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here’s the hard truth people don’t
necessarily want you to succeed and the
bigger your dream the more people that
are going to come out of the woodwork to
try to stop you as Oliver M Burton said
the only way to avoid pissing people off
is to do nothing important but if you’re
striving for something important if
you’re trying to make real change if
there’s something in your life then you
are absolutely hell-bent to make happen
you have got to understand that you’re
going to be fighting against something
people are going to be pushing back
against you and it is going to be your
ability to hold true to that vision
that’s going to determine whether you
can pull it off and as Victor Hugo said
you have enemy’s good it means you stood
up for something at some point in your
life and that’s what people missed they
somehow want to get through this
unscathed they somehow hope that with
this grand change that they want to make
that people just fall in love that they
see your vision that they fall in line
behind you and that they want you to
lead them that’s not the way that people
work having the vision already puts you
in an incredibly rare group of people
being able to see something that other
people can’t be that is the role of a
visionary is literally to interpret the
world that other people don’t even know
exist and bring it into fruition and get
people excited about to get them to fall
in line but understand when you build an
army you will have an opposing force but
as Mark Twain said keep away from those
who try to belittle your ambition small
people always do that but the really
great ones they make you believe that
you too can become great
and that’s the kind of person that you
want to surround yourself with you want
to surround yourself with people that
believe in you you want to surround
yourself with people but even when they
can’t see it they can see you even when
they don’t understand that you’re trying
to build they believe in you and they’re
willing to get in line and they’re
willing to meet that opposing force and
when you’re able to galvanize people
around your idea and push it forward and
pay for them the world not as it is but
as it could be that’s when you can make
change but you can’t be afraid to piss
people off you have to know that they’re
coming for you and you have to be
willing to fight because if you’re not
willing to fight you might as well sit
down now so if you’re going to be one of
the few that stands up you’ve got to
stand up prepared for war don’t just
aspire to make a living aspire to make a
difference anything you want
good you can have so claim it work hard
to get it when you get it reach back
just because you’re doing a lot more
doesn’t mean you’re getting a lot more
don’t confuse movement with progress you
you don’t start because you don’t
realize yet that the fruit of everything
good in life begins with the challenge
there’s nothing easy in life worthwhile
in life everything is a pill that’s
worthwhile and it’s not going to come to
you and it’s not going to fall in your
lap and it’s not going to be something
that oh my god it just was so simple
it’s always going to be difficult the
only way you’re ever going to get to the
other side of this journey is you have
got to suffer to grow to grow you must
suffer most of this generation quick a
second they get talked to you did this
wrong you did this wrong or they get
yelled at if the leader says it’s going
to be great nowadays because everybody
else says most people are a weak this
this is softened generation so if you
have any mental toughness any of any
ability gives any fraction of
self-discipline the ability to not want
to do it but still do it people have a
hard thing understand I hate to run and
it makes me so crazy it doesn’t even
more to the world why do you run if you
hate it
what are you talking about I don’t want
to take showers and v’s I hate that to
get the hold it that’s a life man that
is his innit
it wasn’t until I changed that mentality
I became somebody
what do you do on the days when you’re
just not feeling it those days those
days when I’m tired or worn out or just
basically sick of the grind but what do
I do
from another place I go anyways I get it
done even if I’m just going through the
motions I go through the motions I don’t
really want to work out I work out I
really don’t want a hammer on a project
I hammer on the project don’t really
want to get up and get out of bed I’ll
get up and get out of bed but if you can
get through to doing things that you
so have dreams but have goals life goals
yearly goals monthly goals daily goals
and understand that to achieve these
goals you must apply discipline
and consistency in order to achieve your
goals you must apply discipline and
consistency every day I just want to say
and this a few days you have to work at
every day you have to plan every day I’m
going to saying we don’t plan to fail we
fail to plan hard work works working
really hard is what successful people do
do not listen to that little voice
instead go through the motions lift the
weights sprint the hill work on the
project get out of bed now as an overall
rule I do not like procrastination you
growth is the only guarantee that
tomorrow is going to get better the
first question is very simple what are
99% of people today are assumed just
assuming the somehow they’ll get better
very sad folks very sad because let me
tell you something about assumption
assumption is a huge disappointment in
life you show me a person that assumes
and I’ll show you a person that almost
daily is disappointed
for me to fix this I get a read what the
hell is wrong with David odde not not
blame anybody read my books okay I’m
afraid of my shadow how can I overcome
that go into military get your ass
do things you hate to do be
uncomfortable every day of your life
Roger that I’m not the smartest kid in
the world okay it says somebody saying
oh no you’re smart no I don’t say that
