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Jordan Peterson – 7 Fatal Errors Universities Make

what do you think is the influence of
colleges and how do you feel about the
current educational system period I’ve
seen large institutions fall apart
because they make a fatal error I think
universities are making seven fatal
errors top-heavy administration that
keeps growing okay increase in the
number of part-time untenured faculty
members who have no administrative or
academic power massively increasing
insane increases in tuition combined
with indentured servitude for students
right you get a student loan
you can’t declare bankruptcy now so that
means that the burgeoning administration
has learned how to pick the pockets of
the young people’s future earnings they
entice them into University and offer
them extended adolescence with no
responsibilities and the price they
garner from them is too garnished their
future earnings crooked game ethics
committees absolute catastrophe the the
the dominance of this post this weird
nonsensical alliance between the
postmodern types and the neo-marxist
types which makes no sense
philosophically given the postmodernist
stated what would you call it skepticism
for meta-narratives why the hell they’ve
aligned themselves with the Marxists is
below beyond me except that I think
post-modernism is just a shell game for
for Marxism that’s another fatal error
the gerrymandering of the grade system
so that’s I think I got six there all of
those they’re they’re not good they’re
they’re fatal I think all of them and so
I think they I don’t know what’s gonna
happen to the university system over the
next twenty years but I’m certainly not
optimistic about it so and I’ve hired
some people this is like this is a big
problem we just discussed and I’ve got
this little solution and so I know I’m
talking about a little seventies
interesting book if you were to write
about it
well I’ve hired people I’ve hired some
people to build an online education
platform and where they’ve been working
on it for six months and we have a bit
of a prototype and we’re trying to
figure out how to build an alternative
you know you said look if if the
Conservatives are so concerned about the
liberal media why the hell don’t they go
out and build their own media empire
it’s like well if I’m concerned about
the education system then why don’t I
try to generate an alternative to it
you’re doing it yeah I’m trying to I
mean the probability that it will
succeed is like zero so it’s an
impossible task but we’re trying to
build a platform that would help people
use their online time more productively
and key
tract of it it’s imagine that everything
that you taught yourself on YouTube
could be accredited and you could be you
could be rewarded for that across time
and may be guided through it so that you
could you could track your educational
progress through along a whole wide
range of potential learning
opportunities we’d like to build an
online portal that would make your use
of your online time much more productive
and engaging that so that’s that’s what
we’re aiming soon Oh God who knows we
have a prototype we have a prototype and
we’ve applied to Y Combinator I don’t
know if we’ll get accepted maybe we will
maybe we won’t we thought our
alternatives lined up well let us know
about it we have some context we would
love to know more about I will let you know with the right people
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