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OSHO: The Only Way to Stop War

We don’t believe in nations.
It is idiotic –
what is the need of all these nations?
Yes, a world government is needed,
but not nations.
Unless we create a
world government,
wars will continue
because these nations
will go on fighting –
India with Pakistan,
China with India –
the war will continue
somewhere or other.
The only way to stop war
is not what the pacifists go on doing
– carrying posters in processions.
There are a few people
who enjoy it; it is good exercise.
And they are boiling
because of discontent,
so it is good in a way
to shout slogans;
it releases something in them.
But these pacifists are not
going to stop
the war that is just on the horizon.
Any moment, any chimpanzee
can trigger it.
Tomorrow is
more uncertain
than it has ever been.
The next moment is
more uncertain
than it has ever been.
Protest, protest marches, slogans –
this is not going to help.
These people are exactly
the same retarded people,
they are just on a lower
rung of the ladder.
I have been watching these pacifists
and their processions,
their shouting and their slogans.
It does not give the sense of peace;
these are warmongers.
Perhaps they are
ready to fight for peace.
There is only one way:
nations should disappear,
they are an unnecessary
burden on us.
The world can easily be one,
there is no need
of different colors on the map.
If the world dissolves the nations,
whom are you going to fight?
And if the world becomes a
a little more intelligent
and drops all religious nonsense,
whom are you going to fight?
And if you are not going to fight,
there will be no Ethiopia,
there will be no poor India –
because all your energy,
all your money,
all your resources
that are going into war efforts
will be freed.
The whole humanity can live richly.
Dissolve all the nations
if you have any love for humanity.
And dissolve all the religions
if you have any
respect for civilization.
A civilized man
cannot be a Christian,
a Jew, a Mohammedan.
He cannot be an American,
he cannot be an Indian.
A civilized man is simply man.
And if wars disappear,
the world will not need priests
to persuade you
that “Blessed are the poor,”
because there will be
nobody who is poor.
Then the priests will not
be able to distract your mind
towards heaven,
because we can make heaven
on this very earth.
If God has thrown out
Adam and Eve,
do tit for tat :
throw him out.
We will make the Garden of Eden
Let God beg to come in.
Why should you pray and beg
that you should be accepted,
when we can create paradise here?
But these politicians,
these priests,
go on diverting your energies.
They are diverting science
towards war.
Science has now come to a point
where it can make this earth
so beautiful, so comfortable
so lovable that there will be
no Jonestown.
Nobody will want to commit suicide.
But if you can be
as blissful as they have been
depicting people in paradise,
naturally you won’t take any interest
in their bibles,
in their korans and gitas.
You will not go
to confess your sins,
because there is no sin.
People just need more
People need more life,
more wisdom, more clarity.
You don’t need to be forgiven.
You have not done any wrong.
You have been doing only
one thing wrong:
you have been following idiots.
God, who does not exist,
may forgive you.
I cannot forgive you for that.
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