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Anthony Scaramucci’s Advice to Trump about Getting Re-elected in 2020

you’ve been around President Obama
you’ve been around President Trump what
is the biggest difference you notice
personality-wise between the two I’m
gonna tell you the biggest similarity
they’re gamers and they want the ball
when the buzzers about to click they’re
not show Cortis ok those guys know how
to win I went into the White House where
they changed saw in a hockey mask right
but he wanted to hit me as hard as he
could hit me you don’t fire a guy like
me like that well you know what when
you’re an entrepreneur you’re trying to
create a win-win environment you’re
trying to add value to people’s lives
but as president from Trust today I mean
I think one of the things that I’m proud
of is I never broke ranks with the
president okay so my recommendation of
the president has just calm down relax
if the swamp thinks you can be bought
they love you of course it’s not really
a swamp it’s actually a gold-plated hot
tub with no drink sure to hand you two
bottles of Cristal they give you the
Cubano and you hang out in a hot tub
right if they don’t think you can be
bought they’re coming to kill you all
right so today we’re sitting down with
the former White House communications
director and the founder of sky bridge
Capital Anthony scare emoji thanks for
being a role going on Patrick I got a
good little go ahead role yeah you get a
good vibe get a good or a great suit I
appreciate I can say the same thing
about going on here
so what’s cooking you’ve got a lot of
interesting things about yourself your
background you know you’ve hung out with
some big personalities obviously I know
who you are when I was going deeper I
said this guy went to Harvard at the
same time Obama went to Harvard and you
guys played basketball together
yeah and you was there the Supreme Court
so how will see how was he taken was the
Dean there she’s now on a Supreme Court
yeah you know look you got to get born
in the United States and you Providence
gives you a good brain if you’re a hard
worker I hustle my way into Harvard Law
School so a lot of good things came out
of that right I got it the Goldman and
then I started my own business and then
I started the process of networking a
lot of people you know I mean I grew up
in a blue-collar family with a tight
budget you know it was a middle-class
family so we didn’t really have any
connections in any country clubs or
alumni networks or
boarding schools or things like that so
I mean we had to make it ourselves so
who were you in high school if you and I
are 16 17 we know who were you I was a
Guido that took dance lessons at dance
Vanessa Benson I had every move that
Tony Manero did I knew how to do going
to discos we called him discos I don’t
even nightclubs back then I was doing
push-ups in the parking lot of these
discos try to block my chest up from my
Camaro I had extra shirts in the car in
case I wasn’t having a good time in
there like connecting I would go back
and change my shirt just come change up
the car mom
I learned how to drive a car when I was
14 got on my first car accident when I
was 15 I was delivering motorcycles up
on the Bronx in Harlem at age 17 change
a chain on a motorcycle place the
carburetor I had that kind of an
education and you have to remember if
you work if you grow up in a motorcycle
shot where I work from 13 to 21 you
learn a lot of what goes on on the
street you know you got Hells Angels
coming in there you got Malcolm Forbes
coming in there you got Billy Joel
coming in there I mean it was a very
wide eclectic mix of people and so I can
you know tell you something I’m very
proud of I always tease my uncle who’s
91 years young guys amazing guy really
the first entrepreneur of my family I
used to tell my uncle that you know I’m
proudest of being the only person in
Ghost motorcycles employment history to
go to the Harvard Law School only yeah I
am absolutely confident that no any like
night my mother thought it was Harvard
Law School they were absolutely went to
tuft university right yeah so when I
called her I got into Harvard Law School
February 6 1986 which was Reagan’s 75th
birthday for those people following
trivia at home I called my mother
landline phone obviously I told her she
was okay that’s great that’s in Harford
I said no mom it’s in its Harvard it’s
in Boston you sure that’s not a hurry
it’s Hartford law school right she
really didn’t believe no clue she had no
clue you even know the difference
between Harvard or Harvard or anything
care not with no books in the house
growing up that’s pretty amazing for you
to go to now you want to you want to get
your JD and be a lawyer and then you
decided to go finance so how did that
transition take place for this I’m going
a different direction I want to totally
express to your viewers the level of
Eva Tay my lack of global understanding
my lack of awareness so I read an
article in the paper of my junior year
at Tufts that lawyers at Cravath Swaine
and Moore
law firm the probably would never have
hired me while the starting salaries in
1985 or $65,000 a year so my pops was
probably making less than that and so I
said ok this is great I’m gonna law
school I’m gonna be financially set for
life I’m gonna go become a lawyer at a
Wall Street law firm so what did I do
got into Harvard went down there and
paid the tuition deposit and I got the
phone book of the Harvard recruitment
firms so every law firm in America that
was recruiting from Harvard and I got
the alumni directory and I spent two
hours in the admissions area
cross-referencing all of the law firms
on Wall Street I didn’t realize that
Wall Street man like you could have a
law firm in downtown uptown Midtown
Chicago I thought you had to be on Wall
Street so I looked at all the Wall
Street firms I typed up my resume I
plotted the alumni from Harvard at those
Wall Street firms and then I went down
at Wall Street I got the number one Wall
Street which was the Irving trust
building he’s now gonna be a condo but
on the 28th floor this law firm called
use Hubbard and Reid existed I rode up
the elevator there’s no security I get
right to the the woman at the reception
area I’m wearing my polyester suit my
polyester tie and my polyester shirt and
I say hi how are you I’m here to see
Worthington labs come the 38th or
whatever right I don’t want to give up
the guy’s name he’s buzzing so he comes
out he’s got the suspenders on and the
pipe I mean he’s right out of central
casting from like the Paper Chase and he
says we don’t have a mean what are you
doing here I said well you know from the
Harvard Law School I just got in I’m
desperate for a job gonna come and see
you in your office we talked for about
15 minutes is okay I’ll hire you I’ll
give you 8,000 hours hey can you make a
tent I had no money he looked at me says
wow he’s you’re a little bit of a push
the guy I said I have dollars an hour
yeah so I get $10 an hour time and a
half was 15 I worked the entire summer
for him and I hated every minute of it
and so when I got to Harvard Law School
by the time I matriculated there I had
already decided I was gonna be a lawyer
so I spent three years there what did
you like a run it just wasn’t for me you
know there’s too much library time too
much research it wasn’t as he got into
your 30s 40s and 50s that you started to
become more transactional and I wanted
to be the principal I didn’t want to be
the person that’s assisting the
principal you always got different
personalities and so that was wasn’t for
me it’s been three years in law school
trying to be not a lawyer I tell people
I learned two things in law school you
won’t hear what they are don’t be a
lawyer and avoid lawsuits those are the
two things I learned but why though why
don’t be a lawyer you know it’s a grind
what a chase per se kill all the lawyers
you know it’s a grind being a corporate
lawyer unless you have the right
attitude and personality and temperament
for it it’s a grind you don’t think you
have to write a personality and
temperament for it no so of a deal
person or more shots alcohol more sales
or interesting so I want to organize a
business and run a business I want to
