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OSHO Bardo Meditation (Interview with Maneesha James)

Hello. Nandita and I’m Deva
Maneesh talking about James
CD Osho Bardo
which has been published recently.
Hello Maneesh.
Hi Nandita.
I heard that sales of
CD Osho Bardo are going very well?
Yes, it is, and the feedback is really
very rewarding.
We are very happy with that.
I know you’ve practiced this
Meditation ever, so as
for you?
I find it very useful as a meditation
daily combination
Voices and music works
perfectly for me. And
I find it very useful
because it is a delicate balance between
keep me awake and alert
yet relaxed.
How could I say? Mmm …
For me it is as if consciousness were
speaking to the conscience
Hmm. This is a beautiful way
to say it.
I would be very useful
when he died.
You see how Osho Bardo?
As a meditative process
helps one to go inside
consciously relaxed.
It is a process that is useful both as
Daily meditation, like you
He suggested, as in the process
to die.
You co-create it with Sudheer,
Osho who runs workshops Sammasati
with you, right?
It’s like this. In fact, it was an effort of the whole team.
It is the designer
produced .. did so much work to
multimedia book.
Yes, I see that the design is very elegant
and I imagine that has a thematic nature
present throughout the book. Yes, I can only show you
a little.
I also mentioned the benefits
Osho Bardo and for who he is.
And present it
another person.
So there is a lot of information.
And besides, there is also the CD.
I think it has put a lot of effort.
It has
a lot of work.
And music too – especially
composed and performed
by our friend and musician, also a
meditator. And as part of
equipment, many friends who were selected
as guinea pigs
while we developed meditation
they gave us their feedback.
What inspired you to
Osho Bardo?
I would love to share with
people face the possibility of death
There are so many superstitions
about dying, so afraid
to the point of denying it and avoid it.
And being familiar with vision
Osho, I know I can die
a completely different experience.
Probably the biggest fear is
losing control.
And through meditation – and
Osho Bardo is a meditation –
through meditation we can learn
and moving inward and
familiar with this way
it will be the same at the time of death.
And we discover this part
you can see in ourselves
everything that is going on
body that is dying.
And this observation, we know
separated from the body.
When fear has dissolved, then it
much easier
Osho as suggested, celebrate
actually the process of death.
Mmm, coincidentally, not much
after the publication of Osho Bardo,
I found a journal American
that it presented research
what people considered it
a good death.
Yes, it was very interesting.
Researchers spoke with three groups.
People dying, his family and
and health workers.
And all three have a unanimous opinion
identified three elements
for them is a good death:
have a specific death process,
be free of suffering and
have a sense of wellbeing.
Osho Bardo covers three
Some of us are familiar with
Thödol Tibetan Bardo, a former
Tibetan Buddhist scriptures
accompanying the process of death.
What is the difference OHO Bardo
Thödol the Tibetan Bardo?
For contemporary men and women.
As you said, the Tibetan
Bardo was created for many many years,
two thousand five hundred
And we are different, the times are
It is also very culturally specific,
and related to Tibetan Buddhism,
a religion.
Instead, Osho Bardo
no cultural or religious context.
It is therefore appropriate for people
with or without religion.
Is “experiential”, instead of being based on
beliefs. If?
What do you mean by “experiential”?
I mean, is based on experience
anyone can have
who consciously moves inward toward
this area is known as meditation,
this space where we recognize ourselves
as separate from our thoughts,
our feelings and any
physical sensation.
This place where all these elements
Peripheral seem very … on the whole …
What we understand as reality once –
the world outside – looks very
And the space in which we – of immensity
and stillness and silence – feel
like, “Really this is reality.
This is what I really am. “
Osho Bardo is based on this,
experience, as I say, which is available
anyone who moves inwards.
So anyone using Osho Bardo,
was a meditator?
For example, I was thinking
my grandmother.
Suggesting offered
Osho Bardo?
If she is interested, if she shows
interest and willingness to …
Obviously, share your experience
how helpful is for you.
Yes, and perhaps particularly when someone is
aging, away from
activity outside world
a disease in the process of dying energy
moving inward. So even if someone
not experienced before with
meditation, or has heard,
can be very open and ready to
go inward. If.
It is not just the elderly that
die, right? Not only seniors
All we have to prepare.
All we have to prepare for
is a journey that we all must do.
I confess it is good,
to come to terms with this reality.
Acceptance is the key?
Absolutely. If.
A nice example of this is found
the book wrote Philip Gould
when he was dying. He was a politician,
was a member of the House of
Lords and meditating –
so it was a very cosmopolitan, sophisticated,
obviously, but also a man with a
interest and familiarity with the procedure.
He wrote a book: “When corn:
lessons from the death zone. “
And there are very beautiful passages.
In one of them writes:
“I’m enjoying” – enjoying! – “my death.”
“It is time more satisfying trip
more exciting. “
And on the acceptance, says:
“If you look death in the eye
and accept –
that is healing. “
And after this astonishing sentence:
“I feel ecstatic, behind ecstasy
behind ecstasy. “
Wrote this knowing that some
months would die.
And for me this is an amazing
example of real acceptance.
Perhaps Philip Gould as a meditator,
knew he was
separated from his body, is recognized
himself as consciousness,
and have seen death as a liberation,
no? If.
I think it is here where does all
Osho understanding about
once we are free of the body –
of course, is amazing! And
would leave, “Yupi!”
It would be a total celebration.
And a chance to meet, “ecstasy,
behind ecstasy, ecstasy behind. “
If. It’s like this.
And this, of course,
immense gratitude.
Osho has said many things
inspiring about gratitude.
And here, particularly in relation
dying, “When you die with
a feeling of satisfaction and gratitude
because life gave you so
death is simply the peak
most of all that you have lived.
Death is a joy, a celebration. “
Clearly, every house should have
CD Osho Bardo. Absolutely.
How do you ask people?
And it is true that is available as a
MP3 download?
If. To order it, please go to
our website. you can see
Address at the bottom of the screen.
And yes, it will be available
as MP3 download.
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Oh, it has been a pleasure talking with you,
Maneesh. Thank you so much
for that.
To you, too, Nandita, and you.
Thank you so much.
Thanks. Bye.
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