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BEST SPEECH EVER – Simon Sinek on Millennials in the Workplace | SO INSPIRING!

So, take a group of people
And then graduate from school and get work
And then rush to the real world
In a moment, they discover that they are not discriminating.
Their mothers can not provide them with an upgrade
And that they do not get anything if they get the last position
By the way, they discover that you can not get something once you want it
At one moment, their image of themselves becomes shattered
Thus, you have a whole generation that creates with lower self-confidence than previous generations
Perhaps you can identify it through the previous video that we did together and which swept through the Internet in the sense of the word
In which he answers the question of the “millennium generation”
I did not meet again, and no one asked me about the question of the millennium generation
What is the Millennium Generation question?
The millennium generation seems to be the group of people born almost in 1984 and beyond
It is difficult to deal with them
They are accused of needing special treatment
They care only about themselves
But most importantly they want special treatment
And because they confuse their managers a lot, it turns out that their managers are asking this millennium generation: “What do you want?
The Millennial generation responds: “We want to work with a position that has an end.”
this is beautiful!
“We want to leave a mark on the world”
Whatever it means
“We want free food and entrees”
So, one of them is doing something of his own kind, with lots of free food there and appetizers
However, for some reason, they are still not happy.
This is because there is something missing
I learned that I can divide the subject
There are four, four things, four characteristic traits.
The first is patriarchal
The second is technology
The third is lack of patience
The fourth is the surrounding environment
The generation that we call “the millennium generation”, many of whom grew up on (not my words), failed educational strategies
Where, like, they were told they were special
All the time.
They have been told they can get anything they want in life
Once they want it
Have been told ..
Some of them entered superior ranks not because they deserved them, but because their people grumbled.
Some of them got excellent grades not because they deserved them, but the teachers did not want to deal with their parents
Some boys got medals just for participation
You get a medal for your last place, right?
And this, as we know clearly, reduces the value of the medal and the reward to those who already deserve it
This in turn makes the person of his last rank feel embarrassed and narrow
Because they know they have already not deserved it so they feel worse about themselves
So let’s take this group of people
They graduate from school and get work
They are driven to the real world
And then in a single moment, they discover they are not special
Their mothers can not get them promoted
And you do not get anything if you put the last place
By the way, you can not get something once you want it
At one glance, their entire self-confidence shatters
So you have a whole generation that grows up with less self-confidence than previous generations
The worst problem is that we are growing up in Facebook and Instagram
In other words, we are very good at putting filters on things
We are good to see the world that life is amazing even though I am depressed
So everyone seems strong
Everyone seems to have discovered all the mysteries of life
But in reality there is little power and most people have not yet discovered the mysteries of life
So when the older ones say “What should we do?”
It’s like this: that’s exactly what you have to do
They have no idea
So you have a whole generation that grows with less self-confidence than previous generations
They have no fault in that
They have no sin in that
They were dealt with in the wrong way
Now, let’s add technology
We know that the connection with social media and our mobile phones produces a chemical agent called “dopamine”
That’s why Lama gets a text message, feels good
As you know, we all went through this when we felt a little sad or lonely
And start sending ten messages to ten friends, as you know “Hello! Hello! Hello! …
Because when you get a response you feel good
That’s why we do after the loves, and come back ten times to see if ..
If the Yalantagram account is no longer active … have you done something wrong? Do not you love me today?
The great shock to young people is that their friendship will be canceled.
Because, as you know, when you receive the message, you receive a batch of dopamine, which makes you feel happy
That’s why we love him
That’s why we go back to him every time
Dopamine is the same chemical component that is secreted and we feel happy when we smoke, when we drink and when we play gambling.
In other words, it causes a great deal of addiction.
We have an age limit for smoking, gambling, and alcohol.
We have no age limits for social media and mobile phones.
This is equivalent to opening alcohol kiosks for our teenagers:
By the way, this is something that really happens to teenagers.
But really this is what is going on now
That’s what’s going on is not it?
This really is what I am doing now
We have a whole generation that has access to doping to addictive chemical components called “dopamine”
Through social networking and mobile phones, while crossing the stress of adolescence
Is this topic important?
Almost every alcoholic addict discovered alcohol when he was a teenager
When we are too young, the only approval we need is the consent of our parents
When we go through adolescence, we make this conversion from our parents to the need for our consent
Very frustrated for our parents
Very important to us
It allows us to adapt outside the surroundings of our parents and move into the outer ocean
It is a very, very stressful stage and a cause of concern from our lives, and we are supposed to learn to rely on our friends
Some people, who accidentally discover alcohol and its drug effect, help them cope with the anxiety and stress of adolescence.
Unfortunately, this becomes engraved in their brains
For the rest of their lives, when they are under great pressure, they will not resort to a friend, they will resort to a bottle of alcohol
Social tension, economic tension, and tension
These are the main reasons for drinking alcohol
What he gets is:
Because we allow endless access to tools that stimulate dopamine, such as the organs and the media
In principle, it becomes engraved in our brains and what we see now that, as they grow up, many children do not know how to form meaningful deep relationships
Their words are not my words.