use the force of my personality to meet
people bring them into my fold so at
that time when you were with Brock how
old was he he was in his early 20s at
1900 of me so I’ll tell you the
president is probably um he’s 5 58 59
Custer he was older than me I was I was
two years ahead of him in school but
he’s probably three years older than me
so I he was class at 91 I was class at
89 so we didn’t really know each other
one of my favorite stores I supported
him in 2008 and I handed him a check and
I said listen we didn’t really know each
other in law school senator but I want
to lie to all my friends and say that I
knew you you cool with that he goes hey
if you double the amount of the check we
could take it back to Hawaii all right
this guy’s got the Mojo right he had the
fix ya know so I did I doubled the
amount of the check and I raised him
money and I was fairly non-ideological
at that point and I figured how many
times in my life am I gonna meet end or
know somebody that’s gonna possibly be
the president United States it turned
out more than one time but I didn’t know
that yeah I mean you’re again that you
arrest me on who you’ve been around
pretty interesting and how it happened
so how did you transition from doing to
subscribe you know where you starting
your own firm now you have been run
eight billion dollars oh so I think it’s
important to tell you that I was at
Goldman for seven years
I left with a mentor of mine there was a
couple years older than me and 22 years
ago at the age of 32 I started something
called Oskar Capital Management which
was a registered investment advisor so
like yourself and weirder I took all
those tests I was managing money we did
it for five years we sold at the
Neuberger Berman they sold the Lehman
Brothers and I left Lehman Brothers
before their famous bankruptcy and I
started skybridge capital in March of
it’s almost 14 years later and we’ve got
ten billion dollars under management 60
people for offices and for a very brief
shining moment I was in the comms
department as the White House
communications director for 11 days for
President Trump and I worked on his
campaign for a year and I helped him
raise money so you’ve been around
President Obama you’ve been around
President Trump what is the biggest
difference you know there’s
personality-wise between the two I’m
gonna tell you the biggest similarity
and they probably don’t like each other
that much but they’ll be mad at me both
of them for telling you how similar they
are ok they’re gamers you know they want
the ball ok I want to put the ball in
the hoop and they want the ball when the
buzzers about to click you know so these
guys are gamers they’re not show Cordes
ok those guys know how to win a second
thing about their personalities are very
headstrong they see things a certain way
and they’re gonna drive the agenda
there’s two different types of
leadership right you know we’ve got a
thermostat in this room there’s a
certain type of leadership that says ok
what’s the temperature and they guide
themselves towards the temperature and
then there’s another type of leadership
that’s a thermostat I’m gonna dial the
temperature and the world’s coming my
way I’m gonna lower the temperature to
72 and the whole world’s coming with me
or I’m raising it to 78 and the whole
world’s company both of those guys are
thermostats they’re not thermometers
where they’re gauging the temperature
you know like Secretary Clinton all due
respect to her is very gifted person but
she’s more of a thermometer you know
she’s putting the finger out there she’s
trying to act like who she thinks people
want her to act like so she can become
that’s not these two these two are like
take it or leave it this is me I’m gonna
grind you through the wall and if you
like me I’m gonna be President if you
don’t like me I got
things to do so let me ask you what’s
how are they different yeah
they’re different in the sense that they
see the world ideologically differently
in the President Obama he probably sees
the world through a peace and social
justice model from classes that he took
in the mid to late eighties about peace
and social justice and so this is more
of like the know I’m Chomsky and Sal
Olinsky sort of model that there’s an
unfairness and a non justice in the
society and people of color have been
treated unfairly and we have to push
their agenda and to redistribute and
make the society more balanced some of
that’s true
so it’s Allah Sophocles it’s just purely
topically Trump is more Trump as a guy
that’s never been discriminated against
so therefore he’s not racist but he
doesn’t have any empathy for people that
have been discriminated against cuz
never happened to have got it
Obama would stand in Harvard Law School
and try to hail a cab because he was
black he couldn’t get one try to hell a
cab of Columbia’s raising a saint again
he’s not gonna get the cab so that’s
things might of course my grandmother
she was walking around here
7800 years ago said Nina and no Italians
need to apply so Trump’s I read any
blatant discrimination that’s manifested
against him doesn’t make him racist it
just makes him not totally aware of that
dilemma of people that have felt that
discrimination in their lives that makes
them very different that makes them
think very differently about policy what
is it to work with these guys because I
know you said something one time you
said uh Nixon once said people are
willing to vote for somebody they
dislike but they’re not willing to vote
for somebody that dislikes them I think
you quoted at one time that was Richard
Nixon well they were asking Nicks he
said hey you probably didn’t like me but
they gave me a landslide I was in the
1972 landslide his point was that the
American people are results in their
orientation but that presidency is a
popularity contest and it’s a reverse of
what you think it’s not that they have
to like the guy but they have to think
you like them he’s remember you’re
getting invited into their living room
every single night you’re becoming an
additional fan
they’re gonna know your voice as well as
they know their children’s voices and
their parents voices and so there’s a
couple of things that have to happen you
have to be in the game with them and
some of they think is championing them
or at least a large part of them going
back to the personality found working
with President Obama or President Trump
you know you get Trump that he gets the
criticism saying you know the first two
years senior executives on his team
62% have been fired in the first two
years versus Obama I think is 24% is
when you look at these polls how
different is it working within Barack
Obama than it is working with a
president Romney in Ferren really works
super closely with brocco mom i bundled
for him met him a few times or in that
people as well a bundle I went out and
got money and bundled it together and
handed it to his campaign but it didn’t
really work with him day-to-day I did
work with the president president Trump
day today and so I can tell you about
his personality very likeable gregarious
guys guy when you’re with them but he is
somebody that’s very demanding he does
have a nature to his personality where
if you’re in syncopation with him like
Mike Pompeo is then that’s great there’s
no daylight they can telepathically
finish each other sentences they’re
gonna go along great but if you’re
somebody like Rex Tillerson that you’re
oil and water you don’t see the world
similarly or you’re butting heads or
your intellectual odds that’s not gonna
work out if you’re John Kelly where you
think your reputation is better than the
president’s and so you think your
holier-than-thou that’s not gonna work
with somebody like the president you
know for me I got in there and I got in
there at the wrong time I got a good
relation with the president got in there
at the wrong time I made a gaffe I made
a mistake I trusted somebody I shouldn’t
know if and you know Kelly used that
vulnerability to wipe me out and at that
time there was so much turmoil and
uncertainty in the White House I
couldn’t really get the support I needed
from the president or from his family
members to keep me but the flipside is
those people gave me the opportunity I
blew it with my mistake I’m accountable