to yourself I said to myself no I’m a
dumb motherfucker
okay why is it that how you get smarter
educate yourself so the things that we
run from we run it from the truth we’re
running from the truth man so the only
way I became successful was going
towards the truth as painful as brutal
as it is it changed me it allowed me to
tighten up people it’s okay
trust me it’s okay you might be called
nigger one day it’s okay you might be
called some Jewish word or some faggot
or gay word it’s okay
then call you that what are you going to
do now they don’t own your life how are
you going to control that now how are
you going to flip it upside down and say
Roger that now I’m going to harness this
shit and you’re read about me years from
now how that’s the question how are you
going to do that thicken your skin
become more of a human being don’t be
afraid of the reflection in the mirror
because that’s all you can be afraid of
once you overcome the reflection in the
mirror you’ve done it I lived my life
and I don’t want this to happen to you
if you listen take evasive action I can
we all want to succeed right so the
question that we got to ask ourself is
what success is to us what success is to
you maybe it’s a healthy valley maybe
it’s a happy marriage maybe it’s the
health buttons could be famous to be
spiritually found leave the world a
little bit better place than you found
it what do you want to be remembered for
what can you do them commit to make the
world a better place what is your true
purpose on this earth we are all dying
but only small interviewer truth lemon
if there is no joy when you wake up in
the morning if you drag the sound of the
alarm platform if you have the thought
in your head that there has got to be
more to life than this in order you do
you should stop doing whatever it is you
do you can step out of the shadow into
the light to immense greatness there
were men for more than just what you do
for living you are an internal being
mental inspire and help the world if you
want to achieve those who’s also got to
be very intentional about every moment
and obviously there are days while we
relaxed and just hang out as well but
the more focused beings you’re the
opportunity to achieve if you push
people and ask them what they want
they’re going to tell you that they want
to be happy but nobody really talks that
next step which is what is the
fundamental building block happens that
Keystone brick to happiness is progress
the following few moments may very well
change your life I wish someone had told
me this when I was your age I tell you
this all you see in your world is the
outcome of your idea about it pick a
goal whatever it is I want you to
clearly imagine it get it so clear in
your mind that it’s like you’re living
it in reality what does it look like
what does it feel like what does it
smell like what does it taste like if
you can think of it you can go that’s a
human condition and we can imagine that
we can do it your subconscious mind is
working for you it’s like a slave or you
working and grinding and working and
grinding and working and grinding to
help you get to your objective thousands
and thousands of businesses really know
why you made them they will may become
one you had a clear picture in your mind
to your subconscious brain went to work
without you even realizing
and three step by step inch by inch you
move closer to the objective until you
attained it the only way to move forward
on this is to ask yourself what would
happen if the fifth thing I thought was
wrong was actually right we’ve got to
change yourself we’ve got to build a new
image picture in our mind we’ve got to
see yourself the women want to be and
then we have to live with it that’s and
go to the gym workout that’s what you
did you build a picture on you want to
see this arm disarm and you build that
picture and then you build the body
well you build the life in your mind
take your pen and write out how you want
to live and always start by writing I’m
so happy and grateful now that and the
second you write it you’ve got it
intellectually the moment you impress it
upon your emotional mind you’ve got it
emotionally and it’s only a period of
time taught manifests on the physical
plane I think the challenge is a lot of
people don’t know what division is they
don’t know exactly what they want they
think they know but they haven’t really
written it down they haven’t told the
world or leaf they’re close network of
friends they’re just like well I’m
supposed to have a good job I’m supposed
to be doing something inspiring but
they’re not specifically saying
specifically being intentional valid and
I’m very specific with my vision and
that allows me to stay grounded because
I know here’s the direction I want to go
now it’s not going to be a straight line
it would be great if it was but no
matter what comes my way I’m able to say
yes or no or able to dictate where my
energy goes because of the vision as
soon as I get it clearly in my mind it’s
not long before that thing
and to reality now it’s not a magic
trick okay you can’t just sit at home
and imagine a Lamborghini and it pulls
up into the driveway something to eat
it’s not a magic trick like that if you
continue with action you’ll start to get
results from those actions because it’s
not just in the doing one it’s the doing
and then refine it doing again and then
refining work getting better every
single day
understanding that you can’t look good
and get better at the same time being
willing to be uncomfortable being
willing to get outside of your comfort
zone being willing to go from a tomorrow
person to a right now person you can
came today if you redefine what success
experience the transponder of damaged
relationships we need to understand that
these 31 days in August
these 31 days in August is exactly when
you triple down when you 4 X 5 X down
your hustle well everybody’s at the pool
drinking rose egg this is when you put
in the grinding hours and get ready for
your master plans you can become the
