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END LAZINESS – Powerful Motivational Video for Success & Studying 2017

You owe it an explanation. Translation (رفاء الطائي rafaa tai)
You need to look at yourself in the mirror and say:
“Why give only 50%? What’s wrong with you?”
You need to put yourself on punishment.
You need to tell you “No more TV”
‘No more snacks, no more deserts, no more no “
“We are working from now ‘
‘There is no more alcohol, not at the moment, no, I can not handle it right now. “
You need to tell you that you owe you some.
You never looked at yourself in the mirror and I said let you down.
So you get to this point, you let down.
You have never. You are not brave enough.
You want to put it on someone else.
“The reason why I’m not successful is because of my boss.”
Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and said:
“I do not get up on time.”
“I do not go to work on time.”
“I do not put in 120% when I’m at work.”
‘I let go!
What has changed? I have changed.
She stopped being a victim.
She stopped saying:
“I gotta wait for the good things that happen to me ‘
I’m going to fight.
I’m going to work.
I’m going to squeeze the game.
I’m going to teach.
I’m going to do everything in my power.
Every single day, I’m going to do everything in my power to become a victor and not a victim.
What do you want in your married life?
What do you want with your son and daughter?
What do you want in your health?
What do you want financially?
Like, how much money do you want to make a year?
What do you want to pay?
How do you want to live?
Stop just waking up like an accident.
what do you want?
Then when you find what you want,
Spend the rest of your normal life waking up and then go.
There is no excuse for not maximizing your abilities.
No excuse.
I do not think in the word “procrastination”.
As I do not really believe in this word.
I said a young lady in Australia, who told me she was a procrastinator,
I said to him: Look, if I told you to meet me here tomorrow at 5.00 am,
I’m gonna give you $ 3 million, where can you be?
“I’ll be right there at 4.59!
“Ready to get this $ 3 million.”
I said to him: So, there is nothing like procrastination. “
What it is, is that is not important to you.
right? It’s not meaningful to you.
It’s not something that’s urgent for you.
When something is not urgent, you can postpone it.
But if it does not make sense to you, if it is not important to you, then you do not make it a priority.
So what you need to do is find out how you can make sense, and how you can make meaningful,
How can you make a stick?
And when you find out, I promise you, you’ll get up early,
You’ll get there first, and you’ll do whatever it takes to make that goal a reality.
For me, nothing like procrastination is such a thing because it is not a priority for you.
There is a window 5 seconds.
Between the instincts.
And “should.
And urges.
The inner wisdom.
Things that can change your life if you listen to it.
You’ve got a window 5 seconds from the moment you feel that instinct.
To move.
If you do not, your mind is actually designed to eliminate it.
5 seconds is all you need.
Second you hesitate and you feel yourself hesitant,
That moment of a huge force because what happened is you have just begun to retreat,
Of something that you need to lean on.
If you count backwards 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, this is the neuroscience behind
Why does this little stupid trick,
Count is action.
Going back requires focus.
It’s also not your habit yet.
So when you feel yourself hesitating, you trigger your mind that something is up.
Your mind now goes to the cognitive bias called light effect.
It magnifies all that you have been frequented by.
Like all of your sudden like “EHH, I do not feel it, like I do not know, maybe I’ll do it later.”
Your mind is doing this because your mind is trying to protect you.
Frequency refers to the red flag to your mind that something is up.
Just that small hesitation, it’s usually that we all have.
Should you hesitate if you get a tattoo? Yes really.
Should you hesitate if you are gambling? Yes really.
Should you hesitate if you sign a legal document? Yes really.
You need frontal cortex to get those things.
You need to interrupt them and make a decision.
Should you hesitate to make a phone call? No.
Should you hesitate to speak candidly at the meeting? No.
Should you hesitate when you feel yourself started procrastinating and you know you have a job that you should get done?
You should not hesitate at all.
Should you hesitate to say the thing that you really feel in your heart? No.
should not be.
Should you hesitate and free yourself when talking? No.
should not be.
But we have all trained ourselves to.
So in fact this habit of hesitant, start to catch yourself, a huge moment of energy
The reason you have a decision to make and you should make it in the next 5 seconds.
