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Robert Kiyosaki Interview with Patrick Bet-David

so Robert thank you for taking the time
to come and meeting with us here on the
tour stop we’re in Phoenix Arizona today
and I know you got a busy schedule at
the rich I caught it with us this bus
tell us I want a bus this big it’s been
it’s been a good journey but it’s good
to be here we were really looking
forward to this you know for me my
history with you goes way back when I
got out of the army I was told by my
first boss at Bally’s that I need to
learn sail so I read how you know how to
master the art of selling by Tom Hopkins
my sister told me how to win friends and
influence people and then to become rich
I was told read Rich Dad Poor Dad and it
completely changed the way I look at
business and if you’ve never read the
book I mean I recommend everybody in the
world to read Rich Dad Poor Dad this has
got to be a must read book by anybody
and whether I say it or not 20 million
people have bought it nationwide
worldwide so this is this has been a big
hit by this 33 million 33 million people
that bought it it’s a lot not that is
the book is pirated yes a lot that’s the
word so a lot of times that’s sunway
autographs it’s not my book but who
cares yeah this is really Rick dad for
dad so they change one letter and then
they don’t have to give you the island
hire it in different places okay more
important what I’m excited about is your
new book second chance can you can you
tell us a little bit about your new book
second chance right this book came out
in January of 2015 and the reason is
such a big book is this book summarizes
why I wrote Rich Dad Poor Dad and so
second chance is very different than
Rich Dad Poor Dad and really is the
history of how we got into this
financial crisis simply said what second
chance says we’re being ripped off as
people and I’m not saying that’s good or
bad because it’s always good and bad on
both sides but this is the history of
the crisis how we got here and the
reason I wrote this book is because I
put it in pictures because as you know
they talk about spin and you know
politicians say everything’s fine and
hereby lies so by looking at the
pictures and there’s not my graphs
our government grass and it’s showing
dear government you have to go in here’s
all these you know pictures worth a
thousand words but in here you see
pictures of what’s happening this this
is really interesting
it shows the top 99 percent taken a hit
and the one percent get richer and
really that’s what’s going on is what
started to happen as a few years ago the
1% got really rich which is good but
unfortunately a 99% below them took a
hit so this book is just pictures and
graphs and stories and like this is a
national debt and all the United States
and it’s growing this this is not
legitimate it’s a lie but anyway you get
a picture of it so if you’re attending
roll kid or you have a ten-year-old
child you can just take them through the
pictures and they can see what’s really
happening they don’t have to leave the
book so all very cool it’s because of
what I wrote here that I wrote this book
so this one became before this one yeah
so this gave birth to this yeah the
concepts behind it because in nineteen
in almost ruin I was in Vietnam in 72
and 76 T 672 and I knew were being lied
to as a people and I went to military
school I was
so disturbed disturbed made that of my
own government would lie to me
and you can clay while you disturbed
that your own government would like yeah
we’re we lied to and I’m not saying that
it’s good or bad either
doing I mean everybody’s got the self
interest in all this and some guys call
me a non patriot you know said like I
went to Vietnam twice a military
graduate Marine Corps officer and I’d
kill you first
ya know what this is me off is these
guys don’t go to war call me a coward
call me a traitor I mean give me a break
so I have an attitude problem if you
know but anyway I wrote Rich Dad Poor
Dad because I could see this crisis
coming but I had to tone it down but now
that we’re here this was 1997 this is
2015 a lot of the predictions I’ve made
are not coming true so people can now
see that why I wrote this book is now
coming true that makes sense let’s talk
about the predictions you’re big on
predictions by the way right and in a
big part of this book is about
Buckminster Fuller tell us a little bit
about whose Buckminster Fuller yep
Buckminster Fuller is best known for the
geodesic dome and it’s kind of a
hard core socialist good man though and
they called him the friendly genius I
mean got a Medal of Freedom from Reagan
and all this stuff so he’s good he’s who
get him a mineral freedom from Reagan
yeah measure that but uh and Bucky was a
futurist so I first went to see Bucky’s
geodesic dome in 67 in Montreal Canada
at the World’s Fair I never met the guy
said 81 it did meet him in Kirkwood
California and the guy changed my life
