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How to Master the 50 Percent Rule of Leadership

I’m Patrick viv your host a vitamin and
yes I am wearing the Kobe shirt even
though they may not make the playoffs
this year but this is the last year we
get a chance to represent Kobe in LA but
anyways what is the rule what is the 50%
rule of leadership a long time ago in my
life my father challenged me to
subscribe to leadership because my
father wanted to be a leader and
everything that he ever touched
everybody who knows my father he’s a
leader and I wanted to be a leaders what
I wanted to be I wanted to lead because
in my life I haven’t seen something more
rewarding than being considered a leader
somebody said well how about being a
parent having a kid is more rewarding
know being a parent that leads your kid
is rewarding because you’re a leader
that’s what’s reporting rewarding
anybody can go make a baby almost
anybody can but leading that family is
what’s rewarding so so what is the basic
50% rule of leadership it’s very simple
for me here’s what it is
almost every one of us wants to be
pleasing everybody and have everybody
like us but that’s not what leaders can
ever do anybody can ever do that if a
hundred percent of the world likes you
you’re not a leader you’re probably a
newborn baby because it’s impossible to
have a hundred percent of people like
you but there are a lot of adults that
have most people like them because
they’re afraid to rub people the wrong
way if a hundred percent of people don’t
like you you’re a jerk so you’re either
a person that’s wanting to please
everybody or you’re simply a jerk you’re
not good with people no one likes you
they just tolerate you right a leader
whether you’re in Rand who read writes a
book Atlas Shrugged 50 percent cannot
stand at 50 percent loves it if you’re
chris matthews if you’re Tip O’Neill or
you’re Ronald Reagan you know most
people don’t like you some people do
like if you’re Michael Jordan it doesn’t
matter who you are the leader is
generally around the 50 percent number
50 percent will like you 50 percent will
not like you you’re a leader
so a Michael Jordan who came to the
Bulls and all of a sudden one year they
draft Horace Grant and Scottie Pippen
who are coming up as rookies and this
guy wants to win a championship they’re
just glad to be in the NBA they’re
ardian and he’s pushing them he’s
kicking there but they’re not liking
them they’re partying together Horace
and Scotty always talking behind his
back but there was one person who
completely understood what this guy was
doing and I was Phil Jackson because
Phil understood the only leader on his
team is a guy named Michael Jordan Phil
pushed everybody
so eventually Scotty figured it out
because he wanted to win a championship
so that Scotty Scotty subscribed
Phil subscribed the ownership subscribe
then Horace subscribed then they want
championships but still half way the
team the new players that were coming
Toni Kukoc you know winning tannot these
other guys that were coming they didn’t
like Jordan because Jordan drove
everybody by the way fast forward 20
years later Steve Kerr who played with
this guy and got into a fistfight with
them got a black guy from Michael Jordan
he just wanted championship and was
coach of the year if you look at John
Paxson he’s a general manager on our
team if you look at Scottie Pippen
Horace Grant four-time champion Scottie
Pippen’s six-time champion top 50
players of all time they were able to
respond to leadership being given by
Michael Jordan even though this dude
knew most people didn’t want to be
around him half the people didn’t want
to be around him because he was too
tough on everybody and he had opinions
about people that have to group didn’t
like so you’ll generally know who the
leaders are in any organization because
if in an organization somebody make a
list of people in any organization say
this person everybody likes in a company
believe it or not that person is not a
leader that person somebody that wants
everybody to be pleased for other
reasons many say this person half the
group I love some half the group doesn’t
like them that’s the leader of the group
because they challenge everybody to
improve and you need to make a decision
yourself whether you want to be a leader
or you want to be a people pleaser or
you want to be a jerk it doesn’t matter
the choice is yours but leadership 50%
rule it’s what you’ll be dealing with
for the rest of your life that’s my
message to you on leadership if you have
any questions or comments comment on the
bottom if you haven’t subscribed to this
channel be sure to subscribe to this channel thanks for watching
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