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Motivation Monday- “One Time”

if you want your life to dramatically
change I’m talking dramatically change
I’m not talking about litter I’m talking
a dramatically change set a goal that
seems absolutely impossible to most
people including yourself set a goal
that is absolutely impossible I’m not
talking about a difficult goal I’m
talking about something that seems
absolutely impossible set that goal set
a goal that’s absolutely impossible and
they know what to do go hit it
go hit at one time one time you set a
goal that’s absolutely impossible to the
world including yourself and one time
you hit it you know what happens your
spirit starts believing and doing
impossible one time you set the goal
your spirit starts saying man I thought
for sure this was impossible and I hit
it if I can do this I can do anything
and guess what you do next you set the
next impossible goal in the next
impossible goal and the next impossible
goal in the next impossible goal then
all of a sudden nothing seems impossible
to you anymore then some happen to this
mindset then some happen to the spirit
then some happen to your to your energy
then some happen to your fire to your
glare to the way you look at people and
everybody says what comes out of your
mouth becomes a reality why because one
time in your life you set a goal that
seems impossible and you hit it and that changed everything
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