as a human being and I accept my firing
him I mean I think one of the things
that I’m proud of is I never broke ranks
with the president I mean I got blown up
humiliated in the media
excoriated but you never seem to break
ranks yeah not that kind of person if
this was if this was a you know you’ve
probably seen Godfather many times you
know if this was a mafia mob family you
you didn’t go out there snitching or
throwing them under the bus now if I
came out and said I apologize I did say
this in the past before when I was
betting on other people to win and I was
betting on Romney or Clinton in the past
or whatever what I write I write in my
book doesn’t have started it open the
president when I was attacking the
president when he was at a candidate and
they show and only did it one time was
for three and a half minutes and they
showed that in perpetuity until I got
myself fired but what was happening was
he was attacking hedge fund industry he
started that fight so how he likes to
say he’s a counter puncher I’m a counter
puncher I’m in New Yorker sure he
started that fight so one of the best
tweets and my favorite tweet is when he
referenced me in the tweet on Saturday
after I got my job he said in all due
respect Anthony scaramouche I started
that fight with him you know I mean it
so that diffused it right away I said
look I’m sorry I did that
I’m glad to be on the president’s team
we were fighting with each other but
that’s New York you know if you and I
knew each other we’re from New York
where you get into a spat unfortunately
with him because he’s Donald Trump
everything ends up on a camera or
underneath these lights so it’s recorded
forever it’s like a tattoo but I
remember 10 years ago there used to say
somebody a politician from New York
cannot be the president this was like
eight years ago when Chris Christie was
hey what if he comes out Giuliani and
here Giuliani was I don’t think anybody
from New York and then Trump comes out
and becomes who he becomes you know his
style of leadership the one thing I
wonder you’ve said he likes it when you
are comfortable being yourself around
them where you don’t change yourself to
be around him but is that really the
case like I see it is it working with
President Trump like you come into the
room you do as I say and you’re gonna be
okay or if I push too much and I’m too
ambitious maybe like a Kelly I’m gonna
be ousted how does that work out because
it seems like there’s not really one way
to work here here’s the thing I would
say I mean this is what I found again
and everyone is a sure impression here’s
what I found
let’s see you’re the president if you
got the aura from me that I liked you
okay and I totally trusted you and you
were my guy then he gave you
wide berth of latitude to talk to him in
a very honest and constructive way you
see that and so so he doesn’t like
sycophants I mean the point I’m trying
to make when I made that statement yes
when you’re sick of antics is somebody
like President Trump he gets bored he
doesn’t want that you know and so what I
also say about the word sick of fancy
and this is for your entrepreneurial
viewers if someone’s kissing your
be careful that is a sign of selfishness
and it’s a sign of self-preservation
it’s not a sign of loyalty for me to
tell you how great looking you are every
day I tell my staff you tell me I’m tall
you tell me I’m right we’ve got a
you tell me I’m short and I’m wrong now
I know I’ve got a relationship with you
and so so what I found was the president
is you could be honest with him you
could be direct with him provided that
you were respectful you’ve respected his
age difference between you and him he
respected his authority you knew he was
the boss and you were not but you could
be honest with him
as long as he felt from you the aura was
hey sir I’m being honest with you
because I want to see you soar I want
your poll number to go from 42 to 52 you
sued him saying yeah so so so he needs
people he doesn’t have that many but he
needs people that will not alter their
personalities when he walks in the room
and that’s very hard because he’s a part
of United States you ever been in the
Oval Office never have it’s a it’s a
it’s a personality altering office I
don’t know too many people that walk
into the Oval Office and they’re not
awestruck or they’re not awestruck by
the magnitude of the presidency or they
don’t start thinking about the person
that’s behind that desk differently than
they did before he got behind the desk
you know there’s a there’s a flip in
your brain you know when you were a kid
in the third or fourth grade well you
were an Iran but I was here in the
United States you’re a kid and third
floor they’re talking about the
president you think the person’s like
Batman you know I think he’s like a
superhuman person and by the way even
though these people aren’t and they put
their pants on the same way you and I do
there’s lingering Batman in your brain
from the third grade you got that
there’s a lingering specialness to the
and the person that’s sitting in the
seat gets endowed with that so you gotta
be super super careful
or maybe respectful and you got to be
looking at it with the right attitude
you gotta tell the truth what I hope to
help the guy yet that’s an art being
evident on how to do it because you know
when I when I look at him as an
entrepreneur myself you’re an
entrepreneur yourself you know you’re
there’s philosophies on how you hire
hire slow fire fast I don’t know if he’s
hiring slow I don’t know if he’s fire
hiring fast hiring fast it almost seems
like it’s alright on the team I don’t
know if you’re gonna fit you know you
come in and so that goes against doing a
little bit more due diligence but it’s
every being entrepreneurial right so the
problem for him he’s got a fuse match
gets struck on January 20th you’ve got
four years so you’ve got about 1,200
1,300 days that’s it so now the match is
struck and there’s a fuse going it’s not
like you run in your business or I’m
running my business I get a 30-year run
if I run the business properly I can
think about it over a time continuum of
30 years he’s got a four year run so
he’s probably cycling through people
very quickly
yeah I’m quoting them because you said
he runs a like an entrepreneur and he
fires fast so yeah no you talk about me
Jesus he runs like a starter you’re
saying the you know and the adages hire
slow fire fast yeah and I like that
adage I’ll probably start using it but
he doesn’t have that luxury he’s hiring
and firing fast do you think it’s
because he doesn’t have a lot of allies
you think that’s what it is what was
that he had to disastrous picks as chief
of staff he made the classic mistake
that somebody would make and I probably
would make the same mistake he’s a
non-politician let’s say that he wants
to build a golf course but I’ve got a
higher golf course people mm-hmm let’s
say that he wants to build a building or
a condo he’s probably gonna hire condo
people okay well in this case he was
hiring people that are governmental
people to help him build a government
and so you know he put the creature of
the Black Lagoon okay in charge of the
swamp as the White House chief of staff
I mean this guy Reince Priebus is like a
walking disaster okay he is the
elemental avatar of everything that
America dislikes about Washington and so
he makes him the chief stan never
understood that I’m what do you do Stan
I don’t know
it would go back and forth and he says I
got a call from trumpets that he’s not
gonna be the candidate we’re going a
different direction I’m talking 15 16
like early stages of its own octo after
the axis hollywood davie Tolman’s drop
out he hated the president so why would
he hire him though ah well I think what
ended up happening was the president
made correctly an assessment that there
was a positive attribution to the
Republican Party ground game that helped
him attain the president’s the other and
he was trying to reward Priebus and he
thought he was a good administrator but
you can’t hire the creature of the Black
Lagoon to drain the swamp when every
impulse every grain of DNA in the
person’s body is to add more water add
more swamp water to the swamp I think of
a previous tip Priebus basically blocked
