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How to Double Your Income

so today we’re gonna talk about doubling
your income but before we talk about
doubling your income I got a quick
exercise for you I want you to take a
minute and write down exactly what you
expect to be making this year in income
whatever that number is $48,000 $198,000
2.6 million dollars seventeen million
dollars write that number down then
right next to it write down exactly what
you made five years ago what was your
income five years ago and then next to
that write down exactly what your income
was ten years ago now if you’re watching
this and you’re saying Pat I’m 22 years
old ten years ago was twelve years old
well then go every single year for the
last five years and see what it looks
like the whole idea is when we look at
your income this year five years ago ten
years ago there’s a story there it sets
a lot either you’ve been increasing
dramatically either you’ve been flat or
you had an increase in a drop off no
matter what it is there’s a story too so
today in this video I’m gonna break down
to you the average income by age in
America then we’re gonna talk about what
the top one percenters make by age and
their net worth by eight then a handful
of things I want you to be thinking
about on how you can double your income
so let’s look at the first item here
which is what is the average income
people make based on their age here’s
what we have 16 to 19 year olds there’s
roughly 1.7 million full-time employees
ages 16 to 19 the average income for
them is $22,000 your income interesting
16 to 19 then you have 20 to 24
year-olds there’s nine point seven
million full-time workers those ages the
average income is 27,000 for 56 slightly
of an increase maybe 25 percent increase
right 25 to 34 is our biggest work force
29 million people who work ages 25 to 34
full-time the average income is 39,000
for 16 and then we have 35 to 44
year-olds that’s 27 million give or take
49 thousand four hundred 45 to 54
there’s 25 million their income is
roughly 50 thousand average 55 to 64 we
have 19 point 8 million 20 million
roughly their average income drops up
look at this two forty nine thousand six
oh eight and then six
five and older believe it Nona we
actually have 4.1 million full-time
employees in America above the age of 65
which says a lot by the way people
working full-time after 65 their average
income drops off to 46,000 176 so now
why are we looking at this what story
does this tell us it says a lot to me
when I look at it here’s what it looks
like our income is growing from sixteen
to nineteen to twenty to twenty-four
twenty-five to thirty four increases 35
to 44 after 35 to 44 your income is flat
matter of fact decreasing afterwards
think about that income doubles more
than doubles up to 44 years old then it
stays flat so why does most people’s
income stay flat after 44 that means
whatever you make at 41 years old you’re
pretty much gonna be making at 64 years
old does that make any sense to you
what happens there we’ll talk about that
here in a minute to highlight why this
takes place to most people but this is
average if you want to be average this
is the market for you
I also want to talk about the 1% it’s on
the 1% side we’re gonna look at the 1%
income and the 1% net worth by age
here’s what we found out the average 25
year old 1% or you have to make 160 to
be in the 1% of 25 year olds and to be
in a 1% of net worth of 25 year olds you
have to have $80,000 to your name right
some people are lucky to say man I hate
it that’s it for 25 year olds 80,000 is
a lot of money for 25 year 12 in savings
that’s the net worth of a top 1% 25
year-old 30 you make 200k at 30 during
the top 1% $400,000 of net worth 35 you
make 250 you’re in the top one percent
net worth 1.25 million 40 you got to
make 320 3.2 million net worth to be in
the top 1% 45 400,000 puts you in the
top 1% 5.2 million net worth 50 is 470
look at the trend everything else is for
70 to be in a 1 percent for the next 15
years is all for 70 but our 57 million
puts you in the top 1% at 55 it’s 8.46
at 62 9 point 4 million and at 65 if
you’re worth eleven point seven five
million dollars you’re in the top one
percent of networks so what why is that
well why is it that they make what they
and the average number is so much lower
than what they’re making here what is
the biggest difference what takes place
here well I’m gonna explain to you on
what happens when our incomes double
during these ages before I get into my
points I want you to look at this year
it’s a basic chart so think about what
events take place to us from 12 16 24 30
35 years old right around here the
income stays flat but what events takes
place the most here this is when our
income has grown the fastest what
happens we are in so many situations
where we have to change we are forced to
learn think about it you’re watching
this if you have a parent you and I
didn’t have a choice to go to school
when we were eight years old or 12 years
old or 10 years old we were forced to go
to school we were almost forced to
