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The Best of The Best Want it More – Tim Grover Motivation

the best of the best
already wanted more than anybody else
there’s a reason they’re the best
they’re the ones that are show up to
practice early okay they’re the ones
taking the extra shots the other ones
doing the wind sprints at the end
they’re the ones getting treatment
taking care of their body you got to
tell them to leave you don’t have to
tell them to show up the best of the
wanted to get even better a cooler is an
individual that’s good at what they do
you give them a job to do to get the job
the results are what you expect there’s
nothing great it’s nothing exceptional
it’s adequate
a closure is an individual that gives
you those exceptional results as long as
you give them a game plan and as long as
too many variables aren’t all at them
then you have the cleaner the cleaner is
gonna get you that end result over and
over again elevate everybody around he
or she is gonna raise their game no
matter what variable is thrown at you
see all these individuals they’ve got to
deal with injuries but the cleaner never
brings that stuff the one when you see
somebody’s productivity that work
fluctuate up and down it usually has
nothing to do with what’s going on work
cleaners don’t bring their personal
losing builds character whose
character do you need you want to keep
losing listen I’d rather have a person
win who’s a little nuts and a person
that loses all the time has got great
character at some point you got to stop
with you can’t always look for other
everyone’s gonna hit adversity it’s how
you deal with that person and the key
word is you not letting somebody else
deal with anniversary you have to deal
with that adversity and how you deal
with it they’re gonna fight through it
why are you going to curl up and just
roll over in the corner there’s going to
pretty much determine how the rest of
your development from
is going to kill it’s on you your failure and your success is on you
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