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China’s 7 Lessons for Entrepreneurs 🇨🇳

so lots been taking place in a market
lady especially with what took place
with Apple due to China look how much
influence China has Apple in one day
lost nearly ten percent of their value
in one day Apple is no longer the
largest company in the world that’s not
even number two or number three it’s
officially number four behind Microsoft
Amazon and alphabet aka Google and by
the way just in the last few months
Apple’s lost a few hundred billion
dollars in the last few months
equivalent of four hundred billion
dollars in the last few months having
said that why am I talking about China
and Apple here’s why China now is so big
and powerful that influences all around
the world where Apple one day wakes up
relying so much on China that they take
a big kid and many people in the world
today are wondering what’s going to
happen with this Trump tariffs with
China how am I going to be affected by
should I go and should I go out is Apple
going to make a recovery after what they
negotiate based on March first all of
these things in place I decided to do
video today specifically on what you and
I as entrepreneurs can learn from China
all right so check this out I got a lot
of numbers I’m going to cover with you
I’m going to give you seven things we
can learn from this these three numbers
pay attention to fifteen point five a
twenty five thirty one point four to ask
me what it is in a minute when I get
into but first let me say the first
conference that’s coming up the vault I
told you guys when we cross a million
subs we are going to host the first
value two min conference we are calling
it the vault because we’re cracking the
code in anything you need to be doing
whether you’re employed trying to become
a salesperson Sales Leader business
owner CEO entrepreneur we’re gonna crack
all those codes on what you need to be
doing next by covering four things at
this conference three-day event May 1st
to May 4th in Dallas Texas I’ll be
talking to you about what you need to do
to study the most important product in
the world which is people starting with
you first
anybody at that conference is going to
leave clearly known exactly what they
need to be doing number two thing we’re
going to talk about is how to scale your
company during good and bad times
everybody knows how to make money during
good times but can you learn how to make
money during bad times we’ll talk about
it number three a problem solving
formula that anybody can use yes you can
use whether it’s in the war room the
or the bedroom we’re gonna give it a
formula on how to use it and last but
not least how to put together your own
team and leadership development specific
formulas for three days there’s a lot of
different packages one of them is about
to be sold out which is one of the days
you’ll be sitting together with me for
three hours as a CEO package click on a
link below I think value tainment coms
some will run here go to value to me
calm to find out more information about
this event coming up and everyone gets
his vault manual having said that let’s
get right in here’s a couple things to
think about with China this is 1978 1998
2019 increments of 20 years where China
was according to the world GDP where
they ranked by the way in 1978 China was
ranked number 10 they’re not even in the
top five they got a billion and a 1
people in China and 78 give or take and
they’re ranked number 10 you’ve got all
this manpower how are you number 10 20
years later they only moved up three
spot they passed up Brazil Canada and
Spain right and then all of a sudden 20
years later they are number two behind
us and by the way you know what’s crazy
do you know what these numbers are let
me tell you what these numbers are
here’s what it is
in 1978 us’s GDP was fifteen point five
times bigger than China
so China decides they’re David they want
to go against Goliath which is us except
Goliath is fifteen and a half times
bigger than you let me explain to you
what this means to you pick a competitor
you have in a market place that is 15
and a half times bigger than you how
intimidating is that imagine you do in a
million dollars a year they’re doing
fifteen and a half million dollars per
imagine you’re doing ten million dollars
per year they’re doing a hundred and
fifty five million you’re doing a
hundred million year they’re doing one
and a half billion that’s how big us was
to China and then they went from 1978 to
1998 u.s. is only eight point five three
times bigger than them and today US is
only one point four two times bigger
than China so what does this really mean
what does it mean that the economy gets
better let me give you some more data
maybe they were paying attention to
other areas here’s what you notice this
number I’m giving here was written on an
article written by Ray Dalio author of
principles he wrote this article on
we’ll put the link below for you to read
it as well here’s just one part of the
article sharing this data population
below poverty buck 90 a day in nineteen
seventy eight eighty eight point three
percent of the population in China was
living off of a buck ninety a day twenty
years later is only forty one percent
today it’s one point four percent do you
know how insane that is from eighty
