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MORNING MOTIVATION – How 5 Minutes a Day Can Change Your Entire Life

Five minutes a day emphasize yourselves
And say aloud loud
Every day five minutes a day I am a great person. I am a wonderful person. I am a child of God
I am beautiful. I am equipped I am acceptable I OK five minutes, I say it!
So announced
Before it ends today
It’s best to make sure you take care of yourself
Make a decision today.
I will be happy
I will not be waiting for some great things that happen to me
I decide that I will not waste another day of my life like I am sad and sad.
We can not afford to sit down
Play the victim game and sit around
And feeling sorry for ourselves you have to rise in life and say that I do not sit here the rest of my life
stand up!
We can decide to be a new character
We can literally step into a new role
We can be more confident, bolder, more aggressive, a bit more caring
This is a new day. I do not feed history anymore
I leave what does not work if you feed guilt
You will grow up if you feed fear, it will become bigger
What if you spent the same energy feeding your faith and feeding your hopes and dreams?
We must be people living for a purpose, that is, we decide
What we will do then rise and do
We do not have to wait until we feel we want it. I think it’s a good idea
Or you have a full group of people clapping and cheering us
Just because I am a motivational retreat I should not back down with him
I have a greater power than I can really say I will wake up from this couch
I will do something in my life
Stop feeling sorry for yourself and wake up
Put your shoes and say I will not live here
In the absence of encouragement, fear and suspicion, I am going somewhere and here I go
The fact that you are alive today means that you are someone special to the fact that you are alive today means
There is a strong call to your life to do something with the rest of your life
But I’m trying to tell you something true, and that’s true for me, and that’s right for you
You can get anything you want
Time is something we all have exactly the same quantity
Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week
That’s all you’ll get
It’s not surprising that some people do a lot in their lives
And the other people are doing so little with their lives?
We can not blame the circumstances. We who need to rise
No matter what you do love and accept yourself
Our depth
Insecurity in us all this deep fear coming from others in some way:
I’m not enough, I’m here to tell you that you are!
Express the amazing feelings that we are in health
Rich and happy
You will attract more in your life
You need to learn how to feel good about yourself when you feel sad when you feel
You are not at your full strength often and you feel that you are looking at yourself with pity
You have to learn how to feel good about yourself Start thinking about your blessings Start talking to yourself
Set your passion to put a smile on your face
Start moving forward
Expect to happen good every day with this thought something good will happen at any moment
Everyone is saying that something good will happen in my life
Something good will happen to me and something good will happen through me
Speak the word Confess the fear Confirmed yourself five minutes a day will change your life
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