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I think sometimes we make things so
complicated but it’s the simple things
that that keep most people back I think
naturally we get out not everybody but
if you when you’re lying in bed a lot of
times you’ll think about oh man I don’t
feel like doing the work and you can
rehearse the problems or you can
rehearse what happened yesterday and it
starts right it does it at the beginning
of the day so that’s why I think is so
important when you first get out of bed
in the morning find something to be
grateful for you know you may not feel
perfectly well but you’ve got your
family you don’t have your job but you
got a great place to live you got some
friends so you start the day off you
know you set the tone right at the
beginning of the day before you check
the stock report before you check the
weather when you wake up in the morning
the birds are chirping you feel great
you feel like taking on the world yeah
those are the days you know anyone can
go get after it but when it’s raining
and you don’t feel good
those are the days that you have to find
the energy to attack the day that
you get up in the morning you’re in the
shower you’re driving to work saying you
know what more think out I’m strong I
make good decision it’s not magic but
those words go out of our mouths and
they come right back into our own ears
they start to change our own self-image
this isn’t this is not magic that you go
around they saying all day I’m blessed
I’m beautiful I’m talented I’m valuable
I’m creative I’m disciplined that’s
doing something on the inside of you how
you start your day is how you start the
rest of your life and day by day when
you’re consistent doing the same thing
over and over to leave to grow and will
change everything about your life if
you’re checking email first thing in the
morning it’s not that the emails are
probably it’s that you haven’t
prioritized your time and your
priorities and your goals your
activities that you know the important
things that need to get done and once
they’re done then go check your email
check your Facebook do whatever you want
wake up each day and tell yourself
you’re strong is slowly start to
eliminate those small small little
pebbles that are keeping you from
climbing the big mountain quits tumbling
and when you stumble get right back up
and take more steps forward when people
say I’m not a morning person
that’s the most ridiculous statement a
person can make if you’re not a morning
person are we not shooting for tomorrow
and our goal is for tomorrow to come you
to wake up and lay that on your day
every morning I’m not a morning person
to pull that blanket up over your head
every day is such a waste of time I
can’t wait till I wake up in the morning
and you know what helps me out a great
deal when I wake up in the morning I
spend the first 10 minutes just thank
I don’t even address any problems and
stuff like that
I’m just grateful that I’m up for this
and I think every little thing and I
spent in it and it makes your day starts
such a wonderful way and when you wake
up in the morning before you start
thinking about the things that you’ve
got to do that you don’t want to do
before you start remembering the
injustice is of yesterday or 10 years
before you remember that you’re going to
that place today to work that you really
don’t want to be for your kids get up
before any of those things happen that
challenge your sense of well-being if
you can get hold of that sense of
well-being and just sustain it for a
little bit with really general thoughts
because if you get specific it usually
doesn’t work as we’ll get into an
attitude of appreciation and milk it for
just a little bit law of attraction will
help you out
look I hate to say but weaving and
succeed is competitive life is
competitive everybody doesn’t get a
trophy that’s not how it works
and it’s your ability to get up and get
moving I tell people all the time I
believe one of the greatest success
traits you can have is to get your tail
out of bed and get moving if it’s just
to get up and read and get your mind
right for the day so you gotta get up
early show up early get there get after
it attack the day make things happen
most people wait for things to happen
the major mistake that everybody makes
is waiting waiting for somebody to pick
you waiting for the right time waiting
for you to feel motivated it’s not
coming for the big stuff for the hard
stuff it requires a push always has
always will nobody is coming to save
your ass it is up to you and so if you
want to change anything about your life
stop sitting around and wasting your
goddamn life and start pushing yourself
whether it’s a fast or it is starting a
business or it is changing how you talk
to your spouse or it’s changing the kind
of parent that you are you got one life
and all you need to do is turn on the
freaking news and see the kind of what’s
going on in this world it’s both amazing
and terrifying you never know when your
time is up but I do know that you’ve got
time right now to change things and so
the thing you should change is you
should take 100% responsibility for your
future you should decide what is it that
you really want your life to look like
cuz you only get one of them and it’s
not going to start again but you could
start building your future right now and
that begins the moment that you realize
that you’re never gonna feel like doing
things that are hard you’re never gonna
feel like stepping out of your comfort
zone and the second that you do the