eight percent to one point four percent
this is the power of capitalism and
entrepreneurship that can do to a nation
right now let’s continue life expectancy
sixty-six years old in nineteen seventy
eight seventy one today 76 years old in
forty years of innovation and technology
and advancement the average person is
officially living ten more years in
China now next one here infant mortality
rate per thousand birds right out of a
thousand fifty-three were dying kids
infants then out of a thousand and
ninety eight one two thirty three two
dates eight out of a thousand and last
but not least
literacy how many people could read out
of the population seventy eight was 70
percent anyone to 93 today 196 so what
does this mean to you Pat I don’t really
get it why am I looking at this stuff I
mean I’m not trying to have any infants
or you know I’m not worried about life
expectancy what does this have to do
with my business well it has everything
to do with your business let me explain
population below buck ninety poverty
what does this mean if you improve
certain things in your company guess
what your employees make more money your
salespeople make more money what does
life expectancy mean retention a new
company goes higher people stick around
what does the infant mortality mean when
they become a leader and they get
employees in their department they train
them better so they stick around they
don’t die constantly replace an
employee’s and last but not least
literacy because you’ve got certain
things going on within your company
that’s educating them better so let me
get right into it personal experience
four or five years ago I’m a CEO I’m
running a financial firm I have all
these agents and I’m looking at it I
said Pat the book you wrote nine years
ago I wrote a book called the next
perfect storm don’t recommend you read
it because it’s towards insurance I’m
specifically giving feedback for where
you’re at in business I wrote this book
and I visualized what was gonna take
place in the insurance industry over the
next twenty year period and I fully
bought it and I focused in on exactly
what was casted and what we have to do I
smell opportunity
very similar to what this country china
smelt and started realizing maybe what
u.s. is doing maybe they’re doing a
couple of things right that we need to
maybe Japan’s doing a couple of things
right maybe Germany is gonna come how
come we’re not doing it we have more
people than they do we have more people
than these guys all combined we China
how come we’re not at the top why are we
competing for that and then when they
smelled it that they could and they said
oh my gosh we really could compete out
there if we change certain mindsets that
we have matter of fact you know when
China knew that they wanted to make a
statement to the world how many times
you watch the Olympics and what are we
watching the Olympics Opening Ceremony
my entire lifetime the greatest Opening
Ceremony I have ever seen was done by
China in 2008 do you remember how insane
was do you remember all the balls all
this stuff how aligned everybody was
like how are they so how many hours did
they practice to get this thing down for
this big of a show China was trying to
make a statement to the world hey world
watch the Olympics we are coming in
every aspect of our lives we want to
compete with you now I don’t want you to
think I’m a China guy like I’m moving to
China tomorrow because oh my gosh pad
now you’re a China fan I’m not telling
you this I’m a u.s. guy I’m an America
but I also respect when competitors
smell blood and they see an opportunity
to go out there saying I want to change
myself and I want to do something about
it so what can you and I learnt from
this 7 things number one manpower
matters however say you want to come and
fight me and you bring in a hundred men
and your hundred men are now trained to
fight and I only get to bring ten men
and my 10 men are UFC fighters they are
all top 10 best fighters in the world
UFC I have the top 10 UFC fighters
you’re just bringing 100 men we go fight
who do you thinks gonna win do you think
you’re 100 can beat my 100 my top 10
best UFC fighters in the world I don’t
know about that even if you drop on the
floor you’re biting their legs you’re
trying to do this here you don’t know
how to fight and stuff won’t kick in the
face 1 1 1 these guys gonna turn around
next thing you know they’re gonna get
you because they have manpower but they
have trained manpower China realize we
have manpower but we’re not trained yet
what if we train and we have
and power imagine the possibilities
that’s exactly what China did so what if
you don’t have manpower you got to go
get manpower if you do have manpower you
gotta ask how well-trained your manpower
is number two you got a cast division
hey we’re in real estate in a local area
in Chicago we’re gonna compete hey we’re
in real estate in Miami we’re doing
commercial real estate
we’re gonna go compete with the top
commercial guys here hey we’re doing
pharma pharmaceutical sales in you know
Lodi California in San Jose we’re gonna
compete hey when the you know specimen
business in New York we’re gonna compete
with some of these other guys some of
these are the hedge funds we’re gonna
compete in this market a caste division
here’s what we’re going here’s what
we’re gonna be doing they need to hear
