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Patrick Bet-David’s Defining Moment

my dad had a scourging heart attack and
what UCLA Medical Center after 5:00
anybody knows off the five year UCLA
Medical Center I’m off to five I go
upstairs to the hospital and they’re
treating them like dirt and I lose it I
like you guys better take you’re my dad
and you guys better do this you guys
better do that in 2020 Idol news at 23
years old completely lost it throwing
stuff around they’re bringing security
escorted me out of the hospital and I’m
just lashing out at them it’s my dad you
you don’t do anything to my dance like
you crossed the line there and then one
person says this to me hey listen if you
had money you could get better insurance
and get better doctors to take care of
your dad but you didn’t pay for this
government’s paying for this this is
called public health insurance ooh
fuse he’s right I went in the car
downstairs in my Ford Focus at the time
I’ve lost everything 49 thought nothing
was going right my my girlfriend left me
we’re about to get married 40 not
everything is bad I’m in my car okay
tears 30 minutes I’m crying like a
little baby okay 30 minutes some of you
guys bragged about going to clubs
Thursday ladies night Friday Saturday
Sunday I was so committed to x’ day
through Sunday you know you’re hardcore
party if you go to clubs on Tuesday
night Thursday night is a given Sunday
if you’re half committed Tuesday you’re
fully committed I was fully committed
I’d go to Vegas 26 times a year what
club you want me to go to pimps and hoes
you want to go to Dre’s what do you want
to go I was out all the fluff uh-huh
sure all this stuff this is what we did
I was permanently banned from Dublin’s
because of something that happened I
could never go back to Dublin’s 22 years
old who knows Dublin’s anybody knows
Dublin’s I can never go to Dublin’s
against I was permanently banned so this
isn’t the Patrick you know today was a
complete different guy that night in my
Ford Focus It was as if you I came the
next day I didn’t see a single girl
nothing I saw through people
people thought I was pissed I’m not
pissed I fully got it my dad’s not gonna
work at this 99-cent store ever again
the Bay David family all these people
that would say the David family all
divorced middle-eastern mom and dad got
a divorce poor bit David he’s probably
gonna be a bad kid
I hear he had a 1-point a GPA he’s
hanging out with gangsters and he went
to the army because that’s the only
saber yet I said my family I said let me
simplify something for you guys listen I
said the world’s gonna know this last
name I know the pain we went through I
know the challenges we went through as a
family when we came to America from Iran
I saw your language barrier mom you were
so embarrassed I saw the look on your
face dad when you were so embarrassed
going to gatherings and you would look
like people like this to people because
you were so embarrassed I said you’re
gonna be so proud of your last name
you’re gonna be so proud to came to
America you’re gonna be so proud of the
sacrifices you made that day I never recognized old Patrick ever again
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