second that you push through you win you
because you see yourself becoming the
kind of person who takes action you see
yourself believing in your ideas you see
yourself disregarding your own excuses
that is the source of confidence it’s
the willingness to try it doesn’t start
with belief it starts with the push so
do yourself a favor and stop thinking
about all this stuff and stop commenting
and push yourself do something as Haroon
‘yeah noted i always wonder why birds
stay in the same place when they can fly
anywhere on earth and then i ask myself
the same question as mark twain put it
the secret of getting ahead is getting
started and that’s where people get
stuck you’re literally like the bird you
could fly anywhere you want you can go
anywhere you want to go and look I
you’ve got a litany of excuses and all
of them are valid you’ve got a job you
can’t just leave well you don’t have a
job and you don’t have the money your
family is in one place it’s the only
thing that you’ve ever known you only
speak one language you’ve never traveled
before you don’t have a passport you
can’t afford the gas money there are a
thousand real reasons not to go but the
truth is that none of them matter the
truth is if you want to build something
in your life that you have to remember
what Mark Twain said you have to get
started because at the end of the day
that is literally the only thing that’s
holding you back
you’re not moving and once you get the
simplicity of that once you understand
that you could act right now you could
say fuck all the excuses you can stop
making them you could stop giving into
them no matter how valid they are no
matter how real they may seem you can
finally decide that you’re going to get
a permit that you’re going to create
that momentum that you’re going to take
a step that you’re gonna make the demand
that you create momentum
that you fucking find an answer or as
Hannibal said that you’re going to find
the way or make one if you have to carve
through fucking rock do it because human
before you have done it and that’s the
simple truth that is the simple fucking
truth and everything else is bullshit
everything else is the weak voice in
your mind holding you back and making
you a less version of yourself so I ask
you why doesn’t the bird fly wherever it
wants to go because that’s all it’s
known because that’s what’s safe because
that’s what’s comfortable well because
it’s a dumb fucking animal what do you
want to be if this isn’t the life you
want to live do something about it we
have this this habit of getting
comfortable in our routines and patterns
and then it gets difficult to get out of
that there’s got to be those days you
push through there probably gonna be
more numerous than the days you don’t
and I think that’s something to be
mindful of as well try to imagine your
life when you’d make that easy choice
next time what is that gonna do is that
gonna keep you away from your dreams are
you gonna regret that later
you know a lot of opportunities appear
only once in life and you skip that
taking the easy choice they’re probably
gone forever
you can dream of the kind of life you
want you can dream up the kind of change
you want you can trigger the kind of
future you want but until you wake up
and begin to plan to get there it will
only be a dream if you don’t get up and
actually do something to anything those
a new positive emotions will never have
the opportunity to follow those actions
you’ll just be stuck in the lazy
demotivated hole for as long as you
and so the benefit of discipline in my
eyes has always been that through
you told us to choose about to start
working out you told us to choose won’t
start a business but when are you gonna
do that
your number one job is to become more of
yourself and sometimes all a big part of
success is just not being lazy and just
doing it yeah just yeah that’s like 90%
of it is just showing up get there and
start working like you’re not gonna feel
perfect every day effort effort man I
see so many people talking about hustle
hard work determination grind work ethic
at the end of the day I look at the body
of people the men and women I’ve worked
with around the world at the end of the
day it’s effort do I not have enough
time or am I being lazy
and lazy comes in two different flavors
lazy comes in two distinct flavors lazy
comes in one flavor which means not
working you might be saying hey I’m
constantly working I’m constantly
learning that’s an easy that’s means
your bubble but the second flavor of
lazy is not doing what needs to be done
it means holding out on doing what you
know is necessary but hard to do the one
thing that discipline definitely does
help you with is it helps you get things
done and when you get things done when
you you actually do things do you have
more success disciplining yourself to
concentrate on a job until it is
finished gives you a feeling of
confidence and competence and mastery
what makes you comfortable can ruin you
or makes you uncomfortable is the only
way to grow
what is your uncomfortable zone think
about that what is some of your
uncomfortable zones and it can be
something small to something big like
changing your career there’s people out
there that aren’t happy in their job but
you see it all the time you walk into a
store or restaurant or our business and
that person just has this slum look in
their face if they’re not happy then why
are you doing we’ve got one shot at this
life journey one one time we get to go
around this life journey it’s not a race
there’s no finish line it could be
