are very similar.
Wake up, do the same kind of things.
You eat the same kind of food.
You have the same kind of activities.
You go to work.
You hang out with the same kind of people.
Even your thoughts are probably the same.
To change something, you must build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.
I think now:
You do not change things by fighting the reality that exists.
To change things, you have to build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.
I think there are a lot of things that I can not, I need help with.
I do not know how to control my mind.
It’s creative.
I do not know how to control my sleep patterns.
I do not know how to fix a lot of things that I think they break inside.
like what?
My mentality is not entirely there.
I believe that all the creativity and talent to do these things, to be rather an actor or to create suits for a film,
Or even just be a vital person working on a group.
I think I do not have all that it takes.
I just can not control it and contain it.
In truth honest to God is a creative genius borderline.
He can win the Grammy Award.
He can win the acting prize.
But tell him, you will never gonna do that 20 hours sleep in your room.
I just never got true to God to say: “If you want those things, you have to go hard work to get it.
So if you really want those things, you got to get it right!
I want to suggest you take a honest look at the real results.
You see, I think it’s good for us to look at our results every now and then and actually ask some serious questions.
You have to know where you are, and you have to know where you are going.
If you do not know exactly what you want or let yourself then get it as a generic thing,
You’re not gonna achieve that.
Clarity of strength.
You’ve got another specific result, and yet what do you want?
If you can not answer this question right now, in your personal life, in your body, in your relationships,
In your finances, in spirituality, then you are not as good as fulfilling and you want to be.
Clarity of strength.
The more obvious you are about exactly what it is you want, the more your brain knows how to get there.
Your mind is an organized mechanism.
It’s like a bomb.
Those bombs, these missiles, have an organized mechanism.
Even if the target moves, it knows where the target came from, and it follows.
The brain, when required, knows exactly what to go for, saying that it will find a way to get there.
Fix the problem for me. What do you think your problem is?
I think I’m just not motivated to do anything in the real world anymore.
Because I have only achieved so much online, that if I give up knowledge, all of that would feel like waste.
There really is nothing to show it.
I have not really gained anything from playing online when it comes to my life.
Realize that this situation is your life here today.
Well, so your results are basically determined by both of your habits.
And if you want more, if you want something different,
You can not just leave these habits a form of their own.
So what I want you to do now, is to look at your life.
Look at your life situation, look at where the *** you are in,
And ask yourself very frankly, very frankly,
“How did I get here?”
What are all the little events, each little decisions, all the little factors you know,
So, what is the accumulation of that you got this point here?
If you keep up with current specialties and maintain the current pace that you are on, where will you be in five years?
Now, you can keep the same track for the next two years you have in the past too.
But if you want to. if you want to.
Maybe everything is ok for you and you do not need it.
But if you need to make some changes, I’ll tell you to start doing that day.
So that the next two years will be significantly different from the latter two.
Every single successful person I know,
They have these habits.
No one drifts just to the top of luck.
Tells me about, what is your secret? How did you become a multi-millionaire self-employed?
How is everything going?
You know, it’s funny! Everyone wants a shortcut.
This is the most common question people asked me.
“Tell me the key.”
There is no magic.
It’s just a lot of small things you gotta do every day.
Success is all those boring, exciting things that have to get done.
Every single day to move the ball forward.
It’s gonna be there bad days.
There will be gonna dark days.
But you must accept it, because this pain is what makes you stronger.
Success is not measured in days when the sun shines.
Success is measured on windy, dark days.
And if you can not absorb failure, you’ll never work for a successful encounter.
Most people do not know why they are where they are.
As you can see, I have done one thing.
Everyone knows how to do better than they do.
This is not a problem.
We know how.
We do not do a problem what we know how to do.
People think: “Oh, you live this disciplined life and that means you do not have any freedom.”
And it’s actually quite the opposite.
I have freedom because I have discipline.
I have, you and I know, financial freedom because I have financial discipline.
I have more time.
I have more time because I have the discipline to get up in the morning and before getting even the most ordinary people up.
Almost everything you do, from the time you get up in the morning, is unusual.
So start thinking about yourself: “What are your best habits?”
Developing habits. You’ve got brain power, and you’ve got the energy, but develop your success habits.
And look around you at the people you admire.
And a list that makes you admire them compared to someone else that looks equally strong or talented.
Those are the things you can do.
I mean, just typing it.
As we all know, real growth and development can not happen overnight.
The price must be paid over an extended period of time to reap the rewards of these habits.
So I encourage you to make an investment.
Putting time and effort.
Focus on the kinds of changes you can make.
Always and over time to develop these habits.
Well, I think the only thing that discipline will certainly help you in is not helping you get things done.
When things are done, when you actually do things, you have more success.
If you have more success …
And sometimes a big part of success is just not *** and lazy j and just do it.
Just getting this like 90% of it is just a show up.
Get there and start working.
Like, you do not feel perfect gonna work every day.
Pro goes to work.
And it does not matter if you are sick.
It does not matter if you have children.
It does not matter what.
You are a pro and go to work.
You will receive from the world that you become.
But for the doorway to success, I suggest you to swing inward, not to the outside.