They will admit that most of their friendships are superficial
They will admit that they do not depend on their peers
Do not depend on their friends
Have fun with their friends
But they also know that their friends will tell them if they meet something better than them
Deep, meaningful relationships do not exist because they have never been trained
Worse still, they do not have the mechanism to cope with stress
So when they face psychological stress in their lives, they do not resort to someone
They are resorting to a device.
They resort to social media
They go to these things that provide them temporary rest
We know, science is clear. we know!
That people who spend more time on Facebook suffer from higher levels of depression than those who spend less time on Facebook
These things are balanced!
Alcohol is not bad
Lots of bad alcohol
Gambling is amusing
Lots of serious gambling
There is nothing wrong with social networking and mobile phones
Lack of balance is a mistake
If you are sitting at dinner with your friends and you are sending messages to someone who does not exist with you, this is a problem.
This is addiction
If you are sitting in a meeting with people who are supposed to listen and talk to them, then put your phone on the table,
Face the phone up or down, I do not care
This sends an underground message to people in the room with you that you are not important to me right now.
This is what happens
And the fact that you can not keep your phone away is because you have an addiction.
If you are correct and use your phone before saying “Good morning” to your beloved, your lover, or your partner, you have an addiction.
Like all addictions, over time, it will destroy your relationships, cost you time, cost you money and make your life worse.
So you have a generation that grows up with less self-confidence, and does not have coping mechanisms
Now adds a sense of impatience
They grew up in the world of instant gratification
Do you want to buy something?
Go to the Amazon site and the destination will arrive you the next day
Do you want to watch a movie?
Log on to the net and watch the movie
You do not check movie dates
Want to watch a TV series?
Sarwood! You do not have to wait week after week after week
I know people who miss the seasons of the series only to be listed at the end of the season
Immediate gratification
Do you want to go with a Grammy?
You do not have to learn how to be smooth
You do not have to learn and practice that skill
You do not have to learn how to understand what the girl says to you, yes yes or yes means to …
Drag on the right! Peace be upon you. “Refers to the Tinder application”
You do not have to learn social coping mechanisms
Everything you want you can get it immediately
Everything you want
Immediate gratification
Except for the satisfaction of work and the strength of relationships, there is no electronic application of these matters
Those things are slow, tortuous, not comfortable and often chaotic
So I’ve always met these creative, amazing, exemplary, hard-working boys who just graduated from school
They are at the beginning of their working lives and I sit with them and ask them, “How is the work going?”
They say to me: “I think I will leave this work!”
I ask: “Why?”
They say to me, “I do not leave an impression on the world”
I say: “You have been in this business for 8 months.”
It’s like they’re standing at the beginning of a mountain
They have that abstract idea that contains the impression they want to leave on the world
Which is the summit
What they do not see is the mountain
I do not care if I climb this mountain quickly or slowly
But there is still a mountain
Therefore, what this generation learns is patience
That some very important things too, such as love or progress in work, happiness, love of life, self-confidence, is a skill set; None of those things
All these things take time
Sometimes you can speed up parts of them
But the trip to the whole is arduous, long and difficult
If you do not ask for help and learn that skill set, you will fall from the mountain
Or worse cases
Worst cases
We see it now
The worst case we see is an increase in suicide rates
We see an increase in this generation
We see an increase in deaths due to overdose of drugs
We see more and more children leaving or leaving school as a result of depression
Something we have not heard before
This is very bad
Best cases
Those situations are all bad is not it?
The best case is that we have a population that grows and tests life without actually seeing happiness
They will never see a very deep achievement
In work and life
They will walk in life and only they will be “quesin”
How are you doing?
it is good
As it was yesterday
How is your relationship?
It’s good
This is the best case
Which leads me to the fourth point
Which is the environment
Which means: We take this group of young men, the wonderful boys who were treated in the wrong way
This is not their fault
We put them in environments and companies that are more concerned with numbers than children
They are more concerned with the longer-term goals than the long-term goals of this human life
We care about the Sunnis, who care more about life and the whole world
So we put them in environments and companies that do not help them build their self-confidence
Environments that do not help them learn cooperative skills
Environments that do not help them overcome difficulties in a technical world and find a more balanced
This does not help them overcome the need to get instant gratification and teach them the joys and leave the impression and sense of accomplishment
By working hard on something for a long time can not be done in a month or even a year.
So pushing them into these environments and worse than that they think they are the reason
They blame themselves
They think they are the ones who can not deal
This makes things all the worse
It is not their fault, I’m here to tell them this is not your fault
It’s corporate
It’s the environments you grew up in
It’s a lack of real guides
In our world today, this is what makes them feel that way
They were treated incorrectly
I hate to say it but corporate responsibility
It’s unfortunate to be in this position, as if we do not have a choice
This is what we have
I wish the community and their parents did a better job with them
But they did not!