best parent possible
at any age even 86 don’t wait until then
you’ll always be able to make more money
but you cannot make more time you never
get better if you’re not willing to put
in the time and basketball is very
similar to the game of life there’s
going to be ups and downs sometimes you
may turn the ball over seven times in a
row but if you put in the work and you
can’t enter in the world you can’t allow
that one mistake to go into their next
play if you allow seven turnovers
sibilance in my next position with the
basketball or that next position in life
if you allow that
divorce or if you’re allowed passing
away of somebody or loss of a career to
go into the next eight plays you’ll have
another thing turnovers you have to be
willing to say that was back there that
happened but it doesn’t even need to
have it now I tell people all the time
dream to dream the dream because your
dreams your dreams like a GPS towards
your success
it’s your dreams are what allows you to
see the light all the time
and it will give you motivation
determination and you go for that and
you go for our dreams you know you reach
out you work hard because people tell
other people what they can do they tell
you you can’t do that
and a lot of times downtime can we
believe them
but they’re telling you what they can
don’t let them tell you what you can do
here’s the thing people do a lot of
talking and one side of proclaiming what
you’re going to do is very good telling
the world what you’re about to do some
telling them something that you haven’t
done yet that’s a very healthy thing
because it will hold you accountable to
those statements but don’t get sucked in
don’t stay in tomorrow you’ve got to add
some points move from tomorrow to right
now move from the action that you’re
going to do on Monday to right now not
even today because that gives you all
the time until the end of the day life’s
not easy it is not don’t try to make it
that way
life’s not fair never was it isn’t now
and it won’t ever be do not fall into
the trap the entitlement trap a feeling
like you’re a victim you’re not get over
it get on and yes most things are more
rewarding when you break a sweat to get
and never give up regardless of how
challenging your destiny in my belief
the world really needs you now more than
ever I was born in Memphis Tennessee
I had a long haul from where I came from
to here but here we are everybody can
courage courage is key to life itself a
lot of people who were born in situation
is about to I’ll never get out of this
so they won’t I say to people say well I
would like to have done so and so and so
so we could have done it so but I
couldn’t get out of here
man the bus runs every date no no guy is
not the limit
it is only the beginning this on you
will be more successful if you make
decisions based upon what is going to
feed your soul make you feel valued
validated you know have you waking up in
the morning and waiting to work whatever
it might be and I can tell you after a
short amount of time money will not be
enough I don’t go to sleep when I’m
some of you sitting here you stopped not
because you don’t have to get your stuff
because your mindset is off but if
you’re not willing to pay the price to
get it you will never painted that’s the
truth that’s the hard reality of the
human condition is you have to give
blood sweat and tears to force your body
and your mind to change and oh my god
people understand a physical
transformation people do not understand
a mental transformation because it’s
invisible what’s the first decision you
made this morning I bet it was to go
back to bed
the reason why I’m bringing up this
first decision that you made today and
the inner snooze alarm is because in any
area of your life that you want to
change anything there’s one fact that
you need to know you’re never going to
how you get what you want it’s very very
discipline is the pathway to freedom
discipline in and of itself doesn’t take
me discipline give discipline tells you
what to say yes to and what not should
actually lighten your load it’s that
thing that makes you you it’s that thing
that gives you the energy to improve to
push yourself to get better to be
willing to fight through good enough but
it starts with you it starts with being
willing to change the things in your
life what do you want you want to lose
weight you want to triple your incomes
you want to start a non-profit you want
to find love what is it
anything that’s a break from your
routine is going to require for the pain
and suffering that is the process of
growing and getting better here’s the
thing humans are capable of change
extraordinary change the transformation
to go from one thing to something else
that is truly unrecognizable to think of
the person you are today as being a
whale a point to the person that you can
become and over there on the other side
of that transformation is somebody so
much more powerful and greater than who
you are today but you’ve got to answer
how badly you want it the first step is
getting completely and brutally honest
enough to say I am tired of myself when
you say I’m sick and tired of being sick
and tired
that’s the facilitator of change that’s
when you’re ready to say these words no
more excuses no more excuses
why don’t you have what you want when
you have all the information that you
need you have the contacts that you need
there are probably free tools online
that allow you to start a business or
join a group or do whatever the heck you
everybody will get the same information
everybody’s gonna get the same answer
everybody’s gonna be the same speakers
everybody’s gonna get the exact same
thing everybody’s will have access to
the exact same thing the problem is
everybody wants to be a bee and so it’s
time to do what real bees do everybody
gets excited in key to doing story but
nobody wants to get up to 3 o’clock
everybody’s excited when I say I wake up
at 3 o’clock Arabs over in 3 o’clock and
you try it twice and 5 and yeah I can
