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When the CEO is Ready

when the student is ready the teacher
will appear you ever heard that before
where people say you know when the
student is ready the teacher will appear
when the man the one that students ready
the Master will appear when the student
is this the teacher will appear we’ve
heard so many different versions in all
this is what it is then have you ever
questioned that have you ever questioned
that statements because I don’t
necessarily know if it’s 100% accurate
everybody who’s watching this every
body’s a teacher everybody a teacher is
not somebody that’s just superior to you
everybody’s a teacher you’re a teacher
have two boys my three-year-old is a
teacher to the 18 month old my nephew’s
a teacher to my three-year-old my niece
is a teacher to my you know nephew it
doesn’t matter at whatever levels we go
even the bad habits we learn as a kid
you know somebody was a teacher teaching
us the bad habits and the good habits
everybody was watching this as a teacher
many times we think you know when the
student is ready you know the teacher
will appear with all only students where
I think we’re all students and teachers
because the statement really is if you
want to do anything great it’s not just
about when a student is ready the
teacher will appear it’s about when a
great teacher is ready thousands of
students will appear
when the teacher is great a flock of
students will appear when the teacher is
ready thousands will appear you know why
because I can tell you every time I
speak to somebody and oh my goodness my
business has changed I’m a whole
different person I can’t believe was
taking place remember they had our
biggest revenue I’ve made more money
this year than I’ve ever made we’re
growing and we can’t even stay in the
same office anymore we need new staff we
need new employees we need new support
we need to know everything because of
growth and I said why do you think this
has happened it’s just like I got lucky
no you became a better teacher you
became a better leader and when you
become a better teacher and a better
leader you purely attract better talent
you attract quality people you attract
people that want to be around you
attract people who want to be taught by
you who want to be your students who
want to work with you one of
be around your presence because you’re
becoming a better teacher and the
reality of it is we’re in a place right
now with that man right there you know
all he did if she became a better
teacher Lincoln became a better teacher
and thousands and millions voted for
that man to become a president because
what he did was a revolutionary civil
rights movement how much criticism begun
and eventually he got killed a few
blocks from here
he got shot at for theater a few blocks
from here and oh man over there Martin
Luther King who spoke and it was tens of
thousands of people here and he had
meetings with presidents he taught the
presidents he taught people
President Lincoln taught people it
became better teachers yes their
students as well because they’re also
being taught but they eventually became
a great teacher and I think if anything
you get from this messages instead of
always just being a student also work on
being a better teacher as well because
with being a better teacher comes a
bunch of students for you to choose for
you to tube for you to lead for you to
coach for you to teach you’ll have the
choice to pick them it won’t be the
other way around there’s nothing like my
teacher having choices on who they want
to teach and believe me a lot of
teachers think of liking into somebody
if a great teacher took a rocking into
you let me tell your life’s gonna change
if somebody was incredible teaching I’m
very wise the Saturday like you and put
time and effort into you I can’t hate it
things that could happen I’m a byproduct
of it
many people don’t buy from anybody that ever does anything greatest by-product
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