and I went holy mackerel so in 1981
hours and I was an entrepreneur I was in
rock-and-roll and there’s like Duran
Duran and I had made in book theory
awesome as in the police and that’s
having a great life you know sex drugs
rock and roll but when I met fuller than
I realized I had a social responsibility
to speak out so in 83 I sold my business
the nylon wallet company and my wife and
I and my friend Blair singer when I hit
the road teaching what we knew about
entrepreneurship but also what we saw
coming in the future and the future is
you know today America’s largest second
largest debtor nation in the world the
gap between the 1% and 99% is massive we
have Isis attacking us and all this
stuff the American American Empire is
going down so this book kind of explains
how we got there from a monetary side
can it be saved or do you think it can
be saved no you don’t think it can be
saved no Robert there’s no chance it can
be saved zero so how are we going to be
affected by this prediction well you
have to step back and look at the bigger
picture you see it’s not just money
we’re at the end of the Industrial Age
and the Industrial Age was you know when
an entrepreneur was an industrial age
and the entrepreneurs created jobs for
example Henry Ford when he started Ford
Motor he created millions of jobs and
thousands adjustor this is the
information age also the information age
gives power to people like Isis so today
you don’t need big arms factories you
don’t need tanks and all that you can be
like Isis using your cell phone to
social media and kick our butts they can
just take our weapons like they did they
do all the time you know this is this
pictures of the Iraqi army selling our
weapons and tanks and guns to Isis so
the power has shifted Mark Zuckerberg of
Facebook you said we should all read
this book called the end of power the
end of power is what’s happening today
it was the end of the American Empire
what’s going to happen from here it’s
what spooks everybody and nobody really
knows so does that mean we’re all going
to be moving to Panama and living in a
house with little to no government and
they allow you to have a business or
what what’s the solution what can we do
about that in America
well again you got the but but fuller
taught me Bucky fuller taught me he
passed away 1983 and that’s when I
stepped in to do what I had to do
he says you always have to look at the
big picture too many people look at well
what’s it what’s gonna happen to me when
you look at the big picture you’re also
gonna know that when something bad
happens something Goods going to happen
hmm but you got to prepare for whatever
is coming if you think the last next 20
years will be like the last 20 years
you know when you and I go to the
supermarket we buy a carton of milk well
let’s check for the expiration date but
most people do not check for the
expiration date on their brains so the
ISO what this book says here the most
obsolete idea is go to school get a job
or a card save money get out of debt and
invest for the long term in the stock
market so why would you save money when
they’re printing trillions of dollars
why would you invest in the stock market
for the long term when you have hft high
frequency trading and the dial is at
eighteen thousand so what do you do well
that’s what I’m saying you got to look
at the other side which way is it going
to go so do you keep cash because if you
keep cash in why would you say cat why
would you say banking cash sure if you
invest into real estate so what’s the
solution that’s what I write up on a
second chance everything is opposite
instead of get out of debt I get into
debt I just refinance 300 million in
debt I went from five percent to two and
a half percent interest I made a fortune
every month more money comes in because
my cost of money has gone down so while
some financial experts are saying get
out of debt I’m saying learn how to use
debt so when I came back from seven in
Vietnam in January 73 and the first
thing my rich dad said to me was go to
school to learn how to invest in real
estate it wasn’t real estate it was how
to use debt in taxes debt and taxes make
the rich richer debt and taxes make the
poor middle class poor so all the rich
guys who are doctors and lawyers or you
know those guys thinking cream they
don’t know why doctors are getting
creamed oh yeah they make it more money
but the take-home is less sure you know
my doctor just yelled at me as happy
says ah guess what I finally made a
million dollars I said yeah three weeks
ago yes I said yeah well how much you
pay in tax this is 2014
is it seven hundred fifty thousand
so his net was about 400,000 that’s not
bad but when I make a million bucks I
keep a million bucks and the reason is
because I don’t make it by working for
money see if you work for money or texts
so that’s why I lesson number one a Rich
Dad Poor Dad is the rich don’t work for