China casted a vision to their nation
here’s where China can be one day if we
X Y Z you got a caste division number
three education what will you start
educating look at the literacy how are
you gonna be educating people in your
organization by the way you’re running a
business you got 50 employees how are
you educating them what is your training
program what are you developing them who
you bringing it to develop them as
leaders as better skill set as all that
other stuff that’s education for culture
faster growth a culture of growth a
culture of discipline a culture of hey
we want to do something big with our
lives I went to a event in Utah it was
an event for online educational systems
right and all of these investors from
around the world came I was networking
with CEOs of udemy Pluralsight all these
other guys that were there a coke Adam
II all of them that were there and I ran
into some of the guys in China and this
lady comes and starts talking to us
about the projects that are taking place
in China what they want to invest in she
said in China a big percentage of
parents income is used for after-school
programs that’s not the case in America
a big chunk is used for after-school
programs a big chunk is being used for
online universities online courses
online this so look at them their
mindset when we gonna educate they use
the tools technology apps to get
education to hold their phone level
that’s the same thing you got to do but
they faster growth number five this is
an interesting one and I’ll explain it
to you in America we’re a nation of
individuals I’m gonna be able to make a
name for myself and I’m gonna go out
there and be big and the cap capitalism
systems that work very well
individual becomes a hero Mark Cuban the
individual becomes a hero Sam Walton the
individual becomes a hero Steve Jobs
Elon Musk the individual becomes a hero
but collectively tens of thousands of
employees also win millions of employees
also win because one person got credit
then group got credit one person of a
department got credit that group got
credit a lot of times in China they were
all about the collective it was only
about oui oui oui oui oui one individual
came up no no it’s about we stay down
stay down it’s about we always afraid
what if one innovator comes and becomes
too big China gave the opportunity for
individuals to come up and say no listen
so proud of this person that stepped up
great job for this person that’s why
China is so special so your company
great job to Mary for doing XYZ above
and beyond everybody else and she was
the biggest contributor for us last
month for having the biggest month we’ve
ever had great job team awesome job
Mary you get the ball at again the game
ball goes to you individual collective
you can I cannot tell how many companies
how many companies come to me and they
sit down with me they want me to be
their top hat I’ll give you a hundred
thousand dollars help us out with our
company XYZ and the only focus to have
is collective collective collective
collective collective no wonder they’re
not building and fostering new leaders
coming up that can help grow the company
two whole different level China got a
little bit that by the way they’re not
fully there but more than before six
making a statement the 2008 Olympics it
was a statement hello
we’re China we’re coming how you like us
now you like us you like the
entertainment this is just the beginning
get used to it because we want that
number one spot from us and last but not
least Leadership Development look you
want to grow your company in whatever
industry you’re in it’s gonna come down
to leadership development it’s gonna
come down to one-on-one sitting down
building leaders they started building
leaders in different industries and then
all of a sudden they became a force to
be reckoned with your company wherever
you’re at twenty nineteen twenty twenty
whatever your it is while you’re
watching this evergreen is twenty twenty
eight you’re watching is nine years from
now whatever you’re going through
whatever you’re doing right now you got
to sit there and identify your next five
leaders that can be party organized
you can take them up if there are six
but they’re hungry you can help them
become 1/8 faster an environment it can
be an 8 and given one-on-one attention
if there is 7 you seen they give me an
eight and a half put them in an
environment that can be an eight and a
half if there is six if there are five
but you know they want to grow pour
water on these guys like plants on these
gals let them develop and to leaders
because they’re the ones that’s gonna
take the company to the next level
you’re gonna be doing it and be able to
do it all by yourself you need to write
theater so those seven things is where
you and I can learn from what China has
been doing around the world where the
entire economy sitting there saying oh
my gosh I hope we figure it out because
now they’re impacting every other
business out there so having said that
at the beginning I told you about the
vol conference if you haven’t registered
yet click on a link below go get
register cannot wait to meet you May 1st
through May 4th in Dallas Texas again if
you haven’t subscribed either click on
the sub button take everybody love you bye
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