real you walk out of here pumped up
fired up to get some new information
you’re ready everybody wants to be a
beef in terms time to do would be do and
what you have to understand is everybody
that you’re going to hear from Eric
Thomas my mother got breakfast with me
at 70 in those high school dropouts
ate out of trash in lift an abandoned
building slepping cards multi-million
copy that changing the world
I didn’t say America the world why
because not only do I want to be a B if
you follow my 24 hours I do would be sue
I think the goodness great are only
separated by a willingness to sacrifice
and what are you learning the sacrifice
have you thought about it have you
actually asked yourself that question
having written down an answer no matter
what anybody thinks no matter how much
hatred is flowing at you if you have a
vision of yourself and what you can
become and you are willing to sacrifice
to get there and you are willing to
suffer and endure all that matters is
whether or not you actually get great at
something and if you get great at
something no matter who tries to stop
you my friends boos can’t block dunks as
Muhammad Ali said impossible is just a
word thrown around by small men who find
it easier to live in the world they’ve
been given and to explore the power they
have to change it and that’s the thing
you have to remember this world
everything you see around you yourself
your mindset your beliefs it’s all
everything about your life is a choice
everything that you see in your life
from your job to your bank account to
your spouse to your loneliness to your
happiness to all of it everything is a
result of the choices that you’ve made
everything is either a result of what
you’ve chosen to accept they’re chosen
to change so the question that you’re
going to answer with your life is
whether you’re somebody who just takes
it or whether you’re somebody who takes
it and does something with it and if
Michael Jordan said you must expect
great things of yourself before you can
do them before you can make these
changes before you can grab life and
shape it into what you want you’ve got
to be willing to believe that you can do
it you’ve got to make a demand of
yourself that you’re going to do
something break that you are going to
become capable of the extraordinary you
have to place that demand on you and
whatever you accept from yourself is
what you’ll get but if like Larry Bird
you understand that if you give 100% all
the time
somehow things will work out then you
might actually have a chance of taking
those ephemeral dreams taking those
things but the small men tell you are
impossible and making them possible and
when you look around at this
extraordinary world and see all the
amazing wonders that we have created
with our hands and understand that first
it started with someone who allowed
themselves to believe held themselves to
a standard made enormous demands of
themselves including the demand to take
action including the demand put in a
hundred percent effort at all times once
you realize that once you realize there
is no difference between you and the
people who have built all of these
incredible things then you’ll be able to
do something extraordinary with your
life so make that demand refuse to be
one of the small people that watch on
like it to life wrap to the word
impossible who find solace in comfort in
believing that they can do something
because it means they never have to try
go out and bail
embarrass yourself be terrible pick
yourself up learn from that try again
with youth to listen to anyone that
tells you that you can do it and in that
not only find the limit of what you’re
capable of but push them back and
redefine for everyone the very notion of
what’s possible you can keep doing the
old thing over and over and over again
and then in five years you will be about
where you are today or you can decide
today that you’re going to no more blame
others no more make excuses if you make
that choice every day becomes a day when
you grow higher and stronger then you
your choice there’s so much knowledge
out there so much information so many
ways to get better and we make
we make so many mistakes where the
product of our mistakes you know every
time you lose at something you’re one
step closer winning the next time the
difference between successful people are
not successful people let’s call it that
our people give up people wake up every
morning have doubts and fear they lose
in a Ferrari race or their wounds in a
race and then they just give up but the
hardest thing would like to learn is to
lose winnings easy you win you’re happy
you get a high five your friends are
happy it’s your ability to take a loss
get up the next day it does yourself off
and keep going a lot of people out there
they’re going train to improve
themselves by looking for the one change
goes before them change right the one
change in their life is going to make
their dreams come true it is a warm
thing and it isn’t ten things it isn’t a
hundred things
it isn’t a quick pass and there are no
shortcuts are you the kind of people who
can finish the goal or are you the kind
of people that just start and then quit
that’s a question only you can answer
but I hope you answer that question
today don’t wait for tomorrow make the
decision today that you’re going to win
there is no excuse
there is no second path there is no plan
why do you think so many people do that
why are they so willing to settle for
left what the they don’t really believe
that they can achieve and accomplish and
I think sometimes it’s just pure
laziness that people don’t have a sense
of direction but they don’t want to do
anything else and it’s a tragedy that a
person can live out their life with
gifts and skills and abilities and
talents and just settle for doing
whatever comes naturally what do you do
when a thousand other people what
exactly what you wore what do you do
when you’re not the only one that wants
to make a million dollars in your coffee
you’re not the only one that wants to be