money what we do instead is we create
businesses as entrepreneurs we acquire
real estate I don’t invest in stock
market so the reason is because as
entrepreneurs I have more control over
my income how much I make and how much I
pay in taxes and because I’m an
entrepreneur as well as an investor in
real estate I pay zero tax so every time
I make let’s say a million dollars as an
entrepreneur I immediately invested in
real estate I have a four to one step up
so I put a million dollars in real
estate I get four four hundred
I get four million for the bank that’s
why I love banks but the banks are
screwing everybody else up terrible but
it’s good for me that’s why you say when
you print it’s good for you but when you
print it’s bad for people that work for
money because when you print service got
and people who work when they get
creamed when they print debtors get rich
you see debt and taxes make the rich
richer and debt and taxes make the poor
little class poorer and that’s what I
cover in this little book here see when
you look at history any time a country
printed they corrupted the money supply
the Empire collapsed so the Romans tried
it mm-hmm
it was called debasing the currency
debasing means they took a silver coin
and they mixed base metals like nickel
and copper on those things inside
America started doing the same debasing
in 1964 so when you look at our silver
coins you know in 1963 they were pure
not pure so they were silver and in 1964
though what’s a little copper tinge
there that’s debasing so throughout
anytime a government has debased or
printed their money
I mean eventually claps to the Romans
tried it Zimbabwe did it the Germans did
Milosevic did it China did it so every
time they print money history will tell
you the same thing if we know it why are
we printing money because people don’t
understand history who are the people
that no notice our politicians don’t
understand they’re so the voters they
don’t teach you this in school here so
people can look at the charts you know
so you can have they can look at the
charts with anyone they don’t know what
they’re looking at
good I was and I was going for my MBA I
had I had to drop out because it was
getting pretty ridiculous cuz I kept
telling that the professor of economics
I said you don’t know what you’re
talking about you know and you don’t get
good grades you don’t get good grades or
out right so I decided well I’ll avoid
the rush and resign now
but what they teach you in school is BS
that’s watered down it’s not appropriate
for the real world it’s good if it going
to be a academic like my poor dad they
have all the facts and figures but they
can’t do anything you know like the
unemployment figure as her complete life
you know Obama says they’re at second
that political not Republican or
Democrat Obama says are 6% this guy John
Williams was called a shadow stats guy
he says the real unemployment 24% so I
heard difference yeah so I asked him
some what happened how did you come
across this and John Williams was an
economist he was working for Boeing or
Lockheed and he kept applying the
government unemployment and government
stats to Boeing’s numbers and I worked
hmm so finally he realized which I
realized Vietnam we’re being lied to
our numbers are bogus they’re not true
so that’s why I started writing this
book and now what you know I said your
house is not an asset savers or losers
the rich don’t work for money in 2019 97
2015 they’re coming true so second
chance is how I came to my assumptions
and conclusions now let me ask you so I
have like three questions free but I’ll
do one of them so with the collapse that
you’re saying Robert can anything be
done about the
claps to prevent it yeah this is the
good news okay when something goes down
something comes up sure so I have a
video coming out with shop on
shamelessly promote it’s called the man
who could feel that see the future the
man who could see the future it’s about
Bucky fuller but it’s about dr. Buckman
so for the birds on this book here can
you tell the website so everybody knows
where it would link they could find it
on yeah the man who can see the future
could see the future is from rich dad
calm rich save calm and it’s English
right now us also have Spanish subtitles
the reason I did a man you can see the
future is because more people watch a
video then you know that we read a book
and hopefully they’ll read this book to
studying if they want more detail on it
mhm so the video is a better way of
communication and it’s for free and I
ask people to watch the video and stop
it and discuss it with their friends you
know what is called cheating in school
discussion you can do with your friends
and understand of understand the
concepts because everything is second
chance is opposite of what they teach
you in school you say that so why did
you why do we keep going to school dough
Robert if that’s it so so now let’s
let’s do the alternative here’s a
