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How to Earn Respect in 2018

there’s a lot of videos right now on
business planning and 2018 and I’m gonna
be a different person all this other
stuff look all of that stuff watch it’s
great I’m gonna give you two words to be
thinking about for 2018 I want to
challenge you to be going after these
two words meaning the year is over
it’s December 31st 2018 and you can say
I have officially experienced these two
words let me tell you what it is moral
authority one more time moral authority
what do I mean by moral authority this
is what I’m talking about moral
authority is when you walk in the room
everybody listens cuz you have moral
authority cuz you work the harness in
your office cuz you reading the books
cuz you’re leading the family cuz you’re
doing this stuff that you tell other
people to do that’s moral authority
moral authorities why people listen to
what you got to say there’s a lot of
people that want to be heard on social
media hey I’m gonna clap them be a sales
trainer I’ve got to be a motivational
speaker I will go out there and kill it
on Instagram all these other things but
you need moral authority there’s only so
far you can go without have a moral
authority moral authority happens when
you’re going out to doing your part
winning business you go self first you
go show up first you go finish the book
first you go and prove yourself first
you go change first you go lead first
you go do the work first you become
better in collaborations you become
better with people you go do it first
then everybody follows because when you
do focus on moral authority 20:18 will
not only be an incredible year by 2019
you don’t all gonna have to focus on
moral authority because it becomes part
of your DNA and word spreads which means
anybody who does business with you you
get other people with moral authority
that want to do business with you which
is higher quality people believe me
those are the types of people you want
on your team so my challenge to you two
words go get a moral authority [Music]
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