a CEO what if you’re not the only one
that wants what you want what are there
thousands of other people who want what
you want you have to outwork them is
that our bond no you’ve got to get up
earlier when you earn something when you
accomplish something when you create
something from nothing and you make it
happen nobody can ever take that away
from you and I don’t want you to just
make the game count every day you have
to have something that separates you
from everybody else on earth until you
find out that something you will be
stressed and you will be struggling but
everybody has before anybody can create
it that’s my expertise
it is possible you have to work and you
do have to have an idea but it’s
you know it’s funny everybody wants a
shortcut right that’s the most common
clap applause ask me tell me the key and
there is no magic it’s just a lot of
little things guide to everyday
successes all those boring things that
have to get done every single day to
move the ball forward
all your excuses or your good reason
everything every everything that’s
keeping you but through what you
supposed to do I need you to put it
behind you and say yesterday there’s the
last day for that foolishness yes it was
a lot of things they all have enough
money to do this I have enough money to
go to school I have enough money to get
a computer I have what it takes I’m not
smart enough right but listen to me
you’ve got to hear what I’m saying
yesterday was the last days I want to
hear an excuse it’s over with you have
to have gold if you have a gold for what
you want to do in life and you can see
that brighter vision for yourself and
start taking action and wizards towards
it if you don’t have any goals if you
don’t know what you want to do then it’s
easy to be lazy to give nothing to get
you inspired and motivated to do
something people have a goal for what
they want to go and accomplish and they
maybe take like a micro step and then
they stop until it’s being consistent I
think far more than anything else I
think the whole super box isn’t the lack
of the vision it’s the lack of
consistency and taking action towards
the vision whatever it is you’re bold
enough you’re big enough to dream if you
are intentional and deliberate about it
now there’s some aspects of it that are
going to be organic but if you are
intentional and deliberate if you build
it on Monday if you build it on to this
if you build it on Wednesday
I want you to understand that it’s not
gonna happen by look productivity is
always intentional and deliberate and on
Tuesday went Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Thursday Friday nope no no luck guys
every single day if you do a little
you’re going to wake up one day and your
dreams are gonna be a reality you can’t
just say you want it you can’t watch the
video and say I want it as bad as I want
to breathe it’s cute to say it but when
it’s show time when the Sun comes up
when the Sun comes up is that all the
book you’ve got all the tapes you’ve got
all the access now it’s time to hunt and
what separates you from everybody else
is that when it’s time to hunt your
everybody’s got Lions on a profile
everybody talks positive about
everybody talks like you’re being you
like you will be you’ve got the cars
like a beach but then when it’s time to
do what bees do you back up you got to
get up and make you happy I can I will
I’m love how do you get to that next
level how do I get my business to the
next place how do I get other people to
the next place look if you want to get
rich you want to be really successful
when I say rich I’m not talking about
money I’m talking about a rich life
freedom time with family choices get to
do what you want look if you want to be
in business for yourself and free you
must learn to dominate you cannot
compete do what are you doing man what
are you doing you know what most people
are going to spend more time in their
life working than any other single thing
and not being successful you got to be
totally committed everybody agree you
got to be completely uncertain you want
a million dollars you want two million
dollars you want five million dollars
how much money do you want how much
success do you want how much notoriety
do you want you want a New York Times
bestseller why can’t you have everything
open I’m 65 so what man Colonel Colonel
Harland Sanders made all his money after
you was 65 years old he wasted the first
64 years if you’re not sure of your own
value your own goals and what you want
the world will never reward you of what
you want your value and your goals do
you need to pressure yourself you need
to cook yourself you need a necessity
level way up here when I wake up in the
morning I write my goals down when I go
to bed at night I’ll write my goals down
so the first thing and the last thing I
do every day I’ve been doing that for 25
years here are four steps you must take
to create the next level of success in
your life number one you must get
attention you got to get attention if
you got to scream to get it get it what
do these people have in common
okay there’s Michael Jordan Warren
Buffett Steve Jobs Oprah a Navy SEAL and
my mother you know what they had in
common this greatness has in common in
Mersin they’re immersed they’re immersed
completely in their environment number
two they’re dedicated completely
dedicated three they have a total total
immerse yourself okay you have to
immerse yourself right now with reading
the right reading audio programs video
find YouTube channels that are good for
you immerse yourself with books audio
video daily okay you hit all three of
those when I’m reading something
listening to something and watching
something these are completely different
ways to learn anybody can do this folks
anybody can do this this is not about a
college degree this is about massive
amounts of action to get attention for
yourself your brand your company your
products your ideas your dreams life is
really really short and I think that we
