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ACT LIKE A SUCCESS – Motivational Video for Success & Studying (destroy bad habits)

I do not go to sleep when I’m tired, I go to sleep when I’m finished. Translation (رفاء الطائي rafaa tai)
Some of you sitting here, you stop not because you do not have a gift,
You stop causing your mental is out.
But if you do not want to pay the price to get it, you will not.
This is the truth, and this is the difficult reality of the humanitarian situation.
You have to donate blood, sweat and tears to force your body and your mind to change.
Oh God! People understand the physical transformation.
But people do not understand this mental transformation.
They are invisible.
What was the first decision he made this morning?
I bet he had to go to bed.
The reason I’m bringing up this first decision made today is an internal snooze alarm,
Because in any area of ​​your life that you want to change, that is,
There is one fact that you need to know.
You’ll never gonna feel like that.
How do you get what you want?
It’s very, very simple to get what you want.
But it is not easy.
You have to force yourself.
Discipline is the path to freedom.
Discipline inside and outside does not take you.
Gives discipline.
Discipline tells you what to say Yes Loma no.
Actually relieves your burden.
The thing that makes you, however.
But things give you energy.
To improve.
To drive yourself.
To become better.
Be prepared to fight the trough.
Good enough.
But it starts with you.
It begins with being willing to change things in your life.
what do you want?
Do you want to lose weight?
Do you want to triple your income?
Do you want to start non-profit?
Do you find I want love?
What is that?
Anything from a break from your routine,
Is gonna require power.
Pain and suffering, this is the process of growth and get better.
Here is the need.
Humans are capable of change.
Change is unusual.
To move from one thing to another is really recognizable.
Think about the person they are today.
As a weight lifting point.
To the person you can become.
There, on the other side of this shift,
Is a much more powerful and bigger person than you are today.
But, you’ve gotta answer.
How bad do you want it?
The first step is to get quite honest and brutally enough to say
“I’m tired of myself!”
When she says “I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired”
This is the facilitator of change.
So when you are willing to say these words.
“No more excuses.”
No more excuses.
Why do not you have what you want?
When you have all the information you need,
You have the connections you need.
There may be free online tools that allow you to start a business or join a group.
Or do whatever heck you want.
It’s a routine that kills you.
Everyone will get the same information.
Everyone gets the same time.
Everyone will get the same speakers.
Everyone will get exactly the same thing.
Everyone will get exactly the same thing.
The problem is,
Everyone wants to be a beast so it’s time to do what you do real beast.
Everyone gets excited.
ET, Teacher’s Story.
But no one wants to get up at 3am.
Everyone is excited when I say:
Wake up at 3 o ‘clock as a monster, 3 o’ clock.
Then I tried twice and failed.
And for Real Madrid, you walk from here pumping up, fired,
You can get some new information, be prepared.
Everyone wants to be a beast so it’s time to do what the beasts do.
What should we understand here,
Everyone you’re gonna hear from,
“My mother carried me out in 17 years”
“Did not complete secondary education”
“Eat of garbage cans”
“Living in abandoned buildings”
“Flipping Cards”
“Several million company”
That has changed in the world.
I do not say America, around the world.
Because I not only do not want to be a beast.
If you follow my 24 hours, do what the beasts do.
I think good and great and separate them only prepare to sacrifice.
What are you willing to sacrifice?
Have you thought about it?
Have you asked yourself this question in fact, and you’ve figured out an answer?
No matter what anyone thinks.
No matter how hateful and duped in you.
If you have a vision for yourself and what you can become,
I was willing to sacrifice to get there,
I was willing to suffer and endure,
All that matters is whether or not you actually get great at something.
If you have a big thing,
No matter who tries to stop you my friends,
Vintage can not prevent dunks.
Everything in your life happens for some reason.
Your responsibility is to look at these things in your life
This question was asked: “Why now”
You need activation power to initiate the change.
To start sitting.
To start out of bed.
To start out the door.
This is the key to creating any kind of change.
This activation energy inside you should cause the initial “Go!”.
And then, what do we hear over time?
Once you start there is a chain reaction that will allow you to continue.
You have to work on passion.
You have to work on your internal drive.
Do not let these feelings stay inside of you.
You gotta know what to do with them.
You gotta know how to make it work in order to get what you want.
Do not keep it inside.
You want to improve?
You want to get better?
You want to get a workout program or a clean diet?
You want to start a business?
Where to start?
Start here.
When you start? You have to start now!