every single person from New York that
was on the president’s team and he
couldn’t block Jared or vodka but every
other person got blocked
give me a shield shield it prevented
every person from getting jobs in the
administration all I see what I was
supposed to do PL director he blocked me
told stories about me told lies about me
he ran opposition research about me he
told John cat some entities a well-known
entrepreneur here that really bad
nefarious stuff is gonna come out on
Anthony he figured I was Italian and I
worked on Wall Street for 30 years so I
must have done something wrong and so he
had opposition research people digging
into my past he couldn’t find anything
okay so he was a very very dishonest
very he’s one of the worst people that
I’ve met in my life so far actually yeah
one of the worst people ruthless
dishonest without conscience and
unbelievably diabolical and it wasn’t
really that smart interested in so what
would really not that smart people do
Patrick is they make up for it with
their ruthlessness and their guile
they’ll do things that you and I would
never do you’re an entrepreneur so
definitionally and if your business is
successful you have to run it off of a
platform of ethics you can’t really run
it as an unethical enterprise that’ll
eventually get caught no eventually get
caught and so it catches up with you
so you have to run it off a platform of
ethics and honor and which is what I do
at skybridge so I didn’t anticipate the
nonsense that Washington would do to
each other so I’m not in my DNA I
think you would say that about John
Kelly as a human being you just disagree
with his decisions he made right you
wouldn’t put him at the site say
something differently we just know he
was a more honorable guy he served the
country John Kelly is a gold star family
memories lost a son on war he’s a
decorated four-star general in the
United States Marine Corps so there was
an honor to that but I would say that
John Kelly was a round peg in a square
hole you know he had the wrong
personality for the president in the
wrong temperament you can’t think of
yourself as being better or having a
better reputation and the person you’re
working for that’s never gonna work
another thing John Kelly did which I
totally disagree with he was too
militant in the job see his firing of me
not to make this about me but I’m just
giving you a case study example in
management the way he fired me in the
abrupt the way that he fired me actually
was the match that he struck for his own
demise because he set the culture up in
a way that was militant and intimidating
and it caused people to create more
insecurity and more backbiting and more
paranoia he could have said to me hey
ant you did a disastrous thing on the
phone and that’s absolutely fireball
offense I don’t want you working here in
the White House but you serve the
President and you’ve been part of his
media advocacy you worked on his
transition team and you seemed like a
good enough guy why’d you take two weeks
off okay and when you return on Labor
Day we’ll come up with a story that
you’re leaving and so this way you don’t
explode out of here okay that’s what we
would have done on Wall Street right but
he wanted to hit me as hard as he could
hit me okay and as I tried to point out
to him you don’t fire a guy like me like
that because when you fire a guy like me
like that you’re sending an earthquake
and a shockwave into the system like oh
my god if they could fire a guy like him
like that what do they do to me right
when I told the president is what John
did to you was unfortunate because he
did something to you that made you look
very bad and it made him look very good
and his job is to make you look good
he’s her chief of staff but it made him
look good like he’s John tough guy in
the John Wayne movie as a u.s. Marine
and you allowed him to do it to one of
your buddies that helped you
elected okay so I made you look bad and
made him look good and it caused the
match to get struck to lead to his
demise so my issue with Kelly is more of
a managerial issue and the way you
interact with people but no he’s not a
nefarious cretin you’ve always got an
individual it’s not a member of the
Leviathan like rancid penis or this guy
Adolph Bannon I mean these guys are like
you know this woman yeah I mean
this guy’s a horrific guy so you know
why I believe in God tell me because
well you know if you ever have I believe
in guys I raised my parents I believe in
God but like we have doubts in your
faith you know what I can think of I can
reflect upon Steve Banta is a very smart
very articulate guy very well-read guy
very seductive guy but God made him so
ugly Patrick he is so ugly that he saved
the civilization from Steve Bennett you
know with that nose and that face and he
dresses in contemporary hobo nobody
gonna take him seriously thank God okay
so so this guy’s a human disaster okay I
would debate this guy anywhere on the
civilization I debate him on a live
stage on a youtube channel I with the
Batum in a public square because he’s
got a lot of facts but a lot of those
facts are twisted in his brain and he
has a very evil egocentric nefarious
agenda and you could put a real hurt on
the civilization if he was in power God
again thank God he looks like that who
is president Trump trust today who does
he trust today
he’s obviously trust minuchin Steven
minuchin Mike Pompeo I think he’s got a
very good relationship with Jared
obviously he trusts his daughter Ivanka
there’s other people in the
administration bill shine remember I was
recruiting bill shine right now because
you know entrepreneurs I I don’t want to
be the smartest guy in the room I want
to hire ten guys that are 10 times
smarter than me okay so when he gave me
the coms job I’m like I’m out there best
guy for that let me go hire the best
guys I’m gonna go hire bill shine it’s
president of Fox News he would be able
to figure out how to do this way better
than me so I’m very happy that Bill’s
there you know a people hire a-plus
people and by the way if you’re
listening to this and you’re not an a
person put some delusion and your life
started thinking of yourself like an a
person because if you think yourself
like an ape
you will becoming a person and a
person’s hire a plus people D people
hire F people see people hire D and F
people B people hire C D and F people
write you know a proven is like a C+
person you know he was maniacally
insecure maniacally paranoid and so you
can take this equation that I have in my
brain it’s a quadratic equation on human
emotion insecurities under confidence
always equals paranoia and backstabbing
you got eighty eight nine hundred people
working for you the ones that are
complaining the ones that are
backstabbing the other people they’re
insecure they’re under confident I don’t
have to say any bad about anybody I’m I
can stand on my own two feet is no
problem you’re gonna hit me you’re gonna
try to take me down then I got to go
after you no problem because it’s not
for vengeance for deterrence you see I
told previous why don’t you knock it off
or you’re gonna create a mortal enemy in
me what do you want that well you want
to knock it off and so now we’re squared
was the less immune M spoke never speak
to the guy I spoke to him on the 28th of
July that Friday when he got fired we
flew together on Air Force One to Long
Island president is making an ms-13
speech and we had this like cold dead
stare towards each other and grimacing
hellos to each other were you speaking
at all was there any kind of dialogue
how you doing fine I’m not I’m fine
got it was it bad people do yeah okay
you know what a beautiful hate those
people because America people right they
can smell that these people are bad let
me ask you this you know the wholesaler
well that would be way worst and then
they thought you know how you hear about
the dirty part of politics mhm if it’s
that dirty why are people getting into
politics why what you know well I mean I
did it for stupidity reason you remember
the story I told you earlier in this
interview that I read that they were
paying people sixty five thousand
dollars a year by anyone ten bucks but
you know I’m stupid you know the playboy
