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How to break barriers

so I’m standing out a pretty historic
spot in Los Angeles what you see behind
me here is the Coliseum where the 1984
Olympics was done you’ll see a lot of
cars behind me I’m looking at people
tourists come out to take pictures the
shuttle Endeavour if you saw it on the
streets on the news going through Los
Angeles it’s to my left to your right
USC is right back here and you’ll hear
some car noises in the background with
pictures being taken but the reason why
we chose to do the two minutes we’ve had
this week at this location is because
this week’s message is about breaking
barriers and Olympics is a great example
of breaking barriers because when we
think about the Olympics we think about
records being broken right we think
about you know Mary Lou Retton in 1984
who was the first gymnast outside of
Eastern Europe to win the all-around
competition in the Olympics first time
ever in the history and I’ve had a
chance of meeting Mary Lou Retton and
also her coach Bela Karolyi unique
experience but many times it’s not about
Roger Bannister breaking a four-minute
mile right a lot of people said this
will never happen the human body can
never do it this is just not gonna take
place and he said I can pull this off
the moment one person broke the
four-minute mile hundreds did it right
afterwards why is that well I think in
life you may not be chasing to break a
four-minute mile right you may not be
chasing to be a all-around competition
winner in gymnastics for Olympics
outside of Eastern Europe but we all
have our own little barriers I remember
when I was 10 years old living at a
refugee camp in Germany and I don’t know
if you remember when Mario Super Mario
Brothers number 2 came out you remember
that the second one not the first one
nobody in this refugee camp had a Super
Nintendo I went for one summer every
single day 8 hours that they collected
cans bottles and I needed 249 marks to
buy this Super Nintendo that was a
barrier for me as a kid maybe your
barrier may be making 10,000 in a month
maybe it’s a hundred thousand in a month
maybe it’s a million in a month maybe
it’s education health whatever it is
anything it is the
moment you break a barrier one time the
second third fourth fifth time other
barriers you want to break becomes so
much easier so my challenge to you this
week is write down your own barriers
that you want to break and do whatever
you can to aim at breaking that and from
there the rest will be easy for you thank you
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