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How to control your quality of life

so today I wanted to speak to you about
something that’s a very simple thing to
think about and how much we control this
in our lives
I remember it was December 31st 2002 I
had just gone out of military two three
years and prior to that and we’re in
Universal Studios we my buddy and I went
to in-and-out burger we ordered a
double-double you know how great in and
out is there everyone – in and out we
went behind this Street it was an uphill
street we went and park the car in my
Ford Focus at this time financially
worst place in my life ever forty-nine
thousand dollars in debt 26 credit cards
and we sat in the car and we were
listening to KISS FM 102.7
and we’re sitting there listening to the
countdown with no emotion or enthusiasm
attached to the fact that we’re entering
a new year it was just another new year
coming up and it was one of the most
uncomfortable feelings when I sat there
and I asked myself is this what life is
really going to be all about is this it
is this what life is going to be every
year just another new year and that was
the night where I had to make a decision
on what adjectives were going to define
my life what adjectives were going to
define the days that I was gonna
experience in my life for instance
everybody has a new year everybody
experiences a birthday or a Halloween or
Thanksgiving or Christmas but very few
actually have happy New Year’s
happy Thanksgiving happy birthday you
know a a happy Halloween a Merry
Christmas and I have come to realize
over time that that’s a decision we need
to make in order for us to control those
adjectives so the real question for you
here today is this what adjectives are
going to define your life that decision is on you
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