devil’s advocate question for you so
let’s say if everything they teach you
in school doesn’t work what if we get
rid of school then what would happen
would it be better if we had no
educational system at all no I’m
signature Kesha is more important before
it’s a sub salute you know those Moore’s
law that Moore’s law which states
information doubles every 18 months in
other words everything is obsolete 18
months so and this is a recent
phenomenon so when you come out of
school you’re obsolete and that’s why
I’m the old guy you know I meet my
friends who went to Harvard yeah I went
to Harvard that’s it yeah that was how
long fifty years ago you know we talked
about earlier when you go to the
supermarket you buy a carton of milk the
first you check for is expiration date
you know if the expiration date let’s
say it’s March first and you know it’s
already July
you better not drink that milk sure the
same thing happens inside our brains is
when we have obsolete ideas we get
obsolete results so what’s happening
from most people the idea of going to
school getting a job working hard saving
money getting out of debt buying your
house business an asset investable long
term it’s obsolete the world has changed
the world changed in 1971 when President
Nixon took us off the gold standard and
money became debt so that’s what P is
what I wrote about this book would
fuller and my Rich Dad were saying is
that our wealth is being stolen via the
money we work for so when you save money
why would you save mine because back in
1970 just before Nixon took us off the
gold standard I could go to a bank I got
15 to 18 percent interest plus a toaster
I mean today the banks are charging you
interest to save money in other words
the banks don’t want your money because
they’re printed too much of it and
that’s why this is bubbles and stocks
and bubbles and real estate and all this
people are dumping the cash as as I said
in here savers and losers and cash is
and yet people who want on a high paying
job well that’s an obsolete I do get out
of debt
it’s an obsolete idea you should learn
how to get into debt how to use debt to
get rich and I’ll never teach you about
the reason the 1% is way up here and the
99% are going this way is because when
you print money two things happen
inflation in taxes it’s crushing and so
this book here was written because this
book was written 20 approximately 20
years earlier but now I can say what I
really doing second chance so this gave
birth to this it’s which came first
it’s one of them chicken o ciock okay I
can say things not going to say here
because they’re not come true
got it got so I I have a question for
you so voting if you’re saying the
government tells us less about voting
for a second if you’re saying government
tells us unemployment is 6% but the
reality there’s 24 percent and you’re
also saying we need to be educated would
you say the American people who vote do
we really know all the information that
we’re voting with or no of course
but also ask yourself this question you
know when I was a kid mm-hmm
there was one vote one for one one
person one vote hmm today it’s 1 million
dollars one vote you know what they sub
sub packs and all sure sure you know
that kook brother Koch brothers and all
this stuff if you’re if you’re not
spending on two hundred million dollars
you can’t get elected so what happens
now is what do you like we call super
bad super PACs and all this I’ll show by
the vote if you think your vote counts
wake up really wake up the people
controlling the economy today I’m
nothing that’s wrong other major
corporations and the unions
so the unions you know they want to get
their people elected and unions control
the school system and as the big
corporations are kind of more the
capitalist side and all they care about
it’s or corporations you know when
people I always laugh at gives all I’m
so proud of Apple it’s an American
companies BS Apple is not an American
company apples an international company
you know its headquarters are in
Cupertino California but as factories
are in China Korea the Philippines and
they keep their money offshore that’s
really the real world of
entrepreneurship today and any
entrepreneur thinks I’m just going to
make money and start a business and make
a lot of money because that we talk
about they really have got to smell the
roses you know that’s not what the real
entrepreneurs are doing okay so that’s
that’s why I won’t Rich Dad Poor Dad I’m
glad people are becoming entrepreneurs
but most of them are still trying to
make money why would you just make money
are you being ripped off via the money
system I’m not saying let’s go too bad I
like it you know I love the big banks
you know why because they give me I be
able to save money money so when you
save money the banks give it to me
god when you buy insurance they get it
they give it to me and that’s the game
and you don’t get the tax breaks me you