changing a job and taking that step it
could be moving to a different state to
a different country it could be getting
married it could be changing
relationships we stay in those things
because we’re so uncomfortable to take
that chance and why it’s over fear the
fear of failing I would like to know
when you’re in that moment failing and
you have to keep going what do you say
to yourself what if
a lot of times I’ll be in a tours at
Mile Run or something like that
and I’m all jacked up body’s broken
mines broken spirits broken I started to
say what if I could pull this off when I
first walked into the Navy silver
Turner’s office he looked at me he said
only been 35 african-americans and 70
years make it through you know I said to
myself what if I can be the 36 it’s the
what if I can pull off a miracle what if
I can become someone that no one thinks
I can be and just that just means
talking about that I have the hair
growing up on my arms because it makes
me just like what if I can be that guy
that people who call nigger and this and
that and now I’m speaking at Tom Ferris
some of you are not successful today
because you do not have a routine and
wisely routine so important your routine
but when I’ve been telling you to get
that gold get that drink and I’m just
havin telling you drive it and drive it
and drive it and drive it what I’ve been
talking about is consistency if you were
too good at the gym right sit like
exercise right if you go to the gym and
you workout and you come back and you
look in the mirror you will see if you
go to the gym the next day you come back
and you look in the mirror you will see
right so you clearly there’s no results
can’t be measured it must not be
effective so we quit right or if you
fundamentally believe that this is the
right course of action in the stick with
you can’t screw it up you can eat
chocolate cake one day you can skip and
skip a day or two you know it allows for
that but if you stick with it
consistently I’m not exactly sure what
day but I know you’ll start getting into
shape it’s not about intensity it’s
about consistency
write down what you would like to fix
about your life and then just if you’re
30 pounds overweight you want to lose 30
pounds do it the right way
go start eating vegetables monitor your
calories write down what you eat
exercise every day force yourself to do
it say you’re the general the brain is a
general the troops of the body the
troops I want to listen beagle few you
listen and you get up and you do it and
I know seeking discomfort sounds odd not
many people do it but you have to learn
to embrace it because it’s the only
we’re sustained or exponential growth
can occur wait
is not that what do you waiting on is
nothing to wait off
action or inna the way you make change
is to take immediate and massive action
my question for you is how would you
rate your effort so far this year
it’s really your brain is not the
problem it’s the discipline it’s the
willingness to show up every day and
work toward something you’re still here
and you get another chance this day to
do better and be better each and every
one of us has had moments where you
cried out in despair when we were so
afraid at some point that we cowered
underneath the blankets wishing all the
problems and fears of the world to go
away once we stand up again but they
never did
we’ve all wished for a sign to magically
appear that will tell us what to do
where to go and who to be that someone
had some direction for since someone
told us what would be next when we were
and we all wish that somehow somewhere
we would reach a place where all the
problems and fears will just disappear
where nothing would be bad in the place
of passion success and Happiness there
would never make us face our fears again
your life is not shit when you turn on
the TV doesn’t change when you sleep it
over and it won’t transform if you just
sit idly by and wait for something to
happen it won’t change sometime there
will be no science and there will be no
and the only thing that will ever make
the difference is if you stand up we
move another step forward when we fight
the odds again and we don’t give in to
fear and when you stand up to face life
one more day and it all depends on what
you decide right now you can decide to
listen to another speech after this you
can decide to play another game or watch
another show and you can decide to keep
looking for an easier way out to keep
wasting time and keep wondering on how
you got here or you can decide to get
off your ass and make a change because
once you do make that change that’s when
your life will transform that is the way
to reach success that is the way to
reach a greater life that is the way to
make your dreams come true make it
change by getting up right now by facing
all your fears and all your problems and
then moving through them anyway you
won’t be fucking easy all the time you
will be afraid and you will make
mistakes but you have better things to
do than be stopped by fear you have a
greater life to live than the one you
are living right now you’ll be calling
to make your life the best that you can
lives life was moment take his step
it’s worth it to fight through it it’s
a guy asked me about two months ago he
said ET if there’s one mistake you’ve
what’s that one mistake you made I saw
him be honest with you my values are not
he said Ichi what do you mean by that I
said I want to tell you a story I got a
good friend of mine who you know a good
friend of mine he came to me say Eric my
marriage is not where my marriage needs