improve it was not a choice then you go
into college I’ll never forget the first
time I went to college my professors
name was Van Damme that was his name he
didn’t look like then and then what his
name was Van Damme right and me and my
friend are sitting right next to each
other it’s me Arman and another guy
named Cogan Koga and I work with at
Burger King years ago and Arman owns
Raffi’s place and we’re sitting there
here’s this opening line
how many freshmen is in a room would put
our hands up hey freshman is just so you
know this is no longer high school it’s
college which means I don’t care if
you’re tardy I don’t even care if you
don’t show up because it’s college you
have to have responsibility for yourself
so I look at my friend Arman Hartmann
did you hear what he just said right
yeah I heard dude let’s let’s test them
tomorrow let’s not show up guess what we
didn’t show up the next I’m a terrific I
don’t show up the entire semester I got
a W from the guy like freedom I don’t
have to show up to class right but we
were forced to improve here then the
choice hits you then we have to choose
to improve and most of us when the
choice is on us we kind of go on coast
mode we don’t longer put that kind of
pressure on ourselves or an adult I
don’t have to be in that kind of
pressure type situation in our high
school is competitive entire school
systems competitive your can see having
to change yourself to get better income
grows then eventually we get to a point
where we don’t want pressure anymore we
stay cruise control so watch this your
point number one about double and your
income our income doubles the most when
we recreate ourselves the most if you
recreate yourself you get new results if
you stay the same person all
Saltz this mode is constant recreation
mode how many times did you go to school
in high school and it was a kid that was
alert nerd the year before think about
it how many times you went to high
school when the kid was a nerd the year
before and then all of a sudden he shows
up the next year he went from nerd to
being cool what happened there
offseason maybe he decided to get a
girlfriend offseason maybe he started
lifting weights offseason maybe he took
some boxing classes and then he comes
back walking like this in the 11th grade
like dude you were nerd last year what
happened to you he recreated himself but
that doesn’t happen too often when we
get here we’re the same from 40 to 55 65
years old you recreate yourself then
again recreate yourself then again
recreate yourself how many do you have a
friend maybe you have a friend they
haven’t seen for like a year and you see
your friend and what do you say I don’t
recognize this guy he recreated himself
she recreated herself if you your income
earlier when we said what’s your income
this year versus five years ten years if
that hasn’t changed dramatically and
you’re 45 watching this 45 35 it’s about
the same you have not recreated yourself
lately you’re pretty much the same
person you were 10 years ago and if you
want new results you got to recreate
it’s almost gotta be the measurement
like this Thanksgiving you see your
friends and family you haven’t seen it
for six months some of them gotta say I
don’t recognize you your family reunion
you have you go to once here I don’t
recognize you Christmas I don’t
recognize your school reunion I don’t
recognize you there’s got to be a part
of requite recreation in order for your
income to double number two this age
lots of peer pressure most people hear
the word peer pressure and they go
automatically negative for me when I
hear peer pressure I say you choose to
create positive or negative peer
pressure when you have positive peer
pressure it’s very difficult let me
explain to you why you see when that
peer pressure is somebody doing better
than you’re in an environment that
someone’s doing better then you’re like
oh my gosh I’m so sick and tired of
hearing this name
I can’t believe everybody’s talking
about her why is she working out as hard
as she is once she’s gone to the gym who
cares about the diet look at his
six-pack look at his muscles look how
fast he’s doing this look how much books
he’s written look what he’s doing it’s
positive peer pressure
so you either gonna rise up to the
positive peer pressure or you gonna run
away very simple you
a fight or you gonna flight or you’re
gonna freeze oh my gosh I’m not in this
league but one of those three is gonna
happen to your right so when you get
older that peer pressure gets less and
less and less you surround yourself
around all the friends that are just
warm and fuzzy because you’re no longer
like positive peer pressure if a friend
makes more money than you unknowingly
hear me out if a friend is way more
successful than you and they put too
much positive peer pressure sometimes
you push them away and you don’t even
know you’re pushing them away let me say
one more time you I’m speaking to you
you may have a friend that kicks your
butt but you’re so sick and tired of
losing to her or to him that only you
know this you push this run away slowly
but surely you don’t even know you’re