Everyone, at one point and time in your life,
Be successful for you to jump.
Jumping is the hardest thing people have to do.
But you have to jump.
If you never jump, you will not be successful.
When you first jump, I guarantee you the awning is not gonna open.
I promise you.
But guess what?
In the end, it is open.
And then start your glare.
But they start with the jump.
You have to jump, man.
No matter how painful it is, I gotta keep going.
I gotta hold on because what is my passion?
What is my focus?
Your focus and your keenness to anesthetize you.
To failure and pain.
Or try to get to where you are trying to go.
I do not accept that I am what I am and that “that” is what I am doomed to.
I do not accept it.
I’m fighting.
I always fight.
I suffer and I cancel.
Kicking and crumbling in these weaknesses.
To change them.
To stop it.
Some days I won.
Some days I do not.
But every day, I get a backup.
I go ahead.
With my tight grips towards the battle.
Towards the struggle.
I fight with everything I’ve got to overcome these weaknesses.
That shortcoming.
And those disadvantages.
So literally without goals, I was without direction.
I will use you.
People without goals get used to by other people who have them.
People who do not have work goals for people who do it.
So I wanted to be the person who picks up and gets clear about what you want.
Attend a list.
101 goals.
I want to go to Paris.
I want to jump by parachute.
I want to bungee jumping rope.
I want to play the guitar.
I want to learn to reconcile.
I want to learn two magic tricks for kids.
I want to go to the Olympic Games in Beijing.
Whatever, make the menu.
You have to delete all the negative in the world and focus on the things that make you feel great.
So you can focus on your relationship.
You can focus on how much you’ve already learned in the last six, seven or eight days.
You can focus on the people that love you.
You could focus on your ability as a human being to change your life at any moment and time.
You’ll be crazy to believe what your goal and your passion is.
Because when there is something crazy, even with a non-crazy, you still do it right?
Every single person from childhood is designed with special talents and abilities
That if developed for their length, it can enable you to accomplish anything you want in life.
Everyone is genetically structured to be able to do something in a wonderful way.
Do something they enjoy.
To do this also.
And get great satisfaction from it.
There is no difference of ability between you and someone you are considering to be the ultimate model of success.
The only difference is that they have learned to use mind and body more energy on a consistent basis.
They learned to manage their state.
I have learned to use the body effectively.
Whether they know it or not, it does not matter.
A lot of people do things without realizing how to do it.
They learned to control their mental concentration.
Remember, all we have to focus our attention on is consistinly and strive to learn from,
And make new differences about it, we will get big in.
I want to assure you that you can do it.
I want you to assure you that you can make decisions.
I want to assure you that no matter what the night, no matter what a storm,
No matter how difficult,
There is no one here can not figure it out, find some things to do, one step at a time.
Yes really.
One minute at a time?
Yes really!
Day at a time?
Yes really!
One week at a time?
Yes really!
But there is nothing I can not walk away from.
There is no insurmountable challenge.
I want you to have that kind of belief in yourself.
We have gotta believe in yourself.
You must.
And then you can do it.
You see it. You think so. And then you can do it.
As Ernest Hemingway observed, the world shatters everyone.
And then, many are stronger in broken places.
But my question is:
“Why not everyone?”
For me, it comes down to the strategies you use.
There really is not anything good objective or bad.
There is nothing that happens to you that can not be overcome.
There is nothing.
It can happen to you.
Any thing.
That when towards self-closing that can not find a reason to overcome them,
You can not find a way to put those pieces together again.
And become your business.
It literally becomes up to you.
Whether you’re going to sit down and fool me.
Because what happens, happens.
There is no way to return it.
But how do you respond,
What you bring to this table,
If you meet fire with fire,
If you meet this ordeal with fading,
Is growing weaker in the areas that have been cut off,
Or you can connect them and heal the rift, it becomes like a good that makes you literally stronger.
Is an option.
And it’s the only option you get to do.
But as Stephen Hawking said,
When you complain, no one wants to help you.
There are many things in your life that you have every reason to complain about.
You have every reason to be dissatisfied with the things that have happened to you.
The most insidious thing about the excuses they favor.
There are a million reasons why you should be able to give up.
There are a million reasons why you should not need to try this thing that broke you.
You should just be allowed to sit on the floor.
Here’s the thing.
This is your right.
You have everything to do.
Perhaps people will not think less of you.
But here’s the truth.
They become weaker and stronger in places that break, and this is the choice of how they interact.
