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Most Important Appointment of the Day for Entrepreneurs

I’m Patrick made David your host ‘value
tainment today I want to talk to you
about your most important appointment of
the day and no it’s not you working out
in the morning it’s not you getting up
and reading in the morning it’s not you
selling your first appointment or your 6
o’clock breakfast meeting at a coffee
shop at 5:00 6:00 in the morning or your
last appointment at 10 o’clock you
should close and this no none of that
stuff you see I’ve been in business
since now what your is a 2002 I’ve been
in business I’ve been an entrepreneur
since oh 102 and I have watched a lot of
people smarter more talented incredibly
talented bigger degrees everything and I
was always intimidated by the guys that
look better spoke better had bigger
degrees fancier degrees better families
wealthier families connected I said
there’s no way in the world I can
compete with any of these guys but I
said grew I kept watching everybody so
then I would see people read all of
these books you can read every one of
these books mastery Laws of Success my
buddy grant cardone 10x you can read the
life all good books I mean I read these
books multiple times I won’t get tired
of it but none of these things that you
read have as much influence and power
over your success then your most
important appointment of the day and
your most important appointment of the
day is your last appointment of the day
and let me explain to you what is your
last appointment of the day you can be
as an entrepreneur running a business
and you know as an entrepreneur the
first two years every day you’re
discouraged every single day something
happens that you’re discouraged your
energy or willpower drops you don’t
think you can make it customers said no
you were hoping a landis sale you were
hoping this person was gonna buy your
house you were hoping that policy was
gonna go through you we’re hoping that
broker was gonna open up that office
with you you were hoping that Lisa was
gonna be good you were every day
something happens that discourages you
every day
so imagine on top of all the
discouragement that you get every single
day as an entrepreneur first two years
you know most entrepreneurs that don’t
make it they don’t make in the first two
years why is that because it has
everything to do with their last
appointment of the day who is the last
appointment of the day the last
appointment of the day is who you speak
to before you go to sleep so who is that
person I don’t know you know who that
last person is you speak to before you
go to sleep that person could be your
best friend it’s your boy you speak to
every day your girl your speak to her
every day every day and she tells you
don’t you think it’s time you stop doing
this business it’s not working out for
you still you thought this business was
gonna work it’s not go get a job they’re
offering your $68,000 your job with
benefits and if you and I need to get
married this thing you’ve been here how
much have you made this year you’ve only
made the $11,000 you’re crazy you’re out
of your mind your dad is right this is
enough that last appointment on top of
all the discouragement you got
throughout the day it’s the most
powerful powerful appointment of the day
we can have a hundred people throw out
that they tell you you’re awesome you’re
incredible you’re talented you’re
special you’re good-looking you’re
amazing you’re gonna go change they’re
all you’re gonna do this you’re gonna do
that everything you can have mentors
coaches tell you that all day long you
read the books all day long but you go
home to your last appointment of the day
and your last appointment of the day
tells you you know you can’t do this you
know you’re not smart enough
I don’t like you’re working with that
person that person you’re around I can’t
stand that person and if you don’t know
how to handle that last conversation
could be your spouse could be your
husband could be your wife could be your
brother sister mom dad best friend if
you don’t know how to handle that
conversation because it’s not about a
person told me Pat are you telling me
that I need to you know not have my
marriage worked out and move on and this
I said no no no no you need to have that
conversation is what you need to do none
of this messages about I’ve got to go
get a divorce and move on know that
conversation you’re afraid of having for
whatever reason and you need to have and
until you sit down with that family
member of yours that keeps so so think
about this visualizer with me you’re in
bed with your husband or with your wife
and you had a tough day you got into it
with somebody in your office a client an
agent a a boss a supervisor a director
somebody who got into it and you’re
telling your wife you know today and he
said this and I said this and I was so
upset the way your wife or husband
responds to you
dictate how you dream about that person
throughout the night
so give you an example he said this I
was he said that what did you tell him
that I told him this you should have
said this call him back right first
thing in the morning you need to tell
him this bond she he is making a
division and no one is even seeing it
because this person has more influence
than anybody else throughout your date
now let me give you another example I
said this and he said this and she said
this and I can’t believe she cancelled
the product and deployment and she says
babe maybe it’s just you know they had a
bad day maybe they just they’re not
interested right now you just got to
call him tomorrow you just got to go
visit him tomorrow maybe you should just
talk to him it’s gonna be okay
this is business this whatever that
person tells you during that heated a
moment will dictate how you sleep at
night and you’re gonna go to sleep on
that like this it’s either gonna be when
I seem tomorrow when I talk to next time
when I said that I’m gonna tell him this
this this is this versus oh maybe she’s
got a point yeah you know it’s that is a
good point
it’s not really a big deal yeah babe
let’s just go to sleep all right and
then BOOM you go to sleep and you dream
everything’s good you wake up fire it up
to go build your business this is why
these are all great you ought to read a
lot of books I read them all the time
ran into a guy today in the habit he
says I’ve never seen you around ganda
walking on without a book in your hand
Tom these are great real estate agents
in Glendale all of these are great but
most people that I speak to they’re too
weak to have the strong conversation
that’s necessary privately behind closed
doors with their last appointment of the
day and because they don’t do it it
affects every relationship and their
business throughout the day and it’s not
that person’s fault remember your last
appointment of the day is only saying
those things to you because they care
about you they’re not saying it to you
because they want to hurt everything
else they’re saying it too because
you’re allowing them to and if you agree
with them and you’re giving them the
fire they’re just trying to make you
happier they’re just trying to protect
you so it’s on you to take the lead and
sit down and have that conversation to
change data because if you don’t every
other day you’re gonna be in turmoil
with your business and odds are you’re
eventually not gonna make it no matter
where you ever go to
it’s not the business it’s not the
office it’s not the company you don’t
know how to handle the last appointment
of the day and that is by far in my
opinion the most important appointment
of the day for all entrepreneurs so
instead of picking up a book tonight
have that conversation with your friend
tonight have that conversation with your
pops tonight with your mom tonight with
your hot wife tonight with your husband
tonight and get it going to the support
side and let them not have one I don’t
want to talk about that because I get
the Scourge please let’s change the
subject boom you move on and you will
see a world of difference with your
business 3 6 9 12 months from now so
anyways that’s my message of the week to
you if you have any questions comments
comment on the bottom if you haven’t
subscribed to the channel please be sure
to subscribe to the channel to your thanks for watching
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