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GET UNSTUCK FROM DESTRUCTIVE HABITS – Motivational Video for Success & Studying (end laziness)

There is a popular quote circulating at this moment: Translation (Rafa al-Tai rafaa tai)
“The person who will be in five years on the books will read and the people you hang around with today.”
This is absolutely true.
But it applies to everything else as well.
This person who will be in the future is based on everything you do today.
People you hang around with.
Even more, the people you listen to.
The views are believed.
Books you read or videos you see.
All the information you take in, positive or negative,
Will affect your future.
Workouts did or do not do.
Which appear in the future.
The food you eat today,
It will affect your future at the visual and energy level.
The same is true with your ideas and information.
What you feed your mind will shape your future.
If all you have to do is take the rubbish and guess what is gonna be your future consist of.
Commit to nourishing your mind with successful ideas.
Surround yourself with those who have the same ambition.
It does not matter where you can get your information from.
You may read.
You can get it from podcasts or videos.
Did not matter.
Just make sure you keep feeding your mind every day.
Everyone wants to be successful.
But practically, no one realizes that success is the path.
It’s a process.
It’s not the finish line.
It’s not something you do once and then finish.
They are literally acquiring a methodology of skills.
As Scott Adam said:
“Every skill you get doubles the odds of success.”
That’s it.
This is the secret.
If you really want to do something in your life,
If you really want to be great,
If you want to crush it, if you want to remember,
The key is to get as many skills as you can.
Because everything you have to attend in your world gives you a much greater chance of winning.
Do the thing you want to do.
But you have to be fully focused and committed to acquiring those skills.
The Rock pointed out:
“Success in anything will always come to this.”
Focus and effort.
We control both.
Once you understand that this is what you need to do,
You have to get control of yourself.
You have to keep focusing on something.
You have to learn discipline and apply it on your way to success.
To acquire the skills you wish to have.
He will ask you, that work harder.
You work smarter.
You work longer than anyone else.
This is the secret and *** ing.
In fact there is no great Mestre.
If you want to be successful, if you want to do something others can not do,
Then you have to become unusually capable.
You have to become able to do something that others can not.
This is the best possible news I can give you.
Because it does not matter what you were born with.
It does not matter who you are.
What matters is that you want to become and the price you want to pay to get there.
Let me tell you this:
The price is known.
This price is acquiring skills.
This price is getting so good that people can not ignore you.
This price is the ability to beat any team in the game that you have chosen to play.
Once you get the point,
Once people stand back and “Oh!” When they watch what you’re doing,
Then you will have one.
Then success will be yours.
But it was in unambiguous terms as a result of the path that followed.
As Angela Dakworth notes:
“Enthusiasm is common, but endurance is rare.”
So when you sneak into that first shot,
When you get ahead of people you think:
“Hey, I’ve gained this skill, I’ve done something.”
“People are looking at me like I can not stop them,” he said.
Remember that now, at this moment, there is a practicing profession.
While you do not do what you have to do.
While you’re sitting back in your laurel, very happy with what you’ve accomplished,
Someone else is gonna do your lunch.
Because they have a passion.
And enthusiasm.
To endure.
At the end of the day,
If you can want something strongly,
If you *** and ing burning from the inside,
To do something, to become something, to become able to more,
Then you will bear it.
Then you will be able to push others past.
Then, when you break other people and they are lying in your weight, then you go ahead.
Because that and *** ing thing in you are cultivated is endurance.
This is not the ability to be poking.
This is not the ability to think you are cool.
Is the ability to kick your ass.
To deal with what is boring.
To live in pain.
To step towards the anguish.
To know that suffering is an option and you choose to turn it off.
Because you know the other side, on the other side of stamina,
On the other side of everyone’s steadfastness,
Are your skills that make you unstoppable.
Warren Buffett was saying:
“The more you learn, the more you earn.”
This is already true.
Look at successful people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Oprah, Mark Coban.
And anyone else is very successful.
They were successful because they used their time right.
They were successful because they are lifelong learners.
Be committed to learning new things every single day.
Warren Buffett, one of the richest people on the planet,
Reading is famous for more than 5 hours every day.
Bill Gates reads one book a week.
Marc Cobán, three hours a day.
Oprah, well she’s just obsessed with books.
Notice a common theme here?
Successful people never stop learning.
Think about this:
You have $ 86,400 to spend every single day.
But when the day is over, money disappears.
You can not get it back.
Will you try to spend all that money before it disappears?
Or try to use it wisely?
Use it as the best you can?
The sad is, we only have 86.400 seconds a day.
Most people take this time for granted.
Most people let this time disappear without hesitation.
We did not get this time back.
We must use them wisely.
We must be producers.
We must use our time to do the things we enjoy.
Or use it to set up our lives.
So we can spend our future doing more things you want to do.
Instead of wasting your time on meaningless things,
Use it to learn new things.
The time you spend playing video games or concerts with your friends will never return.
Once you use that time, it is gone.
Use your time wisely.
Read books.
Study hard and learn as much as you can.
Most people give up their dreams because it gets very hard.
A lot of students stop chasing their dreams because of one failed experience.
In fact, most students do not even do their best when they take the test.
Because in their opinion, they have already failed to test.
They stopped believing in themselves.
Once the belief is killed, the dream is killed.
If you have a dream, you must do everything to make it a reality.
It does not matter how often a test fails.
Never stop believing in yourself.
Life itself is a test.
Sometimes it will fail.
But the only way that can be failure is if you stop trying.
Whatever your dream, use all your energy to make it a reality.
Push yourself to become the person you are destined to become.