doing it and in all of sudden your peer
pressure goes lower and lower and lower
because everybody around you is at your
level and they’re no longer put in that
peer pressure for you increase yourself
so what happens you become this story
and you stay the same that friend who is
competing and trying to improve it’s not
trying to make you feel inferior he’s
just trying to recreate himself
constantly and you’re done recreating
yourself if you are that guy’s gonna go
to whole different level if you also
want to go there go add some more
positive peer pressure in your life
matter of fact ask yourself right now
who the five friends that put a lot of
peer pressure on you and that tell you a
lot about what’s taking place number
three this is gonna be again a little
confusing but it’s gonna make sense you
by the time I’m done it’s gonna sound
like I’m on shrooms or I’m smoking
something but it makes sense to here in
a second listen listen listen to me as
you’re here not a lot of funerals you go
to right when you’re here to go a lot of
birthday parties graduations things like
that right maybe when you get here go to
college graduations maybe when you get
to you go to some weddings but when you
get to here you started telling some
funerals and let me tell you what kind
of funerals throws people off the kind
of funerals that throws people off is
the following so say a good friend of
yours I had a friend of mine he passed
away on the day he passed away he took
50 vicodins he died I took this guy to
Rehabilitation Center all over the place
he died but he died because he couldn’t
drop vicodin and that eventually got you
on okay and it was my best friend in the
world one of the most difficult days of
my life when I got that phone call I
remembered exactly I was in a black
Lincoln Towncar Wood who
Quora Granum jim and another guy i was
driving i got the phone call I cried for
thirty minutes and I was supposed to
speak that they had a session in Diamond
Bar I gave that talk out people thought
I was angry my best friend just died
when he died so many my friend stopped
using drugs because that taught us a
lesson drugs can really kill you that
was a big factor what hurts a lot of
people and misses messes with their mind
is when someone dies that you were not
expecting to die let me say this again a
friend who works out and they’re in
shape 37 years old they go to seem to
have a heart attack they die a friend
who’s 41 years old in shape they’re fine
they’re good they have an aneurysm and
he died a cousin of yours that’s younger
that they died not the car accident not
the ones that you expected not the
person that dies because everybody knew
this was kind of going to happen because
that bad drug had addictions
when someone dies unexpectedly and you
were expecting them to live a long time
here’s what happens to people around
these ages ready here’s what happens oh
my gosh what why am I not working so
hard why am I putting this kind of
pressure on me but babe what if and then
you said with your wife or your husband
you’re like pavement maybe maybe we
don’t need to work that hard babe we
live only once babe and we need to kind
of backtrack and this is too much on the
body it’s too much too stressful and
what if this and you convince yourself
that if you don’t go after your dreams
you could die because somebody died in
your life and that puts fear in you and
it immobilizes you and you’ll level out
now some people watching this two years
ago we had a presidential campaign two
people ran to become a president one
name was Hillary the other person’s name
was Donald they were both 69 years old
and you know we had more stress on their
lives in them
nobody in the world every magazine every
newspaper every news station was bash in
the morning tonight that’s pressure
imagine being Donald’s kids you have to
consider about all these other names
imagine being Hillary Clinton’s kids you
have to hear about your dad you have to
your that’s real pressure you can’t go
anywhere without somebody saying
something to you
they’re still running for office how
about the football coaches at a coaching
at 69 years old Pete Carroll why is it
coaching at 67 68 years old why was John
wouldn’t stucco why are some of these
guys putting that kind of pressure on
themselves because when that event took
place in their lives they didn’t pivot
and get scared they said that happened
to him
I’m gonna live my life and go to the
doctor and get myself checked out
hopefully I can live a long time but I’m
not gonna stress out overdyne overnight
Napoleon had wrote a book thinking
rorish many of you have read it he
talked about the different kinds of
fears people I want his public speaking
all this other stuff he said there are
so many people that are afraid of dying
I had a very very good friend of mine
and he would always ask me about the
fear of dying he was so scared of dying
and I watched this guy he was an
incredible sales guy he was incredible
at the business the subtle fear of death
that it went into the spirit and a mom
validated yeah honey slow down watch the