look at my buddy not my buddy Mike I
like to be a spotty as Elon Musk he
hasn’t paid tax guess what 50 billion
you love much doesn’t pay taxes no but
he goes tax breaks shows a gataki
incentives yeah
Ryan subsidies mm-hmm so then the LA
Times just heard of Elon Musk’s ripping
us off and all that what he’s doing you
on musk is doing but all entrepreneurs
should be doing which is providing jobs
and bringing an investment that’s what
they do so when you know when Elan state
of New York I don’t know how many
millions they put into a factory to
build his batteries while they gave it
to him for $1 a year why because when he
long moves his business into this
Factory and I think is where codec is
anywhere the Rochester
I think this RIT is he’ll move jobs in
there Nevada just gave him 1.3 billion
in tax subsidies and supplements because
he’s going to move jobs in there and
that’s what real entrepreneurs do so do
we need more entrepreneurs absolutely
but the trouble is most entrepreneurs is
28 million small business owners in
America 24 million are one car one
personal entrepreneurs they’re called
non-employee entrepreneurs so the
because that’s what happens is when
people don’t really understand what an
entrepreneur does so most big people are
self-employed but they’re not really
entrepreneurs the self-employed be the
highest taxes of all and nobody tell us
so that’s why I was laughing about my
doctor I made a million something so
yeah how much she paid in tax 750 is
that smart and so when I talked to him
he gets all confused because you did the
right things he went to school he works
hard it’s he and his wife in the
business you know and they’re really
good people but they’re not financially
educated so when I talked about how I
can make six or seven million here and
not pay taxes his head hurts because he
didn’t have a dust but I mean so so
let’s talk about this of a Robert simple
question can anybody become rich I
believe so so this is what I believe
sure and everyone of us is a poor person
there’s still a poor person inside me
and I still go to the supermarket at all
crest is on sale or Colgate’s on sale
there’s also a middle class person and
the middle class persons want security
and want that steady paycheck and as a
rich person and they’re all inside of us
except that it’s not taught if you’re
taught to go to school get a job and get
a paycheck not taught to get rich if
you’re read Rich Dad Poor Dad my rich
dad refused to pay me he said the
paycheck was one of the most damaging
things you could take
he says the moment you take a picture
you’re an employee so that’s the mindset
so my Rich Dad never paid me a job my
poor dad you know government employee
and that’s you got to pay people you got
to pay people a rich dad was not saying
that the paycheck was bad he says you
guarantee didn’t want to be a slave to
money so as an entrepreneur you know
rich dad folded I just run another
company I don’t need a paycheck I don’t
need anybody to take care of me if my
government doesn’t like me I move to
another country because they need
entrepreneurs so the entrepreneurs not
so much the business doctrine ORS really
the mindset and the skill sets and a
different set of rules
you see I don’t operate small business
does not operate in the same rules as
big business do you think the direction
America is going right now they are
driving some of the entrepreneurs out
you can’t drive a real entrepreneur out
when I say out meaning out of the
country could that be and movers
somebody says I’m going to go outsource
or I’m going to go move my business
elsewhere you think you think that’s a
cause and effect could be but I don’t I
think that just lousy entrepreneur look
it if people say well you know if they
make the regulations real hard the guy
can’t be an entrepreneur entrepreneurs
have one thing in common they keep going
they’ll change the rules they’ll
reinvent the rules you know they don’t
just take one answer so a real
entrepreneur he really it makes no
difference which country you’re in
that’s my beliefs I not I love that you
know I mean it’s just a mindset you know
it’s fu you mess with me I’ll find a way
around it you know I have a friend is
multi Multi multi family rich guy from
France and that you know Francis is
communist because it gets 75 percent top
line for million dollar earners yeah
that’s my lips here yeah so he he
started buying vineyards in Napa and
Sonoma so he went back to the French
government he says it’s his wine he says
I want to ship my wine in bulk
to California and the government says
you can’t do that
so what French governments and you can’t
and here’s the guy is I think his
five generations
you know French wine guy this guy’s this
guy is entrepreneur entrepreneur he says
okay I can’t ship him in barrels a guy
go to Isis okay I’ll shipping bottles so
he bottle the whole of his stuff it
costs up more money but he still figured