If you want to get results that you have not received before,
You are going to do things that you have not done before.
The richest man in the world, Bill Gates,
Once asked which super he would like to have.
The richest man in the world said he wanted the ability to read books faster.
Success is not about money, fame or the big house.
It has come to become the best version of yourself.
You will fall several times on the road to success.
But the most important thing is that you get a backup.
Get back stronger.
And wiser than before.
Creating a state of mind does not allow you to quit or stop believing.
If you quit in your dream and give up, you will not know how great you can do.
No doubt about yourself.
More doubts kill dreams of failure everywhere.
As Daniel Pink said:
“People fail to achieve mastery not because they are not talented, but because they are not disciplined,” he said.
Brilliant news about the human condition is you can get good at anything you set your mind to.
It’s just not gonna be easy.
And it’s not gonna be fast.
But the desire to put in this work is what happens to you apart from anyone else.
I beg you to see yourself now, today, as an average.
As no better than anyone else.
But I beg you, with more power than I know how to move with this language, to see yourself softer.
To see yourself capable of becoming anything you want to become.
To become really.
If you can find within yourself discipline to stick with it long enough.
As Steve Martin said:
“Perseverance is a wonderful alternative to talent.”
Everyone wants to talk about who is talented.
Everyone looks at a person with innate talent as if they have something magical.
But for me, it’s a gift, it’s charity.
It’s a freebie.
That did not happen.
No matter what it is, it’s just the beginning.
Even someone who has talent.
So if you get to win early.
If you let someone head down to you,
If you leave someone who has more perseverance, more gravel than you do and going to excel you on a long enough schedule,
The only thing I can confirm is that it will someday outworked unless you pour your heart and soul into getting great.
If you do not take a day off.
If you put yourself in it as if your life depends on it.
When you act like that, then you’ve got a chance to be great.
As Robert Horley said:
“Pressure can stop the pipe, but can also make diamonds.”
You’ve got to want to squeeze.
You’ve got to want things to be hard.
You can not strive for an easy life.
You can not just hope and pray in order to be able to reveal within you some talent.
This secular layman who knew nothing about.
This gonna let things be easy for you.
Do not want easy, want hard.
Want to press.
You want the thing that will turn you into something.
Because when it’s easy, you’re not working for it.
When it is easy, you do not pay.
When it’s easy, you get overrun by the person who has to give it all they have.
Who are willing to make blood, sweat and tears to become this thing they want to be so bad.
Because they are so *** angry Jie that she will never give up in anything.
With that chip on their shoulders, they are determined to become anything they put their minds to.
So if you have talent,
If you have not done so,
The only thing that matters is “Do you persevere?”
“Do you stick with it long enough to get great?”
People want to know how to stop laziness, and they want to know how to stop procrastination.
They have an idea in their heads,
As you know, a kind of vision.
From what I want to do.
But they do not know where to start.
They do not know where to start them.
They do not know where to start.
where do I start?
When is the best way to start?
I do not have a very simple answer to that.
And now.
This is.
You want to improve?
You want to get better?
You want to get a workout program or a clean diet?
You want to start a business?
I wanted to write a book or make a film,
Or build a house, a computer, or put some mobile applications?
Where to start?
Start here.
And when do you start? You have to start now.
You can start working hard.
You go.
Cause this idea is not going to work in itself.
The book is not gonna write itself.
Weights outside the gym, and they’re not gonna move themselves.
You have to do it.
And you have to do it now.
You’ve got to stop thinking about it and stop dreaming about it.
Stop looking at every aspect of it and read all about it.
And discusses the pros and cons of it.
Just start doing it.
Take this first step.
And achieve that.
After getting it.
After getting it.
And now.
Well, what is that moment like looking at the mirror today that decided “wait well, enough”?
Oh, it was too crazy for me.
It took some time to get to this point.
Where enough was enough.
I had to make a change in my life.
How can you find and cultivate this drive?
Like, if a child is now watching us a man,
And it feels like you felt.
They feel lost, alone, broken, stupid, lazy.
As they will not hit anything.
What we are talking about is the closest thing to AF *** Jie’s great power that this child has ever heard of.
And now it’s on the edge of the seed.
How is it, how does he like, force himself to take the first step?
I am very lucky because I grew up while there were no phones.
There is no social media.
I propose,
Yes, I am on social media on a very limited basis because I have a narrated story,
And it’s a great platform.
Use it as a platform, do not use it as your life.
My biggest advice to get everyone in the world like I say:
We live in an external world.
Everything, you have to see, touch it.
It’s exterior.
If you can, for the rest of your life, live within yourself.
Stop listening to people who call you fat, gay, transgender, nigger, everything that makes no sense.
Put all these people insecure and your weakness on you.
You should be kicked out.
You gotta be just hell of god or whatever hell you think of.
If you think of nothing but yourself, I do not care what it is.
You must take everything and throw it away.
You must believe in one thing, that is yourself.
I do not say that they do not believe in God or believe in Him.
But now, you have to find greatness in yourself,
You’re not gonna find it by looking at a book.
Or even hear me.
I may give you a spark.
But you have to go inside yourself to find it.
That means you have to be quiet.
Fuck closed up.
Go in the room.
stop talking.
Search your soul, and search your mind.
Search your abilities.
You will find them.
But if you’re not looking for it, you will not find it.
So you should go start your journey.
The journey begins with you finding out why the hell I’m here on this Earth planet.
why I am here?
And if you do not know it, you will live the rest of your life searching.
Always ask the question “why?”. Translation (رفاء الطائي rafaa tai)
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