So now we put them in our companies and now we have to lift them out of recession
We have to work harder to discover ways to build their self-confidence
We have to work harder to see ways to teach them the social skills they do not have
There must be no mobile phones in the meeting rooms
Start. at all
I do not mean the kind that waits outside the room to correspond with friends
I mean:
When you wait for a meeting to start, that’s what we all do. Everyone is sitting here waiting for the meeting to start
The meeting began? OK.
And then we start the meeting.
Relationships are not made that way.
I remember when I told you that it depended on small gestures.
Relationships are made this way.
As we wait for the meeting, we begin to do this: “How was your father?” I heard he was in the hospital.
“Oh, it’s okay, thanks for asking!” “He’s really at home now.”
“Oh, I’m really so happy!
“I know, it was scary for a while!”
So make relationships.
“Hey, did you finish that report?”
“Oh my God! No, I did not!”
“I’ll help you! I can really help you!”
“Oh really?”
Confidence is thus formed.
Trust is not formed in one event or day.
Even hard times do not create confidence immediately.
It is time, stability and continuity ..
We must create mechanisms that enable these small and harmless interactions to occur.
But when we allow mobile phones in our meetings we will be so: “Well, start meeting”
And I have a bug when there is a mobile there and you are so.
And then ring and you act like this:
I will not answer it.
You know, as if he were a gentleman!
When you go out to dinner with your friends .. I do this with my friends:
When we go out to the nest, we leave our mobile phones at home.
We will contact whom?
Maybe one of us will get a phone if we need to call someone.
And to take a picture of our meal.
This is not true, stop!
I mean, I’m not! I’m perfect but I’m not crazy.
I mean, it looked good.
We’ll take one phone.
It seems like an alcoholic addict.
The reason why you take alcohol out of the house is that we can not trust our resolve.
We’re just not strong enough.
But when you remove seduction, it’s actually much easier.
So when you just say “Do not get out of your phone!” People will act literally like that.
And one of them will go to the bathroom. What is the first thing we do?
Learn, because I do not want to see the bathroom for a minute and a half!
But when your phone is not with you, you enjoy the world in some way.
And here comes ideas.
As you know, ideas and inventions do not come when you are in a state of full engagement!
Ideas occur when our brains roam ..
And then you see something.
“I bet I can do it”
This is called invention.
Right? But we have removed all those small moments.
You should not. In fact, we should not all ship our phones near the bed.
We must ship our phones in the living room.
Remove temptation.
You wake up in the middle of the night because you can not sleep?
And then you check your phone..that makes it worse
But if your phone was in the living room, that’s fine, you’re relaxed.
“But it’s my alarm clock”
Buy an alarm clock
Their price is 8
I will buy you an alarm clock.
Oh really?
But the point is, now we are in the industry, whether we like it or not, we do not get a choice.
We now have a responsibility to make up the shortfall.
Help this amazing, perfect, wonderful generation build their confidence.
Learn patience.
Learn social skills.
Find a better balance between life and technology.
Because, quite frankly, it’s the right thing to do!
Thank you, Simon, for coming!
Thank you for coming, this was incredible!
Absolutely amazing! Where can they find you?
Eronic, is not it?
Well, you can find me on social media.
When you are not in a meeting.
So yes I am all the usual places.
But I will tell you one thing.
So, I have a new book coming out in September.
It’s a thin plug-in.
But what’s special about it is:
I wanted to produce something that could not reproduce digital form.
It’s a quotation quote book.
It’s beautifully illustrated.
I was kind of pressured on this I did not want the illustrations done on a computer.
They were done by hand.
There is a song.
Aloe Plask, singer, Grammy nominated singer.
The book is called “Better Together”.
He gave me a song to go with.
The music is on the back of the book and in fact, the lyrics are in the line of his hand.
It’s actually a handheld line.
Here’s the best part.
The book is scented.
We smelled with the custom scent made by this amazing company called 1229.
They designed me the smell of optimism.
Even the smell of thread and smell like optimism.
The thing I like about this is: I can not do that in any e-book format.
I wanted to create something you had to physically engage with.
And it’s designed to be given as a gift.
The first page says: “To” … “From”.
Because I wanted to give as a gift to someone I wanted to say: “Thank you for inspiring me.”
Or to give to someone you want to inspire.
It is designed to enhance this.
Physical interaction and engaging with the real world.
So I’m really proud of him.
He’s incredible, man!
Super unique!
Yes, it’s fun!
I hope to do smashingly as well as other books you have.
I gave a lot to people.
It was really really incredible.
In what you participated with us today frankly man!
so beautiful.
Appreciate it, thank you very much! Thank you for hosting my translation (Rafa Tai Rafaa Tai)
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