guy he’s interviewing me after I got
blown out of the White House and of
course I only read playboy for the
articles I just want to make sure
everybody’s clear on the purpose of this
YouTube channel but the guy’s enemy says
hey people say you’re smart but you’re
very politically naive I looked at
guy said I totally disagree with you I’m
not politically naive
I’m politically naive to the ninth power
okay I went down there as I was gonna
help out I didn’t realize that it was a
zero-sum game and they were gonna kill
each other there’s a lot of people that
snicker at me so well you’re an idiot
you’re totally naive well you know what
when you’re an entrepreneur you’re
trying to create a win-win environment
you’re trying to add value to people’s
lives and to your employees when you’re
an animal that lives in the swamp known
as Washington you’re in a zero-sum game
I’m just not built for that I’m not made
for that as dirty as you thought it was
is it how much more dirty or is it
terrific so one of the best things about
Trump look Trump has turned the lights
on and the cockroaches are running
everywhere you’re like oh my god these
cockroaches are way bigger way nastier
and way longer in their longevity to
survive than we originally thought
interesting they don’t care about the
American people do not care about the
memory they’re very focused on the
preservation of their own power their
egos their vanity and how much money
they can make while they’re in the game
but not care about the American people I
mean you know that’s some 5% of them you
see that when one of the things I say is
entrepreneurs those are driven and
driven by freedom they go become
entrepreneurs they just kind of want to
go out there leave me alone let me do my
thing let me build my business and if I
feel great if I don’t I know
obvious a big weakness for me in the
White House I tell you what tell me so
if i had you know i was at Goldman for
seven years well let’s say it’s thirty
five years ago Goldman is a great
organization and it’s a entrepreneurial
but it’s a political organization by the
nature of its size there has to be some
levels of politics in it right but if
you’re running skybridge capital and
you’re the managing partner
you know there’s politics inside of
skybirds I’ve tried cars but we both
know that there are but I’m at the tippy
top of the food chain chose my tree
house sure you see so I’m treated
differently in my own tree house so when
you prefer that I do when I know that
yeah when I moved in to the comms job I
I was handling that job the way a
entrepreneur would handle it not the way
a political operative would handle it
that’s my fault I have to own that too
that was a classic
Stig born from stupidity and
inexperience I should have taken the job
and said okay I’m now a Washington
political operative let me slow myself
down let me watch how these animals work
with each other and then let me pounce
when I think it’s appropriate that’s not
what I did I went into the White House
where they changed saw in a hockey mask
I probably shouldn’t have started my
first thing with a chainsaw on a hockey
mask and so one of the other fatal flaws
for me in the White House was I put my
pride and my put my ego into that
decision-making sea so Priebus and
Bannon were blocking me from the
original job I was gonna do the
president’s networking officer they
blocked me from that job so I spent six
months figuring out how I was gonna get
in there got myself in there and then I
turned the chainsaw on and went after
them that’s pride and ego and so what I
would tell your listeners from Yoren or
from my end from your end those are that
was any time I get for saying that
because a lot of times well isn’t this
an educational it is absolutely and it’s
a teachable moment for entrepreneurs I
let them know these are mistakes that I
made in my life and in my career that
were very costly don’t make that same
mistake learn from my experience so I
put my pride and my ego into the
decision-making I hurt myself do you
think apart any time I put my prior to
my ego into my decision-making yes
frankly I have hurt myself
yeah because when I saw you on TV you’d
get up and you dress the questions
poised calm like no one could get upset
at you you were just very and that that
period it lasts there’s a kind of
disguise gonna be around for a while you
know he’s handling it so well you know
it’s almost like you couldn’t remember
when Kelly and Conway would be on TV and
everybody would be furious because they
couldn’t argue it was like what do you
say to her she was holding on her so
very well similar thing with you and
then I obviously you read about what was
said and all that stuff you know on the
car remember some no I said that stuff
you should go listen to the recording I
said that stuff to somebody I thought it
was a friend it was an Italian kid from
the neighborhood next door to me his
father knew my dad for 50 years and so I
actually picked up the phone and call
him I was teasing him about the
information and then I was asking him
and then he gagged me that’s tough
because that’s so possible you trust
in that world array that’s my that’s why
I said it was naive to the power I
thought he was a friend he was not a
friend he ran out and he did something
to me that hurt me it created a level of
vulnerability I mean it caused Kelly to
eliminate me from my job and it caused
Trump to allow Kelly to eliminate me
from my job I said okay this guy is
inexperienced he made a rookie mistake
he we can’t have him make a bigger more
disastrous mistake of that fire so they
knocked me out of the job okay and so I
own that so that’s another cautionary
tale if you’re in Washington and you
want a friend do what Harry Truman said
buy a dog
nobody is your friend nobody is your
friend okay so that was another mistake
I made so pride and ego and trusting
somebody that I shouldn’t have trusted
those were two big fatal mistakes but
you know there’s beauty to those
mistakes because I have owned them
here’s another big lesson accountability
there’s another big lesson don’t be too
proud okay open yourself up and put it
out on the field for people because
America likes comeback stories of course
Erica like yes the idea that hey this
person’s expressing his flaws he who has
not sinned or he who doesn’t have a flaw
throw the first rock okay I’ve yet to
meet a person that’s flawless and so
those are many I’m gonna have a whole
phone book of flaws but those are ones
that took place inside the White House
yeah I thought for sure you were gonna
be around for a while temperament come I
thought this guy’s gonna be a whore see
me I could believe something you’ve seen
me on TV I have a good temperament I
don’t lose my call listen to the roar
when you sit with Dickens and liberals
the way you do it they like you people
who disagree with you they like you well
because I have the right temperament
Vanessa if there’s a listen to the
recording he wrote the story like I was
unhinged and some kind of a maniac just
gonna listen to this the recording it’s
me talking to you Tim the way I’m
talking to you he says to me well we
want to do a profile on you in The New
Yorker and I’m laughing I’m not gonna
lie I’m gonna want a profile done on me
in the New York I’m here to serve the
president what do you think I’m
self-promotional like Steve Ben and I’m
not Steve banning blankety blank blank
that’s what I said
the same way I’m talking to you right
okay oh except cameras are robbed yeah
then he took the thing and he ran too
and right never cursed on a live
television show I’ve never cursed on a
interview it’s not my personality but
I’m a neighborhood kid I grew up in a
neighborhood I was driving the car at 14
I’m you know I’m working with Hells
Angels at 14 you don’t think I’ve said a
few curse words right by the way you
think I’m the only person in the West
Wing of the White House in the history
of the White House it’s cursed I think
they were so is dad oh yeah I mean I
think everybody knows it was it was used
as a foil the establishment wanted me
out of there you know the press
conference that you’re referencing
uh-huh so I give that press conference
40 50 million people see it it lasts for
35 minutes I come off the podium the
president liked it I get a call from a