to be I need to make some adjustments I
see you and your wife I see how much
time you spend with your wife how much
time you spend with your children and I
just I want that you buy your wife roses
regularly you’re always taking her out
to eat like eat I’m watching you eat
spoiler et but I just what can I do and
so I told me what to do and guess what
he started doing God he started doing
the exact same thing I started doing
they say Eric is not working like I’m
doing exactly what you’re doing but it’s
not working I said he said why isn’t it
working so you know why it’s not working
because your values and your drink you
say you say you want a better marriage
but I told you you need to iron your
wife’s clothes you know what he told me
after I said I’ll be honest with you
here I know you told me the iron tell me
to wash he told me to cook but where I
come from be honest here when I do that
I feel like a punk and I said that’s why
you’re having a hard time doing it
because your value system says a man is
not supposed to iron a man is not
supposed to cook a man is not supposed
to wash dishes that’s what your value
system said so you’re doing one thing
but you’re going against your own value
system the reason why I’m having such an
easy time washing clothes and cooking
and irony you know why because nothing
is as important to me as my marriage and
I would rather be happy I would rather
be happy and to say I ain’t no Punk let
make me a punk I want to be a part a
for real no a friend of Mines he came to
my house and I didn’t have a mop and so
I was on the ground and I was mopping
the floor with a tile and he says eat
eating if I’m free you’re on the ground
and you’re mopping I said yeah he says
your wife got you whipped I said you
didn’t know you just found that out been
doing a terrible job I’m sorry I am with
and after 23 years you should be if
you’re not it’s a problem so listen to
me there those of you said I want to be
a millionaire I want to be the best at
this company right but your value system
says you believe in sleep more than you
believe in grinding your value system
says you are a consumer and not a
producer that you’re spending more money
than you’re making why because you’re a
conservator you’re reading all the books
and you’re saying everything the books
will say but those books are not in
alignment with your values if you’re
going to go to the next level
your values are gonna have to change
that’s what happened for Eric Thomas my
values are about learning change I
realized that information changes
situations and so I’d rather buy a book
than buy a house because if I buy a book
I can buy several homes if I buy a home
and I don’t have the right information
okay I’m leaving with this this is crazy
can I be honest with God you could take
you could burn my house down and it
wouldn’t bother well how do I know I had
a home than that a tornado tore down in
Alabama did bother me why because we
have the blueprint and they can rebuild
you can take all my money off the back
and I’m like up with my hitting rule if
I will tell you my lineup of speaking
and our audiobook what we’re making
every month we’re gonna will be alright
I can make more money if you take the
knowledge out of my hand take the
experiences that I have
so now I don’t just read because I see
other people reading and I want a minute
what they’re doing
and so all I do when I have time is read
all right so I got a minute and 48 I’ve
never done this before but I’m gonna get
it done last one we got to be obsessed
hi this was so important because some of
the greatest minds are gonna be in front
of you today someone some people in this
room who are not just talking it they’ve
lived it but here’s the problem the
problem with most people the problem
with most people is that you’re not
obsessed with improving
you’re obsessed with making money you’re
obsessed with taking your business to
the next level
and can I be honest with you god when
you become obsessed with improvement I
will spend more time learning and
Australia then I was speaking i’ma say
together because you missed it I will
spend more time sitting under people I
will spend more time with Glenn I always
feel more time with Aaron I will spend
more time learning that I will speak it
in this country I will walk away with
stuff I never heard before books I’ve
never read before audios I’ve never seen
before going to conferences that I’ve
never gone hanging out with people that
I never hung out with before this is
nothing god this is just the desert me
speaking is just a desert this is just
the beginning I came to Australia to
learn I came to Australia to get upgrade
and when I go back my wife will notice
the difference
my kids were no different why I’m
obsessed with improvement every day I’m
getting better there those of you with
phones and every new phone that comes
out you get it every upgrade you get it
every piece of software you get it you
are upgrading your technology and you’ve
not upgraded yourself you got the same
operating system you had to the 1995 you
don’t think any different you don’t
speak any different you’re the exact
same person you weren’t 20 teen people
let their emotions get the best of them
the only secret that exists is getting
out of your own way don’t betray
yourself to get somebody’s approval
right don’t be afraid to want success
the results that come out of discipline
I said oh okay let me try something and
I decided to do push-ups didn’t quite
work out the way I wanted it to but I
was doing push-ups before I went to
sleep and when I woke up and why didn’t