don’t value and appreciate you know our
freedoms and our opportunities in our
life the universe is yours all right and
you need to understand that success does
not require you to look out the window
it only requires that you look in the
mirror to be successful you don’t have
to look out the window and oh where is
my health where are the people that I
need all you got to do is stop look
directly in the mirror and the one
person you need to blow up the one
person you need to be successful is
looking right back action and if you’re
willing to make a commitment to that
person in the mirror if you’re willing
to look at that person in the mirror say
I’ll make a commitment to you from this
day forward that whatever it takes I’ll
do whatever it takes whatever it is you
want to accomplish or whatever it is you
want to do you literally have to see it
first if you’re not trying to get out of
your shitty situation and every day
you’re choosing to stay in it and you
can’t complain about being given the
choice you keep making you know I one of
my favorite quotes is change happens
when the pain is saying the same becomes
greater than the pain of making a change
so funny we want people to make
guarantees to us but we’re not willing
to make guarantees to ourselves give
never you’re not brave enough you want
to put it on somebody else the reason
why I’m not successful is because of my
boss have you ever looked at Joe
self in the mirror and said I’m not
getting up on time I’m not going to work
on time I’m not putting in a hundred
percent when I’m at work you’ve never
looked at yourself in the mirror and
said you let you die until you get to
that point you let you die you always
want to blame other people
you always want on you want to hold
other people to the fire but you’re not
holding yourself to the fire you just
said you give it 50% you owe you an
explanation you all human explanation
you need to look at yourself in the
mirror and say why are you only giving
50% what’s wrong with you you need to
put yourself on punishment and I’m not
being a victim
not saying I’ve gotta wait for good
things to happen to me and I said I’m
gonna cry
I’m going to fight I’m going to work I’m
going to press forward I’m going to
learn I’m going to do everything in my
power every single day I’m going to do
everything in my power to become a
Victor not a victim winners win and
losers lose I can’t explain it any
better than that I don’t know how it
happens but winners win and if you
create a culture of losing if you keep
being a victim if you keep letting
losing happen to you if you keep letting
people do you in three keys by the way
it’s going to become our culture I have
standards I have value it’s easy to go
through life holding on to things that
are way in a stand guilt resentment
doubt worry the problem is when we allow
these things in they’re taking up space
for the good things that should be there
imagine your life is like a container
you are created to be filled with joy
peace confidence creativity but if you
allow worry in it pushes out the peace
there’s not space for both you can’t go
above a hundred percent you have a
limited amount of room if you allow
guilt to take up space that space that
you don’t have for the confidence you
some people don’t enjoy their lives is
because their container their heart is
contaminated with so many things they
have 10% worried stressed out over their
12% bitterness mad at their neighbor 20%
guilt beating themselves up for past
9% jealousy their co-worker is more
beautiful they don’t realize 70% of
their container is negative how much
space are you given to guilt to shame to
regret to being against yourself
whatever it is it’s too much give no
place to guilt give no place to work
it can’t come in and automatically take
you control what’s in your container you
control what you think about what you
choose to allow in we all have negative
emotions negative feelings you have to
make the choice I’m not going to give
this jealousy this bitterness this anger
valuable space and let it poison my life
every morning when we wake up we need to
empty out anything negative from the day
before you have to be disciplined say no
I am NOT giving this offense any room I
am NOT going to let it sour my day or
you wake up in the morning and thoughts
of worry come are you going to pay your
bills what if the medical reports not
good you’ll never get out of this
take inventory of what you’re giving
space – life is too short to go through
it with negative things holding us down
Woori will make you weak living
stressed-out will make you old give you
wrinkles take your passion being bitter
get in a habit of emptying out the
offenses empty out the worry you make a
mistake empty out the guilt you didn’t
do your best empty out the regret do
better next time he’ll remind you of
every mistake you’ve made for the last
30 years it’s easy to live life in
regrets thinking about what you should
have done differently and I should have
raised my children better should have
been more faithful in my marriage I
should have finished college don’t go
through life looking in the rearview
mirror down on yourself living in
regrets you can’t do anything about the
past but you can do something about
right now being against yourself doesn’t
why don’t you forgive yourself
why don’t you empty out the guilt why
don’t you turn off the accusing voices
when you fall down don’t stay down get
back up again when the accuse or
whispers look at you you blew it again
you’ll never get it right
just answer back yes I know I’m not
perfect but I am forgiving I may not be
where I should be but I’m making
progress I’m moving forward I’m not
where I used to be
don’t let guilt poison your future empty
it out I think I’ve discovered the
secret to changing anything
and what was it so I called it the
five-second rule because I never
intended to talk about it it was a cheat
to beat the alarm clock here’s how it
the alarm rings in the morning most of
us don’t want to get out of bed right