Republican 30 years in opposition
research the guy says to me you’re dead
I said I’m dead what do you mean you
can’t talk like that from the White
House you can’t tell the truth like that
from the White House you’re scaring the
lights out of all of these politicians
you want the truth here’s the truth we
are out of whack with our deficit
absolutely crazy that we’re spending
this amount of money relative to the
amount of money we’re taking it you want
the truth okay we have to cut back on
the entitlements and right-size the
entitlements we’ve over promised the
whole generation of people had a prison
has nothing to feel about the way he
handled it he was fine was finally but
the other guys saying you know these
elected leaders we’re calling this
opposition research guys grow amen what
do you got on this guy we gotta get rid
of this guy we can have this guy telling
the truth got it it’s like a few good
men you can’t handle the truth I kind of
like your approach doc and I like the
depth them made me because you don’t you
got Shawn spices a joke I mean he’s like
liar spice I don’t know how he got high
every I’ve no idea how he got every
spice girl has a nickname his liar spicy
so he’s liar spice from the Spice Girls
I mean come on this guy’s a joke okay
and also you think that you can talk
with that level of disingenuous nobility
whatsoever it’s a joke never understood
him but let me ask you this question let
me ask you this question yeah here’s a
question so Michael Cohen obviously you
saw what happened with Michael corner he
saw his sit-down with I think it was who
was he with George yes and you see him
he’s going back and forth and he’s
saying what matters to me is my my
family and I had to and I’m not gonna
let him take my legacy etc etc you know
Anthony what is the difference between a
snitch and a whistleblower today I’m not
a big fan of the whole thing to be
honest right so I think that the whole
whistleblowing thing for me I’m a big
fan of that either you know I’m not one
of these self-righteous moralist okay if
there’s something wrong in the system
let’s say you’re running the system I’d
rather go to you and say hey man Patrick
the system screwed up you got to cut
this out
okay and you know and start a reform
movement inside the system then run out
to a television camera and in
quote-unquote snitch or whistle blow on
you okay as it relates to Michael is a
very complicated situation there you see
because there was sort of a toxicity
ultimately between their friendship and
their relationship okay because Michael
and I’ve said this to Michael and I’m
friends with Michael you know Michael
became almost like a groupie to the
president he admits it he felt like he
was indoctrinated into a cult so now
he’s a groupie for the lead singer in a
rock and roll band and he’s enamored by
the crowds and he’s enamored by all the
things that are going on with a rock and
roller and then the rock and rollers
boozing and doing drugs or sleeping with
different people you know Trump’s not
boozing or doing drugs I’m just give me
the metaphor for Raul’s yes and so now
the groupie is overly loyal to the rock
and roll signal and he starts making
misjudgments he starts making decisions
that are regrettable there’s symmetry
you know I don’t like a snitch and I
don’t like a what unquote whistleblower
but I also dislike people who cut other
people loose okay so if the president’s
guilty of anything here it’s
asymmetrical loyalty okay that’s an
accusation that’s been made toward the
president and the president should
really step back and think about that
okay because loyalty is symmetrical
loyalty should go both ways so you can’t
expect somebody like Michael Cohen to be
loyal to you if you’re cutting them
loose and blasting them on Twitter
that’s not gonna work
you start blasting me on Twitter we’re
gonna war you understand what I’m saying
yeah I’m gonna be very loyal to you I
like you as a guy I may not like every
aspect of you I may not like
the child separation policy I don’t like
to disavow of the intelligence agencies
I can select things I mean I like the
broad strokes of your agenda and I like
you as a person you know Mayor Koch had
a great line we’re in the great city of
New York what did he say he said if you
agree with nine out of the twelve things
that I stand for you should vote for me
but if you agree with 12 out of the 12
things I stand for you need a
psychiatrist okay so you’re never gonna
find a politician where your fingerprint
and their fingers are so powerful think
about it that’s so powerful I’m not
gonna sit here and say that I like
everything about the president and every
slice of the thing I don’t like to
everything about just about anybody and
a lot of people don’t like things about
me sure I’m cool with that
right but what happened there was there
should have been symmetry to the loyalty
circuit between the two of them and
there wasn’t so that kind of backfired
backfired so so it’s another lesson
number one if you’re young kid watching
this popular podcast don’t be anybody’s
groupie I don’t care how talented they
are I don’t care how charismatic they
are I don’t care how many fans they’re
attracting and you want to be part of
that allure don’t be anybody’s groupie
okay that’s number one number two
loyalty is symmetrical has to go back
and forth between two people if you’re
being overly loyal to somebody stop it
you don’t owe that to anybody those are
lessons interesting it’s been a great
life experience for me by the way as
miserable and as humiliating as it was
at times you know the way they tumbled
me right they grinded me up and the way
they tabloid me it’s been a great life
experience you’ve been handling a world
I’m not meeting you without the live
experience by taking it out on Saturday
life’s stage last Saturday without the
live examine you so it’s fine you know
how you know how it is being in business
is you get you have to read people as
well and your unit you got intuition you
got to read people you do it all the
time from the moment you came here you
walk the whole thing you’re asking
questions what’s that book about you
from Iran were you Christian are you
Muslim why are your name Patrick what’s
your real name you’re studying so you
have to always study you’re on all the
time my study on you is I don’t think
you’re done with being in the Oval
Office I don’t think you’re done doing
stuff with politics I I know buddy is
gonna bite back I don’t know I think I
don’t think me
no I think there’s something first of
all back the Oval Office they’re not
gonna run the risk yeah and it’s a
something that I believe first of all it
starts with aspirations I think if you
feel you can bring value then that’s the
part luck for me if I know for a fact I
can bring value in a place
I’m not even listen magic you’re
summoned we double the size of my
business okay and so I’m a young guy I’m
gonna double the size of my business
honey bill your twenty billion go to 20
billion on right management they can get
that done in five years you might be
back on your podcast and then we’ll talk
about otherwise let’s talk about that so
mark it why don’t the date for me what I
don’t like about what’s going on is that
we’re gonna run the country down the
drain because we got a bunch of leaders
that actually don’t care about the
country okay so we’re gonna let the
country that you love that your family
dreamt about where you showed up in LA
you built this great business in Dallas
and anything is possible in this country
we’re to let the country go down the
drain I’m gonna let that happen you know
what that happen am i letting that
absolutely not the flipside is they did
a good job of crushing me and they hurt
my business and he told so many lies it
was just ridiculous okay then they
blocked me in the whole sophia’s process
we have a Chinese investor that Tesla
but they apologize they came back in the
apology you talk about the ten billion
dollar is my is my country and Nationals
my company a national security risk of
the country it’s a fun two funds second
show right okay so that’s how Washington
operates right so no whining
here’s more lessons for your listeners
no whining in sports and politics I got
my effing ass kicked but I’m like mayhem
