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The Flaw with Four Year Degrees in One Minute

if I was to ask you this one question
here watch this how many guys have a
four-year degree raise n if you got a
four-year degree okay now watch this
keep your hand up please keep your hand
up I’m really curious how many of you
that have a four-year degree in the last
30 days you finished a business book
that’s the problem
why so what’s the point of a degree some
answers still up was it just to get a
degree in that education is going to be
done you know what that’s kind of like
me saying that’s like me saying to
following when I was 14 to 18 years old
I exercise every day and that’s it come
on how we stay in shape you know I don’t
know why my six-pack is not coming I
used to have it when I was 22 I’m 42 no
no we need to workout today
right we need to educate ourselves today
not what we did 20 years ago so I don’t
have any problem with our people that
get degrees I have a problem with us not
endorsing self education I have a
problem with the fact that we need four
years to go to college nowadays where
snapchat comes out the next thing comes
out the next thing comes out we have to
move so quick that a four-year degree is
too slow to school at our educational
system needs to be adjusted very very quickly
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