Or you’re gonna go on a leading car and get trapped in your mind,
Or you are going 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and awaken the frontal cortex and push forward.
Everything matters.
If you take any case and just take the word “only” and take the word “only” out of it,
The entire statement changes.
It’s just a game.
it’s a game.
It’s the “only” job.
If you feel like this is just a post before this interview is up, I advise you to get up and leave right now.
There is someone else who will fill these seats up.
Take this task and turn it into a career.
Be careful with these words.
The words of the trap.
I’m just gonna smoke one cigarette.
To show you how to prepare the mental view of the extent of what it is already weak.
There are a lot of people that are just “something”.
There are very few people that are “and” something.
So, when people introduce myself “boss”, I like “No, I am not a coach, I am the coach.”
It makes a big difference.
So self-confidence, anxiety, procrastination, overthinking, paralysis analysis, fear,
Those are all patterns of thinking that are habits.
One of the most important things that people want to understand is that you are actually not a warrior.
You usually have a warrior.
big difference.
You are not a procrastinator.
You have a habit of procrastination.
big difference.
Each of these behavior patterns and thinking patterns can actually be interrupted and replaced by the use of science.
You can use a simple trick.
The moment you feel yourself hesitating, the moment you’ve got one of those moments
Where you know you need, this is the moment that Lewis talks to you about,
Where you must step out of your comfort zone and you may lean into a passion,
You gotta really take some risk and you gotta feel scared and you should do it anyway.
This is the moment when you just woke up.
And now you’ve got a decision to make.
Are you gonna slip back into habits or you’re going to wake up the frontal lobe and push forward
Focus and do something new?
Do you feel like making those cold calling?
No, you do not.
Do you feel a desire to do that 3RD set of reps?
No, you do not.
Do you feel like having such a difficult conversation?
No, you do not.
Do you feel the end of this relationship whether it is at work or in your life
That absorbs you dry?
No, you do not.
We make decisions based on our feelings and steal your joy and opportunity.
And it blinds you to the fact that the way you change your life is one resolution 5 seconds at a time.
One at a time.
If you accept the fact that you may not feel ready, you may not feel motivated
You may not feel confident, you may not feel brave and this is OK.
But you can still push yourself forward.
What happens over time is that you start to see yourself becoming a person who takes action,
Begin to see yourself to become the kind of person who speaks though your voice is shaking,
This kind of person has a bias to move rather than bias toward thinking.
Guess what’s going on?
Build confidence and courage.
It works for people all over the world.
As you know, in the book, it took me three years to write it, everything science behind the rule,
She got over 150 social media jobs in it so you see stories from all over the world people use it for
End procrastination, to build trust, deepen their relationship, to launch business.
My true feeling is this:
No matter who you are, no matter what age you are,
No matter the time in your life, if you have a dream, you have a drive,
You can make anything happen.
When you chase your dream, when you work hard
Chasing something you love,
Only happens.
You can not really notice it.
Still to this day.
I am in an amazing position in my life.
But I still work like I’m not.
I still work like I’m not in this position.
Just keep pushing and continue to work hard.
You have a dream that can be something in life and you can do something in life.
If you do not dream about it, you can not become it.
I think my imagination and always kept me going, you know what I mean?
It’s like, you just know I imagine myself collecting prizes,
Just imagine myself, you know what I mean, get big parts,
I imagine myself working with larger actors.
My imagination is the one alive, you know what I mean,
Like any overthinking, you’re just kind of like
“Yes, I want to see myself pushing in that car one day.”
I get it.
This is part of my inner magic.
But the reality is if I can see myself doing it.
If you really have the drive and you really put your heart and soul into something,
You can really make that happen to anything.
I’m a true believer in it.
I realized that it has a level of success that I want to be hard to spread out and
Do the multiple things you know.
In order to be world-class, I have made a decision that I want to be world-wide,
It takes such a desperate, desperate focus to excel at the level at which I want to make movies.
You should really focus with both fiber and all your heart
And all of your creativity.
I have never met an unsuccessful person.