way Patrick’s working slow down what if
this is that that kid went from being a
top performer to playing defense to flat
same income today as yet 20 years ago 15
years ago because he got afraid
something got him by the way this
doesn’t stop there you know what else
happens what people level out you’ll
have a friend of yours they give
everything they got to business they
work so hard they’re doing so good and
in all of some market crashes they lose
everything you know what you say you say
that’s the reason why I don’t want
to start a business look what happened
to Johnny he did everything right
he worked so hard that’s why I don’t
want to start a business he lost his
house he got a divorce
he got this we you know educated people
when we go to school you know we don’t
need to go out there and go fight that
hard because why chase money look at
Johnny try to chase money look what
happened to him and he fell and he used
that one example as your excuse to stay
where you’re out for the next 30 years
one example because one person lost
everything that means that’s going to be
you you did out with divorces all this
other things by the way when you’re 20
years old you can eat pizza you don’t
gain weight okay what changes from 20 to
30 is I just had a conversation with a
couple of my employees when you turn 30
this pops out so if you start eating
pizza this pops out when you turn 40
this goes away let me show you what I’m
talking about
this touching your toes without bending
your knees flexibility goes away when
you’re 50 stamina goes away so as this
is aging and you’re building as an
entrepreneur yes you do got to go get
executive health plans done for yourself
you do have to go pay $4,000 have
everything being checked out I just got
an angiogram on my heart they put the
dye in my heart and they checked on my
arteries cuz I gotta get a check that
I’m under a lot of pressure as an
entrepreneur I’m an athlete right I got
my MRI 45 minutes I wanted to that
machine with that whole sound you hear
MRI what an annoying sound right and I
did that to get my brain check that am I
good what’s going on over here all of
those things you got to do but if you
sit there afraid of one day bad things
happening to you because it’s happening
to everybody else you’re gonna be
sitting around 10 20 30 40 years the
best earning years of your life will be
gone just because of a couple your
friends went through some mess and not
got you to stop recreating yourself and
they stay the same
next point fourth one compressing time
frames look people asked me Pat what can
I do because I really want to have this
lifestyle and I really want to get to
this point I really want to get my
dreams to become a reality I really want
to become wealthy I really want whatever
it is I really want to whatever right
but I don’t want it to be so slow I tell
them compress timeframes I learned this
a long time ago I was at a training a
gentleman got up his name was rich he
talked about compressing time frames and
I said what do you mean he says can you
fit three days in one day what does that
mean three days in one day if the
average person does 15 appointments and
three days if you do 15 appointments in
one day you’re doing the average
person’s three days in one day and if
you do that at a three year pace
five-year pace then what an average
person will do in thirty years you do in
three years or five years I got that
idea said oh my gosh this is great
because you know a lot of people think
they work hard because they’re at the
office 80 hours a week but doing what
checking muesli that’s not hard work
check in Instagram that’s not hard work
I’m talking to work on the phones
negotiating just this morning I went
from one meeting to the next meeting to
the next meeting to the next meeting to
my 65 minutes of cardio today to reading
the notes see what’s going on in the new
scene what just took place with Amazon
Alibaba see what’s going on with Sears
see what’s going on with the market
being four percent up for the year on
the SMP and then having that hard core
negotiation with a carrier now we have
five of our people in their town I’m
just trying to go back in four try to
take this partnership from just a
regular business partnership to a real
partner so we can do big things together
that’s all today and I’m trying to get
things going right
if you can figure out a way to condense
timeframes you work three days in one
day instead of having to work 20 years
to get what other people are getting
you’ll be able to do it in three to five
years but that means you got to condense
timeframes that means got to work on
Saturdays that means you got to drop TV
that means you got to drop party now
means you got to drop some of that stuff
to double your income faster and that
idea is condensing timeframes and last
but not least you watch this and you see
padam tired if you want me to work three
days in one day give me a flippin break
what are you talking about I don’t want
to do this what if you know in the next
three years if you worked efficiently
and you compress time frames you work
three days in one day what if right now