The best way to make the game life change and the best way to make world-class life,
The best way to change the world is to change yourself.
I mean, we get from the life that we become.
So, you want to get better?
You want to self-improvement?
Stop searching for a shortcut.
Go find your alarm clock.
Search your discipline.
You find courage, passion and drive.
And find your will.
And then …
And then …
You will find
Your freedom!
I did not know how to change things.
You can show me your crowd and show you your future.
It’s simple, right?
There are three types of people you need in your life.
You need a revelation.
And grateful.
Each one of them will need the rest of your life.
But you are your biggest distraction.
Tell me what your foundation is.
Where do you go when you need peace?
You do not know what to do?
You know what to do.
But the people you’re around do not do what you’re supposed to be doing.
I’m begging you, man!
I was begging from man to man.
leave it!
leave it!
Let those people you know are not you.
you know better.
But you do not do better.
Like, you just have to decide!
What is it about you, about what it is that you offer, that will make you stand out from the competition?
Think about yourself.
Think about your goals.
Think about your dreams.
Being in a big house does not make you big.
One thing that parents have is great, but that does not make you big.
It is one thing to work for a big company.
Enterprise is great.
But that does not mean that you are great because you are in this great house, or that great company or that great church.
Or that big family that I was a member of.
You either add to the grandeur of that family or you would underestimate it.
They said it could be a big house but not that big.
That is not gold.
Do not even be silver.
You will not be brass, you just have to have clay or dirt.
A lot of people think that wealth makes you great.
But a lot of the wealthy who are not great people.
On the other hand, poverty equals to greatness.
A lot of people think that if they have anything it should be great.
Your granddaughter does not raise your income.
There are some people who are good at doing, but are not good at being.
Greatness will cost you something, not someone else.
It will cost you nothing.
It’s gonna cost you some time.
It will cost you some energy.
It will work cost you some resources.
You will work some hours of your life putting, paying the price, going the extra mile, what other people are not willing to do.
Greatness is not cheap.
Greatness always costs more.
That is why there are so many people who do greatness.
They are not willing to pay the price.
Greatness is not immediate.
In other words, greatness takes time to develop.
You can not just run into your room and come out great.
Greatness is not immediate.
You have to stay with him.
You must stay in it.
You must continue to work on.
We gave up very quickly.
Greatness is not common.
No greatness to get everyone’s approval.
And if you are the kind that you will have everyone’s approval and everyone’s understanding, you will never achieve greatness.
Greatness is not common.
You can not get everyone’s approval and be great.
The sooner you understand that the sooner you have to do a great life.
You are always going to live your life on the lowest denominator of your friends.
If you do not see it.
You can not believe one way and live another way and be great.
Greatness live what you believe in and live up to your abilities.
Usually, you will not discover greatness in a person until they go through hardship.
It is hardship, crisis, which brings greatness of people.
There is something inside, an inner tank that will not lie down and stay down,
Wine and call more three friends defeated and to one of the parties pity.
But there is something about the person who when the water get trouble and all the gates of hell,
And the magnitude of the escalation of the crisis.
Sometimes, that will set you ten, fifteen years.
Or, you can listen to this advice and can deliver you the place of greatness.
But it must be educationable to be great.
You do not come to the place where you stop learning.
A great people never stopped learning.
People, very adept at what they do, they still want to learn “How do I get better?”
“How can I get better?”
One of the qualities of greatness is the desire to always get better.
Want to learn more.
Knowing that people who are not good, are not open to instructions.
To be great, you’ll be able to get the patch.
You’ll be able to be told that you are not doing this right.
And you’ll be able to be said to be with good character.
Keep good attitude.
Who do not want to be in the world?
Who do you want to be?
Not what I wanted to do.
Not what I wanted to achieve.
Who do you want to be?
What kind of person, when you read your praises,
What do you want words to be said about the kind of person you’ve been to the world?
Do you know the answer to this question?
Do you know the answer to this question?
I ask that everyone.
do you know what it is?
But there are so many negative people in your life.
Do not look at them.
Look at the energy that you create to attract them.
Do not look at them.
look at yourself.
What do you do to draw these people?
Because if you are surrounded by negative people, there is a part of you who is willing to tolerate it.
I tell you, the negative energy will change.
When that power becomes yourself, you will not allow it.
I do not care what title or role in your life.
You really just do not.
You really just do not.
Sometimes you have to divorce your friends.
Divorce your family members.
And if you do love it and do it, I will come back.
You have a chance to reconcile.
I speak from what I know.
I even had family members and some of them said, “I will not allow you to treat me that way.”
No matter where you are in the world right now,
close your eyes,
It was a list, I’m going to do for you,
Different objects.
I want you to allow these objects to appear before your mind and then let them go.
As I call of beings, okay?
A full moon.
The oak tree by the river bank.
A red triangle.
Now open your eyes.
What did you learn from this experience?
The observer of the Red Triangle, the Boulder, the Tree of the River,
Is the same observer who notices all the thoughts that come in and out of your head throughout the day.
And like you can let the red triangle and the moon come in and out of your mind,
You have the same control over all the thoughts that are jamming you throughout the day. Translation (رفاء الطائي rafaa tai)
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