in the Allstate commercial dust myself
off and move on
there is no whining in sports of
politics okay just the way it works okay
so now I got my business back I got my
family back we team talking about my
almost divorce which was another
disaster so I got my business bag I got
my family back I’m gonna double the size
of my businesses and then let’s see what
happens after that yeah it got a great
life experience for me you know half the
time people hire others that have been
through hell and back because you need
somebody like that cuz if you haven’t
been you know why is Trump able to
handle it because the politics in real
estate in New York is pretty ugly enough
that he tried to go into Vegas yet to
deal with Wynn
wouldn’t try to go to Atlantic City
these are all political things that he’s
experienced he saw the stuff that his
dad had to go through Fred so that helps
that helps to be able to handle it out
entirely stuff his son he’s he’s Ty’s
sob that I know he’s a tough guy yeah
and I don’t think anybody else could
handle what’s going on right now at the
levels it is if it wasn’t for me so it’s
then why they’re so against him though
right because he’s a antigen in their
environment he sure represents change
they got to kill him metaphorically
otherwise there’s another billion or
coming in it could be a left or right
leaning billionaire you think Tom Styer
Bloomberg you think Tom Steyer or
bloomers have an easier time to drop to
kind of try to kill the guy because they
can’t be bought let me tell you
Washington I don’t very young birds
gonna have a tougher time than Trump I
don’t think bloomers gonna have a
tougher time if he you think he’s gonna
get the nomination no I’m not no no no
no not nomination no I mean I’m saying
if he sits let me tell you something
yeah here’s how to do it to look at you
they say bought can’t be bought bought
can’t be bought if the swamp thinks you
can be bought they love you of course
it’s not really a swamp it’s actually a
gold-plated hot tub with no drinks sure
they hand you two bottles of Cristal
they give you the Cubano and you hang
out in the swamp and swamp with them in
a hot tub right if they don’t think you
can be bought they’re coming to kill you
they don’t want you anywhere near their
game they want you they want a guy like
me from the White House exploding
exposing what they’re doing to the
American people I don’t want that
let me explain to you how the lobbying
circuit works you want me to explain to
you how they curry favor with each other
and how the senators are allowed to
incite or trade inside the Congress and
they’re feathering themselves at tens of
millions of dollars pursuant to the
regulations that are tied to the
businesses that they’re putting their
money and their personal accounts on
they don’t want all of that exposed
right I gotta get a guy like me back in
New York man and by the way we’re gonna
opposition research you they wrote a
negative article about this poor company
hna from China every single week while I
was going through the city’s process
when the Sidious process stopped and the
deal broke they stopped writing the
articles hmm you think that’s a
no yeah brain okay so so so listen they
American people gonna have to make a
decision right now they like the lying
they want their Social Security checks
paid on time the Medicare paid on time
and so they know that the the country is
overburdened by the entitlements and
we’re outstretched from military
perspective all these things so they
like the line let’s see how long we can
perpetuate this thing right in the long
run John Kane said we’re all dead so
let’s keep perpetuating this thing and
see what happens but whoa you got kids I
got five of them I don’t want that I
don’t want the country to be destroyed
for those people we’re gonna fix it
can’t sit here anymore and say oh whoa
no fix it fix the problem address the
problem we have no politicians in the
country Patrick that have a twenty
five-year plan for America you know
anybody anybody that you’ve interviewed
that says here’s my twenty five-year
plan on infrastructure twenty five-year
plan by education there’s there’s a
because it doesn’t allow them to stay in
power with right now is in the staying
power now our system doesn’t is about
this affect the people in the middle sit
on the fat tails the right leaning guys
will stay in power the left leaning guys
will stay in power and let’s butt heads
in the middle so that we can appeal to
our base but what you’re suggesting
means no term limits that’s what you’re
suggesting I’m suggesting something
different I’m suggesting in our national
interest no matter how long you stay in
washing yes two presidential terms a
senatorial term sure it doesn’t matter
we should collectively be focused less
on right or left leaning strategies and
more on right or wrong policies okay we
in our national interest when you have a
crisis in the United States the left and
the right figure out a way to pull
together that’s what they did after the
second world war that’s what they did to
fight the Cold War and so now we’re not
doing that we have no idea didn’t have
as much influence as it does today it’s
true but we all know with no existential
threat we have a very fragmented media
yes you’re getting more ratings on your
YouTube channel and some of these local
television stations so I don’t know
what’s gonna happen but we have to fix
it okay and by the way these problems
are not fixable in a minute in a news
cycle and a two-hour interview or a
two-year congressional term
but over 25 years there’s not one
problem that the United States has that
cannot be fixed not one and I and and I
I agree with that but I think some of
the things systematically has to be
changed so let me let me ask you this
question about media so you know a lot
of times people say things like you know
Alex Jones recently was banned from a
hundred different social media platforms
you can’t be on PayPal you can’t be on
patreon you can be on Facebook Twitter
all this stuff permanently might also
experience some fragrance experiencing a
little bit with YouTube all this other
stuff and you keep hearing about it the
shadow yeah yeah the shadow Bannock
shadow Bannock shadow banning but this
is the question if if media right now
MSNBC left CNN left Washington Post LA
Times New York Times I mean I can go all
around right why aren’t some of these
guys the Koch brothers have all the
money in the world why don’t they get
together with a you know Rex who is a
former CEO of Exxon who has access to
the right context
why don’t they create some kind of a
social media platform why are they not a
missing to some question maybe at some
point they will I know that I know the
Koch brothers looked at a couple of
different media properties to
potentially buy and then they thought
they’d have to go through too much FCC
craziness you know what I mean the
government by and large is left-leaning
and the policies in the bureaucracy is
by and large left-leaning and so what’s
weird about the whole thing is that the
universities very large percentage of
the college professors are left-leaning
yet half of the students are right
leaning so it tells you that
brainwashing really doesn’t work you
know the number is Washington Times now
Washington posted an article saying for
every one conservative professor there
are 12 liberal yeah professor okay well
yeah the number says 87 ninety percent
that are liberal versus conservative yet
half of the kids are right leaning and
conservative yeah so that tells you
something that you know you’re not gonna
be able to brainwash people which is why
the left is so scared right because
that’s why they have this whole
collective be swarm you know don’t let
him on this TV my god we can’t let them
on TV you know he’s a trump supporter
please ban him from CNN his eleven days
in the White House don’t allow him to be
on CNN I mean I’ve seen all the robots
hit me mm-hmm and his eleven days of
fame or is 11 minutes of fame or up and
okay but you have to understand
something my voice is gonna be heard
whether you like it or not it’s just
gonna be okay sorry you know I’m not
gonna walk into the shame box that you
built for me and to sit in there with a