You do not have to have a great deal of self-discipline in their lives.
Self-discipline and ability to perform and ability to keep your life on schedule,
And the ability to maintain commitments, promises and deadlines.
Is essential to success.
None of us, neither of us can have a life that is controlled by someone else
Or life controlled mainly by our emotions.
There are two types of people: there is a kind of person who says “I’m gonna wait until I feel it before I do it!”
And then there is the person who says “I gotta do it so much that I feel like it!
One will not get anything done because it is still waiting to feel the moment to move,
The other person says “No, I need to move and then I’ll start feeling for a moment!
Your son’s self-discipline is essential in your life and in my life.
If we’re going to get things done.
If you get up and have just no discipline of any kind, you get no value from anything.
Your diets do not work when you do not do them.
Exercise does not work when not done.
But most people already have some experiences that you want to shift.
Once you transform those things, your whole life changes.
But life is a continuous growth.
My life is not here because I went to one seminar once, and now my life is fit for life.
I exercise. Brain training. Physical training.
Becomes a lifestyle.
A lot of you will prevent your success.
Because you are afraid of what will happen.
Because the rest area is here.
Make a great living.
You pay me bills.
everything is great. Ah, I’m afraid to change.
Therefore, you can prevent your growth.
So you have to tell yourself now “Hey, once you get the tools, once you’ve done your homework,
Then you can start to take the move “to say” hey, I can be a businesswoman, a businessman and start my own thing “
But you must believe in yourself first.
You have to show the truth every day and pinch yourself forward towards these dreams.
Not only to show every day, and once pinch while yourself.
I mean, every day you actually take action you have to move forward.
Do not just search, do not just think.
Consider, the power of great torque, but without any initiative, is the right of the dead?
A big dream, but without any movement has died.
You’ll be moving around every day.
If you want to be completely focused you can not take the eye away from the ball.
You can not lose by taking action, you can lose only by not taking any action.
If you delay taking action again and again, the development usually never take any action.
You can get the result of the habit of procrastination holding you back and so on.
Do something! Many people talk about doing something or say “What if?”.
But they do not actually get up and do it.
Taking action is really really important.
My advice is just to focus every day.
Then you have a plan in place how you want to improve and how you want to get better,
I would stick to this plan and trust that every day you pass you commit to a plan you will get your final result.
The key to success is to work hard from other people.
Cause everyone wants success.
Everyone wants Lamborghini, everyone wants freedom.
But, what are you willing to do to get there?
Much success is seeing yourself triumphant.
You have to see yourself, you have to truly believe in yourself.
Sometimes difficult.
You have failures, you have weaknesses, you have other things.
You have to see yourself as a one-man band.
Do not rely too much on others because they will let you down.
You have to see yourself victorious.
Anything and everything can be done if you can visualize it and if you believe in yourself.
To be a winner, you have to think like a winner.
If you do not think like a winner it just never happens gonna work.
You are going to find rejecters every turn that makes you.
Do not listen, just visualize your goal, and know exactly where you want to go.
trust yourself.
Break out and break some rules and never be afraid of ever failing.
the time now. The time is now for expression and for people to believe themselves.
Time now for you to be fine to be great.
When you look at the achievements of the witty people and say: Boy, who was really hard I must ‘
You know, when you look at something that looks hard, it was probably easy.
And in opposite directions, when you look at something that looks easy, which may have been difficult.
And so you’re never gonna know what that is so you actually will do it.
So go and do it, try it, and learn from it.
As you know, some things have not worked, and this is the learning experience you need so that you can
Take it to the next experience.
Do not let people who you respect and who you think know what they are talking about,
Do not let them tell you it can not be done.
Because often I will tell you that he can not do is just cause they do not have the courage to try it.
The bridge between reality and dream is action.
And when I always have moments of despair, doubt and dark days,
Focus on work. I show, work, work and work …
You’ll never have the best look, you will not be taller,
The most gifted, the most capable,
You’ll never have as much money.
There will always be someone who is the best in everything you do from you.
But you can always be the hardest person to work in the room.
I think a person who works harder can always win.
Hard work comes. I put in hell of the work through all this.
