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Will You Level Up During The Holiday Season?

there are two seasons for every single
entrepreneur that’s open season let me
tell what those two seasons are one is
summer the other one is the holiday
season Thanksgiving on till January 1st
here’s why
during summer everybody wants to go out
and play everybody wants to go to the
beach hang out they get casual they get
softer their radar they’re not look the
paranoid goes away a little bit
everybody’s celebrating and during
holiday season people forget it’s a
holiday becomes a Holi month they take
off December they take off everything up
to Thanksgiving for you that’s watching
this if you’re like a smaller
entrepreneur when I was a smaller
entrepreneur just coming up this is your
opportunity to catch up this is your
opportunity to compete this is your
opportunity to level up this is your
opportunity to upgrade this is your
opportunity to ask yourself you just
want to be another guy that’s playing
the game that’s watching everybody play
or do you want to be in the stadium
playing like the big that football
players they’re playing Thanksgiving
even in basketball players professional
they play on Christmas Day that’s when
they’re playing people watch them play
who are you gonna be in December
you’re gonna play big you can upgrade
you’re gonna work hard well no one’s
watching you you’re gonna be the person
that everyone’s gonna say dude are you
really working in December what are you
I thought you became an entrepreneur to
take December off it’s not what you’re
supposed to be doing and you’re gonna
say you have no idea what my plans are 5
10 15 20 years from now you’ll find out
about it here soon so if you don’t want
that wants to play big show up in December when everyone takes December
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