out how to do it if you join me and now
he has his wine with his California wine
and all this and so he went back to the
French government’s here try this see if
is not better and so now they’re all
confused because he didn’t break any
rules so I’ll say it again entrepreneur
is a mindset first a skill set and rules
and depending upon whether you’re an
employee or small business and the rules
are different the mindsets are different
the skill sets are different so what
you’re saying is education the mindsets
can be taught and if I learn two
mindsets and a year you talked about
when I ask you question about can
somebody go out there and do something
about these there’s there’s got to be
desire but if I feed my mind I got
desire I have an opportunity to make it
as an entrepreneur desire an impression
sure that’s what it takes sure that’s
why I say everybody can Arabic open a
lemonade stand but very few compared
Richmond so last question and we’ll wrap
up here but about this book is is
earlier when you were talking about
America is going to collapse
great I asked you a question I said what
do you think is one of the biggest
challenges that we’re looking at and you
mentioned willpower can you elaborate on
that willpower a little bit on what you
meant by that
yeah it’s also called the
entrepreneurial spirit mm-hmm but what
we’re actually talking about was there’s
no such thing as a bad economy you know
those external you and I we all have an
external economy but we also have an
internal economy and the willpower is to
change our internal economy so for me I
can see the good and I can see the bad I
don’t really give a damn
because I’m going to be rich anyway but
a poor person with a poor personal
economy all they’re going to see is a
bad economy because they don’t know how
to make money in any economy and a
middle-class person they have a
middle-class economy you know that but
the one is a nice house and steady
paycheck and a job and the car and so
when you take their job away to them
that’s disaster well since an
entrepreneur doesn’t have a shop anyway
it’s no big deal
so all I’m saying to people is what
Bucky fuller taught me is always two
sides you know I mean you know to use
I’ve been a mom too so if you think the
economy is bad is because your economy
is bad if you think that steady you know
employment is important then you’ll see
an economy without jobs your economy
your economy versus the externally got
where you control versus what you can’t
I can control yes sure is called an
internal focus mm-hmm versus an external
so the real entrepreneur has an internal
focus that if they fall down they say oh
this is good because I’m going to go up
higher you know the average person will
fall down so I’m going to take some
or or the somebody has the mistakes all
the mistakes don’t matter what mistakes
mistakes matter means you didn’t notice
them but a real entrepreneur know
whether they fall down because they’re
always can go up they can stand back up
and go higher the number of what happens
to them they get stronger and better and
smarter and happier but person with a
weak internal mindset is that they’re so
afraid of what happens it generally
happens like you know people are afraid
of losing their jobs did you like those
in jobs
mm-hmm I mean yeah so that so everything
comes through you yeah so the
entrepreneur first job is control inside
here not outside there so I’m right now
six of us everybody that’s here right
now we’re living in an RV for the next
30 days we’re going to 35 states 10,000
miles and we’re encouraging people to
consider becoming entrepreneurs what
could you say if you could say one thing
to somebody who has never been an
entrepreneur and they’re thinking about
making the leap of faith into becoming
an entrepreneur what could you tell them
well I’ll just tell them the same thing
that happened to me you know my last
I still remember clearly he was one of
the worst and the best days of my life
and I was in Puerto Rico I was in I was
working for Xerox and my boss gave me my
last it wasn’t a paycheck was a bonus
check I think was about 30,000 bucks
taxable so I probably that look at this
check and I went you know I mean so I
was excited but I was also disturbed and
so this other guy comes up to me as a
much John and John says to me says
you’re going to be back
I said why he says cuz you’re gonna fail
I looked at him isn’t look whew
expletive words because that’s what he
did he left Xerox field he came back I
said look dah dah dah you fail and you
come came back but I’m gonna fail and
I’m never coming back and that’s the
attitude do I mean yeah if see if you
say well if I fail I’ll go back to mommy
and daddy then that’s what you’ll do so
if you fail that’s when I became an
entrepreneur because I had no money I
had no money for years
yeah I didn’t have a paycheck but that’s
what my Rich Dad encouraged me to do
this is when you’re when you don’t have