I put out more content from anyone, the more content from Fox, the more content from ESPN,
More content from BG Sports, more content from anyone in the night live on private channels.
You know what I mean, I’m at all costs from all angles, not just in the gym
You know, like a month ago.
Every day no one does it.
So, I’m very proud of that.
I like hard work to give.
I do not think there is any magic in being successful.
I am not talking about providing a million dollars or a billion dollars,
I’m just talking about success.
I do not think it’s any magic. You must work hard, you must respect the people around you,
And you just gotta go.
I have never met a successful person who does not work hard.
In life, you should only ever do one of two things:
and that is …
You know, be great and I think you have to fight.
I think a lot of my success is the result of some level of skill
But I think I win because I work outside people.
I really do not think so.
I do not think that 100%
I realized that information changes attitudes.
So I prefer to buy a book from buying a house.
Because if I buy a book, many homes can be bought.
You can take all my money from the bank.
He hit me “Oh”.
But if you take the knowledge of my head and take the tests that I had,
I’m bankrupt.
The problem with most people is that you are not obsessed with improving.
Every day work hard on yourself from anything else.
If you become smarter, more valuable, more skilled,
You can add more value to other people.
All you have to focus on in your life is to find a way to add more value than anyone else does
You do not have to worry about anything.
Be the person who does the most for others, and life will be just anything you want out of it.
Here I am, both my dreams and aspirations here,
The only thing between these two handfuls of work.
Therefore, the treatment of this work is a means of transferring this needle.
So listen to me, there are those of you who say, “I want to be a millionaire”
“I want to be the best in this company right?
But your value system says you think of sleeping more than you think in grinding!
Your value system says you are from consumers and not producers!
That you spend more money you’re making.
why? Because you are the consumer.
You read all the books and tell him everything the books say,
But those books are not in alignment with your value.
And if you want to go to the next level, your value is to be wonderful to change.
Life is such a super-fragile super-temporary thing.
You can not get a solid block like the time to really follow the things you care about.
We have to understand what we are in good and bad condition,
And you had to leave what you were bad at.
You have to.
If you are naturally bad at singing like I am,
You should not be putting your career and your life in a position to become a professional singer.
It’s a bad idea!
In life, you should only ever do one of two things.
That is – find out what you are most passionate about, like finding your dreams in life.
Then two – bring those feelings, realize those dreams.
When you are not clear on what you want to want,
You can go out whenever you feel like it, you do not have any drive,
You do not have no passion.
So when people ask me – where does the passion come from?
Where does the drive come from?
I know what I want!
I’m talking about knowing what you want, because when you know what you want,
This is where the car comes from.
This is where the passion comes from.
Keep yourself busy too!
As long as you do something, you will find your way.
When you get lazy that everything becomes oblique, everything becomes gray or misty.
Your life comes to your decisions.
And if you change your decisions, you have to change everything.
I think life causation has no effect or whatever contribution you can make while you’re alive.
The finish line is the same for everyone,
We finish everything in the same place,
But while we are here,
What contribution can you make?
Life shrinks and life expands in proportion to your willingness to take risks.
The most dangerous thing you can do in your career,
The most dangerous thing you can do in life,
Do not run it in a safe way.
If you want to affect the world, you have to change yourself first.
Everyone tries to come out and change the world by changing others and other things.
But the real way to do this is by changing yourself.
And sometimes make these options really uncomfortable,
To go up against everyone in your life that you’ve been searching for,
Take this risk.
When I visit students I would also tell them that the greatest risks that you take do not take one.
It is by the way, Miss Martinez is studying me it!
I have used it to this day.
At any time I feel that ‘Should I?’,
I feel as nervous as I feel now,
I take these risks.
For all students, for all teachers,
For all breeders here,
We have to take the risk.
If we do not take this risk, I go back to that, it is one of the biggest risks we take.
We do not have a short time to live,
But to waste a lot of it.
Everyone has time, stop watching UF *** g lost!
If you want this, if you want Bling Bling, if you want to buy aircraft,
If you want to do s ** t,
Action! Translation (رفاء الطائي rafaa tai)
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