The great news is, the best thing you can do to become stronger and love yourself.
As Kamal Ravikant,
Loving yourself is an exercise.
People think that this thing will feel right.
This is gonna feel natural.
That you’re just going to shut up on self and there is a spark of love and joy.
To yourself, inside yourself.
But the truth is, this is not just a human experience.
This is not the way it works.
It’s gonna be a voice inside your head and it’ll blame you.
It’s gonna say that’s your fault.
No matter how many times people abroad tell you that, this is not true.
That this thing happened to you that it is not yours, it does not know you.
There will be a sound that is going to tell you to do.
So where you have to retreat the process.
This is where you must realize that you literally have to practice loving yourself.
That is fine.
That no matter what happens, it is quite there that negates that you deserve your love.
But you gotta practice it.
You might be gotta be willing to do this.
You might be gotta be willing to put them in reps.
You might gotta know that it does not feel right.
But you have to know the other side of that is seeing from your life.
Where you can actually do love yourself.
Because you took the time to say that.
You took the time to practice it.
You took the time to sit there and feel stupid
And tell you that you love yourself.
Sometimes just put in the work you need to do to get strong.
So put in action.
Realize that this situation is your life here today.
Until the results are basically determined by all your happen.
And if you want more, if you want something different,
You can not leave these things alone.
So what I want you to do now is look at your life.
Look at your life situation.
Look where *** and you are in.
And ask yourself very frankly, very frankly,
How did I get here?
What are all the little events, every little decisions, all the little factors?
What accumulation of you got that point here?
If you keep up with current specialties and maintain the current pace that you are on,
Where will you be in five years?
Now you can keep the same track for the next two years you have in the past too.
But if you want to, if you want to.
Maybe everything is ok for you, and you will not need to.
But if you need to make some changes, I tell you, you can start doing it today,
So the next two years will be radically different from the past 2.
Every single successful person I know,
They have these very practice habits.
No one drifts just to the top of luck.
Um, I tell myself, what is your secret?
How to become a multi-millionaire self-employed?
You know, how does everything happen?
You know, it’s funny, everyone wants a shortcut.
This is the most common question people ask me.
Tell me the key.
There is no magic.
It’s just a lot of small things you have to do every day.
Success is all those boring sexy things that you should get done.
Every single day to move the ball forward.
It’s gonna be there bad days. There will be gonna dark days.
But you must accept them.
Because this pain is what makes you stronger.
Success is not measured in days when the sun shines.
Success is measured on windy, dark days.
And if you can not absorb failure, you’ll never work for a successful encounter.
Most people do not know why they are where they are.
You see, I’m telling you one thing.
Everyone knows how to do a better job than their actions.
This is not a problem.
We know how.
We do not do a problem what we know how to do.
People think:
“Oh, you live this disciplined life and that means you do not have any freedom.”
And it’s actually quite the opposite.
I have freedom because I have discipline.
I have, you know, financial freedom because I have financial discipline.
I have more time, I have more time.
Because I have the discipline to get up in the morning before most ordinary people get up.
Almost everything you do from the time you get up in the morning is a habit.
So start thinking about yourself, what would be your best habits?
Developing habits.
I got a brain cover.
I got the energy.
But the development of this habit of success.
Then look around at the people you admire
And a list that makes you admire them compared to someone else that looks equally strong or talented.
Those are the things you can do.
I mean, just typing it.
As we all know, real growth and development can not happen overnight.
The price must be paid over an extended period of time to reap the rewards of these habits.
So I encourage you to make an investment.
Putting time and effort
Focus on the types of changes you can make
Always and over time to develop these habits.
Well I think the only thing that discipline certainly does not help you with,
But it helps you get things done.
When things are done, when you actually do things,
You have more success.
If you have more success,
And sometimes just not much of a success *** Jie lazy and just do it,
It’s like 90% of this is just a show up.
Get there and start working.
Like, you do not feel perfect gonna work every day.
Pro goes to work.
And it does not matter if you are sick,
It does not matter if you have children,
It does not matter what.
You are a pro and go to work.
You will receive from the world that you become.
For the doorway to success, I suggest you swing into the inside and not the outside.
The best way to make life to change the rules of the game and the best way to make life world-class,
The best way to change the world,
Is changing yourself.
I mean, we came from the life that we become.
So, you want to get better?
You want to self-improvement?
Stop searching for a shortcut.
Go find your alarm clock.
Search your discipline. Translation (رفاء الطائي rafaa tai)
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