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OSHO: The Difference Between Trust and Being Naive

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The difference between faith and human Naiv
What is the difference
between Faith
and Being Naive?
The difference is huge,
the line is very thin.
Being naive
It means being ignorant.
It is the most intelligent action of existence.
and symptoms
that should be kept in mind are these:
second will
the second will be fooled,
but the person who is naive
It will feel betrayed,
It will feel cheated,
Rampage will come,
It will begin to not trust people.
His naivety earlier or later will become disbelief.
and the person
who believes
also it has to be betrayed,
also it has to
but it will not feel hurt.
It will just feel sorry vs.
who betrayed him,
who have deceived him,
and his faith
do not miss.
His faith
It will continue to grow despite all the tricks.
His faith will never return to disbelief against humanity.
These are symptoms.
At first they look both equally.
But in the end,
quality of being naive
back in disbelief,
quality and trust
It continues becoming more distrustful,
The most unfortunate, the most sympathetic to
human weaknesses,
human vulnerabilities.
Belief is so valuable
that man is able to lose everything,
but not faith.
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