but we know we should so I would go 5 4
3 2 1
the moment the alarm rang 5 4 3 2 1 just
like NASA what they do they countdown to
launch a rocket ship and the counting
backwards kind of shut my mind off and
then suddenly at 1:00 I would stand up
and I would use this every single
morning to get out of bed and nine years
later I still use it every single
to get out of bed I think some behavior
you can learn and automate other stuff
that you don’t like doing you’re going
to always have to push yourself you know
so you’re waking up every day with this
concept of I have 24 hours and their
mind is 24 hours belongs to me right and
whatever I do in this 24 hours will
determine where I’ll be for all and then
that date I think that’s what people
need to focus on like it all for this I
want to make six figures I want to drive
this car one living is out I think what
people should be focusing on is I have
24 hours like Oprah only has 24 man vo
days only asking for like Warren Buffett
only has 24 hours and that’s 24-hour
period I can either break my life or
make my life I just think that goes to
people is too high on the priority and I
think what should be on the file is
want to bid when you can wake up the
next day and you can ride it out you
truly have a vision for your future that
inspires you you’re going to jump up out
of bed in the morning and feel great
about going out alive vs. deliverable
and go into a job you hate or living a
life that doesn’t empower you you know
everyday moving through this will look
like an automaton not really know having
the Zestimate greatness of life your
mind will give you good excuses things
like I’m too tired to fight this
addiction but too tired to believe for
my marriage too tired to stretch to the
next level been doing it so long if you
dwell on those thoughts you will allow
weariness in you become more tired more
weary more discouraged more negative
weariness cannot automatically come you
have to open the door
when thoughts tell you it’s never going
to work out it’s been too long just say
no thanks I know my time is coming I
know God is still on the throne I am
strong in the Lord
I’ve been armed with strength for this
battle if you actually believe something
you try your best to make it happen it
doesn’t always happen but it happens
most of the time what dream or vision do
you want to turn into reality you know
one day I’m going to stand up to that
crabby boss I look good on paper I
should feel great I just know there’s
more you know it because you feel it you
lie awake at night you talk about your
dreams with your partner and your
friends but more often than not you
continue to do those same behaviors that
keep you from making the change you ask
you have to be equip mentally to endure
this process knowing what you’re about
to go into a step one
knowing it’s uphill battle but a
winnable one and one that’s achievable
at the end of this race you’re going to
be more capable the first step guys is
knowing is a tough road but through that
effort feels the care for the person you
want to be at the end get the mind right
do you believe it your body says we’ll
find a way to make it happen I have to
tell each and every one of you that it
doesn’t matter how how old you are how
young you are your age you can achieve
anything that you set your mind to and I
always say if I can do it anyone can do
it and the reason that I always say that
because I didn’t grow up with things
being handed to me I had to work hard I
had to dedicate myself and I had to be
so I love people to tell me no I love
people to tell me don’t it won’t
impossible and I always tell the kid
that slam when I talk too much they
remember in the word can sit the word
can and the word don’t is the word do
and the word won’t is the word one and
in the word impossible because my
daughter taught me is possible so when
you apply that’s everything that we got
going on man I’m just having a lot of
fun you know and that’s why it feels
like we’re not I don’t think we’re doing
enough to be honest even outside
according to the education it could be
business it could be anything
it requires discipline and hard work
determination most importantly it
requires self belief because like me
some people might not believe in you but
you have to believe in you and sometimes
you you’re going to be your own
cheerleader and you have to be your
biggest in your best cheerleader so to
all you young athletes take that to
heart and never stop believing in
yourself and really always support who
you are I think that the number one
thing is if they have a very clear
vision a very clear goal of where you
want to go because only then you will
get there you can have the best airplane
or the best ship in the world but if the
captain doesn’t know where to go
he will just twist around if the pilot
does not know where the girl he would
just drift around with this claim so
it’s I think the key thing is that we
know where we’re going and that you’re
very passionate about that if you see it
always in front of you the goal the
other thing that’s important is that you
got to shoot for the top because we go
and really have big goals and think big
because then you’re going to get big
then you’re going to go and achieve big
things that is the most important thing
we don’t achieve big things by accident
I don’t think it’s enough just to love
it and then just to do it and go out and
win it
it’s not that simple you need to have
structured goals you need to tell
yourself okay what are my goals for the
short-term what am I going to the
long-term now that I’ve accomplished
some of everything and you have to do
and so clear in your mind exactly what
you want to do and what you want to
achieve and for me it doesn’t work
without any goal without any target I
cannot compete properly I believe that
we’re all born with lots of goodness in
us but life throws curveballs life the
ambition of being alive helps us dream
and if you’ve been given a dream don’t
discount that because you’re not good