it work out because I didn’t quite do it
every day before I went to sleep and
when I woke up and then not doing it one
day turned up not doing next day and
then procrastinating then it’s been
about a week since I did one and he saw
things of that nature however as I did
it for a solid week and a half and I
felt a way that I haven’t in a while
before I started working that quest I
was a real deep dark place that I had
never been before I’m not gonna get into
details of it but it was a dark place
I’ve never been before heart back to the
one point when I started doing the
pushes again I started feeling in a way
that I hadn’t felt in years just a
confidence of myself that I haven’t felt
since I was playing basketball since my
goal in life and everything I wanted was
to be in the NBA
I just am in a better place emotionally
than I was before a lot of people don’t
believe that because I’m usually around
office smiling dancing having a good
time but there’s deep stuff going
through my head so that the way I appear
on the outside is smiling all the time
is is real but it’s because I
consciously make the decision not to
worry about all the other crap that
might be going on not to worry about
Sallie Mae not to worry about IRAs
calling me not to worry about anything
else that might be going on and so just
even in just out of FOMO fear of missing
out I started to have it
and that habit just sparked smaller
things that are going off of my head I
can’t really express all of them but
it’s just I feel different I feel a lot
more energetic I feel more inspired to
do something I might not know what it is
but it’s something so when I figure out
what that something is I might come talk
to you this more what habit did you
start the push-ups every night before
and after before I went to bed and when
I woke up you’ve already given up on
that so so follow me on this right
because this is what I was saying at the
beginning I’m gonna be honest with you
yeah so you’re adrift at sea like I see
you receding into the distance right you
might be dancing and smiling but you’re
receding into the distance so the it
isn’t a complicated problem so somehow
in your head is a belief that you’re
going through things other people
wouldn’t understand they don’t go
through whatever but none of those
beliefs serve you even if they’re true
which they’re not but even if they were
it doesn’t serve you to feel
overburdened by Sally Mae and the IRS
and all of that right none of that
serves you so you’ve got to turn those
into actionable chunks and this is
people let themselves feel overwhelmed
as if over being feeling overwhelmed
somehow made the problem go away feeling
overwhelmed does exactly one thing it
makes the problem worse that’s it
yeah so feeling overwhelmed is kicked up
by the lizard brain to make sure that
you act it keeps going because you never
take action right so honestly what you
need to do is break your world into
bite-sized pieces that you will enact
now here’s the problem you lie to
yourself so now you’ve got a problem you
can’t trust yourself so you’ve got to
put yourself in a situation where you
can earn that credibility back with
yourself immediately
I say oftentimes that the body is a
reflection of the mind the only reason
that doing the push-ups everyday is
interesting is because that’s you saying
I said I would do it and therefore I am
going to do it come hell or high water
and every day that I don’t do it I know
that my mind my mind is not where it
needs to be so start small tell yourself
I will do a push-up every night before I
go to bed and I will do a push-up every
morning when I wake up on your knees
like it doesn’t have to be like a
full-fledged pushup but you said you
were gonna do and you’re gonna do it and
there’s no universe in which you don’t
do it there’s a universe where you don’t
get any sleep there’s a universe where
the doctor calls up and says you’re on a
broken arm what are you doing you can’t
do push-ups all of those worlds can
exist but the world that can’t exist
is where you told yourself you would do
it and then you don’t do it that world
my friend is out of the question
unless you want to continue to drift out
to sea now the great news is you have
exactly one enemy that’s it you’ve
betrayed yourself and lost all sense of
confidence and belief in yourself nobody
else this is not Sallie Mae this is not
the IRS this is about Clarence telling
Clarence he’s gonna do stuff and then
clearance doesn’t do stuff so back it up
because we’ve got to change behaviors
you need to win so you need to pick a
behavior that you know you will stick
with and then cool when you feel like
two push-ups do two when you feel like
five with your knees up do five with the
knees up but don’t say you’re gonna do
five when you know you’re gonna do four
on your knees just say I’m gonna do for
my knees and do four on your knees and
then you know when I say it I do it and
then you will start to get excited to
see yeah I want to push it now I’m
actually interested because you’ve got
the cachet behind you of these wins but
when it’s a failure you teach yourself
failures okay this advice goes to you
you guys failures okay for you failures
not okay
right that’s precisely what you have to
root out of your life but it comes to
making promises that you’re actually
prepared to keep and then knowing okay
cool I keep my promises once you have
that eh you’ll feel better and we’ll set
you on the right path and you can start
making bigger and bigger [Music]
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