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Amnesia: When is it good to have selective memory?

one of the most important qualities of
great athletes I mean I’m talking a
baseball player or basketball player or
a businessman or anybody that does
anything at a high level a politician
campaigning you know it’s it’s such an
important quality to possess because you
know think about you know how sometimes
we think we have so many problems in our
lives and I can’t believe my cousin’s
said this or my mom said this or my dad
said this about something you did wrong
I want you to think about it if every
time you did something wrong
Sports Center tonight was talking about
it right or CNN or Fox News were saying
did you hear about Larry today got into
an argument with his sister and called
her a such-and-such right can you
imagine if your life was amplified at
that level it’s not so as much as we
think we’re having issues that we need
to give it that much attention that
we’re giving it it’s not as big as some
of these other people that anything and
everything they do
boom 50 magazines next things want to
write about in newspapers so my message
to you today is this what we can learn
from the great athletes great
politicians great you know actors
actresses that don’t always get picked
up for movies and they’re now always
picked up for all the auditions they do
is to get inspiration from our little
friend Dory from Finding Nemo you
remember Dory from Finding Nemo you know
what I’m talking about if you haven’t
seen it you got to see it to know what
I’m talking about
Dory was known for forgetting things
very quickly her memory was very short I
mean she forget things like what just
took place pumps you forgot about it
right so my suggestion to you is if you
want to experience great things in life
get ready to be hurt and have people say
things about you over and over and over
and sometimes rumors it’s going to be
let Dory inspire you
to have a very short-term memory and not
harp on issues and let it get you where
you lose sleep at night thinking about
that issue that’s not even worth you
putting the energy into it it’s my message of the day to you
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