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MOTIVATION FOR 2018 – Invest in Yourself – One of The Most Motivational Video for Success&Study

You either move forward or go back.
You are not the same.
We are not human beings, we are human generations.
We’re getting something
There is nothing you can not be.
There is nothing you can not do.
There is nothing you can not have.
How do you stay motivated?
And I just say it’s not about motivation.
Motivation is an unstable little emotional thing and if you are sometimes too hungry, you are not motivated.
If you feel too tired sometimes, you are not motivated.
Or if it was a long day, you lose your motivation.
That’s why motivation does not matter to me.
It’s about discipline.
It’s the course discipline, knowing what you need to do and do it.
There will be bad days, there will be dark days, but you have to swallow it.
Because this pain is what makes you stronger.
Success is not measured in the days when the sun shines.
Success is measured in the dark, turbulent, cloudy days.
And if you can not fail, you will never succeed.
This is the awareness of the mind that takes advantage of this opportunity.
You will all be faced with opportunities.
You should take advantage of them.
Because if you do not take advantage of your opportunity, you will never realize your dreams.
Whether you want them or not, this is the appropriateness.
You do not know this until you reach it.
All this positive thinking and how you think and what you determine to be your destiny, it works.
You have to prepare your mind to be happy.
You need to take action now.
You need to take action now.
Make your masterpiece today.
So, I am passionate about personal growth because for this person who says, “Wow, I had the opportunity, I was not ready,”
If you grow, you are always ready.
Because after I deliberately started growing, I committed myself to becoming a leader
I started writing and I became an author, I developed resources for growth for other people,
I founded my first company, I started training conferences.
Everything I can think of what ever was good in my life is the result of the fact that I started personal growth in my life.
You have to be ready to be the only person for a moment.
And this moment could be a minute, it could be a month, it could be a year, it could be 10 years.
You must be ready to be the only person who sees your vision.
You must be willing.
You have to be prepared to do it yourself
There is only one of you, and you only have one today.
One now
Tomorrow he’s gone
Good tomorrow is a different day
People spend their entire lives planning, how to live their dreams.
You see, but you need to take action.
You have to attack the day!
You must be willing to understand that there are times when your vision will not be clear to anyone but you.
I do not care who you are.
Development is not a substitute for hard work.
This is a long winding path.
You do not have to be specific about what your vision is, the next steps.
But you have to engage every day to become the best you can be.
More capable, more engaged, more alive.
Life will fly for you when you choose to do it.
You have not chosen it yet.
You have a prolonged, prolonged, prolonged procrastination.
Now is the time to promulgate and produce what you have been promised.
What have you done recently in the name of development where you feel comfortable uncomfortable?
If your answer is “do not know”, it’s a sign that you have to work on something.
You should always be developing, otherwise you will go back.
You have to move on to your goals today.
You have to rise up every day and tell yourself every morning: “Today I will do what others do not, so tomorrow I will have what others do not have!”
You know what to do.
You just do not.
You have the responsibility to achieve for yourself.
And the only way this will happen is self-inspiration, self-determination, and hard work that begins before everyone else becomes
and after everyone else is asleep.
The system of negative beliefs leads to negative results.
And vice versa
The deeper you believe in, the more positive your results will be.
We make decisions every day.
And these decisions form our actions.
These actions form our habits.
These habits form our character.
And this character forms our destiny.
Uncertainty within you creates this distance between you and the people you love.
Uncertainty creates a gap between the dreams you have and where you are now.
So if you have more confidence, you will be able to fill the gap between the place where you are and all the things you dream about.
Failure is part of the learning process.
What is the risk of failure?
What, will you be disturbed?
How do you distinguish the failure of learning?
Throughout his life, failure means that he has stopped the game stopping, right?
If this is part of “fail and learn”, this training is part of the forward movement.
Is that correct?
This is the process.
fail, learn, move forward and constantly do this because you are a blade.
You go where people have not been before.
And inventiveness, this is exciting in these people!
So this is a different approach to life, right?
This is another way of existence.
He said: When you change the way you look at something, what you are looking at will change.
Change your perception.
Do you know the reason most people do not make decisions?
Because they do not see how they will get there.
What are they doing?
They continue to do things that do not see how they will get there.
And so their lives never change.
When you get up every day, you know your priorities.
Tell yourself every day: “I will do what others do not do today, so tomorrow I will have what others do not have.”
Do not let your phone, do not let the TV, let your friends fail the most important things you have to do today.
As Walt Disney says.
If you dream about it, you can do it.
Now, what makes me laugh is, I know some of the people who are listening to this say it’s nonsense.
They are simply limits to what people can do.
And I got this answer, I understand it.
I answered everything.
I only saw the difficulties.
I only saw the ways he could not handle.
And I could not see, I was literally blinded by fear, I was dazzled by some strange sense of pride that wanted to justify my limited existence.
It did not want me to face the fact that I can do more that I can be more,
that my life is less than what can be.
So, I will laugh at such quotes.
And I know that right now I have cold chills, I know that right now there are people laughing.
And everything they can think of is the boundaries.
Only they can think of the things that prove it.
And guess what?
He is wrong.
There are really limits.
But if you fucking waste your time focused on this, you will never create this power
that you really need to achieve something in your life.
You can create almost everything but if you close the fucking virtual part,
if you allow this to stop you, if you immediately go to the things that ultimately restrain you and keep you back, this is where you will stay forever.
Because if you argue about your limitations, guess what a friend?
They become yours.
And congratulations, you can now live in this box.
You will live in this self-contained prison.
But if, as Theodore Roosevelt said,
Instead, “keep your eyes on your stars and your feet on the ground”
and you do not behave like someone who can not see this for sure, there are boundaries, there are edges of this universe,
but do not look at it, watch how you really do,
dream big and remember that your feet are ultimately that point of contact,
this is the place where the rubber faces the road, precisely this moment of action.
So if instead of rejecting it, because your feet should be planted on the ground, do not forget that keeping your feet on the ground,
this is the moment of action, this is the time to do something about it,
this is the time to see the fucking possibilities and then to move, to do something, to make it real.
So right now give up these strange mental mechanisms that actually make you struggle for things that are not possible.
To get people to believe it, to make people understand why you chose to be immobile.
Instead, make sure you have to move and do what you know you are ready to do.
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