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OSHO: The Best Time to Celebrate

Osho: The best time to celebrate
Knowledge of life,
Grow your consciousness slowly.
With the growth of consciousness,
Begin to feel
You are not the body.
You exist in the flesh,
But you are not the body.
With the growth of more awareness,
You begin to feel that you are not thought too;
You exist in thought,
But you are not thought.
You arrive slowly
Your position in particular.
This center is simply awareness,
From where you can watch your mind,
Your emotions, thoughts,
Your body, Jek,
Your happiness – everything.
But, you are just scenes,
Not specified with anything else
Who will be watching.
Now this viewer
Keep watching even in your sleep.
On the day that you can feel even seen in your sleep,
So you know the day:
right Now
the death
It is nothing but
long sleep.
For the body
He eternal sleep,
But the viewer
Moves forward,
Enters into the womb
To the body
This movement continues,
This reincarnation of the spirit continues
Become watching
Net absolute.
When it becomes a flame without any smoke,
Then you disappear
In the world,
In existential.
You will not go to another house;
You do not need a new home anymore,
I have learned the lesson.
That was the school:
Move from one house to another
It was hopping from row to another.
But someday
You graduate –
You become a part of existence.
That is the reason why we celebrate,
Because there is no death.
Either person
Going to a new home –
A good time to celebrate –
Either the person going
To the eternal presence.
This will be the best time to celebrate,
And the last time to celebrate.
And the celebration of death
It will help you
To understand
it’s a
there is nothing
In life
To be afraid of it.
If death is a celebration,
Then what other
It can be a cause for fear?
If you can celebrate death,
You’ve got to be mature.
It only reasonable
To those who
Live life
Continuous celebration.
Then death is not the end,
But only
Small incident
Change your clothes, your home, your body.
You completely remain the same
Forever –
Nothing changes in your being original.
Of eternal
To the eternal.
You are completely
The same.
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