this paycheck you get hungrier smarter
and it’s a test of your character we
become a crook we become dishonest when
you cheat and steal or will you become a
better human being so really that’s the
benefit of becoming an entrepreneur is
you really find out who you are when you
don’t have anything if you’re an
entrepreneur and you’re going to be a
big entrepreneur leadership skills and
communication skills are more important
than a law degree so now I have another
book that just came out it’s called the
eight lessons and military leadership
and the military I want the Military
Academy and all that I let you know from
day one you learn in leadership you know
day one at the Academy I have to stand
in front of 20 18 year old kids and go
section ten-hut and naturally they got
true you you know so that’s when you
learn to be a leader now as you said to
me we first met patrol with the military
galore rough I had a hard time when I
came back from Vietnam and I went to
work for zero accent you know people
don’t like the idea I call him an
asshole and a fuckhead you know stuff
like that every other word is a curse
word in a minute yeah just a magic hey
fuckhead you’re not do this you know but
they don’t
huh I’m gonna call my HR person a burger
I better make some changes here you know
I’m talking about of course and you
can’t talk straight no in corporate
America in the military you can it’s
it’s you have to yeah yeah that was yeah
you know we actually give promotions if
you do the mean well what when I got
called names all the guy likes me so
that’s why I follow you guys have
military veterans you know you have
probably the number one skill to be an
entrepreneur which is leadership the
ability to listen to not take it
personally and kill still get the job
done it is the best training of the
world you know the saddest thing about
leaving the military was leaving the
guys behind her there was some of the
best in the world and there were there
weren’t all college graduates there was
just my Gunners my mechanics you know
all this stuff the camaraderie spray
ologies its price um rodder ease
priceless it’s all I did when I when I
started the rich dad company was to have
that same sense of teamwork insight rich
dead that’s why there’s no ranks and all
this stuff in this company everybody got
to say what they want to say people are
free to do what they will I stay out of
their way and we get the job done that’s
amazing and I look at this international
influence the cash flow quadrant game
which I remember vividly buying it the
first time back in 1999 or 2000 my
sister and her husband they have a
family night I don’t know what the night
is I think it’s Friday night they have a
family night and they sit there
six-year-old niece seven-year-old niece
and six-year-old nephew they play the
game regularly at that age what an
answer today what’s going to happen to
that six-year-old in 10-year complete
different mindset complete different
mindset it’s a shift in mindset the way
they’re going to think that’s why my
Rich Dad
gave me a paycheck he says the moment
you take that paycheck you’re an
employee you’ve got to be stronger than
that it’s about inside control so just
so you know I consider you four four
five six hours with you and talk and I
will enjoy every second but we going to
Wigan are we going to thank you for your
time you get you’ve been very kind and
to have the opportunity to sit here with
you and have this conversation with
entrepreneurs of your books it’s been
very exciting from a guy who read your
book back in 1999-2000 get out of the
army and now to meet you it’s an honor
it’s a privilege and if I can tell you
anything that you’re watching if you
haven’t read this you got to read this
book and obviously this you heard him
say it it’s what he couldn’t say back
then with this he’s now saying this
about the second chance I highly
recommend buying both books the link is
going to be put on the bottom for both
books as well as the link to watch the
video which you said is on Rich Dad
dot-com yeah it’s 60 minutes long you’ll
get as much financial education that
you’ll never get in school and it’s on
the website you just go in there they’ll
see the work I want you to download it
for free okay you know bugs every time
you watch it and time you don’t
understand something stop and discuss
but when I discuss things in school at
test time it’s called cheating
in entrepreneurism it’s a different
story yes character sounds good
excellent well it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s
been it’s been great it’s been great
hanging out with you it’s been a lot of
fun hopefully one of these days when a
book another book you come out with we
get a chance to come back and interview
again and sit down have another common
appreciation this is this has been a
privilege thank you so much Robert
thank you definitely thank Solomon thank you
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