you’re making $55,000 your income what
if three years from now you get equity
in a company because you’re working so
hard you become a leader and all of us
on the buyout you get a 1.1 million
dollar check you get a $600,000 check
what if three years from your loss all
of a sudden making $250,000 your income
was 250 mean to you by the way what if
all of us on your making seven figures
what if some of you that are running big
businesses your business goes from doing
ten million year to 80 million year what
if you do that what if that does take
place what does that mean to your luck
at the end of the day why an
entrepreneur why an athlete goes at the
level they go some of these athletes are
on the road eight months out of the year
traveling training working out flying
hotels not their own house not their own
bed you know when you sleep on somebody
else’s bed in a hotel you don’t sleep
the same way doing your because your
mechanism is protective so you always
like what is that sound it’s not the
same as sleeping in your own bed how do
people do this
why do people put their bodies through
this what are they trying to do at the
end of the day I have three kids I have
a six of five and a two-year-old at the
end of the day I have family at the end
of the day I have certain things I want
to fight for at the end of the day I
have memories that I relive in my mind
with my mom my dad my sister Iran school
Germany refugee camp all these memories
at the end of the day I remember being
the kid afraid concerned filled with
dreams what if one day what if one day
what if one day what if one day I don’t
know if I could do but what if one day
what if one day what if one day at the
end of the day you’re not doing this
stuff to say look at the money I made
I’m trying to show off to you look at my
house because
if that’s the case you die you’re
replaced you’re from everybody forgets
about you go back and look oh who was a
tap box or ten years ago no one
remembers them go back and look about
who to Hue it’s just it’s not about that
it’s about you’re gonna look back and
say one my kids are gonna realize that
their daddy their mommy I had to one
thing they became the best at my mommy
and my daddy taught me about character
because they took what they do very
they became prolific at what they did in
their business like some like this your
kid goes to private school you’re there
celebrating your kid goes becomes an
attorney a doctor they become their own
business owners they watch how daddy
works they watch how mommy work they see
how diligent they are they showed a
level of respect there for other people
on how they do business because they
watched you do it they realize man my
dad worked on himself my mom worked on
herself she wasn’t just somebody that
was going out there doing all this other
stuff and they realized that’s my mom
they’re telling their peers your kids
peers want to hang out with you when the
day comes on your kid it’s 35 years old
married with kids and as a grandpa all
you want to do is grandkids to be around
you I want my kids to want to bring
their grandkids to me and they get on
one day sit there and say hey this
Christmas whose house do you want to go
to I want to go to Papa Patrick’s house
I want to melt they’re climbing all over
me we did a video the other than me
looking like I’m 80 years old or do you
know what I’m gonna look like at 80 and
her climbing all over me and we’re
playing hey grandpa tell me some stories
I’m pulling pranks on him I’m joking
with them I’m just kind of seeing how
they are just having a blast and the
family stays together all this stuff
you’re doing you’re not doing it to say
I’m better than you and all this other
stuff you’re doing it because you with
your Tunde you have your 60 70 80
hundred to 120 whatever your yours is
you’re gonna be able to make the maximum
impact you can so the blood your people
your family look at you and say my dad
my mom is a man a woman of character I
wonder one day live a life like them and
that way you’re making the future better
than it was the past because of the
example you set for the people in the
future who are your kids your grandkids
that’s what we do what we do here aside
from that everything else is boring
you’re gonna die you’re re lumber
getting all this stuff stays the legacy
left behind that stays behind and that’s
the real value of why you may want to
consider yourself fighting to get into
the 1% and constantly recreating
yourself because the future looks
brighter would that be and said I got
three things I want you to be doing
number one I want you to send me a tweet
and tell me exactly what you’re thinking
right now
I want you tell me exactly what you’re
thinking right now after watching this
video I wanna hear your feelings your
thoughts what’s on your mind – I want
you to watch this other video called how
to increase your net worth it goes a
little bit deeper to how to increase
your net worth and three if you haven’t
subscribed click on the subscribe button take care everybody I love you bye-bye
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