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How to stop annoying your team

today I want to talk to you about two
things you’ll do as a leader that will
I’m Patrick may David and today I want
to specifically talk to the leaders out
there I’m talking to the people who are
leading an army leading an organization
leading a church leading a group of
people I want to talk to you about your
daily struggles of a leader I got a call
from one of my good buddies who called
me and said hey I’m having a I’m having
a struggle with my teammates I don’t
know why I feel like I am in a way
either annoying these guys or they
annoying me and there’s some conflict
and there just seems like there’s
constant you know a bickering behind the
scenes about them saying what I’m doing
and I hear it through other people and
and we sat there and we went through
this whole dialogue together and I say
you gotta realize a couple things here
about parenting about leading there’s a
few things you need to know as a leader
you need to be okay with that it’s not
something there’s a reason why a few
people want to be leaders because
there’s a lot of pressures about being a
leader there’s two things you’ll do that
will annoy the people you’re leading one
of the things that annoys the people
you’re leading a bad example when you
set a bad example when you do something
bad when you’re not a good leader you’re
setting a bad example you’re gonna know
your people because your people are kind
of like why are you telling me to do
that and you’re not doing it doing it
why are you tell them to get to work and
you’re coming to work late yourself why
are you telling me to go out there and
do this and you don’t want to do it
yourself why are you telling me to read
and you’re not reading your self why are
you telling so that’s one thing that
will irritate and annoy some of your
teammates and the second thing you can
do that will irritate and I know your
teammates is when you set a great
example yes when you set a great example
it is also annoying because they always
feel like you know what I can’t stand
the fact that he does this and he always
acts like he’s perfect and he he reads
the books and he does this and he does
that and he work this way and he worked
and you may be doing everything right
and they’re annoyed with you they’re
annoyed with your good example people
are going to be also annoyed with a good
example and they’ll start bickering to
each other and it’s a normal process you
know as a parent I have two boys and I
watch my
either hi we raised me he’s a set a
great example I remember many times I
would be upset with them because of his
good example my dad is a man that would
get up every morning at five o’clock and
six o’clock get to work and drive and
come back you work very hard every
weekend he was always a good guy that
when he still is he’s a guy that would
make things and anything that broke my
wife always calls him to fix things
because he’s such a good handyman and
I’m not the best handyman in the world
and he’s so good at surprises and he’s
so good at these things that sometimes
he used to irritate me when I was a
young man I used to look at him and say
you know what I’m so sick and tired of
my dad setting all these great examples
and now that I’m a husband now that I’m
a father I am so grateful so grateful
the fact that I had a father that set a
good example even when I was annoyed
with him he would still set the good
example he would still challenge he
would still push he would still push my
buttons to get the best out of me and as
many times as I wanted to run away I
wanted to do this I wanted to do that I
am till today so grateful for what that
man did in my life so remember leaders
when you decide to be a leader you got
to be okay with being alone you got to
be okay with the fact that you are not
going to please everybody whatsoever
you’re gonna you’ve got to be okay with
the fact that you’re gonna be annoying
your teammates at times because when
you’re a leader that’s just kind of how
they see it sometimes I’m sick and tired
of hearing this stuff but remember this
if you have a choice between the two on
which one’s gonna annoy more to your
teammates always choose the better
example always choose the better example
your better man be a better father be a
better husband be a better a leader be a
better businessman be a better human
being be a better worker always choose
this side and don’t be surprised when
your team gets upset with you
it’s my message of the week to him
please we should have subscribed to this
channel and comment on the bottom you
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