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How revolutionary leaders figure out their purpose in life

I’m excited to introduce to the first
episode and we’re introducing to that
show from Hollywood Hills with the
Hollywood sign right behind me Ron
Howard’s home the director to my right
about 100 yards to my right and it’s
exciting because this new show will be
providing you value pain and what value
Tama means to us is what we came across
watching two minutes with panis two
minutes with Pat was written about value
take value Timothy’s thought-provoking
values combined with entertainment
that’s led to a movement of dialogues
and discussions amongst people regarding
things that matter in our lives and what
we’ll be doing differently with this
starting next week is the episodes won’t
be going out on Friday it’ll be
different segments going out on Tuesdays
and Thursdays on a weekly basis and with
that being said I want to get right into
it with you to explain to you what it is
to go from being a rebel without a cause
to being a rebel with the cause I want
to introduce to the art 3 fórmula to
have a question food
do you ever wonder what’s the difference
between a Steve Jobs Jeff Bezos
or a Larry Page versus a Frank Lucas
Mickey Cohen and a Bernie Madoff like
because when you think about both of
them they’re both extremely driven
extremely hard-working but what is the
main difference between the two you see
the difference is one group broke the
rules while the other group broke the
laws there is a big difference between
doing those two things but in order for
you to do great things in life at times
you must break the rules and by the way
every one of us out there since we were
kids we’ve been breaking the rules you
know some of the things we did as kids
that our parents don’t know about those
today you remember those days maybe your
car you took your mom and dad didn’t
know about they may not even know about
it till today because we like people
break the rules there’s a certain level
of admiration that we have for them now
every 80 years roughly 7 billion people
are replaced with 7 billion new people
but why is it that only a few people do
something big with their lives that the
world knows about well I’ve come to the
conclusion that at a certain phase of
our lives as we age all do we get we are
we are confined by so many rules don’t
do this and you have to live in this box
and if you do this is bad and if you do
that that you’re a bad person and people
may create rumors about you so we start
becoming so scared about doing certain
things right so we convince ourselves
we’re living a happy life but we’re
really living a Content life we become
content with what we have we become
content with our capacity and we don’t
aim to see what we can really do with
our lives but the truth is all of us
want to strive for happiness every one
of us wants to live a happy life Tony
Hsieh from Zappos described it best on
three levels of happiness the lower
level he talked about his pleasure
most of us spend most of our lives
chasing pleasure to makes us happy
while it’s got the lowest level of life
what’s pleasure if I smoke a cigar I’m
happy if I have a drink of whiskey I’m
happy if I go watch a movie I’m happy
for two hours against shortest lifespan
second level of happiness is passionate
when I workout I’m happy I feel good my
body feels good you know when I play
guitar I’m past my plane to guitar I’m
passionate about running I’m passion
about hiking all those things are good
but it’s not the highest level of life
expectancy you see those who want to do
something big with their lives who
rebels with the cause they’re seeking
life long Catholics and the only way we
get lifelong happiness is with the last
level of happiness which is purpose
purpose is correcting an injustice
purpose is doing something that’s never
been done before
purpose is making a difference in
people’s lives and those who want to do
something big the rebels what the cause
are not necessarily trying to make it on
a list of the richest people Forbes 400
they’re not trying to get a certain
trophy they’re not trying to get a
certain plaque they make it on those
lists by pure default it’s something
bigger than that for them so the second
phase is to become obsessed with your
cause you see in life we have a lot of
wasted obsessions and we have a lot of
worthy obsession too often we spend too
much of our lives on wasted obsessions
TV sports highlight Express Facebook
Twitter whatever you may call it that’s
all wasted obsession or the obsession is
stem from the three things we talked
about earlier what you hate what you
love and what bothers
and the reason why that’s so point is
because too often in life we’re too late
they’re too bored we have nothing really
going on this is one of my favorite
quotes is mankind is lazy until
something catches our heart once it does
you come to a crossroad and that’s Phase
three in that crossroad is you haven’t
the courage to make a bold decision in
your life you may say I’ve met a lot of
people that have identified their cause
I’ve met a lot of people that are
obsessed but the cause that they’re
afraid of making a bold decision why
because you will be ridiculed you will
be criticized you will be condemned you
want please people and guess what most
people don’t like that but here’s what
happens once you make a bold decision
based on your cause and you’re obsessed
about that cause once you do then your
spirit enlarges and you’re introduced to
person you have never ever met in your
life before to the point where your
friends your family your co-workers will
tell you I don’t recognize you anymore
you’re not the same anymore sums happens
your eyes met what has gotten into you
because you finally got the fire in your
belly to know what your causes what
bothers you’ve made a bold decision and
you have the opportunity now to go out
there and do something that’s never ever
been done before so what’s the bad news
here’s the bad news you will never ever
be like Steve Jobs Jeff Bezos
or Larry Page now you know what the good
news is they will never
ever be like you once you identify what
good causes they can never ever be like
you but the key is to add your signature
to the world that’s our responsibility
make that being said make sure you
subscribe and share this video with as
many people as possible it’s my message to leave to you
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