dunce cap I’m not doing that I’m gonna
go out there and explain myself and I’m
gonna bring as many people with me to
galvanize them now I can’t go to my alma
mater as I referenced okay they will not
allow me back on campus because I’m a
trump supporter I had to resign myself
ledge 256 P oh no no problem I resigned
guys no problem
you don’t want voices like mine on your
campus I had a 36 year relationship with
the school gave them a lot of money
they’re saving me millions of dollars no
problem okay University of Chicago you
can go there they have a free press
policy there but most of these schools
don’t so what does that tell you there
walk home Berkeley by the way they’re
they’re wrong about the they’re wrong on
the ideas if they were right on the
ideas why wouldn’t they allow a free
marketplace of discourse like on the
idea yes the concern though the whole
concern is the fact that there aren’t
platforms that at the top they’re open
to both right there are not a lot of
platforms that allow somebody to come
and you know voice their opinions like
for instance a fat Jerry Springer on
I’ve had you know Gloria Allred on I
mean you know Gloria already is saying
you know we’ve also had Alex Jones on
and we’ve had you know pray grunt
sometimes I just wonder you know why
from the top some investment if there’s
ever been a time to be able to buy your
Twitter to be able to buy you know the
guy from Salesforce just about Time
magazine for 350 million dollars with
just nothing to be able to buy somebody
special I don’t even see paid that much
actually if you really look the point is
think about that alternative deferred
comp I only paid 180 million but but you
know Time magazine when we were kids is
a different thing than it is today it’s
a well known brand but it’s in a
fragmented environment it’s a much
smaller pizza slice of what it was now
maybe he can innovate I will tell you
that the Washington Post you got to get
B’s owes credit of course the Washington
Post is in a full-blown Renaissance he’s
hired great reporters it’s left-leaning
okay it’s not my I’m not in love with
the paper I’m not in love with the
papers editorial section but he’s doing
what’s yours but I am impressed with
what they’re doing okay is an objective
and moreover I only did one thing of
official record in the White House other
than a census Sara’s of position as
press secretary I turned the lights and
cameras back on people don’t remember
this but Sean Spicer had the lights and
cameras off and he was trying to punish
the press not allowing them on
television hey dude grow up okay it’s
the free press you just threw in and
then let me tell you something we got a
hold people in power accountable that’s
how it works in a free and democratic
society think Sara Huckabee Sanders is
doing as well as anybody can do in the
toughest job in the universe seriously
okay that’s the toughest job in the
universe okay there’s a Martian right
now observing the planet saying well I’m
glad I don’t have Sara’s job that’s a
rough yeah do you think president
Trump’s gonna get reelected thank you
you do yeah and knowing the fact you’re
in the financial industry right now
you’ve been in it for over 30 years ten
billion dollars under management
what do you first see taking place I
know March 1st is a big day for tariffs
I know Wednesday federal you know rates
are gonna go back up again opportunities
in crisis what do you notice and what do
you see in the markets correcting right
now is that a very big boat run since
its election but the bull thesis is
still intact if the Fed raises rates I
predict that they will they’ll start to
slow down the rate hikes to allow the
economy a little bit more room for
expansion and I think you’ll get the
expansion tax cut is gonna help it’s
gonna it’s not a sugar high there’s
actually real stimulating things that
are happening in the economy and he’s
making the economy from a tax effective
basis he’s making the economy way more
competitive globally and so it’ll be
more flow of global capital into the
United States so all those things are
very positive the reason why I think
he’s gonna get reelected is that the
mulher investigation no matter what they
say about them will likely not knock him
out of office it will not in my opinion
it may in trigger an impeachment in the
house but it’s not going to affect a
release of office or removal from office
in the Senate that’s my opinion if I’m
wrong about that invite me back and I’ll
heat grow but I saw I think he’s tough
enough to stay in the position and what
we know about incumbent Perez
they almost it’s almost impossible to
knock him out of the game unless there’s
a steep recession and we’re not gonna
have that there’s too much cash flowing
around there’s too much opportunity the
forces of deregulation that he set foot
in the economy are gonna still unleash a
lot of economic growth so so you know I
could be wrong so you’re both something
incriminating way worse than we’ve now
been exposed to and we’ve had 19 months
of this sort of rigorous investigation
you know you got to find something if
they find something and they nail him to
the wall and he’s quote-unquote
unindicted or sealed indictment or
something like that
maybe he gets knocked out of office but
I don’t think so and if that happens
you’re seeing a big hit on the market if
that does take place you would you would
see a big correction lasting lightning
run I’ll give a name and you tell me the
first thing that comes to mind
okay here’s lightning right okay Steve
Bennett ideologically evil Jim Acosta
making himself too much of the story but
by and large very smart good journalist
Joe Biden he fumbles the football when
he hits the line of scrimmage just look
at his debates with John Edwards and
Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and
even going back to the Dukakis era
thirty years ago
Joe’s a very likable Bible but very hard
to go up against the jujitsu artists of
mudslinging Donald J Trump
Bloomberg formidable adversary so very
competent Oh formidable adversary
intra-company yeah very confident if he
wins the nomination he’ll give Trump a
hard time I think so as well I think so
as well
Soros I think we do this to each other
we dehumanize and demonize people and
he’s probably not that but he’s politics
are probably not for me but I don’t
dislike them okay medal roars got a cool
name he looks like one of the Kennedys
and so you’re gonna get a ton of free
Moeller and he’s a straight-up guy let’s
see what happens call me look I mean
he’s not gonna like me say that he just
looked too sanctimonious and
self-righteous you know what I mean
you’re writing a book called higher
loyalty like you what are you better
than all the rest of us I mean come give
me a break okay I mean you you lied to
the Congress you you leaked something
you weren’t supposed to leave you’re
doing stuff that everyone else is doing
so try not to pretend that you’re that
righteous ain’t ammonius matter
I don’t really just like call me either
he’s trying to serve the country maddis
is a very smart talented guy very
well-read Kelly I can’t wait she’s a
friend of mine I think she’s done a very
good job and I think that by and large
he’s been unbelievably helpful to the
president Bernard Kerik close friend
he’s a guy that you know I’d like to see
pardoned president Trump flawed guy very
well intended if he would just calm down
by like ten percent
his approval rating would go up 15 okay
so my recommendation of the president is
just calm down relax okay relax you made
it to the presidency calm it down a
little be a little more strategic with
the tweeting used that sense of humor
that you were famous for at the 21 club
and famous for on The Apprentice and
famous for and in places that you and I
know that we used to hang out in relax
okay and you’re gonna go up 50%
honey approval rating but he’s a
well-intended guy and I want to see him
do well very cool while value Tanners
you heard it from the one and only
Anthony spero Moochie if you got any
questions send us a tweet my handle is
gonna be right here his handles gonna be
right here with that being said brother
let’s you really enjoyed having all that I truly really enjoyed it thank you
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