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What Are You Known For?

what industry or skillset does the world
think about I’m talking about the people
friends family members that you know
what do they think about when they think
about you what do they say you’re an
expert at and when you think about Enzo
what do you think about car maker auto
maker what do you think about Steve Jobs
would he think about marketer design
when anything about Wozniak what do you
think about technology when you think
about Jordan would he think about
basketball when they think about you
what do they think about see I learned a
long time ago I watched my close friends
and competitors who knew a lot a little
bit about a lot and when I started the
great ones I realized they knew a lot
about a little bit meaning they chose
one industry they chose one skillset
they immerse themselves in that and that
is all they ever studied that is all
they ever studied and mastered now
obviously if you’re really going to
learn a little bit about this a little
bit about that but everybody who ends up
becoming great and expert a pro at
anything they do they immerse themselves
in one industry in one skillset and they
became masters at a stop looking at
every single thing the moment you get
bored with something say I’m gonna go
into this other industry choose one
thing and become the greatest you can in
a study the history of it if your real
estate study history rates interest why
change what happened why getting
everything if your financial if your
technology so it doesn’t matter immerse
yourself in the history of that industry
and look what will happen all of a
sudden gonna ask yourself saying why am
I getting ten millions of dollars doing
this why am I having so much fun doing
this why have why don’t have so much
respect from the industry doing this
because you’ve mastered that industry
that’s why and by the way business life
is a lot more fun when you become an
expert at one thing what is that one
skill set or industry you are going to master
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