enough yet develop yourself weaponize
yourself teach yourself to be so good at
something that is necessary to serve in
the area of your dream that now you’re
never even thinking about your comfort
zone you can live the life you desire
it’s right there in front of you but in
order to achieve it you must first see
it then believe it and then you must
graciously ask and train your brain to
if you have a big mission or purpose or
dream and it’s beyond your comfort zone
which is really what they call your
strengths now right hold on which should
be important is the drink and your dream
and your purpose or your mission should
never be made to bow down to your
limited human strength you find the fear
the quick is the easiest way you can
beat it is initially right when it comes
in if you allow to sit
it will grow roots and start breaking
you down destroying the potential a
person you’re going to be again the
champions guys it’s not the potential
it’s not their genetics if the person
things are always show up always willing
to fail and then failure as part of
success success is not you know a
marathon life with just ups success is
formulated through failures through
facing your fears through falling down
and getting back up that’s what creates
the champion success does not define us
we define the success I don’t believe in
the word procrastination like I don’t
really believe in that word I told the
young lady in Australia who told me she
was a procrastinator I said look if I
told you to meet me here tomorrow at 5
i’ma give you 3 million dollars where
would you be she said I’ll be right
there at 4:59 ready to get that 3
million dollars and I said so there’s no
such thing as procrastination what it is
is it’s not important to you right it’s
not it’s not meaning for you to you
don’t really want to get up and get out
of bed
yeah I get up and get out of bed I did
yelling even if I’m just going through
the motions I go through the motions I
don’t really want to work out I work out
I really don’t want to hammer on a
project I hammer on the project now
these could be signals that you need
sometimes and those signals might be
but don’t take today off on today wait
don’t give in the immediate
gratification that is whispering in your
ear shut that down do not listen to that
little voice instead go through the
lift the weights sprint the hill work on
the project get out of bed now as an
overall rule I do not like
procrastination you need to get things
done but if you are going to rest that
is one thing that you should
procrastinate on that’s the one thing I
want you to put off until tomorrow and
if when tomorrow comes you still feel
like you need to rest or you need to
but the chances are you won’t you won’t
need that rest chances are you will
realize that the desire to wrestle is
just weakness it was just the desire to
take the path of least resistance
sit down he’ll pass the easy path if not
it’s not something that’s urgent to you
and when something is not urgent you put
it off so yep you’re in school yes you
probably are getting grades etc but if
it’s not meaningful to you if it’s not
important to you and you’re not going to
make it a priority listen children you
say that you will take event at this
year you said it you said it will go
graduate this year you’re going to
finish college this year you say a
little run a marathon right that’s what
you said out of your mouth all I’m doing
is Upstate listen I’m not telling you
what to do I’m not telling you strength
this is that issue this I didn’t tell
you all here what you should do I’m
trying to push you to do what you say
you were looking you said you were going
to finish your book this year first into
something happens alright so that’s all
I’m trying to do I’m try to get you to
do what you said you were going to
because right now you should be tired
all right you should be time talking
about it you should be in a place where
he’s doing some about I enough is enough
right yesterday yesterday I made my last
excuse yesterday and I’m talking to
somebody the reason why you will not
become successful the reason why you are
not like a little bit motive the reason
why you’re not having success in your
life is because every single day you got
an excuse I need you to do me a favor I
made my last excuse yesterday my last
reason I came up with my last reason
yesterday why I can’t do what I’m
supposed to do I said I’m gonna get it
alright now watch this because you’re a
procrastinator and so I need you to do
me a huge favor
all your excuses all your good reason
everything every everything that’s
keeping you from doing what you’re
supposed to do I need you to put it
behind you and say yesterday was the
last date but I pushed it yesterday was
the last day to say I don’t have enough
money to do this I have enough money to
go to school I’ll have enough money to
get a computer I laugh I don’t have what
it takes I’m not smart enough right I
don’t write well it up I don’t sing well
enough that’s why they do my CD
I didn’t write my book because I’m not
on that level listen to me you’ve got to
hear what I’m saying
yesterday was the last thing I want to
hear an excuse is hopefully you still
have time don’t quit don’t give up your
app time you can do it you can make you
happy but you can’t do it for fascinate
you can’t do it talking about it right
so I just want to go back and recap
because I wanna make sure you’re upset
I’m not telling you to do the et way I’m
not telling to write a book I’m not
telling you to speak I’m not tell you to
do what I do but I dare you I double
dare you to do exactly what you said you
were going
so what you have to do is find out how
can you make it simple
how can you make it personal how can you
make it stick and when you can find that
out I promise you you get up early
we’ll get there first and you’ll do
whatever it takes to make that goal or
reality so for me no such thing as
procrastination is the such thing as it’s not a priority
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