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CHANGE YOUR MIND AND BECOME SUCCESSFUL – Best Motivational Videos Compilation for 2017

The first thing will change your life
The only thing that will change your life —– Change your work —- Change your physical situation
Change your relationships
To raise your level
Your life
It can be bigger than playing small roles
The only challenge in our long life is when we raise our level
It means that we all want something from our lives
We do not get what we want. We get what we have to get
What you are looking for, what you are talking about, what you need is discipline
Now, discipline as the term suggests self comes from you
It comes when you make your own tweets
To be upset
When your ROI is in order to become better, you decide to do more and become better
Well, I think the only thing that helps you is your temper, it helps you get things done
When things are done in the fact that they have had more success
Create some opportunities, when you create new opportunities you get new results
With new results you will get a new reading
When you become unable to bear more, this is the time when a change occurs in your life
In order to develop abilities, you must possess the power of mind, possess the energy, only develop the abilities of success in you
We know the most important thing about high achievers is that they all have goals
If literally, without goals you will be exploited
People without goals will be exploited by people with goals
People without goals work in people who have
But you know about Mike Phillips, what allowed him to be able to push beyond that moment are those rituals
Go and study this person
Most people who swim have abnormal exercises
He performed two or three times as much exercise every day
All the other swimmers at first thought he was crazy
To do this excessive exercise you can not be physically impossible
But he possessed the power and the belief to accomplish it
If it was easy everyone could do it
There will always be times of ups and downs but I really think the important thing is to jump back on your horse and continue to progress
I think the biggest thing I’ve always said is “never give up”, and never give up
No one should ever surrender, if they really want something, they should go and get it
They must work for it
Yes, that will not be easy, but if you want it hard you will do whatever it takes to get it
To take care of the great athletes as an example
They are also not only talented because they are like Kobe, Michael Jordan or Federer
It is the quality of their rituals / beliefs
If you think that you can make a difference, the Amrit is required to commit
The most important thing is to go to work and not to be sick or have children
The most important and you are going to work to put in your head this my duty
If you do not work daily as an athlete, go to the gym every day and practice
If you do not work, do not work in ideas, if you do not integrate your ideas, if you do not show some alignment
Will not work with you any idea that you did not go to work
Everyone in this world has a list of what they must do
I have to lose weight, I have to train, I have to work hard, I had to
But I know, the thing that changes people is when Ali becomes a “must”
Suddenly when you think you should say ,,, it has to happen
This is really what we need to change
Until you make a new bush
Until you think about new ideas
Until they get new talks
To get rid of ideas that do not work
And to foster new ideas and beliefs
Nothing will change
The road to success goes through commitment
And through the strength of the desire to continue that commitment at odds
Things will get worse and you may want to withdraw sometimes
But what will determine this is who will be
And more than you want to be
You have
Only one life ..
Do not waste it
I had great dreams
It is not a button, does not exist
you can do that
Do not let anyone steal your dream I used to ask myself every day, “Can I do that?”
And something inside me told me “You are the chosen”
You are chosen
If you want to be great, not only good
The second is not the third
If you want to be great
Very good .. but the best in what you do
The obsession is essential
Once you possess magical mania
Once you ask the impossible to be
When someone tells you like this
“You can not do it”
“I chose the wrong way”
So you say something like this
I’ll see you, I’ll show you what I can do I’ll turn “I can not”
I’ll get rid of “I will not be able to,” “It’s impossible”
Eric will tell me that I can do anything
I’m my only problem
Which she always talked to me
I am the only solution
I’m always the only problem .. I’m the only solution
What I mean is that you are either positive or negative
Now you know that you attract what you fear, attract what you feel
Attracts what is inside your mind
It ‘s like the law of the liars, I do not know how anyone disagrees with that
If you ask any physicist it will tell you that it is true
I become what I think about
The whole day
Once you know
I think about it
Expanding …
Begin to be careful about what you think
Do not allow your thoughts to be around something you do not want
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